
Defines functions write.vcf read.vcfR

Documented in read.vcfR write.vcf

#' @title Read and write vcf format files
#' @rdname io_vcfR
#' @name VCF input and output
#' @export
#' @description
#' Read and files in the *.vcf structured text format, as well as the compressed *.vcf.gz format.
#' Write objects of class vcfR to *.vcf.gz.
#' @param file A filename for a variant call format (vcf) file.
#' @param limit amount of memory (in bytes) not to exceed when reading in a file.
#' @param nrows integer specifying the maximum number of rows (variants) to read in.
#' @param skip integer specifying the number of rows (variants) to skip before beginning to read data.
#' @param cols vector of column numbers to extract from file.
#' @param x An object of class vcfR or chromR.
# @param vfile an output filename.
#' @param mask logical vector indicating rows to use.
#' @param APPEND logical indicating whether to append to existing vcf file or write a new file.
#' @param convertNA logical specifying to convert VCF missing data to NA.
#' @param checkFile test if the first line follows the VCF specification.
#' @param check_keys logical determining if \code{check_keys()} is called to test if INFO and FORMAT keys are unique.
#' @param verbose report verbose progress.
#' @details
#' The function \strong{read.vcfR} reads in files in *.vcf (text) and *.vcf.gz (gzipped text) format and returns an object of class vcfR.
#' The parameter 'limit' is an attempt to keep the user from trying to read in a file which contains more data than there is memory to hold.
#' Based on the dimensions of the data matrix, an estimate of how much memory needed is made.
#' If this estimate exceeds the value of 'limit' an error is thrown and execution stops.
#' The user may increase this limit to any value, but is encourages to compare that value to the amout of available physical memory.
#' It is possible to input part of a VCF file by using the parameters nrows, skip and cols.
#' The first eight columns (the fix region) are part of the definition and will always be included.
#' Any columns beyond eight are optional (the gt region).
#' You can specify which of these columns you would like to input by setting the cols parameter.
#' If you want a usable vcfR object you will want to always include nine (the FORMAT column).
#' If you do not include column nine you may experience reduced functionality.
#' According to the VCF specification \strong{missing data} are encoded by a period (".").
#' Within the R language, missing data can be encoded as NA.
#' The parameter `convertNA` allows the user to either retain the VCF representation or the R representation of missing data.
#' Note that the conversion only takes place when the entire value can be determined to be missing.
#' For example, ".|.:48:8:51,51" would be retained because the missing genotype is accompanied by other delimited information.
#' In contrast, ".|." should be converted to NA when \code{convertNA = TRUE}.
#' If file begins with http://, https://, ftp://, or ftps:// it is interpreted as a link.
#' When this happens, file is split on the delimiter '/' and the last element is used as the filename.
#' A check is performed to determine if this file exists in the working directory.
#' If a local file is found it is used.
#' If a local file is not found the remote file is downloaded to the working directory and read in.
#' The function \strong{write.vcf} takes an object of either class vcfR or chromR and writes the vcf data to a vcf.gz file (gzipped text).
#' If the parameter 'mask' is set to FALSE, the entire object is written to file.
#' If the parameter 'mask' is set to TRUE and the object is of class chromR (which has a mask slot), this mask is used to subset the data.
#' If an index is supplied as 'mask', then this index is used, and recycled as necessary, to subset the data.
#' Because vcfR provides the opportunity to manipulate VCF data, it also provides the opportunity for the user to create invalid VCF files.
#' If there is a question regarding the validity of a file you have created one option is the \href{https://vcftools.github.io/perl_module.html#vcf-validator}{VCF validator} from VCF tools.
#' @return read.vcfR returns an object of class \code{\link{vcfR-class}}.
#' See the \strong{vignette:} \code{vignette('vcf_data')}.
#' The function write.vcf creates a gzipped VCF file.
#' @seealso
# \code{\link[PopGenome]{readVCF}}
# \code{\link[pegas]{read.vcf}}
# \link[pegas]{read.vcf}
#' CRAN:
#' \href{https://cran.r-project.org/package=pegas}{pegas}::read.vcf,
#' \href{https://cran.r-project.org/package=PopGenome}{PopGenome}::readVCF,
#' \href{https://cran.r-project.org/package=data.table}{data.table}::fread
#' Bioconductor:
#' \href{https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/VariantAnnotation.html}{VariantAnnotation}::readVcf
#' Use: browseVignettes('vcfR') to find examples.
#' @examples
#' data(vcfR_test)
#' vcfR_test
#' head(vcfR_test)
#' # CRAN requires developers to us a tempdir when writing to the filesystem.
#' # You may want to implement this example elsewhere.
#' orig_dir <- getwd()
#' temp_dir <- tempdir()
#' setwd( temp_dir )
#' write.vcf( vcfR_test, file = "vcfR_test.vcf.gz" )
#' vcf <- read.vcfR( file = "vcfR_test.vcf.gz", verbose = FALSE )
#' vcf
#' setwd( orig_dir )
# ' @rdname io_vcfR
#' @aliases read.vcfR
#' @export
read.vcfR <- function(file,
                      nrows = -1,
                      skip = 0,
                      cols = NULL,
                      convertNA = TRUE,
                      checkFile = TRUE,
                      check_keys = TRUE,
                      verbose = TRUE){
#  require(memuse)
  if( !is.character(file) ){
    stop('The parameter file is expected to be a character.')
  if( grepl('^http://|^https://|^ftp://|^ftps://', file) ){
    # We have a link instead os a file.
    file_name <- unlist(strsplit(file, split = "/"))
    file_name <- file_name[[length(file_name)]]
      message(paste("Local file", file_name, "found."))
      message('Using this local copy instead of retrieving a remote copy.')
    } else {
      message(paste("Downloading remote file", file))
      utils::download.file(url = file, destfile = file_name, quiet = FALSE)
      message("File downloaded.")
      message("It will probably be faster to use this local file in the future instead of re-downloading it.")
    file <- file_name
  # gzopen does not appear to deal well with tilde expansion.
  if( grepl("^~", file) ){
    file <- path.expand(file)
  # Test that this is a VCF file.
  if(checkFile == TRUE){
    vcf <- scan(file=file, what = character(), nmax=1, sep="\n", quiet = TRUE, comment.char = "")
    if(substr(vcf,start=1, stop=17) != "##fileformat=VCFv"){
      msg <- paste("File:", file, "does not appear to be a VCF file.\n")
      msg <- paste(msg, " First line of file:\n", file)
      msg <- paste(msg, "\n")
      msg <- paste(msg, " Should begin with:\n##fileformat=VCFv")
      msg <- paste(msg, "\n")
  vcf <- new(Class="vcfR")

  stats <- .vcf_stats_gz(file, nrows=nrows, skip = skip, verbose = as.integer(verbose) )
  # stats should be a named vector containing "meta", "header_line", "variants", "columns", and "last_line".
  # They should have been initialize to zero.
  if( stats['columns'] > 0 & stats['last_line'] > 0 & stats['columns'] != stats['last_line']){
    msg <- paste("Your file appears to have", stats['columns'], "header elements")
    msg <- paste(msg, "and", stats['last_line'], "columns in the body.\n")
    msg <- paste(msg, "This should never happen!")
  if( stats['columns'] == 0 & stats['last_line'] > 0 ){
    stats['columns'] <- stats['last_line']
  if(verbose == TRUE){
    cat("File attributes:")
    cat( paste("  meta lines:", stats['meta']) )
    cat( paste("  header_line:", stats['header_line']) )
    cat( paste("  variant count:", stats['variants']) )
    cat( paste("  column count:", stats['columns']) )
  if( stats['meta'] < 0 ){
    stop( paste("stats['meta'] less than zero:", stats['meta'], ", this should never happen.") )
  if( stats['header_line'] < 0 ){
    stop( paste("stats['header_line'] less than zero:", stats['header_line'], ", this should never happen.") )
  if( stats['variants'] < 0 ){
    stop( paste("stats['variants'] less than zero:", stats['variants'], ", this should never happen.") )
  if( stats['columns'] < 0 ){
    stop( paste("stats['columns'] less than zero:", stats['columns'], ", this should never happen.") )
  if( is.null(cols) ){
    cols <- 1:stats['columns']
  # Make sure we include the first nine columns.
  cols <- sort( unique( c(1:8, cols) ) )

#  ram_est <- stats['variants'] * stats['columns'] * 8 + 248
  ram_est <- memuse::howbig(stats['variants'], stats['columns'])
  if(ram_est@size > limit){
    message(paste("The number of variants in your file is:", prettyNum(stats['variants'], big.mark=",")))
    message(paste("The number of samples in your file is:", prettyNum(stats['columns'] - 1, big.mark=",")))
    message(paste("This will result in an object of approximately:", ram_est, "in size"))
    stop("Object size limit exceeded")
  # Read meta
  vcf@meta <- .read_meta_gz(file, stats, as.numeric(verbose))

  # Read body
  body <- .read_body_gz(file, stats = stats,
                nrows = nrows, skip = skip, cols = cols,
                convertNA = as.numeric(convertNA), verbose = as.numeric(verbose))

  vcf@fix <- body[ ,1:8, drop=FALSE ]
  if( ncol(body) > 8 ){
    vcf@gt <- body[ , -c(1:8), drop=FALSE ]
  } else {
    vcf@gt <- matrix("a", nrow=0, ncol=0)
  # Check if keys in meta section are unique.
  if( check_keys == TRUE ){

#' @rdname io_vcfR
#' @export
#' @aliases write.vcf
write.vcf <- function(x, file = "", mask = FALSE, APPEND = FALSE){
  #if(class(x) == "chromR"){
  if( inherits(x, "chromR") ){
    if( mask == TRUE ){
      is.na( x@vcf@fix[,'FILTER'] ) <- TRUE
      x@vcf@fix[,'FILTER'][ x@var.info[,'mask'] ] <- 'PASS'
    x <- x@vcf
  # if(class(x) != "vcfR"){
  if( !inherits(x, "vcfR") ){
    stop("Unexpected class! Expecting an object of class vcfR or chromR.")
  # gzopen does not appear to deal well with tilde expansion.
  file <- path.expand(file)
  if(APPEND == FALSE){
    gz <- gzfile(file, "w")
    if( length(x@meta) > 0 ){
      write(x@meta, gz)
    header <- c(colnames(x@fix), colnames(x@gt))
    header[1] <- "#CHROM"
    header <- paste(header, collapse="\t")
    write(header, gz)
  if(mask == FALSE){
    test <- .write_vcf_body(fix = x@fix, gt = x@gt, filename = file, mask = 0)
  } else if (mask == TRUE){
    test <- .write_vcf_body(fix = x@fix, gt = x@gt, filename = file, mask = 1)

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knausb/vcfR documentation built on Jan. 14, 2024, 1:56 a.m.