
# Update bib file
# source("rjournal/gen_pkg_bib.R")

# Set global knitr chunk options
  cache = TRUE,
  fig.width = 6,
  fig.asp = 0.618,
  out.width = "70%",
  fig.align = "center",
  fig.pos = "!htb",
  message = FALSE,
  warning = FALSE

# Load required packages

trn <- vip::gen_friedman(500, sigma = 1, seed = 101)  # simulate training data
tibble::as_tibble(trn)  # inspect output

# Load required packages
library(rpart)          # for fitting CART-like decision trees
library(randomForest)   # for fitting RFs
library(xgboost)        # for fitting GBMs

# Fit a single regression tree
tree <- rpart(y ~ ., data = trn)

# Fit an RF
set.seed(101)  # for reproducibility
rfo <- randomForest(y ~ ., data = trn, importance = TRUE)

# Fit a GBM
set.seed(102)  # for reproducibility
bst <- xgboost(
  data = data.matrix(subset(trn, select = -y)),
  label = trn$y,
  objective = "reg:squarederror",
  nrounds = 100,
  max_depth = 5,
  eta = 0.3,
  verbose = 0  # suppress printing

# Extract VI scores from each model
vi_tree <- tree$variable.importance
vi_rfo <- rfo$variable.importance  # or use `randomForest::importance(rfo)`
vi_bst <- xgb.importance(model = bst)

# VI plot for single regression tree
vi_tree <- tree$variable.importance %>%
  data.frame("Importance" = .) %>%

# VI plot for RF
vi_rfo <- rfo$importance %>%
  data.frame("Importance" = .) %>%

# VI plot for GMB
vi_bst <- bst %>%  #
  xgb.importance(model = .) %>%
  as.data.frame() %>%
  select(Feature, Importance = Gain)

# Plot results
p1 <- vip(tree) + ggtitle("Single tree")
p2 <- vip(rfo) + ggtitle("Random forest")
p3 <- vip(bst) + ggtitle("Gradient boosting")
grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, nrow = 1)  # display plots in a grid

# Load required packages

# Compute model-specific VI scores
vi(tree)  # CART-like decision tree
vi(rfo)   # RF
vi(bst)   # GBM

## p1 <- vip(tree) + ggtitle("Single tree")
## p2 <- vip(rfo) + ggtitle("Random forest")
## p3 <- vip(bst) + ggtitle("Gradient boosting")
## # Display plots in a grid (Figure 1)
## grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, nrow = 1)

# Construct VIP (Figure 2)
library(ggplot2)  # for theme_light() function
vip(bst, num_features = 5, geom = "point", horizontal = FALSE,
    aesthetics = list(color = "red", shape = 17, size = 5)) +

# Fit a LM
linmod <- lm(y ~ .^2, data = trn)
backward <- step(linmod, direction = "backward", trace = 0)

# Extract VI scores
(vi_backward <- vi(backward))

# Plot VI scores; by default, `vip()` displays the top ten features
pal <- palette.colors(2, palette = "Okabe-Ito")  # colorblind friendly palette
vip(vi_backward, num_features = length(coef(backward)),  # Figure 3
    geom = "point", horizontal = FALSE, mapping = aes(color = Sign)) +
  scale_color_manual(values = unname(pal)) +
  theme_light() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))

# Load required packages

# Fit a MARS model
mars <- earth(y ~ ., data = trn, degree = 2, pmethod = "exhaustive")

# Extract VI scores
vi(mars, type = "gcv")

# Plot VI scores (Figure 4)

# Load required packages

# Fit a neural network
set.seed(0803)  # for reproducibility
nn <- nnet(y ~ ., data = trn, size = 7, decay = 0.1,
           linout = TRUE, trace = FALSE)

# Construct VIPs
p1 <- vip(nn, type = "garson")
p2 <- vip(nn, type = "olden")

# Display plots in a grid (Figure 5)
grid.arrange(p1, p2, nrow = 1)

# Load required packages

# Fit a PPR model (nterms was chosen using the caret package with 5 repeats of
# 5-fold cross-validation)
pp <- ppr(y ~ ., data = trn, nterms = 11)

# PDPs for all 10 features
features <- paste0("x", 1:10)
pdps <- lapply(features, FUN = function(feature) {
  pd <- partial(pp, pred.var = feature)
  autoplot(pd) +
    ylim(range(trn$y)) +

# Display plots in a grid
grid.arrange(grobs = pdps, ncol = 5)

# Fit a PPR model (nterms was chosen using the caret package with 5 repeats of
# 5-fold cross-validation)
pp <- ppr(y ~ ., data = trn, nterms = 11)

# Construct VIPs
p1 <- vip(pp, method = "firm") + ggtitle("PPR")
p2 <- vip(nn, method = "firm") + ggtitle("NN")

# Display plots in a grid (Figure 7)
grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol = 2)

# ICE curves for all 10 features
ice_curves <- lapply(features, FUN = function(feature) {
  ice <- partial(pp, pred.var = feature, ice = TRUE)
  autoplot(ice, alpha = 0.1) +
    ylim(range(trn$y)) +

# Display plots in a grid (Figure 8)
grid.arrange(grobs = ice_curves, ncol = 5)

# Construct VIPs
p1 <- vip(pp, method = "firm", ice = TRUE) + ggtitle("PPR")
p2 <- vip(nn, method = "firm", ice = TRUE) + ggtitle("NN")

# Display plots in a grid (Figure 9)
grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol = 2)

# Construct PDP-based VI scores
(vis <- vi(pp, method = "firm"))

# Reconstruct PDPs for all 10 features (Figure 10)
par(mfrow = c(2, 5))
for (name in paste0("x", 1:10)) {
  plot(attr(vis, which = "effects")[[name]], type = "l", ylim = c(9, 19), las = 1)

# Plot VI scores
set.seed(2021)  # for reproducibility
p1 <- vip(pp, method = "permute", target = "y", metric = "rsquared",
          pred_wrapper = predict) + ggtitle("PPR")
p2 <- vip(nn, method = "permute", target = "y", metric = "rsquared",
          pred_wrapper = predict) + ggtitle("NN")

# Display plots in a grid (Figure 11)
grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol = 2)

# Use 10 Monte Carlo reps
set.seed(403)  # for reproducibility
vis <- vi(pp, method = "permute", target = "y", metric = "rsquared",
          pred_wrapper = predict, nsim = 15)
vip(vis, geom = "boxplot")  # Figure 12


mae <- function(actual, predicted) {
  mean(abs(actual - predicted))

# Construct VIP (Figure 13)
set.seed(2321)  # for reproducibility
pfun <- function(object, newdata)  predict(object, newdata = newdata)
vip(nn, method = "permute", target = "y", metric = mae,
    smaller_is_better = TRUE, pred_wrapper = pfun) +
  ggtitle("Custom loss function: MAE")

# Construct VIP (Figure 14)
set.seed(2327)  # for reproducibility
vip(nn, method = "permute", pred_wrapper = pfun, target = "y", metric = "rmse",
    train = trn[sample(nrow(trn), size = 400), ]) +  # sample 400 observations
  ggtitle("Using a random subset of training data")

# Construct VIP (Figure 15)
set.seed(8264)  # for reproducibility
vip(nn, method = "permute", pred_wrapper = pfun, target = "y", metric = "mae",
    nsim = 10, geom = "point", all_permutations = TRUE, jitter = TRUE) +
  ggtitle("Plotting all permutation scores")

# Load required packages
mb <- readRDS("rjournal/benchmark.rds")
autoplot(mb)  # Figure 16

# Load required packages

# Feature matrix
X <- data.matrix(subset(trn, select = -y))  # matrix of feature values

# Fit an XGBoost model; hyperparameters were tuned using 5-fold CV
set.seed(859)  # for reproducibility
bst <- xgboost(X, label = trn$y, nrounds = 338, max_depth = 3, eta = 0.1,
               verbose = 0)

# Construct VIP (Figure 17)
vip(bst, method = "shap", train = X, exact = TRUE, include_type = TRUE)

# Load required packages

# Fit a ranger-based random forest using the mlr3 package
task <- TaskRegr$new("friedman", backend = trn, target = "y")
lrnr <- lrn("regr.ranger", importance = "impurity")

# First, compute a tibble of VI scores using any method
var_imp <- vi(lrnr)

# Next, convert to an HTML-based data table with sparklines
add_sparklines(var_imp, fit = lrnr$model, train = trn)  # Figure 18

# Load the Ames housing data
ames <- AmesHousing::make_ames()
X <- subset(ames, select = -Sale_Price)
y <- ames$Sale_Price

# Load required packages

# List of base learners
learners <- c("SL.xgboost", "SL.ranger", "SL.earth", "SL.glmnet", "SL.ksvm")

# Stack models
set.seed(840)  # for reproducibility
ctrl <- SuperLearner.CV.control(V = 5L, shuffle = TRUE)
sl <- SuperLearner(Y = y, X = X, SL.library = learners, verbose = TRUE,
                   cvControl = ctrl)

# Prediction wrapper functions
imp_fun <- function(object, newdata) {  # for permutation-based VI scores
  predict(object, newdata = newdata)$pred
par_fun <- function(object, newdata) {  # for PDPs
  mean(predict(object, newdata = newdata)$pred)

# Setup parallel backend
library(doParallel) # load the parallel backend
cl <- makeCluster(5) # use 5 workers
registerDoParallel(cl) # register the parallel backend

# Permutation-based feature importance
set.seed(278)  # for reproducibility
var_imp <- vi(sl, method = "permute", train = X, target = y, metric = "rmse",
              pred_wrapper = imp_fun, nsim = 5, parallel = TRUE)

# Add sparkline representation of feature effects (# Figure 19)
add_sparklines(var_imp[1L:10L, ], fit = sl, pred.fun = par_fun, train = X,
               digits = 2, verbose = TRUE, trim.outliers = TRUE,
               grid.resolution = 20, parallel = TRUE)

# Shut down cluster
koalaverse/vip documentation built on Aug. 29, 2023, 6:16 a.m.