run_kmer_spma: _k_-mer-based Spectrum Motif Analysis

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run_kmer_spmaR Documentation

k-mer-based Spectrum Motif Analysis


SPMA helps to illuminate the relationship between RBP binding evidence and the transcript sorting criterion, e.g., fold change between treatment and control samples.


  sorted_transcript_values = NULL,
  transcript_values_label = "transcript value",
  motifs = NULL,
  k = 6,
  n_bins = 40,
  midpoint = 0,
  x_value_limits = NULL,
  max_model_degree = 1,
  max_cs_permutations = 1e+07,
  min_cs_permutations = 5000,
  fg_permutations = 5000,
  p_adjust_method = "BH",
  p_combining_method = "fisher",
  n_cores = 1



character vector of ranked sequences, either DNA (only containing upper case characters A, C, G, T) or RNA (A, C, G, U). The sequences in sorted_transcript_sequences must be ranked (i.e., sorted). Commonly used sorting criteria are measures of differential expression, such as fold change or signal-to-noise ratio (e.g., between treatment and control samples in gene expression profiling experiments).


vector of sorted transcript values, i.e., the fold change or signal-to-noise ratio or any other quantity that was used to sort the transcripts that were passed to run_matrix_spma or run_kmer_spma (default value is NULL). These values are displayed as a semi-transparent area over the enrichment value heatmaps of spectrum plots.


label of transcript sorting criterion (e.g., "log fold change", default value is "transcript value"), only shown if !is.null(sorted_transcript_values)


a list of motifs that is used to score the specified sequences. If is.null(motifs) then all Transite motifs are used.


length of k-mer, either 6 for hexamers or 7 for heptamers


specifies the number of bins in which the sequences will be divided, valid values are between 7 and 100


for enrichment values the midpoint should be 1, for log enrichment values 0 (defaults to 0)


sets limits of the x-value color scale (used to harmonize color scales of different spectrum plots), see limits argument of continuous_scale (defaults to NULL, i.e., the data-dependent default scale range)


maximum degree of polynomial


maximum number of permutations performed in Monte Carlo test for consistency score


minimum number of permutations performed in Monte Carlo test for consistency score


numer of foreground permutations


see p.adjust


one of the following: Fisher (1932) ("fisher"), Stouffer (1949), Liptak (1958) ("SL"), Mudholkar and George (1979) ("MG"), and Tippett (1931) ("tippett") (see p_combine)


number of computing cores to use


In order to investigate how motif targets are distributed across a spectrum of transcripts (e.g., all transcripts of a platform, ordered by fold change), Spectrum Motif Analysis visualizes the gradient of RBP binding evidence across all transcripts.

The k-mer-based approach differs from the matrix-based approach by how the sequences are scored. Here, sequences are broken into k-mers, i.e., oligonucleotide sequences of k bases. And only statistically significantly enriched or depleted k-mers are then used to calculate a score for each RNA-binding protein, which quantifies its target overrepresentation.


A list with the following components:

foreground_scores the result of run_kmer_tsma for the binned data
spectrum_info_df a data frame with the SPMA results
spectrum_plots a list of spectrum plots, as generated by score_spectrum
classifier_scores a list of classifier scores, as returned by classify_spectrum

See Also

Other SPMA functions: classify_spectrum(), run_matrix_spma(), score_spectrum(), subdivide_data()

Other k-mer functions: calculate_kmer_enrichment(), check_kmers(), compute_kmer_enrichment(), count_homopolymer_corrected_kmers(), create_kmer_origin_list(), draw_volcano_plot(), estimate_significance(), estimate_significance_core(), generate_kmers(), generate_permuted_enrichments(), run_kmer_tsma()


# example data set
background_df <- transite:::ge$background_df
# sort sequences by signal-to-noise ratio
background_df <- dplyr::arrange(background_df, value)
# character vector of named and ranked (by signal-to-noise ratio) sequences
background_seqs <- gsub("T", "U", background_df$seq)
names(background_seqs) <- paste0(background_df$refseq, "|",

results <- run_kmer_spma(background_seqs,
                         sorted_transcript_values = background_df$value,
                         transcript_values_label = "signal-to-noise ratio",
                         motifs = get_motif_by_id("M178_0.6"),
                         n_bins = 20,
                         fg_permutations = 10)

## Not run: 
results <- run_kmer_spma(background_seqs,
                         sorted_transcript_values = background_df$value,
                         transcript_values_label = "signal-to-noise ratio")
## End(Not run)

kkrismer/transite documentation built on July 13, 2024, 8:01 a.m.