
Defines functions isDefaultHuberOrSmoothPsi .psi2propII .sprintPsiFunc .chgDefaults psiFuncRcpp fixTDefs

loadModule("psi_function_module", TRUE)

#' @importFrom robustbase psiFunc
#' @importClassesFrom robustbase psi_func
         slots = c(getRcppClass = "function",
                   getInstanceWithOriginalDefaults = "function"),
         contains = "psi_func")

fixTDefs <- function(..., defaultTDefs) {
  tDefs <- c(...)
  if (length(tDefs) > 0) {
    if (is.null(names(tDefs))) {
      if (length(tDefs) > length(defaultTDefs)) {
        stop("Expected only ", length(defaultTDefs), " arguments but got ",
             length(tDefs), ".")
      names(tDefs) <- names(defaultTDefs)[seq_along(tDefs)]
    } else {
      if (any(sapply(names(tDefs), is.null))) {
        stop("Either all parameters need to be named or none of them.")
    unknownTDefs <- setdiff(names(tDefs), names(defaultTDefs))
    if (length(unknownTDefs) > 0) {
      stop("Found tuning parameter names not present in defaults: ",
           paste(unknownTDefs, collapse = ", "), ".")
  missingTDefs <- setdiff(names(defaultTDefs), names(tDefs))
  if (length(missingTDefs) > 0) {
    tDefs <- c(tDefs, defaultTDefs[missingTDefs])
  if (length(tDefs) == 0) {
    tDefs <- c(`.` = NA_real_)
  } else {
    tDefs <- tDefs[names(defaultTDefs)]

psiFuncRcpp <- function(rcppClass, ...) {
  ..RcppClass.. <- rcppClass
  createInstance <- function() {
    if (length(..RcppClass..) == 1) {
    } else if (length(..RcppClass..) == 2) {
      innerInstance <- new(get(..RcppClass..[2]))
      return(new(get(..RcppClass..[1]), innerInstance))
    } else {
      stop("Can only have rcppClass of length 1 or 2.")
  ..Instance.. <- createInstance()
  ..TDefs.. <- fixTDefs(..., defaultTDefs = ..Instance..$tDefs())
  argNames <- paste(names(..TDefs..), collapse = ", ")
  getPointer <- function() {
    return(get(".pointer", envir = as.environment(..Instance..)))
  getInstance <- function(args) {
    if (isnull(getPointer())) {
      ..Instance.. <<- createInstance()
  createFun <- function(method, envir = parent.frame()) {
    text <- paste0("function(x, ", argNames, ") {\n",
                   "getInstance(c(", argNames, "))$", method, "(x) }")
    fun <- eval(parse(text = text), envir = envir)
    formals(fun)[-1] <- ..TDefs..
  createEFun <- function(method, envir = parent.frame()) {
    if (length(..TDefs..) == 1) {
      text <- paste0("function(", argNames, ") {\n",
                     "if (missing(", argNames, ")) {\n",
                     "return(getInstance(", argNames, ")$", method, "())\n",
                     "} else {\n",
                     "return(sapply(", argNames, ", function(arg)\n",
                     "getInstance(arg)$", method, "())) } }")
    } else {
      text <- paste0("function(", argNames, ") {\n",
                     "getInstance(c(", argNames, "))$", method, "() }")
    fun <- eval(parse(text = text), envir = envir)
    formals(fun) <- ..TDefs..
  rho <- createFun("rho")
  psi <- createFun("psi")
  wgt <- createFun("wgt")
  Dpsi <- createFun("Dpsi")
  Dwgt <- createFun("Dwgt")
  Erho <- createEFun("Erho")
  Epsi2 <- createEFun("Epsi2")
  EDpsi <- createEFun("EDpsi")
  func <- do.call(psiFunc,
                  c(list(rho, psi, wgt, Dpsi, Dwgt, Erho, Epsi2, EDpsi,
                         ..Instance..$name()), ..TDefs..))
  args <- list("psi_func_rcpp")
  for(slotName in slotNames("psi_func")) {
     args[[slotName]] <- slot(func, slotName)
  args[["getRcppClass"]] <- function() {
  args[["getInstanceWithOriginalDefaults"]] <- function() {
    instance <- createInstance()
  funcRcpp <- do.call("new", args)

##' \eqn{\psi}{Psi}-functions are used by \code{\link{rlmer}} in the estimating
##' equations and to compute robustness weights. Change tuning parameters using
##' \code{\link{chgDefaults}} and convert to squared robustness weights using
##' the \code{\link{psi2propII}} function.
##' The \bold{\dQuote{classical} \eqn{\psi}{psi}-function \code{cPsi}} can be
##' used to get a non-robust, i.e., classical, fit. The \code{psi} slot equals
##' the identity function, and the \code{rho} slot equals quadratic function.
##' Accordingly, the robustness weights will always be 1 when using \code{cPsi}.
##' The \bold{Huber \eqn{\psi}{psi}-function \code{huberPsi}} is identical to
##' the one in the package \code{robustbase}. The \code{psi} slot equals the
##' identity function within \eqn{\pm k}{+-k} (where \eqn{k}{k} is the tuning
##' parameter). Outside this interval it is equal to \eqn{\pm k}{+-k}. The
##' \code{rho} slot equals the quadratic function within \eqn{\pm k}{+-k} and a
##' linear function outside.
##' The \bold{smoothed Huber \eqn{\psi}{psi}-function} is very similar to the
##' regular Huber \eqn{\psi}{psi}-function. Instead of a sharp bend like the
##' Huber function, the smoothed Huber function bends smoothly. The first tuning
##' contant, k, can be compared to the tuning constant of the original Huber
##' function. The second tuning constant, s, determines the smoothness of the
##' bend.
##' @title Classical, Huber and smoothed Huber psi- or rho-functions
##' @name psi-functions
##' @rdname psi-functions
##' @aliases cPsi smoothPsi SmoothPsi PsiFunction huberPsiRcpp
##' @usage ## see examples
##' @seealso \code{\link{chgDefaults}} and \code{\link{psi2propII}} for changing
##'   tuning parameters; \code{\link[robustbase]{psi_func-class}} for a more detailed
##'   description of the slots;
##' @examples
##' plot(cPsi)
##' plot(huberPsiRcpp)
##' plot(smoothPsi)
##' curve(cPsi@psi(x), 0, 3, col="blue")
##' curve(smoothPsi@psi(x), 0, 3, add=TRUE)
##' curve(huberPsiRcpp@psi(x), 0, 3, add=TRUE, col="green")
##' @export cPsi
setLoadAction(function(ns) assign("cPsi", psiFuncRcpp("PsiFunction"), envir = ns))

##' @export huberPsiRcpp
setLoadAction(function(ns) assign("huberPsiRcpp", psiFuncRcpp("HuberPsi"), envir = ns))

##' @export smoothPsi
setLoadAction(function(ns) assign("smoothPsi", psiFuncRcpp("SmoothPsi"), envir = ns))

.chgDefaults <- function(object, ...) {
  if (identical(object, cPsi))
  clone <- do.call(psiFuncRcpp,
                     fixTDefs(..., defaultTDefs = object@tDefs)))
##' Change the default arguments for a psi_func_rcpp object
##' @note Note that names of named arguments are ignored. Only the order of the
##' arguments considered when assigning new arguments.
##' @title Change default arguments
##' @name chgDefaults
##' @aliases chgDefaults,psi_func_rcpp-method
##' @param object instance to convert
##' @param ... arguments to change
##' @keywords utilities
##' @examples
##' sPsi <- chgDefaults(smoothPsi, k=2)
##' curve(sPsi@@psi(x), 0, 3)
##' curve(smoothPsi@@psi(x), 0, 3, col="blue", add=TRUE)
##' @rdname chgDefaults
##' @export
setMethod("chgDefaults", signature("psi_func_rcpp"), .chgDefaults)

.sprintPsiFunc <- function(x, short=FALSE) {
  v <- x@tDefs
  n <- names(v)
  ## do not print a single dummy parameter "."
  if (length(n) == 1 && n == ".") {
    v <- numeric(0)
    n <- character(0)
  name <- x@name
  if (short) name <- gsub('\\s?(psi|function|\\(.*\\))', '', name)
  if (length(v) >= 1) {
    paste(name, " (",
          paste(n, round(v, 3), sep = " = ", collapse = ", "), ")",
  } else name

##' Converts the psi_func object into a function that corresponds to Proposal
##' 2, i.e., a function of the squared weights. The other elements of the
##' psi_func object are adapted accordingly.
##' @title Convert to Proposal 2 weight function
##' @param object instance of Rcpp_PsiFunction class to convert
##' @param ... optional, new default arguments passed to chgDefaults.
##' @param adjust logical, whether tuning parameters should be adjusted
##'   automatically, such that the scale estimate has the same asymptotic
##'   efficiency as the location estimate.
##' @aliases psi2propII,Rcpp_SmoothPsi
##' @keywords utilities
##' @examples
##' par(mfrow=c(2,1))
##' plot(smoothPsi)
##' plot(psi2propII(smoothPsi))
##' @export
setGeneric("psi2propII", function(object, ..., adjust = FALSE) standardGeneric("psi2propII"))
##' @exportMethod psi2propII psi_func_rcpp

.psi2propII <- function(object, ..., adjust = FALSE) {
  if (identical(object, cPsi))
  if (object@getRcppClass()[1] == "PsiFunctionToPropIIPsiFunctionWrapper") {
    stop("Cannot apply psi2propII multiple times.")
  func <- do.call(psiFuncRcpp,
                         fixTDefs(..., defaultTDefs = object@tDefs))))
  if (adjust) {
      if (isDefaultHuberOrSmoothPsi(object)) {
          ## skip computation and use value as recommended in docs
          adjustedTuningParameter <- 2.28
      } else {
        targetEfficiency <- asymptoticEfficiency(object, "location")
        adjustedTuningParameter <- findTuningParameter(targetEfficiency, func, "scale")
    func <- chgDefaults(func, k = adjustedTuningParameter)

isDefaultHuberOrSmoothPsi <- function(object) {
    return(identical(object, smoothPsi) || identical(object, huberPsiRcpp))

##' @rdname psi2propII
setMethod("psi2propII", signature("psi_func_rcpp"), .psi2propII)
kollerma/robustlmm documentation built on Jan. 14, 2024, 2:18 a.m.