
Defines functions extract_users.data.table extract_users.data.frame extract_users user_col_names

Documented in extract_users extract_users.data.frame extract_users.data.table

user_col_names <- function(tweet_df) {
  col_templates <- c(
  with_context <- list(
    main = col_templates,
    retweet = paste0("retweet_", col_templates),
    reply_to = paste0("reply_to_", col_templates),
    quoted = paste0("quoted_", col_templates),
    mentions = paste0("mentions_", col_templates)
  out <- lapply(with_context, function(.x) {
    c("created_at", intersect(.x, names(tweet_df)))
  .keep(out, function(.x) length(.x) > 1L)

#' Extract All Users
#' Extract all users and relevant data, including retweeters, quoters, repliers, and mentions.
#' @template param-tweet_df
#' @param summarize `logical(1L)`, Default: `TRUE`. Whether to aggregate all users data to
#' a single row containing the most recent non-missing values.
#' @param split `logical(1L)`, Default: `FALSE`. Whether to split users into separate data
#' frames and return a list of those data frames, retaining all instances where each user
#' was observed. Ignored if `summarize` is `TRUE`.
#' @template param-as_tibble
#' @template param-dots
#' @template author-bk
#' @examples 
#' path_to_tweet_file <- example_tweet_file()
#' tweet_df <- read_tweets(path_to_tweet_file)
#' extract_users(tweet_df, as_tibble = TRUE) 
#' extract_users(tweet_df, summarize = FALSE, as_tibble = TRUE) 
#' split_users <- extract_users(tweet_df, summarize = FALSE, split = TRUE, as_tibble = TRUE)
#' # first 3 users with more than 5 observations.
#' split_users[vapply(split_users, function(.x) nrow(.x) > 5, logical(1L))][1:3]
#' @importFrom data.table data.table is.data.table setcolorder setDT setnames
#' @export
extract_users <- function(tweet_df, 
                          summarize = TRUE, 
                          split = FALSE,
                          as_tibble = tweetio_as_tibble(),
                          ...) {

#' @rdname extract_users
#' @export
extract_users.data.frame <- function(tweet_df, 
                                     summarize = TRUE, 
                                     split = FALSE,
                                     as_tibble = tweetio_as_tibble(),
                                     ...) {
                summarize = summarize, 
                split = split, 
                as_tibble = as_tibble,

#' @rdname extract_users
#' @importFrom data.table .N .SD
#' @export
extract_users.data.table <- function(tweet_df, 
                                     summarize = TRUE, 
                                     split = FALSE, 
                                     as_tibble = tweetio_as_tibble(),
                                     ...) {
  # silence R CMD Check NOTE =============================================================
  ..col <- NULL
  user_id <- NULL
  created_at <- NULL
  screen_name <- NULL
  timestamp_ms <- NULL
  observation_type <- NULL
  # ======================================================================================
  if (!.is_dt(tweet_df)) {
    tweet_df <- .as_dt(tweet_df)
  split_users <- .compact(
           function(.x) standardize_cols(tweet_df[, .x, with = FALSE]))
  split_users <- .map_at(
    intersect(names(split_users), c("main", "retweet", "quoted", "reply_to")),
    function(.x)  .x[!is.na(user_id)]

  if (!"screen_name" %chin% names(split_users$mentions)) {
    split_users$mentions[, screen_name := NA_character_]
  split_users$mentions <- setDT(
      tracker = split_users$mentions$created_at,
      source = split_users$mentions$user_id,
      target = split_users$mentions$screen_name,
      col_names = c("user_id", "screen_name", "created_at")
  if (!summarize && split) {
    split_users <- .imap(split_users, function(.x, .y) {
      .x[, observation_type := .y]
  out <- rbindlist(split_users, use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE)
  col_order <- intersect(
    c("user_id", "observation_type", setdiff(names(out), "user_id")), 
  setcolorder(out, col_order)
  setnames(out, old = "created_at", new = "timestamp_ms")
  if (!summarize) {
    if (split) {
      out <- split(out[order(timestamp_ms)], by = "user_id")
      if (as_tibble && requireNamespace("tibble", quietly = TRUE)) {
        out <- lapply(out, tibble::as_tibble)
    return(.finalize_df(out, as_tibble = as_tibble))
  out <- out[
    lapply(.SD, function(x) {
      if (.N == 1L) x
      else if (is.atomic(x)) .subset2(x, which.min(is.na(x))) # which.min() return first `FALSE` here if any not-NA                                           
      else .subset(x, which.min( vapply(.subset2(x, 1L), length, integer(1L)) == 0L))
    by = user_id
  ][, timestamp_ms := .as_posixct(timestamp_ms)
  .finalize_df(out, as_tibble = as_tibble)
knapply/tweetio documentation built on Dec. 22, 2020, 7:15 p.m.