
#' Aggregate Wheel Running Data
#' Given an arbitrary bin size in minutes and an arbitrary interval
#' number from which to start aggregating, \code{bin.running} takes a
#' .DAT (comma-separated) or .txt (tab-delimited) wheel running data
#' file read in using \code{\link{read.dat}} and aggregates wheel
#' revolutions, the maximum interval per bin, the number of intervals
#' per bin with >0 revolutions, and the mean RPM per bin.
#' @title Aggregate Wheel Running Data
#' @param whldat an \code{n} intervals by 157 (computers A-C) or 151
#'   (computer D) column data.frame, most often read in using
#'   \code{\link{read.dat}.}
#' @param bin.size the size (in minutes) of the bins to return.
#'   Defaults to 10 minute bins.
#' @param bins.out number of bins to return. Defaults to \code{'ALL'}
#'   -- Start at the first row and bin all the way to the end of the
#'   file, removing an incomplete last bin (if necessary).
#' @param bin.start the interval number where the binning should
#'   start.  Defaults to 1.
#' @param start.at.1pm logical. if \code{TRUE} (default),
#'   \code{bin.running} will delete all intervals before 1:00 PM.
#' @param computer text string code for which computer recorded
#'   \code{whldata}.
#' @param header optional text string that can be used to label plots
#'   made with \code{\link{plot.running}}
#' @return \code{bin.running} returns an object of class
#'   \code{running}.  This list contains \item{whlnum}{A vector of
#'   wheel numbers appropriate for \code{computer}}
#' \item{run}{Aggregated total revolutions per bin}
#' \item{max}{Maximum number of revolutions per interval in a bin}
#' \item{int}{Number of intervals in a bin with >0 revolutions}
#' \item{rpm}{Mean RPM in a bin} \item{times}{\code{data.frame} with
#' columns for \code{bin}, \code{hour}, and \code{minute} denoting
#' the time at the beginning of each bin} \item{whldat}{Original raw
#' wheel running data} \item{bin.size}{Length in minutes of the bins}
#' \item{n.bins}{Number of bins into which data was aggregated}
#' \item{bin.start}{Interval where binning started}
#' \item{start.at.1pm}{logical. If \code{TRUE}, all intervals before
#' 1:00 PM were truncated} \item{computer}{Computer from which the
#' data were recorded} \item{header}{Optional text string header
#' identifying the data}
#' @author Kevin Middleton (middletonk@@missouri.edu)
#' @seealso \code{\link{read.dat}}, \code{\link{plot.running}}
#' @keywords file data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load the 2006-11-05 running data for computer A
#' data(A061105)
#' # Aggregate running data into 20 minute bins
#' A.aggr <- bin.running(A061105, computer = "A", bin.size = 20)
#' # Plot aggregated running data for wheel number 1.
#' plot(A.aggr, whlnum = 1, whichplot = "run")
bin.running <- function(whldat,
##                  whl = 'ALL',
                        bins.out = 'ALL',
                        bin.start = 1,
                        start.at.1pm = TRUE,
                        header = NULL


  ## Check wheel running data. There should be either 157 or 151
  ## columns corresponding to either 50 (A-C) or 48 wheels (D)
  if (ncol(whldat) != 157){
    if (ncol(whldat) != 151){
      stop("The wheel running file does not have the correct number of columns.", call. = FALSE)

  ## Check the computer is A-D
  if (!match(computer, c('A', 'B', 'C', 'D'),
             nomatch = FALSE, incomparables = FALSE)){
    stop("computer must be one of \'A\', \'B\', \'C\', or \'D\'.",
         call. = FALSE)}

  ## If no first bin size is specified, then set to bin size
  if (!exists('first.bin.size')) first.bin.size <- bin.size

  ## Currently can only handle first.bin.size = bin.size
  if (first.bin.size != bin.size){
    stop("Option not yet implemented: first.bin.size must be the same as bin.size.", call. = FALSE)

  ## xx Add a check that whl is within the range of computer


  ## Calculate the number of wheels (50 or 48)
  ## The first 7 columns are time/date information
  numwhl <- (ncol(whldat)-7)/3

  ## Check for the right number of wheels for the chosen computer.
  # if (computer == 'A' & numwhl != 50){
  #   stop("Computer A should have 50 wheels", call. = FALSE)}
  # if (computer == 'B' & numwhl != 50){
  #   stop("Computer B should have 50 wheels", call. = FALSE)}
  # if (computer == 'C' & numwhl != 50){
  #   stop("Computer C should have 50 wheels", call. = FALSE)}
  # if (computer == 'D' & numwhl != 48){
  #   stop("Computer D should have 48 wheels", call. = FALSE)}

  ## Remove columns we don't need:
  ##  time (other than hour and min), date
  ##  The "seq" parameters remove the forward and backward columns,
  ##    leaving only the sum column
  whldat.str <- whldat[ , -c(3:7, seq(8, ncol(whldat), 3),
                             seq(9, ncol(whldat), 3))]

  ## Rename the remaining columns: hr, min, and XX for wheel number
  names(whldat.str)[1] <- "hr"
  names(whldat.str)[2] <- "min"
  names(whldat.str)[3:(numwhl+2)] <- paste(1:numwhl, sep = "")

  ## Add a column for the interval number
  whldat.str <- cbind(whldat.str, interval = 1:nrow(whldat))

  if (start.at.1pm){
    ## Adjust bin.start to reflect removed bins
    ## Drop any intervals before 13:00
    ## xx this line gets an error in R CMD check
    hr <- NULL; rm(hr)
    whldat.str <- subset(whldat.str, hr != 12)

  ## If binning does not start at bin 1
  if (bin.start != 1){
    whldat.zero <- whldat.str[(bin.start + 1):nrow(whldat.str),]
  } else {
    whldat.zero <- whldat.str

  ## Set up binning
  n.bins <- nrow(whldat.zero)%/%bin.size      # Number of bins
  leftover <- nrow(whldat.zero)%%bin.size     # of rows in incomplete last bin

  if (bins.out == 'ALL') bins.out <- n.bins
  if (n.bins < bins.out){
    stop("bins.out is too large. Not enough bins in data.", call. = FALSE)

  ## Remove rows in incomplete last bin (if incomplete)
  if (leftover > 0){
    whldat.zero <- whldat.zero[1:(nrow(whldat.zero)-leftover),]

  ## Column used for aggregating
  minbin <- rep(1:n.bins, each = bin.size)

  ## Split off hour & minute columns
  times <- data.frame(hr = whldat.zero$hr,
                      minute = whldat.zero$min,
  whldat.zero <- whldat.zero[,-(1:2)]

  ## xxx
  ##if (whl != 'ALL'){
  ##  whldat.zero <- whldat.str[, whl]
  ##  }

  ## Aggregate wheel running sum revolutions per bin
  running <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = n.bins, ncol = numwhl)
  for (i in 1:numwhl){
    agr.run <- aggregate(
                         list(run = whldat.zero[,i]),
                         by = list(bin = minbin),
                         FUN = sum)
    running[,i] <- agr.run[,2]

  ## Aggregate maximum interval per bin
  maxint <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = n.bins, ncol = numwhl)
  for (i in 1:numwhl){
    agr.max <- aggregate(
                         list(run = whldat.zero[,i]),
                         by = list(bin = minbin),
                         FUN = max)
    maxint[,i] <- agr.max[,2]

  ## Aggregate number of intervals per bin with > 0 revolution
  intsum <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = n.bins, ncol = numwhl)
  for (i in 1:numwhl){
    agr.int <- aggregate(
                         list(run = whldat.zero[,i]),
                         by = list(bin = minbin),
                         FUN = function(x){sum(x > 0)})
    intsum[,i] <- agr.int[,2]

  ## Calculate RPM. Use ifelse to avoid NaNs resulting from 0/0.
  rpm <- ifelse(running == 0, 0, running / intsum)

  ## Truncate matrices to only return only rows 1:bins.out
  running.trunc <- running[1:bins.out, ]
  maxint.trunc <- maxint[1:bins.out, ]
  intsum.trunc <- intsum[1:bins.out, ]
  rpm.trunc <- rpm[1:bins.out, ]

  ## Set up output column names.
  binnum <- 1:bins.out
  Run <- paste("run", binnum, sep = "_")
  Max <- paste("max", binnum, sep = "_")
  Int <- paste("int", binnum, sep = "_")
  RPM <- paste("rpm", binnum, sep = "_")

  ## Transpose to get wheels as rows and bins as columns
  t.running <- data.frame(t(running.trunc))
  names(t.running) <- Run
  t.maxint <- data.frame(t(maxint.trunc))
  names(t.maxint) <- Max
  t.intsum <- data.frame(t(intsum.trunc))
  names(t.intsum) <- Int
  t.rpm <- data.frame(t(rpm.trunc))
  names(t.rpm) <- RPM

  ## Set wheel numbers based on computer
  if (computer == 'A') whlnum <-   1:50
  if (computer == 'B') whlnum <-  51:100
  if (computer == 'C') whlnum <- 101:150
  if (computer == 'D') whlnum <- 151:200

  ## Aggregate hours and minutes
  bin.times <- aggregate(
                         by = list(bin = minbin),
                         FUN = min)[, -4]

  ## Return aggregated data
  aggrdat <- list(whlnum = whlnum,
                  run = t.running,
                  max = t.maxint,
                  int = t.intsum,
                  rpm = t.rpm,
                  times = bin.times,
                  whldat = whldat,
                  bin.size = bin.size,
                  n.bins = n.bins,
                  bin.start = bin.start,
                  start.at.1pm = start.at.1pm,
                  computer = computer,
                  header = header)
  class(aggrdat) <- "running"
kmiddleton/binning documentation built on May 20, 2019, 12:51 p.m.