#' Pipe operator
#' See \code{magrittr::\link[magrittr:pipe]{\%>\%}} for details.
#' @name %>%
#' @rdname pipe
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @usage lhs \%>\% rhs
# rdname catm
# messages() with some of the same syntax as cat(): takes a sep argument and
# does not append a newline by default
catm <- function(..., sep = " ", appendLF = FALSE) {
message(paste(..., sep = sep), appendLF = appendLF)
# used in displaying verbose messages for tokens_select and dfm_select
message_select <- function(selection, nfeats, ndocs, nfeatspad = 0, ndocspad = 0) {
catm(if (selection == "keep") "kept" else "removed", " ",
format(nfeats, big.mark = ",", scientific = FALSE),
" feature", if (nfeats != 1L) "s" else "", sep = "")
if (ndocs > 0) {
catm(" and ",
format(ndocs, big.mark = ",", scientific = FALSE),
" document", if (ndocs != 1L) "s" else "",
sep = "")
if ((nfeatspad + ndocspad) > 0) {
catm(", padded ", sep = "")
if (nfeatspad > 0) {
catm(format(nfeatspad, big.mark = ",", scientific = FALSE),
" feature", if (nfeatspad != 1L) "s" else "",
sep = "")
if (ndocspad > 0) {
if (nfeatspad > 0) catm(" and ", sep = "")
catm(format(ndocspad, big.mark = ",", scientific = FALSE),
" document", if (ndocspad != 1L) "s" else "",
sep = "")
catm("", appendLF = TRUE)
## reassign the slots to an S4 dfm-like object
## necessary when some operation from the Matrix class obliterates them
## Ken B
# reassign_slots <- function(x_new, x_org, exceptions = NULL) {
# snames <- slotNames(class(x_org))
# snames <- setdiff(snames, c("Dim", "Dimnames", "i", "p", "x", "factors", exceptions))
# for (sname in snames) {
# try({
# slot(x_new, sname) <- slot(x_org, sname)
# }, silent = TRUE)
# }
# x_new
# }
#' Function extending base::attributes()
#' @param x an object
#' @param overwrite if `TRUE`, overwrite old attributes
#' @param value new attributes
#' @keywords internal
"attributes<-" <- function(x, overwrite = TRUE, value) {
if (overwrite) {
base::attributes(x) <- value
} else {
base::attributes(x) <- c(base::attributes(x),
value[!(names(value) %in% names(base::attributes(x)))])
#' Function to assign multiple slots to a S4 object
#' @param x an S4 object
#' @param exceptions slots to ignore
#' @param value a list of attributes extracted by attributes()
#' @keywords internal
# "slots<-" <- function(x, exceptions = c("Dim", "Dimnames", "i", "p", "x", "factors"), value) {
# slot <- methods::getSlots(head(class(x)))
# for (name in names(value)) {
# if (!name %in% names(slot) || name %in% exceptions) next
# if (!identical(class(value[[name]]), unname(slot[name]))) next
# methods::slot(x, name) <- value[[name]]
# }
# return(x)
# }
#' Utility function to create a object with new set of attributes
#' @param x an underlying R object of a new object
#' @param attrs attributes of a new object
#' @param overwrite_attributes overwrite attributes of the input object, if `TRUE`
#' @keywords internal
create <- function(x, what, attrs = NULL, overwrite_attributes = FALSE, ...) {
if (what == "tokens") {
class <- c("tokens", "list")
x <- structure(x, class = class, ...)
if (!is.null(attrs)) {
attributes(x, overwrite_attributes) <- attrs
#' Convert various input as pattern to a vector used in tokens_select,
#' tokens_compound and kwic.
#' @inheritParams pattern
#' @inheritParams valuetype
#' @param concatenator concatenator that join multi-word expression in tokens object
#' @param levels only used when pattern is a dictionary
#' @param remove_unigram ignore single-word patterns if `TRUE`
#' @seealso [pattern2id()]
#' @keywords internal
pattern2list <- function(x, types, valuetype, case_insensitive,
concatenator = "_", levels = 1, remove_unigram = FALSE,
keep_nomatch = FALSE) {
if (is.dfm(x))
stop("dfm cannot be used as pattern")
if (is.collocations(x)) {
if (nrow(x) == 0) return(list())
temp <- stri_split_charclass(x$collocation, "\\p{Z}")
names(temp) <- x$collocation
if (case_insensitive) {
result <- pattern2id(temp, types, valuetype = "fixed", TRUE)
} else {
temp <- lapply(temp, function(x) fastmatch::fmatch(x, types))
result <- temp[unlist(lapply(temp, function(x) all(!is.na(x))), use.names = FALSE)]
attr(result, "pattern") <- match(names(result), names(temp))
} else {
if (length(x) == 0) return(list())
if (is.dictionary(x)) {
x <- as.dictionary(x)
temp <- flatten_dictionary(x, levels)
key <- names(temp)
temp <- split_values(temp, " ", concatenator)
} else if (is.list(x)) {
temp <- x
names(temp) <- stri_c_list(x, " ")
} else {
temp <- as.list(x)
names(temp) <- x
if (remove_unigram)
temp <- temp[lengths(temp) > 1] # drop single-word patterns
result <- pattern2id(temp, types, valuetype, case_insensitive, keep_nomatch)
attr(result, "pattern") <- match(names(result), names(temp))
if (is.dictionary(x))
attr(result, "key") <- key
#' Internal function for `select_types()` to check if a string is a regular expression
#' @param x a character string to be tested
#' @keywords internal
is_regex <- function(x) {
any(stri_detect_fixed(x, c(".", "(", ")", "^", "{", "}", "+", "$", "*", "?", "[", "]", "\\")))
#' Internal function for `select_types()` to escape regular expressions
#' This function escapes glob patterns before `utils:glob2rx()`, therefore * and ?
#' are unescaped.
#' @param x character vector to be escaped
#' @keywords internal
escape_regex <- function(x) {
stri_replace_all_regex(x, "([.()^\\{\\}+$\\[\\]\\\\])", "\\\\$1") # allow glob
#' Print friendly object class not defined message
#' Checks valid methods and issues a friendlier error message in case the method is
#' undefined for the supplied object type.
#' @param object_class character describing the object class
#' @param function_name character which is the function name
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' # as.tokens.default <- function(x, concatenator = "", ...) {
#' # stop(quanteda.core:::friendly_class_undefined_message(class(x), "as.tokens"))
#' # }
friendly_class_undefined_message <- function(object_class, function_name) {
valid_object_types <-
utils::methods(function_name) %>%
as.character() %>%
stringi::stri_replace_first_fixed(paste0(function_name, "."), "")
valid_object_types <- valid_object_types[valid_object_types != "default"]
paste0(function_name, "() only works on ",
paste(valid_object_types, collapse = ", "),
" objects.")
#' Raise warning of unused dots
#' @param ... dots to check
#' @keywords internal
unused_dots <- function(...) {
arg <- names(list(...))
if (length(arg) == 1) {
warning(arg[1], " argument is not used.", call. = FALSE)
} else if (length(arg) > 1) {
warning(paste0(arg, collapse = ", "), " arguments are not used.", call. = FALSE)
# function to check dots arguments against a list of permissible arguments
# needed for tokens.R only
# because (...) evaluated in parent fn is different from being passed through
check_dots <- function(dots, permissible_args = NULL) {
if (length(dots) == 0) return()
args <- names(dots)
arg <- setdiff(args, permissible_args)
if (length(arg) == 1) {
warning(arg[1], " argument is not used.", call. = FALSE)
} else if (length(arg) > 1) {
warning(paste0(arg, collapse = ", "), " arguments are not used.", call. = FALSE)
#' Return an error message
#' @param key type of error message
#' @keywords internal
message_error <- function(key = NULL) {
msg <- c("dfm_empty" = "dfm must have at least one non-zero value",
"fcm_empty" = "fcm must have at least one non-zero value",
"fcm_context" = "fcm must be created with a document context",
"matrix_mismatch" = "matrix must have the same rownames and colnames",
"docnames_mismatch" = "docnames must the the same length as x",
"docvars_mismatch" = "data.frame must have the same number of rows as documents",
"docvars_invalid" = "document variables cannot begin with the underscore",
"docvar_nofield" = "you must supply field name(s)",
"docvar_nocolname" = "data.frame must have column names")
if (is.null(key) || !key %in% names(msg)) {
#' Sample a vector by a group
#' Return a sample from a vector within a grouping variable.
#' @param x any vector
#' @param size the number of items to sample within each group, as a positive
#' number or a vector of numbers equal in length to the number of groups. If
#' `NULL`, the sampling is stratified by group in the original group
#' sizes.
#' @param group a grouping vector equal in length to `length(x)`
#' @param replace logical; should sampling be with replacement?
#' @return `x` resampled within groups
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' set.seed(100)
#' grvec <- c(rep("a", 3), rep("b", 4), rep("c", 3))
#' quanteda.core:::sample_bygroup(1:10, group = grvec, replace = FALSE)
#' quanteda.core:::sample_bygroup(1:10, group = grvec, replace = TRUE)
#' quanteda.core:::sample_bygroup(1:10, group = grvec, size = 2, replace = TRUE)
#' quanteda.core:::sample_bygroup(1:10, group = grvec, size = c(1, 1, 3), replace = TRUE)
sample_bygroup <- function(x, group, size = NULL, replace = FALSE) {
if (length(x) != length(group))
stop("group not equal in length of x")
x <- split(x, group)
if (is.null(size))
size <- lengths(x)
if (length(size) > 1 && length(size) != length(x))
stop("size not equal in length to the number of groups")
result <- mapply(function(x, size, replace) {
x[sample.int(length(x), size = size, replace = replace)]
}, x, size, replace, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
unlist(result, use.names = FALSE)
#' Get the package version that created an object
#' Return the the \pkg{quanteda} package version in which a [dfm],
#' [tokens], or [corpus] object was created.
#' @return A three-element integer vector of class "package_version". For
#' versions of the package < 1.5 for which no version was recorded in the
#' object, `c(1, 4, 0)` is returned.
#' @keywords internal utils
get_object_version <- function(x) {
if (is_pre2(x)) {
} else {
meta(x, field = "package-version", type = "system")
#' @rdname get_object_version
#' @return `ispre2()` returns `TRUE` if the object was created before
#' \pkg{quanteda} version 2, or `FALSE` otherwise
is_pre2 <- function(x) {
# internal function to rbind data.frames that have different columns
rbind_fill <- function(x, y) {
name1 <- names(x)
name2 <- names(y)
if (!identical(name1, name2)) {
name <- union(name1, name2)
name1_missing <- setdiff(name, name1)
if (length(name1_missing)) {
fill1 <- rep(list(rep(NA, nrow(x))), length(name1_missing))
names(fill1) <- name1_missing
x <- cbind(x, fill1)
name2_missing <- setdiff(name, name2)
if (length(name2_missing)) {
fill2 <- rep(list(rep(NA, nrow(y))), length(name2_missing))
names(fill2) <- name2_missing
y <- cbind(y, fill2)
return(rbind(x, y))
get_cache <- function(x, field, ...) {
#if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "SunOS")
# return(NULL)
meta <- meta(x, type = "all")
hash <- hash_object(x, ...)
if (identical(meta$object[[field]][["hash"]], hash)) {
result <- meta$object[[field]][["data"]]
} else {
result <- NULL
set_cache <- function(x, field, object, ...) {
#if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "SunOS")
# return()
meta <- meta(x, type = "all")
hash <- hash_object(x, ...)
meta$object[[field]] <- list("hash" = hash, "data" = object)
qatd_cpp_set_meta(x, meta)
clear_cache <- function(x, field) {
#if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "SunOS")
# return()
meta <- meta(x, type = "all")
if (field %in% names(meta$object)) {
meta$object[[field]] <- list()
qatd_cpp_set_meta(x, meta)
hash_object <- function(x, ...) {
attr(x, "meta") <- NULL
digest::digest(list(x, utils::packageVersion("quanteda.core"), ...),
algo = "sha256")
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