#' @title Optimization and log-likelihoods for pairs of models.
#' @description A collections of functions that serves the function fit.mode.shift. See fit.mode.shift for info.
#' @param y a paleoTS object.
#' @param gg numeric vector indicating membership of each sample in segments
#' @param cl control list to be passed to optim
#' @param pool logical indicating whether to pool variances across samples
#' @param meth optimization method, passed to function optim. Default is "L-BFGS-B".
#' @param hess logical, indicating whether to calculate standard errors from the Hessian matrix.
#' @details In general, users will not be access these functions directly, but instead use the wrapper function, which use these functions to find the best-supported parameter values.
#' @note This function is not likely to be called directly by the user.
#' @author Kjetil Lysne Voje
opt.joint.URW.Stasis<-function (y, gg, cl = list(fnscale = -1), pool = TRUE, meth = "L-BFGS-B", hess = FALSE)
if (pool) {
y <- paleoTS::pool.var(y, ret.paleoTS = TRUE)
small <- 1e-08
p0st <- paleoTS::mle.Stasis(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2))
names(p0st) <- c("theta", "omega")
p0urw <- paleoTS::mle.URW(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1))
names(p0urw) <-"vstep"
K <- 5
#Checking if the variance parameter in the RW and Stasis is below critical value, and if TRUE, multiply it with 100
if (p0st["omega"] <= small) p0st["omega"] <- 100 * small
if (p0urw["vstep"] <= small) p0urw["vstep"] <- 100 * small
#make vector out of estimated model parameters
p0 <- c(p0anc, p0urw, p0st)
#define lower bounds for the L-BFGS-B method
# three parameters in the unbiased ramdom walk and 4 parameters for the biased random walk
ll<- c(NA, small, NA, small)
# If user wants to use a differen method than L-BFGS-B, then the lower boun is defined as -Inf
if (meth != "L-BFGS-B")
ll <- -Inf
#Here the multivariate parameter estimation routine start:
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.URW.Stasis, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
cl <- list(fnscale = -1, parscale = c(1, 10, 100))
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.URW.Stasis, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = NA, parameters = NA, modelName = paste("URW",
"Stasis", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = NULL)
if (hess)
w$se <- sqrt(diag(-1 * solve(w$hessian)))
else w$se <- NULL
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = w$value, parameters = w$par, modelName = paste("URW",
"Stasis", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = w$se)
logL.joint.URW.Stasis<-function (p, y, gg)
anc <- p[1]
vstep <- p[2]
theta <- p[3]
omega <- p[4]
n <- length(y$mm)
M <- rep(anc, n)
#define a vector based on length of first and second RW in the time series
st.seg <- which(gg == 2)
urw.seg <- which(gg == 1)
tt.urw <- y$tt[urw.seg] - y$tt[urw.seg[1]]
#tt.urw <- y$tt[urw.seg]
#Create variance-covariance matrices for the three models
VV.st <- diag(omega, nrow = length(st.seg))
VV.urw <- vstep * outer(tt.urw, tt.urw, FUN = pmin)
#Create empty n*n matrix
VVtot <- array(0, dim = c(n, n))
#Create final variance matrix by combining the variance matrices from stasis and RW
VVtot[st.seg, st.seg] <- VV.st
VVtot[urw.seg, urw.seg] <- VV.urw
#Add population variance to the diagonal of the variance matrix
diag(VVtot) <- diag(VVtot) + y$vv/y$nn
S <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(y$mm, mean = M, sigma = VVtot, log = TRUE)
opt.joint.GRW.Stasis<-function (y, gg, cl = list(fnscale = -1), pool = TRUE, meth = "L-BFGS-B", hess = FALSE)
if (pool) {
y <- paleoTS::pool.var(y, ret.paleoTS = TRUE)
small <- 1e-08
p0st <- paleoTS::mle.Stasis(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2))
p0dt<- paleoTS::mle.GRW(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1))
K <- 6
#Checking if te variance parameter in the RW and Stasis is below critical value, and if TRUE, multiply it with 100
if (p0st["omega"] <= small) p0st["omega"] <- 100 * small
if (p0dt["vstep"] <= small) p0dt["vstep"] <- 100 * small
#make vector out of estimated model parameters
p0 <- c(p0anc, p0dt, p0st)
#define lower bounds for the L-BFGS-B method
# three parameters in the unbiased ramdom walk and 4 parameters for the biased random walk
ll<- c(NA, NA, small, NA, small)
# If user wants to use a differen method than L-BFGS-B, then the lower boun is defined as -Inf
if (meth != "L-BFGS-B")
ll <- -Inf
#Here the multivariate parameter estimation routine start:
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.GRW.Stasis, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
cl <- list(fnscale = -1, parscale = c(1, 10, 100))
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.GRW.Stasis, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = NA, parameters = NA, modelName = paste("GRW",
"Stasis", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = NULL)
if (hess)
w$se <- sqrt(diag(-1 * solve(w$hessian)))
else w$se <- NULL
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = w$value, parameters = w$par, modelName = paste("GRW",
"Stasis", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = w$se)
logL.joint.GRW.Stasis<-function (p, y, gg)
#These parameters need to match the order of p0
anc <- p[1]
mstep <- p[2]
vstep <- p[3]
theta <- p[4]
omega <- p[5]
n <- length(y$mm)
#define a vector based on length of first and second RW in the time series
st.seg <- which(gg == 2)
dt.seg <- which(gg == 1)
#Extract the time vector for the trend:
tt.trend <- y$tt[dt.seg]
#create a vector for the expected means for the whole time series
M <- c(anc + mstep * tt.trend, rep(theta, length(st.seg)))
M <- unname(M)
#Create variance-covariance matrices for the three models
VVst <- diag(omega, nrow = length(st.seg))
VVtrend <- vstep * outer(tt.trend, tt.trend, FUN = pmin)
#Create empty n*n matrix
VVtot <- array(0, dim = c(n, n))
#Create final variance matrix by combining the variance matrices from stasis and RW
VVtot[st.seg, st.seg] <- VVst
VVtot[dt.seg, dt.seg] <- VVtrend
#Add population variance to the diagonal of the variance matrix
diag(VVtot) <- diag(VVtot) + y$vv/y$nn
S <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(y$mm, mean = M, sigma = VVtot, log = TRUE)
opt.joint.GRW.URW<-function (y, gg, cl = list(fnscale = -1), pool = TRUE, meth = "L-BFGS-B", hess = FALSE)
if (pool) {
y <- paleoTS::pool.var(y, ret.paleoTS = TRUE)
small <- 1e-08
p0rw <- paleoTS::mle.URW(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2))
p0dt <- paleoTS::mle.GRW(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1))
K <- 5
#Checking if te variance parameter in the RW and Stasis is below critical value, and if TRUE, multiply it with 100
if (p0rw["vstep"] <= small)
p0rw["vstep"] <- 100 * small
if (p0dt["vstep"] <= small)
p0dt["vstep"] <- 100 * small
# Define ancestral state
p0anc <- y$mm[1]
names(p0anc) <- "anc"
names(p0dt)<-c("mstep", "vstep.grw")
#make vector out of estimated model parameters
p0 <- c(p0anc, p0dt, p0rw)
#define lower bounds for the L-BFGS-B method
# three parameters in the unbiased ramdom walk and 4 parameters for the biased random walk
ll<- c(NA, NA, small, small)
# If user wants to use a differen method than L-BFGS-B, then the lower boun is defined as -Inf
if (meth != "L-BFGS-B")
ll <- -Inf
#Here the multivariate parameter estimation routine start:
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.GRW.URW, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
cl <- list(fnscale = -1, parscale = c(1, 10, 100))
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.GRW.URW, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = NA, parameters = NA, modelName = paste("GRW",
"URW", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = NULL)
if (hess)
w$se <- sqrt(diag(-1 * solve(w$hessian)))
else w$se <- NULL
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = w$value, parameters = w$par, modelName = paste("GRW",
"URW", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = w$se)
logL.joint.GRW.URW<-function (p, y, gg)
#These parameters need to mach the order of p0
mstep <- p[2]
vstep.grw <- p[3]
vstep.urw <- p[4]
n <- length(y$mm)
#define a vector based on length of first and second RW in the time series
rw.seg <- which(gg == 2)
dt.seg <- which(gg == 1)
#Extract the time vector for the random walks:
tt.rw <- y$tt[rw.seg] - y$tt[rw.seg[1]]
#tt.rw <- y$tt[rw.seg]
tt.dt <- y$tt[dt.seg]
anc.2<-tail((anc + mstep * tt.dt),1)
#creates a vector that repeates the ancestral value (first sample mean in sequence)
M <- c((anc + mstep * tt.dt), rep(anc.2, length(tt.rw)))
M <- unname(M)
#Multiply variance parameter (vstep) from RW with outer product of time*time
VVrw <- vstep.urw * outer(tt.rw, tt.rw, FUN = pmin)
VVdt <- vstep.grw * outer(tt.dt, tt.dt, FUN = pmin)
#Create empty n*n matrix
VVtot <- array(0, dim = c(n, n))
#Create final variance matrix by combining the variance matrices from stasis and RW
VVtot[rw.seg, rw.seg] <- VVrw
VVtot[dt.seg, dt.seg] <- VVdt
#Add population variance to the diagonal of the variance matrix
diag(VVtot) <- diag(VVtot) + y$vv/y$nn
S <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(y$mm, mean = M, sigma = VVtot, log = TRUE)
opt.joint.OU.Stasis<-function (y, gg, cl = list(fnscale = -1), pool = TRUE, meth = "L-BFGS-B", hess = FALSE)
if (pool) {
y <- paleoTS::pool.var(y, ret.paleoTS = TRUE)
small <- 1e-08
p0st <- paleoTS::mle.Stasis(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2))[2]
names(p0st) <- ("omega")
p0OU<- paleoTS::mle.GRW(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1))
K <- 6
#Checking if te variance parameter in the RW and Stasis is below critical value, and if TRUE, multiply it with 100
if (p0st["omega"] <= small)
p0st["omega"] <- 100 * small
if (p0OU["vstep"] <= small)
p0OU["vstep"] <- 100 * small
#prepare initial guesses of OU parameters
halft <- (paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1)$tt[length(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1)$tt)] - paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1)$tt[1])/4
p0 <- c(p0OU["vstep"]/10, paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1)$mm[length(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1)$mm)], log(2)/halft)
names(p0) <- c("vstep", "theta_OU", "alpha")
#make vector out of estimated model parameters
p0 <- c(p0anc, p0, p0st )
#define lower bounds for the L-BFGS-B method
# three parameters in the unbiased ramdom walk and 4 parameters for the biased random walk
ll<- c(NA, small, NA, small, small)
# If user wants to use a differen method than L-BFGS-B, then the lower boun is defined as -Inf
if (meth != "L-BFGS-B")
ll <- -Inf
#Here the multivariate parameter estimation routine start:
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.OU.Stasis, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
cl <- list(fnscale = -1, parscale = c(1, 10, 100))
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.OU.Stasis, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = NA, parameters = NA, modelName = paste("OU",
"Stasis", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = NULL)
if (hess)
w$se <- sqrt(diag(-1 * solve(w$hessian)))
else w$se <- NULL
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = w$value, parameters = w$par, modelName = paste("OU",
"Stasis", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = w$se)
logL.joint.OU.Stasis<-function (p, y, gg)
#These parameters need to match the order of p0
vstep <- p[2]
theta_OU <- p[3]
alpha <- p[4]
omega <- p[5]
n <- length(y$mm)
#define a vector based on length of first and second RW in the time series
st.seg <- which(gg == 2)
OU.seg <- which(gg == 1)
#Extract the time vector for the OU:
tt.OU <- y$tt[OU.seg]
#create a vector for the expected means for the whole time series
M <- c(ou.M(anc, theta_OU, alpha, tt.OU), rep(theta_OU, length(st.seg)))
M <- unname(M)
#Create variance-covariance matrices for the three models
VV.st <- diag(omega, nrow = length(st.seg))
ff <- function(a, b) abs(a - b)
VV.OU <- outer(tt.OU, tt.OU, FUN = ff)
VV.OU <- exp(-alpha * VV.OU)
VVd.OU <- ou.V(vstep, alpha, tt.OU)
VV2.OU <- outer(VVd.OU, VVd.OU, pmin)
#Create empty n*n matrix
VVtot <- array(0, dim = c(n, n))
#Create final variance matrix by combining the variance matrices from stasis and RW
VVtot[st.seg, st.seg] <- VV.st
VVtot[OU.seg, OU.seg] <- VV.OU
#Add population variance to the diagonal of the variance matrix
diag(VVtot) <- diag(VVtot) + y$vv/y$nn
S <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(y$mm, mean = M, sigma = VVtot, log = TRUE)
opt.joint.OU.URW<-function (y, gg, cl = list(fnscale = -1), pool = TRUE, meth = "L-BFGS-B", hess = FALSE)
if (pool) {
y <- paleoTS::pool.var(y, ret.paleoTS = TRUE)
small <- 1e-08
p0rw <- paleoTS::mle.URW(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2))
names(p0anc) <- "anc"
halft <- (paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1)$tt[length(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1)$tt)] - paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1)$tt[1])/4
p0OU <- c(paleoTS::mle.GRW(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1))[2]/10, paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1)$mm[length(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1)$mm)], log(2)/halft)
names(p0OU) <- c("vstep.OU", "theta_OU", "alpha")
K <- 6
#Checking if te variance parameter in the RW and Stasis is below critical value, and if TRUE, multiply it with 100
if (p0rw["vstep.urw"] <= small) p0rw["vstep.urw"] <- 100 * small
if (p0OU["vstep.OU"] <= small) p0OU["vstep.OU"] <- 100 * small
#make vector out of estimated model parameters
p0 <- c(p0anc, p0OU, p0rw)
#define lower bounds for the L-BFGS-B method
# three parameters in the unbiased ramdom walk and 4 parameters for the biased random walk
ll<- c(NA, small, NA, small, small)
# If user wants to use a differen method than L-BFGS-B, then the lower boun is defined as -Inf
if (meth != "L-BFGS-B")
ll <- -Inf
#Here the multivariate parameter estimation routine start:
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.OU.URW, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
cl <- list(fnscale = -1, parscale = c(1, 10, 100))
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.OU.URW, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = NA, parameters = NA, modelName = paste("OU",
"URW", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = NULL)
if (hess)
w$se <- sqrt(diag(-1 * solve(w$hessian)))
else w$se <- NULL
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = w$value, parameters = w$par, modelName = paste("OU",
"URW", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = w$se)
logL.joint.OU.URW<-function (p, y, gg)
#These parameters need to mach the order of p0
vstep.OU <- p[2]
theta.OU <- p[3]
alpha <- p[4]
vstep.urw <- p[5]
n <- length(y$mm)
#define a vector based on length of first and second RW in the time series
rw.seg <- which(gg == 2)
OU.seg <- which(gg == 1)
#Extract the time vector for the random walks:
tt.rw <- y$tt[rw.seg] - y$tt[rw.seg[1]]
#tt.rw <- y$tt[rw.seg]
tt.OU <- y$tt[OU.seg]
anc.2<-tail(ou.M(anc, theta.OU, alpha, tt.OU),1)
#creates a vector that repeates the ancestral value (first sample mean in sequence)
M <- c(ou.M(anc, theta.OU, alpha, tt.OU), rep(anc.2, length(tt.rw)))
M <- unname(M)
#Multiply variance parameter (vstep) from RW with outer product of time*time
VVrw <- vstep.urw * outer(tt.rw, tt.rw, FUN = pmin)
ff <- function(a, b) abs(a - b)
VV.OU <- outer(tt.OU, tt.OU, FUN = ff)
VV.OU <- exp(-alpha * VV.OU)
VVd.OU <- ou.V(vstep.OU, alpha, tt.OU)
VV2.OU <- outer(VVd.OU, VVd.OU, pmin)
#Create empty n*n matrix
VVtot <- array(0, dim = c(n, n))
#Create final variance matrix by combining the variance matrices from stasis and RW
VVtot[rw.seg, rw.seg] <- VVrw
VVtot[OU.seg, OU.seg] <- VV.OU
#Add population variance to the diagonal of the variance matrix
diag(VVtot) <- diag(VVtot) + y$vv/y$nn
S <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(y$mm, mean = M, sigma = VVtot, log = TRUE)
opt.joint.OU.GRW<-function (y, gg, cl = list(fnscale = -1), pool = TRUE, meth = "L-BFGS-B", hess = FALSE)
if (pool) {
y <- paleoTS::pool.var(y, ret.paleoTS = TRUE)
small <- 1e-08
names(p0anc) <- "anc"
p0dt <- paleoTS::mle.GRW(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2))
names(p0dt)<-c("mstep.grw", "vstep.grw")
halft <- (paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1)$tt[length(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1)$tt)] - paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1)$tt[1])/4
p0OU <- c(paleoTS::mle.GRW(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1))[2]/10, paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1)$mm[length(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1)$mm)], log(2)/halft)
names(p0OU) <- c("vstep.OU", "theta_OU", "alpha")
K <- 7
#Checking if te variance parameter in the RW and Stasis is below critical value, and if TRUE, multiply it with 100
if (p0dt["vstep.grw"] <= small) p0dt["vstep.grw"] <- 100 * small
if (p0OU["vstep.OU"] <= small) p0OU["vstep.OU"] <- 100 * small
#make vector out of estimated model parameters
p0 <- c(p0anc, p0OU, p0dt)
#define lower bounds for the L-BFGS-B method
# three parameters in the unbiased ramdom walk and 4 parameters for the biased random walk
ll<- c(NA, small, NA, small,NA, small)
# If user wants to use a differen method than L-BFGS-B, then the lower boun is defined as -Inf
if (meth != "L-BFGS-B")
ll <- -Inf
#Here the multivariate parameter estimation routine start:
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.OU.GRW, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
cl <- list(fnscale = -1, parscale = c(1, 10, 100))
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.OU.GRW, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = NA, parameters = NA, modelName = paste("OU",
"GRW", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = NULL)
if (hess)
w$se <- sqrt(diag(-1 * solve(w$hessian)))
else w$se <- NULL
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = w$value, parameters = w$par, modelName = paste("OU",
"GRW", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = w$se)
logL.joint.OU.GRW<-function (p, y, gg)
#These parameters need to mach the order of p0
vstep.OU <- p[2]
theta.OU <- p[3]
alpha <- p[4]
mstep.grw <- p[5]
vstep.grw <- p[6]
n <- length(y$mm)
#define a vector based on length of first and second RW in the time series
dt.seg <- which(gg == 2)
OU.seg <- which(gg == 1)
#Extract the time vector for the random walks:
tt.dt <- y$tt[dt.seg] - y$tt[dt.seg[1]]
#tt.dt <- y$tt[dt.seg]
tt.OU <- y$tt[OU.seg]
anc.2<-tail(ou.M(anc, theta.OU, alpha, tt.OU),1)
#creates a vector that repeates the ancestral value (first sample mean in sequence)
M <- c(ou.M(anc, theta.OU, alpha, tt.OU), (anc.2 + mstep.grw * tt.dt))
M <- unname(M)
#Multiply variance parameter (vstep) from RW with outer product of time*time
VV.dt <- vstep.grw * outer(tt.dt, tt.dt, FUN = pmin)
ff <- function(a, b) abs(a - b)
VV.OU <- outer(tt.OU, tt.OU, FUN = ff)
VV.OU <- exp(-alpha * VV.OU)
VVd.OU <- ou.V(vstep.OU, alpha, tt.OU)
VV2.OU <- outer(VVd.OU, VVd.OU, pmin)
#Create empty n*n matrix
VVtot <- array(0, dim = c(n, n))
#Create final variance matrix by combining the variance matrices from stasis and RW
VVtot[dt.seg, dt.seg] <- VV.dt
VVtot[OU.seg, OU.seg] <- VV.OU
#Add population variance to the diagonal of the variance matrix
diag(VVtot) <- diag(VVtot) + y$vv/y$nn
S <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(y$mm, mean = M, sigma = VVtot, log = TRUE)
opt.joint.OU.OU<-function (y, gg, cl = list(fnscale = -1), pool = TRUE, meth = "L-BFGS-B", hess = FALSE)
if (pool) {
y <- paleoTS::pool.var(y, ret.paleoTS = TRUE)
small <- 1e-08
p0OU_1<- paleoTS::mle.GRW(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1))
p0OU_2<- paleoTS::mle.GRW(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2))
K <- 8
#prepare initial guesses of OU parameters
halft_1 <- (paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1)$tt[length(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1)$tt)] - paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1)$tt[1])/4
p0_1 <- c(p0OU_1["vstep"]/10, paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1)$mm[length(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1)$mm)], log(2)/halft_1)
names(p0_1) <- c("vstep_1", "theta_1", "alpha_1")
halft_2 <- (paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2)$tt[length(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2)$tt)] - paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2)$tt[1])/4
p0_2 <- c(p0OU_2["vstep"]/10, paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2)$mm[length(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2)$mm)], log(2)/halft_2)
names(p0_2) <- c("vstep_2", "theta_2", "alpha_2")
#make vector out of estimated model parameters
p0 <- c(p0anc, p0_1, p0_2 )
#define lower bounds for the L-BFGS-B method
# three parameters in the unbiased ramdom walk and 4 parameters for the biased random walk
ll<- c(NA, small, NA, small, small, NA, small)
# If user wants to use a differen method than L-BFGS-B, then the lower boun is defined as -Inf
if (meth != "L-BFGS-B")
ll <- -Inf
#Here the multivariate parameter estimation routine start:
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.OU.OU, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
cl <- list(fnscale = -1, parscale = c(1, 10, 100))
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.OU.OU, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = NA, parameters = NA, modelName = paste("OU",
"OU", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = NULL)
if (hess)
w$se <- sqrt(diag(-1 * solve(w$hessian)))
else w$se <- NULL
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = w$value, parameters = w$par, modelName = paste("OU",
"OU", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = w$se)
logL.joint.OU.OU<-function (p, y, gg)
#These parameters need to match the order of p0
anc<- p[1]
vstep_1 <- p[2]
theta_1 <- p[3]
alpha_1 <- p[4]
vstep_2 <- p[5]
theta_2 <- p[6]
alpha_2 <- p[7]
n <- length(y$mm)
#define a vector based on length of first and second RW in the time series
OU.seg_1 <- which(gg == 1)
OU.seg_2 <- which(gg == 2)
#Extract the time vector for the OU:
tt.OU_1 <- y$tt[OU.seg_1]
tt.OU_2 <- y$tt[OU.seg_2] - y$tt[OU.seg_2[1]]
#create a vector for the expected means for the whole time series
M <- c(ou.M(anc, theta_1, alpha_1, tt.OU_1), ou.M(theta_1, theta_2, alpha_2, tt.OU_2))
M <- unname(M)
#Create variance-covariance matrices for the three models
ff <- function(a, b) abs(a - b)
VV.OU_1 <- outer(tt.OU_1, tt.OU_1, FUN = ff)
VV.OU_1 <- exp(-alpha_1 * VV.OU_1)
VVd.OU_1 <- ou.V(vstep_1, alpha_1, tt.OU_1)
VV2.OU_1 <- outer(VVd.OU_1, VVd.OU_1, pmin)
VV.OU_1 <- VV.OU_1 * VV2.OU_1
VV.OU_2 <- outer(tt.OU_2, tt.OU_2, FUN = ff)
VV.OU_2 <- exp(-alpha_2 * VV.OU_2)
VVd.OU_2 <- ou.V(vstep_2, alpha_2, tt.OU_2)
VV2.OU_2 <- outer(VVd.OU_2, VVd.OU_2, pmin)
VV.OU_2 <- VV.OU_2 * VV2.OU_2
#Create empty n*n matrix
VVtot <- array(0, dim = c(n, n))
#Create final variance matrix by combining the variance matrices from stasis and RW
VVtot[OU.seg_1, OU.seg_1] <- VV.OU_1
VVtot[OU.seg_2, OU.seg_2] <- VV.OU_2
#Add population variance to the diagonal of the variance matrix
diag(VVtot) <- diag(VVtot) + y$vv/y$nn
S <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(y$mm, mean = M, sigma = VVtot, log = TRUE)
opt.joint.GRW.OU<-function (y, gg, cl = list(fnscale = -1), pool = TRUE, meth = "L-BFGS-B", hess = FALSE)
if (pool) {
y <- paleoTS::pool.var(y, ret.paleoTS = TRUE)
small <- 1e-08
names(p0anc) <- "anc"
p0dt <- paleoTS::mle.GRW(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1))
names(p0dt)<-c("mstep.grw", "vstep.grw")
halft <- (paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2)$tt[length(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2)$tt)] - paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2)$tt[1])/4
p0OU <- c(paleoTS::mle.GRW(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2))[2]/10, paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2)$mm[length(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2)$mm)], log(2)/halft)
names(p0OU) <- c("vstep.OU", "theta_OU", "alpha")
K <- 7
#Checking if te variance parameter in the RW and Stasis is below critical value, and if TRUE, multiply it with 100
if (p0dt["vstep.grw"] <= small) p0dt["vstep.grw"] <- 100 * small
if (p0OU["vstep.OU"] <= small) p0OU["vstep.OU"] <- 100 * small
#make vector out of estimated model parameters
p0 <- c(p0anc, p0dt, p0OU)
#define lower bounds for the L-BFGS-B method
# three parameters in the unbiased ramdom walk and 4 parameters for the biased random walk
ll<- c(NA, NA, small, small,NA, small)
# If user wants to use a differen method than L-BFGS-B, then the lower boun is defined as -Inf
if (meth != "L-BFGS-B")
ll <- -Inf
#Here the multivariate parameter estimation routine start:
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.GRW.OU, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
cl <- list(fnscale = -1, parscale = c(1, 10, 100))
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.GRW.OU, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = NA, parameters = NA, modelName = paste("GRW",
"OU", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = NULL)
if (hess)
w$se <- sqrt(diag(-1 * solve(w$hessian)))
else w$se <- NULL
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = w$value, parameters = w$par, modelName = paste("GRW",
"OU", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = w$se)
logL.joint.GRW.OU<-function (p, y, gg)
#These parameters need to mach the order of p0
mstep.grw <- p[2]
vstep.grw <- p[3]
vstep.OU <- p[4]
theta.OU <- p[5]
alpha <- p[6]
n <- length(y$mm)
#define a vector based on length of first and second RW in the time series
dt.seg <- which(gg == 1)
OU.seg <- which(gg == 2)
#Extract the time vector for the random walks:
tt.dt <- y$tt[dt.seg]
tt.OU <- y$tt[OU.seg] - y$tt[OU.seg[1]]
#tt.OU <- y$tt[OU.seg]
anc.2<-tail((anc + mstep.grw * tt.dt),1)
#creates a vector that repeates the ancestral value (first sample mean in sequence)
M <- c((anc + mstep.grw * tt.dt), ou.M(anc.2, theta.OU, alpha, tt.OU))
M <- unname(M)
#Multiply variance parameter (vstep) from RW with outer product of time*time
VVdt <- vstep.grw * outer(tt.dt, tt.dt, FUN = pmin)
ff <- function(a, b) abs(a - b)
VV.OU <- outer(tt.OU, tt.OU, FUN = ff)
VV.OU <- exp(-alpha * VV.OU)
VVd.OU <- ou.V(vstep.OU, alpha, tt.OU)
VV2.OU <- outer(VVd.OU, VVd.OU, pmin)
#Create empty n*n matrix
VVtot <- array(0, dim = c(n, n))
#Create final variance matrix by combining the variance matrices from stasis and RW
VVtot[dt.seg, dt.seg] <- VVdt
VVtot[OU.seg, OU.seg] <- VV.OU
#Add population variance to the diagonal of the variance matrix
diag(VVtot) <- diag(VVtot) + y$vv/y$nn
S <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(y$mm, mean = M, sigma = VVtot, log = TRUE)
opt.joint.GRW.GRW<-function (y, gg, cl = list(fnscale = -1), pool = TRUE, meth = "L-BFGS-B", hess = FALSE)
if (pool) {
y <- paleoTS::pool.var(y, ret.paleoTS = TRUE)
small <- 1e-08
p0dt.1 <- paleoTS::mle.GRW(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1))
p0dt.2 <- paleoTS::mle.GRW(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2))
K <- 6
#Checking if te variance parameter in the RW and Stasis is below critical value, and if TRUE, multiply it with 100
if (p0dt.1["vstep"] <= small)
p0dt.1["vstep"] <- 100 * small
if (p0dt.2["vstep"] <= small)
p0dt.2["vstep"] <- 100 * small
# Define ancestral state
p0anc <- y$mm[1]
names(p0anc) <- "anc"
names(p0dt.1) <- c("mstep.1", "vstep.1")
names(p0dt.2) <- c("mstep.2", "vstep.2")
#make vector out of estimated model parameters
p0 <- c(p0anc, p0dt.1, p0dt.2)
#define lower bounds for the L-BFGS-B method
# three parameters in the unbiased ramdom walk and 4 parameters for the biased random walk
ll<- c(NA, NA, small, NA, small)
# If user wants to use a differen method than L-BFGS-B, then the lower boun is defined as -Inf
if (meth != "L-BFGS-B")
ll <- -Inf
#Here the multivariate parameter estimation routine start:
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.GRW.GRW, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
cl <- list(fnscale = -1, parscale = c(1, 10, 100))
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.GRW.GRW, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = NA, parameters = NA, modelName = paste("GRW",
"GRW", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = NULL)
if (hess)
w$se <- sqrt(diag(-1 * solve(w$hessian)))
else w$se <- NULL
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = w$value, parameters = w$par, modelName = paste("GRW",
"GRW", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = w$se)
logL.joint.GRW.GRW<-function (p, y, gg)
#These parameters need to mach the order of p0
mstep.1 <- p[2]
vstep.1 <- p[3]
mstep.2 <- p[4]
vstep.2 <- p[5]
n <- length(y$mm)
#define a vector based on length of first and second RW in the time series
dt.1.seg <- which(gg == 1)
dt.2.seg <- which(gg == 2)
#Extract the time vector for the random walks:
tt.dt.1 <- y$tt[dt.1.seg]
tt.dt.2 <- y$tt[dt.2.seg] - y$tt[dt.2.seg[1]]
anc.2<-tail((anc + mstep.1 * tt.dt.1),1)
#creates a vector that repeates the ancestral value (first sample mean in sequence)
M <- c((anc + mstep.1 * tt.dt.1), (anc.2 + mstep.2 * tt.dt.2))
M <- unname(M)
#Multiply variance parameter (vstep) from RW with outer product of time*time
VVdt.1 <- vstep.1 * outer(tt.dt.1, tt.dt.1, FUN = pmin)
VVdt.2 <- vstep.2 * outer(tt.dt.2, tt.dt.2, FUN = pmin)
#Create empty n*n matrix
VVtot <- array(0, dim = c(n, n))
#Create final variance matrix by combining the variance matrices from stasis and RW
VVtot[dt.1.seg, dt.1.seg] <- VVdt.1
VVtot[dt.2.seg, dt.2.seg] <- VVdt.2
#Add population variance to the diagonal of the variance matrix
diag(VVtot) <- diag(VVtot) + y$vv/y$nn
S <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(y$mm, mean = M, sigma = VVtot, log = TRUE)
opt.joint.URW.OU<-function (y, gg, cl = list(fnscale = -1), pool = TRUE, meth = "L-BFGS-B", hess = FALSE)
if (pool) {
y <- paleoTS::pool.var(y, ret.paleoTS = TRUE)
small <- 1e-08
p0anc <- y$mm[1]
p0rw <- paleoTS::mle.URW(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1))
names(p0anc) <- "anc"
halft <- (paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2)$tt[length(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2)$tt)] - paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2)$tt[1])/4
p0OU <- c(paleoTS::mle.GRW(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2))[2]/10, paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2)$mm[length(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2)$mm)], log(2)/halft)
names(p0OU) <- c("vstep.OU", "theta_OU", "alpha")
K <- 6
#Checking if te variance parameter in the RW and Stasis is below critical value, and if TRUE, multiply it with 100
if (p0rw["vstep.urw"] <= small) p0rw["vstep.urw"] <- 100 * small
if (p0OU["vstep.OU"] <= small) p0OU["vstep.OU"] <- 100 * small
#make vector out of estimated model parameters
p0 <- c(p0anc, p0rw, p0OU)
#define lower bounds for the L-BFGS-B method
# three parameters in the unbiased ramdom walk and 4 parameters for the biased random walk
ll<- c(NA, small, small,NA, small)
# If user wants to use a differen method than L-BFGS-B, then the lower boun is defined as -Inf
if (meth != "L-BFGS-B")
ll <- -Inf
#Here the multivariate parameter estimation routine start:
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.URW.OU, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
cl <- list(fnscale = -1, parscale = c(1, 10, 100))
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.URW.OU, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = NA, parameters = NA, modelName = paste("URW",
"OU", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = NULL)
if (hess)
w$se <- sqrt(diag(-1 * solve(w$hessian)))
else w$se <- NULL
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = w$value, parameters = w$par, modelName = paste("URW",
"OU", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = w$se)
logL.joint.URW.OU<-function (p, y, gg)
#These parameters need to mach the order of p0
vstep.urw <- p[2]
vstep.OU <- p[3]
theta.OU <- p[4]
alpha <- p[5]
n <- length(y$mm)
#define a vector based on length of first and second RW in the time series
rw.seg <- which(gg == 1)
OU.seg <- which(gg == 2)
#Extract the time vector for the random walks:
tt.rw <- y$tt[rw.seg]
tt.OU <- y$tt[OU.seg] - y$tt[OU.seg[1]]
#tt.OU <- y$tt[OU.seg]
#creates a vector that repeates the ancestral value (first sample mean in sequence)
M <- c(rep(anc, length(tt.rw)), ou.M(anc, theta.OU, alpha, tt.OU))
M <- unname(M)
#Multiply variance parameter (vstep) from RW with outer product of time*time
VVrw <- vstep.urw * outer(tt.rw, tt.rw, FUN = pmin)
ff <- function(a, b) abs(a - b)
VV.OU <- outer(tt.OU, tt.OU, FUN = ff)
VV.OU <- exp(-alpha * VV.OU)
VVd.OU <- ou.V(vstep.OU, alpha, tt.OU)
VV2.OU <- outer(VVd.OU, VVd.OU, pmin)
#Create empty n*n matrix
VVtot <- array(0, dim = c(n, n))
#Create final variance matrix by combining the variance matrices from stasis and RW
VVtot[rw.seg, rw.seg] <- VVrw
VVtot[OU.seg, OU.seg] <- VV.OU
#Add population variance to the diagonal of the variance matrix
diag(VVtot) <- diag(VVtot) + y$vv/y$nn
S <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(y$mm, mean = M, sigma = VVtot, log = TRUE)
opt.joint.URW.GRW<-function (y, gg, cl = list(fnscale = -1), pool = TRUE, meth = "L-BFGS-B", hess = FALSE)
if (pool) {
y <- paleoTS::pool.var(y, ret.paleoTS = TRUE)
small <- 1e-08
p0rw <- paleoTS::mle.URW(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1))
p0dt <- paleoTS::mle.GRW(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2))
K <- 5
#Checking if te variance parameter in the RW and Stasis is below critical value, and if TRUE, multiply it with 100
if (p0rw["vstep"] <= small)
p0rw["vstep"] <- 100 * small
if (p0dt["vstep"] <= small)
p0dt["vstep"] <- 100 * small
# Define ancestral state
p0anc <- y$mm[1]
names(p0anc) <- "anc"
names(p0dt)<-c("mstep", "vstep.grw")
#make vector out of estimated model parameters
p0 <- c(p0anc, p0rw, p0dt)
#define lower bounds for the L-BFGS-B method
# three parameters in the unbiased ramdom walk and 4 parameters for the biased random walk
ll<- c(NA, small, NA, small)
# If user wants to use a differen method than L-BFGS-B, then the lower boun is defined as -Inf
if (meth != "L-BFGS-B")
ll <- -Inf
#Here the multivariate parameter estimation routine start:
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.URW.GRW, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
cl <- list(fnscale = -1, parscale = c(1, 10, 100))
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.URW.GRW, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = NA, parameters = NA, modelName = paste("URW",
"GRW", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = NULL)
if (hess)
w$se <- sqrt(diag(-1 * solve(w$hessian)))
else w$se <- NULL
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = w$value, parameters = w$par, modelName = paste("URW",
"GRW", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = w$se)
logL.joint.URW.GRW<-function (p, y, gg)
#These parameters need to mach the order of p0
vstep.urw <- p[2]
mstep <- p[3]
vstep.grw <- p[4]
n <- length(y$mm)
#define a vector based on length of first and second RW in the time series
rw.seg <- which(gg == 1)
dt.seg <- which(gg == 2)
#Extract the time vector for the random walks:
tt.rw <- y$tt[rw.seg]
tt.dt <- y$tt[dt.seg] - y$tt[dt.seg[1]]
#tt.dt <- y$tt[dt.seg]
#creates a vector that repeates the ancestral value (first sample mean in sequence)
M <- c(rep(anc, length(tt.rw)), anc + mstep * tt.dt)
M <- unname(M)
#Multiply variance parameter (vstep) from RW with outer product of time*time
VVrw <- vstep.urw * outer(tt.rw, tt.rw, FUN = pmin)
VVdt <- vstep.grw * outer(tt.dt, tt.dt, FUN = pmin)
#Create empty n*n matrix
VVtot <- array(0, dim = c(n, n))
#Create final variance matrix by combining the variance matrices from stasis and RW
VVtot[rw.seg, rw.seg] <- VVrw
VVtot[dt.seg, dt.seg] <- VVdt
#Add population variance to the diagonal of the variance matrix
diag(VVtot) <- diag(VVtot) + y$vv/y$nn
S <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(y$mm, mean = M, sigma = VVtot, log = TRUE)
opt.joint.Stasis.GRW<-function (y, gg, cl = list(fnscale = -1), pool = TRUE, meth = "L-BFGS-B", hess = FALSE)
if (pool) {
y <- paleoTS::pool.var(y, ret.paleoTS = TRUE)
small <- 1e-08
p0st <- paleoTS::mle.Stasis(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1))
p0dt<- paleoTS::mle.GRW(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2))
K <- 5
#Checking if te variance parameter in the RW and Stasis is below critical value, and if TRUE, multiply it with 100
if (p0st["omega"] <= small) p0st["omega"] <- 100 * small
if (p0dt["vstep"] <= small) p0dt["vstep"] <- 100 * small
#make vector out of estimated model parameters
p0 <- c(p0st, p0dt)
#define lower bounds for the L-BFGS-B method
# three parameters in the unbiased ramdom walk and 4 parameters for the biased random walk
ll<- c(NA, small, NA, small)
# If user wants to use a differen method than L-BFGS-B, then the lower bound is defined as -Inf
if (meth != "L-BFGS-B")
ll <- -Inf
#Here the multivariate parameter estimation routine start:
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.Stasis.GRW, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
cl <- list(fnscale = -1, parscale = c(1, 10, 100))
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.Stasis.GRW, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = NA, parameters = NA, modelName = paste("Stasis",
"GRW", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = NULL)
if (hess)
w$se <- sqrt(diag(-1 * solve(w$hessian)))
else w$se <- NULL
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = w$value, parameters = w$par, modelName = paste("Stasis",
"GRW", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = w$se)
logL.joint.Stasis.GRW<-function (p, y, gg)
#These parameters need to match the order of p0
theta <- p[1]
omega <- p[2]
mstep <- p[3]
vstep <- p[4]
n <- length(y$mm)
#define a vector based on length of first and second RW in the time series
st.seg <- which(gg == 1)
dt.seg <- which(gg == 2)
#Extract the time vector for the trend:
#tt.trend <- y$tt[dt.seg]
tt.trend <- y$tt[dt.seg] - y$tt[dt.seg[1]]
#create a vector for the expected means for the whole time series
M <- c(rep(theta, length(st.seg)), theta + mstep * tt.trend)
M <- unname(M)
#Create variance-covariance matrices for the three models
VVst <- diag(omega, nrow = length(st.seg))
VVtrend <- vstep * outer(tt.trend, tt.trend, FUN = pmin)
#Create empty n*n matrix
VVtot <- array(0, dim = c(n, n))
#Create final variance matrix by combining the variance matrices from stasis and RW
VVtot[st.seg, st.seg] <- VVst
VVtot[dt.seg, dt.seg] <- VVtrend
#Add population variance to the diagonal of the variance matrix
diag(VVtot) <- diag(VVtot) + y$vv/y$nn
S <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(y$mm, mean = M, sigma = VVtot, log = TRUE)
opt.joint.Stasis.URW<-function (y, gg, cl = list(fnscale = -1), pool = TRUE, meth = "L-BFGS-B", hess = FALSE)
if (pool) {
y <- paleoTS::pool.var(y, ret.paleoTS = TRUE)
small <- 1e-08
p0st <- paleoTS::mle.Stasis(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1))
names(p0st) <- c("theta", "omega")
p0urw <- paleoTS::mle.URW(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2))
names(p0urw) <-"vstep"
K <- 4
#Checking if te variance parameter in the RW and Stasis is below critical value, and if TRUE, multiply it with 100
if (p0st["omega"] <= small) p0st["omega"] <- 100 * small
if (p0urw["vstep"] <= small) p0urw["vstep"] <- 100 * small
#make vector out of estimated model parameters
p0 <- c(p0st, p0urw)
#define lower bounds for the L-BFGS-B method
# three parameters in the unbiased ramdom walk and 4 parameters for the biased random walk
ll<- c(NA, small, small)
# If user wants to use a differen method than L-BFGS-B, then the lower boun is defined as -Inf
if (meth != "L-BFGS-B")
ll <- -Inf
#Here the multivariate parameter estimation routine start:
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.Stasis.URW, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
cl <- list(fnscale = -1, parscale = c(1, 10, 100))
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.Stasis.URW, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = NA, parameters = NA, modelName = paste("Stasis",
"URW", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = NULL)
if (hess)
w$se <- sqrt(diag(-1 * solve(w$hessian)))
else w$se <- NULL
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = w$value, parameters = w$par, modelName = paste("Stasis",
"URW", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = w$se)
logL.joint.Stasis.URW<-function (p, y, gg)
theta <- p[1]
omega <- p[2]
vstep <- p[3]
n <- length(y$mm)
M <- rep(theta, n)
#define a vector based on length of first and second RW in the time series
st.seg <- which(gg == 1)
urw.seg <- which(gg == 2)
tt.urw <- y$tt[urw.seg] - y$tt[urw.seg[1]]
#tt.urw <- y$tt[urw.seg]
#Create variance-covariance matrices for the three models
VV.st <- diag(omega, nrow = length(st.seg))
VV.urw <- vstep * outer(tt.urw, tt.urw, FUN = pmin)
#Create empty n*n matrix
VVtot <- array(0, dim = c(n, n))
#Create final variance matrix by combining the variance matrices from stasis and RW
VVtot[st.seg, st.seg] <- VV.st
VVtot[urw.seg, urw.seg] <- VV.urw
#Add population variance to the diagonal of the variance matrix
diag(VVtot) <- diag(VVtot) + y$vv/y$nn
S <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(y$mm, mean = M, sigma = VVtot, log = TRUE)
opt.joint.Stasis.Stasis<-function (y, gg, cl = list(fnscale = -1), pool = TRUE, meth = "L-BFGS-B", hess = FALSE)
if (pool) {
y <- paleoTS::pool.var(y, ret.paleoTS = TRUE)
small <- 1e-08
p0st.1 <- paleoTS::mle.Stasis(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1))
names(p0st.1) <- c("theta", "omega.1")
p0st.2 <- paleoTS::mle.Stasis(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2))[2]
names(p0st.2) <-"omega.2"
K <- 4
#Checking if te variance parameter in the RW and Stasis is below critical value, and if TRUE, multiply it with 100
if (p0st.1["omega.1"] <= small) p0st.1["omega.1"] <- 100 * small
if (p0st.2["omega.2"] <= small) p0st.2["omega.2"] <- 100 * small
#make vector out of estimated model parameters
p0 <- c(p0st.1, p0st.2)
#define lower bounds for the L-BFGS-B method
# three parameters in the unbiased ramdom walk and 4 parameters for the biased random walk
ll<- c(NA, small, small)
# If user wants to use a differen method than L-BFGS-B, then the lower boun is defined as -Inf
if (meth != "L-BFGS-B")
ll <- -Inf
#Here the multivariate parameter estimation routine start:
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.Stasis.Stasis, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
cl <- list(fnscale = -1, parscale = c(1, 10, 100))
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.Stasis.Stasis, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = NA, parameters = NA, modelName = paste("Stasis",
"Stasis", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = NULL)
if (hess)
w$se <- sqrt(diag(-1 * solve(w$hessian)))
else w$se <- NULL
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = w$value, parameters = w$par, modelName = paste("Stasis",
"Stasis", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = w$se)
logL.joint.Stasis.Stasis<-function (p, y, gg)
#These parameters need to match the order of p0
theta_st <- p[1]
omega.1 <- p[2]
omega.2 <- p[3]
n <- length(y$mm)
M <- rep(theta_st, n)
M <- unname(M)
#define a vector based on length of first and second RW in the time series
st.1.seg <- which(gg == 1)
st.2.seg <- which(gg == 2)
#Create variance-covariance matrices for the three models
VV.st.1 <- diag(omega.1, nrow = length(st.1.seg))
VV.st.2 <- diag(omega.2, nrow = length(st.2.seg))
#Create empty n*n matrix
VVtot <- array(0, dim = c(n, n))
#Create final variance matrix by combining the variance matrices from stasis and RW
VVtot[st.1.seg, st.1.seg] <- VV.st.1
VVtot[st.2.seg, st.2.seg] <- VV.st.2
#Add population variance to the diagonal of the variance matrix
diag(VVtot) <- diag(VVtot) + y$vv/y$nn
S <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(y$mm, mean = M, sigma = VVtot, log = TRUE)
opt.joint.URW.URW<-function (y, gg, cl = list(fnscale = -1), pool = TRUE, meth = "L-BFGS-B", hess = FALSE)
if (pool) {
y <- paleoTS::pool.var(y, ret.paleoTS = TRUE)
small <- 1e-08
p0rw_1 <- paleoTS::mle.URW(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1))
p0rw_2 <- paleoTS::mle.URW(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2))
K <- 4
#Checking if te variance parameter in the RW and Stasis is below critical value, and if TRUE, multiply it with 100
if (p0rw_1["vstep"] <= small)
p0rw_1["vstep"] <- 100 * small
if (p0rw_2["vstep"] <= small)
p0rw_2["vstep"] <- 100 * small
# Define ancestral state
p0anc <- y$mm[1]
names(p0anc) <- "anc"
#make vector out of estimated model parameters
p0 <- c(p0anc, p0rw_1, p0rw_2)
#define lower bounds for the L-BFGS-B method
# three parameters in the unbiased ramdom walk and 4 parameters for the biased random walk
ll<- c(NA, small, small)
# If user wants to use a differen method than L-BFGS-B, then the lower boun is defined as -Inf
if (meth != "L-BFGS-B")
ll <- -Inf
#Here the multivariate parameter estimation routine start:
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.URW.URW, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
cl <- list(fnscale = -1, parscale = c(1, 10, 100))
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.URW.URW, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = NA, parameters = NA, modelName = paste("URW",
"URW", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = NULL)
if (hess)
w$se <- sqrt(diag(-1 * solve(w$hessian)))
else w$se <- NULL
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = w$value, parameters = w$par, modelName = paste("URW",
"URW", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = w$se)
opt.joint.Stasis.OU<-function (y, gg, cl = list(fnscale = -1), pool = TRUE, meth = "L-BFGS-B", hess = FALSE)
if (pool) {
y <- paleoTS::pool.var(y, ret.paleoTS = TRUE)
small <- 1e-08
p0st <- paleoTS::mle.Stasis(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 1))
names(p0st) <- c("theta_st", "omega")
p0OU<- paleoTS::mle.GRW(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2))
K <- 6
#Checking if te variance parameter in the RW and Stasis is below critical value, and if TRUE, multiply it with 100
if (p0st["omega"] <= small)
p0st["omega"] <- 100 * small
if (p0OU["vstep"] <= small)
p0OU["vstep"] <- 100 * small
#prepare initial guesses of OU parameters
halft <- (paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2)$tt[length(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2)$tt)] - paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2)$tt[1])/4
p0 <- c(p0OU["vstep"]/10, paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2)$mm[length(paleoTS::sub.paleoTS(y, ok = gg == 2)$mm)], log(2)/halft)
names(p0) <- c("vstep", "theta_OU", "alpha")
#make vector out of estimated model parameters
p0 <- c(p0st, p0)
#define lower bounds for the L-BFGS-B method
# three parameters in the unbiased ramdom walk and 4 parameters for the biased random walk
ll<- c(NA, small, small, NA, small)
# If user wants to use a differen method than L-BFGS-B, then the lower boun is defined as -Inf
if (meth != "L-BFGS-B")
ll <- -Inf
#Here the multivariate parameter estimation routine start:
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.Stasis.OU, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
cl <- list(fnscale = -1, parscale = c(1, 10, 100))
w <- try(optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.Stasis.OU, gg = gg,
method = meth, lower = ll, control = cl, hessian = hess,
y = y), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits (w, "try-error")) {
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = NA, parameters = NA, modelName = paste("Stasis",
"OU", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = NULL)
if (hess)
w$se <- sqrt(diag(-1 * solve(w$hessian)))
else w$se <- NULL
wc <- paleoTS::as.paleoTSfit(logL = w$value, parameters = w$par, modelName = paste("Stasis",
"OU", sep = "-"), method = "Joint", K = K, n = length(y$mm),
se = w$se)
logL.joint.Stasis.OU<-function (p, y, gg)
#These parameters need to match the order of p0
theta_st <- p[1]
omega <- p[2]
vstep <- p[3]
theta_OU <- p[4]
alpha <- p[5]
n <- length(y$mm)
#define a vector based on length of first and second RW in the time series
st.seg <- which(gg == 1)
OU.seg <- which(gg == 2)
#Extract the time vector for the OU:
tt.OU <- y$tt[OU.seg] - y$tt[OU.seg[1]]
#create a vector for the expected means for the whole time series
M <- c(rep(theta_st, length(st.seg)), ou.M(theta_st, theta_OU, alpha, tt.OU))
M <- unname(M)
#Create variance-covariance matrices for the three models
VV.st <- diag(omega, nrow = length(st.seg))
ff <- function(a, b) abs(a - b)
VV.OU <- outer(tt.OU, tt.OU, FUN = ff)
VV.OU <- exp(-alpha * VV.OU)
VVd.OU <- ou.V(vstep, alpha, tt.OU)
VV2.OU <- outer(VVd.OU, VVd.OU, pmin)
#Create empty n*n matrix
VVtot <- array(0, dim = c(n, n))
#Create final variance matrix by combining the variance matrices from stasis and RW
VVtot[st.seg, st.seg] <- VV.st
VVtot[OU.seg, OU.seg] <- VV.OU
#Add population variance to the diagonal of the variance matrix
diag(VVtot) <- diag(VVtot) + y$vv/y$nn
S <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(y$mm, mean = M, sigma = VVtot, log = TRUE)
logL.joint.URW.URW<-function (p, y, gg)
#These parameters need to mach the order of p0
vs_1 <- p[2]
vs_2 <- p[3]
n <- length(y$mm)
#creates a vector that repeates the ancestral value (first sample mean in sequence)
M <- rep(anc, n)
M <- unname(M)
#define a vector based on length of first and second RW in the time series
rw_1.seg <- which(gg == 1)
rw_2.seg <- which(gg == 2)
#Extract the time vector for the random walks:
tt.rw_1 <- y$tt[rw_1.seg]
tt.rw_2 <- y$tt[rw_2.seg] - y$tt[rw_2.seg[1]]
#tt.rw_2 <- y$tt[rw_2.seg]
#Multiply variance parameter (vstep) from RW with outer product of time*time
VVrw_1 <- vs_1 * outer(tt.rw_1, tt.rw_1, FUN = pmin)
VVrw_2 <- vs_2 * outer(tt.rw_2, tt.rw_2, FUN = pmin)
#Create empty n*n matrix
VVtot <- array(0, dim = c(n, n))
#Create final variance matrix by combining the variance matrices from stasis and RW
VVtot[rw_1.seg, rw_1.seg] <- VVrw_1
VVtot[rw_2.seg, rw_2.seg] <- VVrw_2
#Add population variance to the diagonal of the variance matrix
diag(VVtot) <- diag(VVtot) + y$vv/y$nn
S <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(y$mm, mean = M, sigma = VVtot, log = TRUE)
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