
Defines functions tokens_split.tokens tokens_split.default tokens_split

Documented in tokens_split

#' Split tokens by a separator pattern
#' Replaces tokens by multiple replacements consisting of elements split by a
#' separator pattern, with the option of retaining the separator.  This function
#' effectively reverses the operation of [tokens_compound()].
#' @param x a [tokens] object
#' @param separator a single-character pattern match by which tokens are separated
#' @inheritParams valuetype
#' @param remove_separator if `TRUE`, remove separator from new tokens
#' @examples
#' # undo tokens_compound()
#' toks1 <- tokens("pork barrel is an idiomatic multi-word expression")
#' tokens_compound(toks1, phrase("pork barrel"))
#' tokens_compound(toks1, phrase("pork barrel")) %>%
#'     tokens_split(separator = "_")
#' # similar to tokens(x, remove_hyphen = TRUE) but post-tokenization 
#' toks2 <- tokens("UK-EU negotiation is not going anywhere as of 2018-12-24.")
#' tokens_split(toks2, separator = "-", remove_separator = FALSE)
#' @keywords tokens
#' @export 
tokens_split <- function(x, separator = " ", valuetype = c("fixed", "regex"),
                         remove_separator = TRUE) {

#' @export
tokens_split.default <- function(x, separator = " ", valuetype = c("fixed", "regex"),
                                 remove_separator = TRUE) {
    stop(friendly_class_undefined_message(class(x), "tokens_split"))

#' @export
tokens_split.tokens <- function(x, separator = " ", valuetype = c("fixed", "regex"),
                                remove_separator = TRUE) {
    x <- as.tokens(x)
    valuetype <- match.arg(valuetype)
    if (length(separator) != 1)
        stop("separator must be a character")

    type <- types(x)
    if (valuetype == "regex") {
        type <- type[stri_detect_regex(type, separator)]
    } else {
        type <- type[stri_detect_fixed(type, separator)]

    pattern <- as.list(type)
    if (length(pattern) == 0) return(x)

    if (valuetype == "regex") {
        if (remove_separator) {
            type <- stri_replace_all_regex(type, separator, "\uE000")
        } else {
            type <- stri_replace_all_regex(type, separator, "\uE000$0\uE000")
    } else {
        if (remove_separator) {
            type <- stri_replace_all_fixed(type, separator, "\uE000")
        } else {
            type <- stri_replace_all_fixed(type, separator, stri_c("\uE000", separator, "\uE000"))

    replacement <- stri_split_fixed(type, "\uE000", omit_empty = TRUE)
    tokens_replace(x, pattern, replacement, "fixed", case_insensitive = FALSE)
koheiw/quanteda.core documentation built on Sept. 21, 2020, 3:44 p.m.