#' Apply a dictionary to a tokens object
#' Convert tokens into equivalence classes defined by values of a dictionary
#' object.
#' @param x tokens object to which dictionary or thesaurus will be supplied
#' @param dictionary the [dictionary]-class object that will be applied to
#' `x`
#' @param levels integers specifying the levels of entries in a hierarchical
#' dictionary that will be applied. The top level is 1, and subsequent levels
#' describe lower nesting levels. Values may be combined, even if these
#' levels are not contiguous, e.g. `levels = c(1:3)` will collapse the second
#' level into the first, but record the third level (if present) collapsed
#' below the first (see examples).
#' @inheritParams valuetype
#' @param capkeys if TRUE, convert dictionary keys to uppercase to distinguish
#' them from other features
#' @param nomatch an optional character naming a new key for tokens that do not
#' matched to a dictionary values If `NULL` (default), do not record
#' unmatched tokens.
#' @param exclusive if `TRUE`, remove all features not in dictionary,
#' otherwise, replace values in dictionary with keys while leaving other
#' features unaffected
#' @param nested_scope how to treat matches from different dictionary keys that
#' are nested. When one value is nested within another, such as "a b" being
#' nested within "a b c", `the `tokens_lookup()` will match the longer. When
#' `nested_scope = "key"`, this longer-match priority is applied only
#' within the key, while `"dictionary"` applies it across keys, matching only
#' the key with the longer pattern, not the matches nested within that longer
#' pattern from other keys. See Details.
#' @param verbose print status messages if `TRUE`
#' @details Dictionary values may consist of sequences, and there are different
#' methods of counting key matches based on values that are nested or that
#' overlap.
#' When two different keys in a dictionary are nested matches of one another,
#' the `nested_scope` options provide the choice of matching each key's
#' values independently (the `"key"`) option, or just counting the
#' longest match (the `"dictionary"` option). Values that are nested
#' *within* the same key are always counted as a single match. See the
#' last example below comparing the *New York* and *New York Times*
#' for these two different behaviours.
#' *Overlapping values*, such as `"a b"` and `"b a"` are
#' currently always considered as separate matches if they are in different
#' keys, or as one match if the overlap is within the same key.
#' *Overlapped*
#' @keywords tokens
#' @seealso tokens_replace
#' @examples
#' toks1 <- tokens(data_corpus_inaugural)
#' dict1 <- dictionary(list(country = "united states",
#' law=c("law*", "constitution"),
#' freedom=c("free*", "libert*")))
#' dfm(tokens_lookup(toks1, dict1, valuetype = "glob", verbose = TRUE))
#' dfm(tokens_lookup(toks1, dict1, valuetype = "glob", verbose = TRUE, nomatch = "NONE"))
#' dict2 <- dictionary(list(country = "united states",
#' law = c("law", "constitution"),
#' freedom = c("freedom", "liberty")))
#' # dfm(applyDictionary(toks1, dict2, valuetype = "fixed"))
#' dfm(tokens_lookup(toks1, dict2, valuetype = "fixed"))
#' # hierarchical dictionary example
#' txt <- c(d1 = "The United States has the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.",
#' d2 = "Britain and Ireland have the Irish Sea and the English Channel.")
#' toks2 <- tokens(txt)
#' dict3 <- dictionary(list(US = list(Countries = c("States"),
#' oceans = c("Atlantic", "Pacific")),
#' Europe = list(Countries = c("Britain", "Ireland"),
#' oceans = list(west = "Irish Sea",
#' east = "English Channel"))))
#' tokens_lookup(toks2, dict3, levels = 1)
#' tokens_lookup(toks2, dict3, levels = 2)
#' tokens_lookup(toks2, dict3, levels = 1:2)
#' tokens_lookup(toks2, dict3, levels = 3)
#' tokens_lookup(toks2, dict3, levels = c(1,3))
#' tokens_lookup(toks2, dict3, levels = c(2,3))
#' # show unmatched tokens
#' tokens_lookup(toks2, dict3, nomatch = "_UNMATCHED")
#' # nested matching differences
#' dict4 <- dictionary(list(paper = "New York Times", city = "New York"))
#' toks4 <- tokens("The New York Times is a New York paper.")
#' tokens_lookup(toks4, dict4, nested_scope = "key", exclusive = FALSE)
#' tokens_lookup(toks4, dict4, nested_scope = "dictionary", exclusive = FALSE)
#' @importFrom RcppParallel RcppParallelLibs
#' @export
tokens_lookup <- function(x, dictionary, levels = 1:5,
valuetype = c("glob", "regex", "fixed"),
case_insensitive = TRUE,
capkeys = !exclusive,
exclusive = TRUE,
nomatch = NULL,
nested_scope = c("key", "dictionary"),
verbose = quanteda_options("verbose")) {
#' @export
tokens_lookup.default <- function(x, dictionary, levels = 1:5,
valuetype = c("glob", "regex", "fixed"),
case_insensitive = TRUE,
capkeys = !exclusive,
exclusive = TRUE,
nomatch = NULL,
nested_scope = c("key", "dictionary"),
verbose = quanteda_options("verbose")) {
stop(friendly_class_undefined_message(class(x), "tokens_lookup"))
#' @export
tokens_lookup.tokens <- function(x, dictionary, levels = 1:5,
valuetype = c("glob", "regex", "fixed"),
case_insensitive = TRUE,
capkeys = !exclusive,
exclusive = TRUE,
nomatch = NULL,
nested_scope = c("key", "dictionary"),
verbose = quanteda_options("verbose")) {
x <- as.tokens(x)
if (!is.dictionary(dictionary))
stop("dictionary must be a dictionary object")
valuetype <- match.arg(valuetype)
nested_scope <- match.arg(nested_scope)
attrs <- attributes(x)
type <- types(x)
if (verbose)
catm("applying a dictionary consisting of ", length(dictionary), " key",
if (length(dictionary) > 1L) "s" else "", "\n", sep = "")
ids <- pattern2list(dictionary, type, valuetype, case_insensitive,
field_object(attrs, "concatenator"), levels)
key <- attr(ids, "key")
id_key <- match(names(ids), key)
overlap <- match(nested_scope, c("key", "dictionary"))
if (capkeys)
key <- char_toupper(key)
if (exclusive) {
if (!is.null(nomatch)) {
result <- qatd_cpp_tokens_lookup(x, c(key, nomatch[1]), ids, id_key, overlap, 1)
} else {
result <- qatd_cpp_tokens_lookup(x, key, ids, id_key, overlap, 0)
} else {
if (!is.null(nomatch))
warning("nomatch only applies if exclusive = TRUE")
id_used <- unique(id_key)
result <- qatd_cpp_tokens_lookup(x, c(key[id_used], type), ids, match(id_key, id_used), overlap, 2)
field_object(attrs, "what") <- "dictionary"
rebuild_tokens(result, attrs)
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