#' @title Log-likelihoods for evolutionary models
#' @description Returns log-likelihood for a multivariate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model with used defined A and R matrices..
#' @param init.par initial (starting) parameters values
#' @param yy a multivariate evoTS object
#' @param A.user the pull matrix.
#' @param R.user the drift matrix.
#' @param locations.A location (row and column) of parameters (elements) in the A matrix that is estimated
#' @param location.diag.A location (row and column) of parameters (elements) in the diagonal of the A matrix that is estimated
#' @param location.upper.tri.A location (row and column) of parameters (elements) in the upper triangle of the A matrix that is estimated
#' @param location.lower.tri.A location (row and column) of parameters (elements) in the lower triangle of the A matrix that is estimated
#' @param locations.R location (row and column) of parameters (elements) in the R matrix that is estimated
#' @param location.diag.R location (row and column) of parameters (elements) in the diagonal of the R matrix that is estimated
#' @param location.upper.tri.R location (row and column) of parameters (elements) in the upper triangle of the R matrix that is estimated
#' @details In general, users will not be access these functions directly, but instead use the optimization functions, which use these functions to find the best-supported parameter values.
#'@return The log-likelihood of the parameter estimates, given the data.
#'@author Kjetil Lysne Voje
logL.joint.multi.OUOU.user<-function (init.par, yy, A.user, R.user, locations.A, location.diag.A, location.upper.tri.A, location.lower.tri.A,
locations.R, location.diag.R, location.upper.tri.R){
m <-ncol(yy$xx) # number of traits
X <- yy$xx # Character matrix with dimensions n * m
y <- as.matrix(as.vector(X)) # Vectorized version of X
#A[locations.A[location.diag.A],locations.A[location.diag.A]]<- diag(c(init.par[1:length(location.diag.A)]))
for (i in 1:length(location.diag.A)){
A[locations.A[location.diag.A][i],locations.A[location.diag.A][i]]<- init.par[i]
if (pracma::isempty(location.upper.tri.A)==FALSE)
for (i in 1:length(location.upper.tri.A)){
A[locations.A[,1][location.upper.tri.A][i],locations.A[,2][location.upper.tri.A][i]]<- init.par[(length(location.diag.A)+i)]
} else location.upper.tri.A<-NULL
# A[locations.A[,1][location.upper.tri.A],locations.A[,2][location.upper.tri.A]]<-init.par[(length(location.diag.A)+1):(length(location.diag.A)+length(location.upper.tri.A))]
# } else location.upper.tri.A<-NULL
if (pracma::isempty(location.lower.tri.A)==FALSE)
for (i in 1:length(location.lower.tri.A)){
}else location.lower.tri.A<-NULL
for (i in 1:length(location.diag.R)){
Chol[locations.R[location.diag.R][i],locations.R[location.diag.R][i]]<- init.par[(length(location.diag.A)+length(location.upper.tri.A)+length(location.lower.tri.A)+i)]
if (pracma::isempty(location.upper.tri.R)==FALSE)
for (i in 1:length(location.upper.tri.R)){
} else location.upper.tri.R<-NULL
### Theta (optimal trait values) ###
### The ancestral trait values ###
### Define and rescale the time vector to unit length ###
# Make a time matrix
tmp.matrix<-matrix(0,ncol=length(yy$vv[,1]), nrow=length(yy$vv[1,]))
for (i in 1:ncol(A)){
### Calculate exponent of eigenvalues from the A decomposition ###
exp_eigenvalues<-array(data=NA, dim=c(m, m, length(time[1,])))
for (i in 1:length(time[1,])){
exp_eigenvalues_tmp<-rep(NA, m)
for (j in 1: m){
### Calculate the expected trait evolution given A, anc, theta and time. ###
M<-matrix(NA, ncol = length(time[1,]), nrow= m)
for (i in 1:length(time[1,]))
M[,i]<-((P%*%exp_eigenvalues[,,i]%*%solve(P))%*%anc) + (diag(c(rep(1,m)))- (P%*%exp_eigenvalues[,,i]%*%solve(P)))%*%optima
M<-c(t(M)) # vectorize M
### Compute the integral of the variance-covariance matrix (eq. 8 and 9 (page 3) from Suppl. from Clavel et al. 2015) ###
tmp.VV<-array(data=NA, dim=c(ncol=length(time[1,]), nrow=length(time[1,]), (ncol(A)*ncol(A)))) # Make a list that contains the block matrices in the VCOV.
# Create time matrices (ta and tij)
ff <- function(a, b) abs(a - b)
tij<-outer(as.vector(time[1,]), as.vector(time[1,]), ff) # tij -> time from species j to the most common ancestor of species i and j.
ta<-outer(as.vector(time[1,]), as.vector(time[1,]),pmin) #Ta -> time from the first sample to the most recent common ancestor of i and j.
right.side<-solve(P)%*% (Chol %*% t(Chol)) %*% (t(solve(P))) # the right side of the expression relative to the Hadamard product
left.side<-matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(A), ncol=ncol(A)) # the left side of the expression relative to the Hadamard product
for (i in 1:length(time[1,])){
for (j in 1:length(time[1,])){
for (k in 1:ncol(A)){
for (l in 1:ncol(A)){
# print(left.side)
left.right<-left.side*right.side # Hadamard product between left and right side
integ<-P%*%left.right%*%t(P) # The whole integral (except the matrix exponential)
exp_eigenvalues_2<-rep(NA, m)
for (m in 1:m){
tmp<-integ%*%(t(P%*%(diag(c(exp_eigenvalues_2)))%*%solve(P))) # The whole integral (including the matrix exponential)
vector.tmp<-as.vector(tmp) # vectorization of the trait*trait matrix
for (k in 1:(ncol(A)*ncol(A))){
tmp.VV[i,j,k]<-vector.tmp[k] # place the elements of the integral in each block matrix.
### Compile the varcovar (VV3) matrix from the list of block matrices (tmp.VV) ###
VV3<-matrix(0, ncol=(ncol(tmp.VV[,,1])*ncol(A)), nrow=(ncol(tmp.VV[,,1])*ncol(A))) # Make an empty VCOV matrix.
for(i in 1:length(tmp.VV[1,1,]))
List[[i]] <- tmp.VV[,,i] # Make each block matrix a separate element in the list "List"
#List[[3]]<-t( List[[3]])
from.boundary<-seq(1,ncol(VV3), ncol(VV3)/ncol(A)) # create vectors defining the start...
to.boundary<-(from.boundary-1)+length(tmp.VV[,1,1]) # and end of where in the VCOV matrix block matrices in List should be placed.
from<-seq(1,length(tmp.VV[1,1,]), length(tmp.VV[1,1,])/ncol(A)) # create vectors defining the start and and end of which list in List that should be placed in VCOV.
for (i in 1:ncol(A)){
VV3[(from.boundary[i]:to.boundary[i]),]<-do.call(cbind, List[from[i]: to[i]]) # Make the VCOV matrix by binding together block matrices from List
#### Add estimation error to the diagonal ###
tmp.matrix<-matrix(0,ncol=length(yy$vv[,1]), nrow=length(yy$vv[1,])) # Make empty matrix for sampling error
for (i in 1:ncol(A)){
tmp.matrix[i,]<-c(yy$vv[,i]/yy$nn[,i]) # add sampling error (sample variance divided by sample size)
diag(VV3) <- diag(VV3) + as.vector(t(tmp.matrix)) # Add sampling error to the diagonal of VCOV
VV3<-(VV3+t(VV3))/2 #Make sure round-off errors are not present in VV3
S <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(t(y), mean = M, sigma = VV3, log = TRUE)
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