
  #CovariationMCD = CovMat, Phi=phi, Points=dataMatrix, Center=boxplotCenter, 
  #Hinge=hinge, Fence = fence, Outlier=outliers, OutlierInds=outliersInds
  #datapoly<-merge(rep(5, times=nrows(bp$Fence)), )
  p<-ggplot(positionsFence, aes(x=x, y=y) + geom_polygon(aes(fill=5 )))

   show.outlier=TRUE,# if TRUE outlier are shown
   show.whiskers=TRUE, # if TRUE whiskers are shown
   show.looppoints=TRUE, # if TRUE points in loop are shown
   show.bagpoints=TRUE, # if TRUE points in bag are shown
   show.loophull=TRUE, # if TRUE loop is shown
   show.baghull=TRUE, # if TRUE bag is shown
   add=FALSE, # if TRUE graphical elements are added to actual plot
   pch=16,cex=.4, # to define further parameters of plot
   verbose=FALSE, # tools for debugging
   col.loophull="#aaccff", # Alternatives: #ccffaa, #ffaacc
   col.looppoints="#3355ff", # Alternatives: #55ff33, #ff3355
   col.baghull="#7799ff", # Alternatives: #99ff77, #ff7799
   col.bagpoints="#000088", # Alternatives: #008800, #880000
    if (transparency == TRUE) {
        col.loophull = paste(col.loophull, "99", sep = "")
        col.baghull = paste(col.baghull, "99", sep = "")
    win <- function(dx, dy) {
        atan2(y = dy, x = dx)
    } <- function(zx, zy, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y) {
        a2 <- (p2y - p1y)/(p2x - p1x)
        a1 <- zy/zx
        sx <- (p1y - a2 * p1x)/(a1 - a2)
        sy <- a1 * sx
        sxy <- cbind(sx, sy)
        h <- any(is.nan(sxy)) || any( || any(Inf == 
        if (h) {
            if (!exists("verbose")) 
                verbose <- FALSE
            if (verbose) 
            h <- 0 == (a1 - a2) & sign(zx) == sign(p1x)
            sx <- ifelse(h, p1x, sx)
            sy <- ifelse(h, p1y, sy)
            h <- 0 == (a1 - a2) & sign(zx) != sign(p1x)
            sx <- ifelse(h, p2x, sx)
            sy <- ifelse(h, p2y, sy)
            h <- p1x == p2x & zx != p1x & p1x != 0
            sx <- ifelse(h, p1x, sx)
            sy <- ifelse(h, zy * p1x/zx, sy)
            h <- p1x == p2x & zx != p1x & p1x == 0
            sx <- ifelse(h, p1x, sx)
            sy <- ifelse(h, 0, sy)
            h <- p1x == p2x & zx == p1x & p1x == 0 & sign(zy) == 
            sx <- ifelse(h, p1x, sx)
            sy <- ifelse(h, p1y, sy)
            h <- p1x == p2x & zx == p1x & p1x == 0 & sign(zy) != 
            sx <- ifelse(h, p1x, sx)
            sy <- ifelse(h, p2y, sy)
            h <- zx == p1x & zy == p1y
            sx <- ifelse(h, p1x, sx)
            sy <- ifelse(h, p1y, sy)
            h <- zx == p2x & zy == p2y
            sx <- ifelse(h, p2x, sx)
            sy <- ifelse(h, p2y, sy)
            h <- zx == 0 & zy == 0
            sx <- ifelse(h, 0, sx)
            sy <- ifelse(h, 0, sy)
            sxy <- cbind(sx, sy)
        if (!exists("debug.plots")) 
            debug.plots <- "no"
        if (debug.plots == "all") {
            segments(sxy[, 1], sxy[, 2], zx, zy, col = "red")
            segments(0, 0, sxy[, 1], sxy[, 2], type = "l", col = "green", 
                lty = 2)
            points(sxy, col = "red")
    } <- function(z, pg, center = c(0, 0), debug.plots = "no") {
        if (!is.matrix(z)) 
            z <- rbind(z)
        if (1 == nrow(pg)) 
            return(matrix(center, nrow(z), 2, TRUE)) <- nrow(pg)
        n.z <- nrow(z)
        z <- cbind(z[, 1] - center[1], z[, 2] - center[2])
        pgo <- pg
        pg <- cbind(pg[, 1] - center[1], pg[, 2] - center[2])
        if (!exists("debug.plots")) 
            debug.plots <- "no"
        if (debug.plots == "all") {
            plot(rbind(z, pg, 0), bty = "n")
            points(z, pch = "p")
            lines(c(pg[, 1], pg[1, 1]), c(pg[, 2], pg[1, 2]))
        apg <- win(pg[, 1], pg[, 2])
        apg[is.nan(apg)] <- 0
        a <- order(apg)
        apg <- apg[a]
        pg <- pg[a, ]
        az <- win(z[, 1], z[, 2]) <- apply((outer(apg, az, "<")), 2, sum) <- ifelse( == 0,, <- 1 + (
        cuts <-[, 1], z[, 2], pg[, 1], pg[, 
            2], pg[, 1], pg[, 2])
        cuts <- cbind(cuts[, 1] + center[1], cuts[, 2] + center[2])
    center <- <- hull.bag <- hull.loop <- pxy.bag <- pxy.outer <- pxy.outlier <- NULL
    hdepths <- <- prdata <- random.seed <- xy <- xydata <- <- <- hdepth <- NULL
    tphdepth <- tp <- NULL
    bagplotobj <- x
    for (i in seq(along = bagplotobj)) eval(parse(text = paste(names(bagplotobj)[i], 
        "<-bagplotobj[[", i, "]]")))
    if ( {
        if (verbose) 
            cat("data set one dimensional")
        prdata <- prdata[[2]]
        trdata <- xydata %*% prdata
        ytr <- mean(trdata[, 2])
        boxplotres <- boxplot(trdata[, 1], plot = FALSE)
        dy <- 0.1 * diff(range(stats <- boxplotres$stats))
        dy <- 0.05 * mean(c(diff(range(xydata[, 1])), diff(range(xydata[, 
        segtr <- rbind(cbind(stats[2:4], ytr - dy, stats[2:4], 
            ytr + dy), cbind(stats[c(2, 2)], ytr + c(dy, -dy), 
            stats[c(4, 4)], ytr + c(dy, -dy)), cbind(stats[c(2, 
            4)], ytr, stats[c(1, 5)], ytr))
        segm <- cbind(segtr[, 1:2] %*% t(prdata), segtr[, 3:4] %*% 
        if (!add) 
            plot(xydata, type = "n", bty = "n", pch = 16, cex = 0.2, 
        extr <- c(min(segm[6, 3], segm[7, 3]), max(segm[6, 3], 
            segm[7, 3]))
        extr <- extr + c(-1, 1) * 1e-06 * diff(extr)
        xydata <- xydata[xydata[, 1] < extr[1] | xydata[, 1] > 
            extr[2], , drop = FALSE]
        if (0 < nrow(xydata)) 
            points(xydata[, 1], xydata[, 2], pch = pch, cex = cex)
        segments(segm[, 1], segm[, 2], segm[, 3], segm[, 4], 
        return("one dimensional boxplot plottet")
    if (!add) 
        plot(xydata, type = "n", pch = pch, cex = cex, bty = "n", 
    if (verbose) 
        text(xy[, 1], xy[, 2], paste(as.character(hdepth)), cex = 2)
    if (show.loophull) {
        h <- rbind(hull.loop, hull.loop[1, ])
        lines(h[, 1], h[, 2], lty = 1)
        polygon(hull.loop[, 1], hull.loop[, 2], col = col.loophull)
    if (show.looppoints && length(pxy.outer) > 0) {
        points(pxy.outer[, 1], pxy.outer[, 2], col = col.looppoints, 
            pch = pch, cex = cex)
    if (show.baghull) {
        h <- rbind(hull.bag, hull.bag[1, ])
        lines(h[, 1], h[, 2], lty = 1)
        polygon(hull.bag[, 1], hull.bag[, 2], col = col.baghull)
    if (show.bagpoints && length(pxy.bag) > 0) {
        points(pxy.bag[, 1], pxy.bag[, 2], col = col.bagpoints, 
            pch = pch, cex = cex)
    if (show.whiskers && length(pxy.outer) > 0) {
        debug.plots <- "not"
        if ((n <- length(xy[, 1])) < 15) {
            segments(xy[, 1], xy[, 2], rep(center[1], n), rep(center[2], 
                n), col = "red")
        else {
            pkt.cut <-, hull.bag, center = center)
            segments(pxy.outer[, 1], pxy.outer[, 2], pkt.cut[, 
                1], pkt.cut[, 2], col = "red")
    if (show.outlier && length(pxy.outlier) > 0) {
        points(pxy.outlier[, 1], pxy.outlier[, 2], col = "red", 
            pch = pch, cex = cex)
    if (exists("") && length( > 2) {
        h <- rbind(,[1, ])
        lines(h[, 1], h[, 2], lty = 1)
        polygon([, 1],[, 2], col = "orange")
    points(center[1], center[2], pch = 8, col = "red")
    if (verbose) {
        h <- rbind(,[1, ])
        lines(h, col = "blue", lty = 2)
        h <- rbind(,[1, ])
        lines(h, col = "black", lty = 2)
        if (exists("tphdepth") && 0 < length(tphdepth)) 
            text(tp[, 1], tp[, 2], as.character(tphdepth), col = "green")
        text(xy[, 1], xy[, 2], paste(as.character(hdepth)), cex = 2)
        points(center[1], center[2], pch = 8, col = "red")
    "bagplot plottet"
klitonandrea/FQn-Boxplots documentation built on May 20, 2019, 12:33 p.m.