
Defines functions mra_tree_prior_theta mra_tree_prior_mu extract_theta_tree_from_mu mra_bottom_up mra_bottom_up_set z_tree_construct param_extract_ztree mu_tree_build mu_tree_build_set theta_tree_build_set param_extract_mu_tree prior_calc_fn loglik_fn ord.tpxlpost

## build a prior theta MRA tree

# del_beta is a vector of length (S-1)
# where S is the number of levels in the MRA tree
# This function generates \beta \sim Beta(del_beta[s], del_beta[s])
# for the $s$ th level.

# In the tree, the top level theta is 1. At the 2nd level, there are 2 theta values
# and one beta representing message flow proportion. Next layer, there are 4 theta
# values and 2 beta values. So the number of beta values at step s is same as the
# number of theta values at step (s-1).

## the function outputs the tree of theta values in the end

### Example: mra_tree_prior_theta(4, c(1,2,2^2))

mra_tree_prior_theta <- function(S, del_beta)
  if(length(del_beta) !=(S-1)) stop("The length of flow proportions vector (del_beta) should be 1 less than the number of levels in MRA tree")
  theta <- vector(mode="list", length=S);
  theta[[1]] <- 1;
  for(s in 2:S){
    beta_vec <- rbeta(length(theta[[(s-1)]]), del_beta[(s-1)], del_beta[(s-1)]);
    theta[[s]] <- as.vector(rbind(beta_vec*theta[[(s-1)]], (1-beta_vec)*theta[[(s-1)]]));

## We build a MRA tree for mu.
## We use the above theta tree and then multiply the theta at each level by the
## top level mu_0 value generated as mu_0 \sim Gamma(a_mu, b_mu)

mra_tree_prior_mu <- function(S, del_beta, a_mu, b_mu)
  if(length(del_beta) !=(S-1)) stop("The length of flow proportions vector (del_beta) should match the number of levels in MRA tree")
  mu <- vector(mode="list", length=S);
  mu <- lapply(mra_tree_prior_theta(S,del_beta), "*", rgamma(1,a_mu,b_mu));

## extract the theta tree from the mu MRA tree

extract_theta_tree_from_mu <- function(mu)
  if(!is.list(mu)) stop("Argument must be a list")
  theta <- lapply(mu,"/",mu[[1]]);

## Construct the MRA tree bottom up given the leaf nodes values known

mra_bottom_up <- function(leaf_val)
  if(log(length(leaf_val))%%log(2)!=0) stop("size of vector not a power of 2- wavelet not constructed")
  wavefit <- wavethresh::wd(leaf_val,  filter.number=1,   family="DaubExPhase")
  S <- floor(log(length(leaf_val))/log(2));
  out <- lapply(0:S, function(s) wavethresh::accessC(wavefit,level=s));
  if(length(out)!=(S+1)) stop("size of the list does not match with number of levels")
  scaled_out <- lapply(1:(S+1), function(s) return(out[[s]]*(sqrt(2))^(S+1-s)))

mra_bottom_up_set <- function(leaf_val_set)
  out <- vector(mode="list", length=dim(leaf_val_set)[2]);
  out <- lapply(1:dim(leaf_val_set)[2], function(l)
                    mra_tree <- mra_bottom_up(leaf_val = leaf_val_set[,l])

## Construct the Z value MRA tree from the counts data and
## current iterates of omega and theta

z_tree_construct <- function(counts, omega_iter, theta_iter, ztree_options=c(1,2))
  row_total <- rowSums(counts);
  z_leaf_est <- round(sweep(theta_iter, MARGIN=2, colSums(sweep(omega_iter, MARGIN = 1, row_total, "*")), "*"));
    z_leaf_est <- (t(omega_iter) %*% (counts/(omega_iter %*% theta_iter)))*theta_iter;
  z_tree_out <- vector(mode="list",length=dim(omega_iter)[2])
  for(k in 1: dim(omega_iter)[2]){
  z_tree_out[[k]] <- mra_bottom_up(z_leaf_est[k,]);

## Extract the beta parameters and the root or top level  mu parameter in a hierarchy of lists
## from Z value MRA tree

param_extract_ztree <- function(z_tree_in, del_beta, a_mu, b_mu)
  if(!is.list(z_tree_in) | !is.list(z_tree_in[[1]])) stop("z_tree input must be a list of lists")
  K <- length(z_tree_in);
  beta_set <- vector(mode="list",length=K);
  param_set <- parallel::mclapply(1:K, function(k)
                    intree <- z_tree_in[[k]];
                    S <- length(intree);
                    beta_out <- vector(mode="list",length=S-1);
                    for(s in 2:S){
                      beta_out[[(s-1)]] <- (intree[[s]][c(TRUE,FALSE)] + del_beta[(s-1)]-1)/(intree[[(s-1)]]+ 2*(del_beta[(s-1)]-1));
                    mu_out <- (intree[[1]]+a_mu - 1)/(b_mu+1);
                    out_list <- list("beta_tree"=beta_out,"mu"=mu_out);
  }, mc.cores=parallel::detectCores())

## Build a set of mu trees across the topics, given the hierarchical loist structure of the beta values
## and the top level mu value.

mu_tree_build <- function(beta_tree, mu_top)
  S <- (length(beta_tree)+1);
  mu_tree <- vector(mode="list", length=S);
  mu_tree[[1]] <- mu_top;
  for(s in 2:S){
    mu_tree[[s]] <- as.vector(rbind(beta_tree[[(s-1)]]*mu_tree[[(s-1)]], (1-beta_tree[[(s-1)]])*mu_tree[[(s-1)]]));

mu_tree_build_set <- function(param_set)
  K <- length(param_set)
  mu_tree_set <- lapply(1:K, function(k)
                out <- mu_tree_build(param_set[[k]]$beta_tree,param_set[[k]]$mu);

## Build a set of theta trees from mu trees

theta_tree_build_set <- function(mu_tree_set)
  K <- length(mu_tree_set)
  theta_tree_set <- lapply(1:K, function(k)
                                      out <- extract_theta_tree_from_mu(mu_tree_set[[k]])

## Extract the parameters (the beta values and top mu values) for all clusters in a hierarchical list structure
## given the MRA tree structure of mu values for different clusters

param_extract_mu_tree <- function(mu_tree_set)
  if(!is.list(mu_tree_set) | !is.list(mu_tree_set[[1]])) stop("mu_tree input must be a list of lists")
  K <- length(mu_tree_set);
  beta_set <- vector(mode="list",length=K);
  param_set <- parallel::mclapply(1:K, function(k)
    intree <- mu_tree_set[[k]];
    S <- length(intree);
    beta_out <- vector(mode="list",length=S-1);
    for(s in 2:S){
      beta_out[[(s-1)]] <- (intree[[s]][c(TRUE,FALSE)])/(intree[[(s-1)]]);
    mu_out <- intree[[1]];
    out_list <- list("beta_tree"=beta_out,"mu"=mu_out);
  }, mc.cores=parallel::detectCores());

## Prior calculation given the beta values and the top mu value (parameters we can extract from param_extract_mu_tree
## or param_extract_ztree)

prior_calc_fn <- function(param_set, del_beta, a_mu, b_mu)
  nlevels <- length(del_beta);
  beta_set_across_classes <- vector(mode="list",length=nlevels)
  nclus <- length(param_set);

  for(l in 1:(nlevels))
    beta_set_across_classes[[l]] <- unlist(lapply(1:nclus, function(k) return(param_set[[k]]$beta_tree[[l]])))

  mu_set_across_classes <- unlist(lapply(1:nclus, function(k) return(param_set[[k]]$mu)));

  prior_calc <- 0;
  for(l in 1:nlevels)
    prior_calc <- prior_calc + sum(dbeta(beta_set_across_classes[[l]],del_beta[l],del_beta[l],log=TRUE));

  prior_calc <- prior_calc + sum(dgamma(mu_set_across_classes,a_mu,b_mu,log=TRUE));

## Log likelihood calcultion given the set of Z values trees for different clusters and the parameter trees.

loglik_fn <- function(z_tree, param_set)
  nclus <- length(z_tree)
  fn_out <- sum(unlist(parallel::mclapply(1:nclus, function(k)
    intree <- z_tree[[k]];
    S <- length(intree);
    loglik_out <- 0;
    for(s in 2:S){
      prob <- param_set[[k]]$beta_tree[[(s-1)]];
    #  prob[prob>0.999999] <- 0.999999
    #  prob[prob<0.000001] <- 0.000001
      loglik_out <- loglik_out + sum(dbinom(round(intree[[s]][c(TRUE,FALSE)]), round(intree[[(s-1)]]), prob,log=TRUE));
    loglik_out <- loglik_out + dpois(round(intree[[1]]),param_set[[k]]$mu, log=TRUE);
  }, mc.cores=parallel::detectCores())))

## Posterior computation: similar to tpxlpost() function in maptpx package of Matt Taddy

ord.tpxlpost <- function(counts, omega_iter, theta_iter, del_beta, a_mu, b_mu,
                         ztree_options=c(1,2), adapt.method=c("beta","smash"))
  omega_iter[omega_iter >=1 - 1e-14 ] <- 1 - 1e-14
  omega_iter[omega_iter <= 1e-14] <- 1e-14

  theta_iter[theta_iter >= 1 - 1e-14] <- 1 - 1e-14
  theta_iter[theta_iter <= 1e-14] <- 1e-14

  theta_iter <- ord.normalizetpx(theta_iter, byrow=FALSE)
  omega_iter <- ord.normalizetpx(omega_iter, byrow=TRUE)

  mra_set <- mra_bottom_up_set(theta_iter);
  param_set <- param_extract_mu_tree(mra_set)

  z_tree <- z_tree_construct(counts, omega_iter, t(theta_iter), ztree_options = ztree_options)
  loglik_value <- loglik_fn(z_tree, param_set = param_set);
  prior_omega <- (1/dim(omega_iter)[2])*sum(log(omega_iter[omega_iter > 0]))
    prior_calc <- prior_calc_fn(param_set, del_beta, a_mu, b_mu);
    posterior <- prior_calc + prior_omega + loglik_value;
  if(adapt.method=="smash" | adapt.method=="bash"){
    posterior <- loglik_value + prior_omega
kkdey/ordtpx documentation built on May 20, 2019, 10:36 a.m.