
#mixnorm distribution

dmixnorm = function(x, mus, sigmas, probs){
  # if(sum(probs)!=1) stop('check all the weights')
  if (length(unique(length(mus), length(sigmas), length(probs))) != 1){
    stop('Check your number of means, sds, unnormalized_weights')

  mapply(function(mu_, sigma_, p_) p_*dnorm(x = x, mean = mu_, sd = sigma_), mus, sigmas, probs) %>%
      if(!is.array(yy) || length(dn <- dim(yy)) < 2L) sum(yy)
      else rowSums(yy)
    } )

pmixnorm = function(x, mus, sigmas, probs){
  # if(sum(probs)!=1) stop('check all the weights')
  if (length(unique(length(mus), length(sigmas), length(probs))) != 1){
    stop('Check your number of means, sds, unnormalized_weights')

  mapply(function(mu_, sigma_, p_) p_*pnorm(q = x, mean = mu_, sd = sigma_), mus, sigmas, probs) %>%
      if(!is.array(yy) || length(dn <- dim(yy)) < 2L) sum(yy)
      else rowSums(yy)
    } )

qmixnorm = function(p, mus, sigmas, probs, interval = c(-10**6, 10**6)){
  # if(sum(probs)!=1) stop('check all the weights')
  if (length(unique(length(mus), length(sigmas), length(probs))) != 1){
    stop('Check your number of means, sds, unnormalized_weights')

  sapply(p, FUN = function(pp){
    uniroot(f = function(x) {pmixnorm(x, mus, sigmas, probs)-pp},
            interval = interval,
            extendInt = 'yes')$root

normalise_weights = function(unnormalized_weights){
  unnormalized_weights / sum(unnormalized_weights)

rmixnorm = function(n, mus, sigmas, probs) {
  # if(sum(probs)!=1) stop('check all the weights')
  if (length(unique(length(mus), length(sigmas), length(probs))) != 1){
    stop('Check your number of means, sds, unnormalized_weights')

  rmultinom(n = 1, size = n, prob = probs) %>%
    as.numeric() %>%
    (function(x) {
      mapply(FUN = function(n_, mean_, sd_) {rnorm(n_, mean_, sd_)}, x, mus, sigmas)
    }) %>%
    unlist() %>%
konkam/RTTanalyse documentation built on May 20, 2019, 12:55 p.m.