
# Original code written by Rand Wilcox, 
# Extracted from 

# Compute the measures of location, scale and correlation
#   used in the
#   bivariate boxplot of Goldberg and Iglewicz,
#   Technometrics, 1992, 34, 307-320.
#   The code in relplot plots the boxplot.
#   This code assumes the data are in xv and yv
#   This code uses the function biloc and
#   bivar
relplot <- function(xv, yv, C = 36, epsilon = 1e-04, 
                    plotit = T, xlab = "X", ylab = "Y", xlim = range(xv), ylim = range(yv)) {
  plotit <- as.logical(plotit)
  tx <- biloc(xv)
  ty <- biloc(yv)
  sx <- sqrt(bivar(xv))
  sy <- sqrt(bivar(yv))
  z1 <- (xv - tx)/sx + (yv - ty)/sy
  z2 <- (xv - tx)/sx - (yv - ty)/sy
  ee <- ((z1 - biloc(z1))/sqrt(bivar(z1)))^2 + ((z2 - biloc(z2))/sqrt(bivar(z2)))^2
  w <- (1 - ee/C)^2
  if (length(w[w == 0]) >= length(xv)/2) 
    warning("More than half of the w values equal zero")
  sumw <- sum(w[ee < C])
  tempx <- w * xv
  txb <- sum(tempx[ee < C])/sumw
  tempy <- w * yv
  tyb <- sum(tempy[ee < C])/sumw
  tempxy <- w * (xv - txb) * (yv - tyb)
  tempx <- w * (xv - txb)^2
  tempy <- w * (yv - tyb)^2
  sxb <- sum((tempx[ee < C]))/sumw
  syb <- sum((tempy[ee < C]))/sumw
  rb <- sum(tempxy[ee < C])/(sqrt(sxb * syb) * sumw)
  z1 <- ((xv - txb)/sqrt(sxb) + (yv - tyb)/sqrt(syb))/sqrt(2 * 
                                                             (1 + rb))
  z2 <- ((xv - txb)/sqrt(sxb) - (yv - tyb)/sqrt(syb))/sqrt(2 * 
                                                             (1 - rb))
  wo <- w
  ee <- z1^2 + z2^2
  w <- (1 - ee/C)^2
  sumw <- sum(w[ee < C])
  tempx <- w * xv
  txb <- sum(tempx[ee < C])/sumw
  tempy <- w * yv
  tyb <- sum(tempy[ee < C])/sumw
  tempxy <- w * (xv - txb) * (yv - tyb)
  tempx <- w * (xv - txb)^2
  tempy <- w * (yv - tyb)^2
  sxb <- sum((tempx[ee < C]))/sumw
  syb <- sum((tempy[ee < C]))/sumw
  rb <- sum(tempxy[ee < C])/(sqrt(sxb * syb) * sumw)
  z1 <- ((xv - txb)/sqrt(sxb) + (yv - tyb)/sqrt(syb))/sqrt(2 * 
                                                             (1 + rb))
  z2 <- ((xv - txb)/sqrt(sxb) - (yv - tyb)/sqrt(syb))/sqrt(2 * 
                                                             (1 - rb))
  iter <- 0
  while (iter <= 10) {
    iter <= iter + 1
    ee <- z1^2 + z2^2
    w <- (1 - ee/C)^2
    sumw <- sum(w[ee < C])
    tempx <- w * xv
    txb <- sum(tempx[ee < C])/sumw
    tempy <- w * yv
    tyb <- sum(tempy[ee < C])/sumw
    tempxy <- w * (xv - txb) * (yv - tyb)
    tempx <- w * (xv - txb)^2
    tempy <- w * (yv - tyb)^2
    sxb <- sum((tempx[ee < C]))/sumw
    syb <- sum((tempy[ee < C]))/sumw
    rb <- sum(tempxy[ee < C])/(sqrt(sxb * syb) * sumw)
    z1 <- ((xv - txb)/sqrt(sxb) + (yv - tyb)/sqrt(syb))/sqrt(2 * 
                                                               (1 + rb))
    z2 <- ((xv - txb)/sqrt(sxb) - (yv - tyb)/sqrt(syb))/sqrt(2 * 
                                                               (1 - rb))
    wo <- w
    ee <- z1^2 + z2^2
    w <- (1 - ee/C)^2
    dif <- w - wo
    crit <- sum(dif^2)/(mean(w))^2
    if (crit <= epsilon) 
  ellipse.x <- c()
  ellipse.y <- c()
  if (T) {
    em <- median(sqrt(ee))
    r1 <- em * sqrt((1 + rb)/2)
    r2 <- em * sqrt((1 - rb)/2)
    temp <- c(0:179)
    thet <- 2 * 3.141593 * temp/180
    theta1 <- r1 * cos(thet)
    theta2 <- r2 * sin(thet)
    xplot1 <- txb + (theta1 + theta2) * sqrt(sxb)
    yplot1 <- tyb + (theta1 - theta2) * sqrt(syb)
    emax <- max(sqrt(ee[ee < 7 * em^2]))
    r1 <- emax * sqrt((1 + rb)/2)
    r2 <- emax * sqrt((1 - rb)/2)
    theta1 <- r1 * cos(thet)
    theta2 <- r2 * sin(thet)
    xplot <- txb + (theta1 + theta2) * sqrt(sxb)
    yplot <- tyb + (theta1 - theta2) * sqrt(syb)
    totx <- c(xv, xplot, xplot1)
    toty <- c(yv, yplot, yplot1)
    ellipse.x <- xplot
    ellipse.y <- yplot
      plot(totx, toty, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, 
         ylim = ylim, xlim = xlim)
      polygon(xplot, yplot, col = "grey90", border = NA)
      polygon(xplot1, yplot1, col = "grey70", border = NA)
      points(xv, yv)
  invisible(list(mest = c(txb, tyb), mvar = c(sxb, syb), mrho = rb, fence = matrix(c(ellipse.x, ellipse.y), ncol=2), Center=c(txb, tyb)))

# compute biweight measure of location
# This function is used by relplot
biloc <- function(x) {
  m <- median(x)
  u <- abs((x - m)/(9 * mad(x) * qnorm(0.75)))
  top <- sum((x[u <= 1] - m) * (1 - u[u <= 1]^2)^2)
  bot <- sum((1 - u[u <= 1]^2)^2)
  bi <- m + top/bot^2

# compute biweight midvariance of x
bivar <- function(x) {
  m <- median(x)
  u <- abs((x - m)/(9 * qnorm(0.75) * mad(x)))
  av <- ifelse(u < 1, 1, 0)
  top <- length(x) * sum(av * (x - m)^2 * (1 - u^2)^4)
  bot <- sum(av * (1 - u^2) * (1 - 5 * u^2))
  bi <- top/bot^2
klitonandrea/FQn-Boxplots documentation built on May 20, 2019, 12:33 p.m.