
#' @title Simulate an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with optimum changing according to an unbiased random walk
#' @description Function to simulate an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck evolutionary sequence data set with an optimum moving according to an unbiased random walk.
#' @param ns number of samples in time-series
#' @param anc the ancestral trait values
#' @param theta.0 the ancestral value for the optimum
#' @param alpha strength of attraction to the optimum
#' @param vstep.trait step variance of the trait
#' @param vstep.opt step variance of the optimum
#' @param vp phenotypic variance of each sample
#' @param nn 	vector of the number of individuals in each sample (identical sample sizes for all time-series is assumed)
#' @param tt 	vector of sample times (ages
#'@return An evolutionary sequence (time-series) data set (a paleoTS object)
#'@author Kjetil Lysne Voje
#'##Create data
#'x<-sim.OUBM(50, theta.0 = 5, alpha = 0.6, vstep.opt = 0.5)
#'## plot the data

sim.OUBM<-function (ns = 20, anc = 0, theta.0 = 1, alpha = 0.3, vstep.trait = 0.1, vstep.opt = 0.1,
          vp = 1, nn = rep(20, ns), tt = 0:(ns - 1))
  ou.MM <- function(anc, theta.0, aa, tt) theta.0*(1 - exp(-aa*tt)) + anc*exp(-aa*tt)
  ou.VV <-function(vo, vs, aa, tt)  ((vo+vs)/(2 * aa)) * (1 - exp(-2 * aa * tt)) + vo*tt*((1-2*(1-exp(-aa*tt)))/(aa*tt))
  MM <- array(dim = ns)
  mm <- array(dim = ns)
  vv <- array(dim = ns)
  dt <- diff(tt)
  MM[1] <- anc
  ff <- function(a, b) abs(a - b)
  tij<-outer(tt, tt, FUN = ff)
  ta<-outer(tt, tt, pmin)
  VCOV<- ((vo+vs)/(2 * aa)) * (1 - exp(-2 * aa * ta)) * exp(-aa *tij) + vo*ta*(1-(1+exp(-aa*tij))*(1-exp(-aa*ta))/(aa*ta))
  ex <- ou.MM(MM[1], theta.0, alpha, tt)
  MM<-MASS::mvrnorm(n = 1, mu=ex, Sigma=VCOV)#, tol = 1e-6, empirical = TRUE, EISPACK = FALSE)
  for (i in 1:ns) {
    x <- stats::rnorm(nn[i], mean = MM[i], sd = sqrt(vp))
    mm[i] <- mean(x)
    vv[i] <- var(x)
  gp <- c(anc, theta.0, alpha, vstep.trait, vstep.opt)
  names(gp) <- c("anc", "theta.0", "alpha", "vstep.trait", "vstep.opt")
  res <- paleoTS::as.paleoTS(mm = as.vector(mm), vv = as.vector(vv),
                    nn = nn, tt = tt, MM = MM, genpars = gp, label = "Created by sim.OUBM()",
                    reset.time = FALSE)
klvoje/evoTS documentation built on June 29, 2024, 10:26 p.m.