#' Reading in and formatting profile data
#' \code{pmfprof} Read in profile data
#' These are functions to read in and format PMF output profiles
#' @title pmfprof
#' @param dat full path to original constituent dataset
#' @param dir path to PMF result
#' @param prefix prefix of PMF result
#' @param constrain was constrained PMF run? (default = F)
#' @param cn optional column names for sources
#' @param scale whether to scale profiles (default = F)
#' @param rms character vector of constituents removed from PMF run
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Save nycdat.csv and PMF output to working directory
#' prof <- pmfprof("nycdat.csv", prefix = "pmfdatex")
#' print(prof)
#' plot(prof)
#' summary(prof)
pmfprof <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("pmfprof")
#' @rdname pmfprof
#' @export
pmfprof.default <- function(dat, dir = "./", rms = NULL, prefix, constrain = F,
cn = NULL, scale = F, sep = ",") {
# read in constituent data
dat <- read.table(dat, header = T, sep = sep)
# remove constituents from original data
if(!is.null(rms)) {
dat <- dat[, -which(colnames(dat) %in% rms)]
# set dimensions of constituent data
P <- ncol(dat) - 1
T <- nrow(dat)
# read in PMF profile data
base <- read.table(file.path(dir, paste0(prefix, "_profiles.txt")),
skip = 4, nrows = P)[, -1]
# if constrained PMF was run
if(constrain) {
stop("not tested!")
# read constrained diagnostics, get profiles
pathcon <- file.path(dir1, paste0(prefix, "_Constrained_diagnostics.txt"))
constr <- readLines(pathcon)
skips <- which(substr(constr, 1, 21) == "Factor Profiles (conc")
constr <- read.table(pathcon, skip = skips + 1, nrows = P)[, -1]
# else constr is missing
} else{
constr <- NULL
# format profile output
profs <- formatprof(base, cn, constr, scale)
profs$call <- match.call()
x <- dplyr::filter(profs$long, Type == "base") %>% select(., -Type)
profs$wide <- spread(x, Source, value)
class(profs) <- "pmfprof"
# output profiles
#' \code{formatprof} Formats PMF profile output
#' @title formatprof
#' @param base base profile data read from *_profiles.txt
#' @param constr constrained output
#' @param cn optional column names
#' @param scale whether to row standardize (default = F)
formatprof <- function(base, cn = NULL, constr = NULL, scale = F) {
# Set number of sources
L <- ncol(base) - 1
# If no column names, name as factor
if(is.null(cn)) {
cn <- paste0("Factor", seq(1 : L))
# Create column names and apply
cn1 <- c("cons", cn)
colnames(base) <- cn1
# Add type
base <- mutate(base, Type = "base")
# If constrained also, name columns
if(!is.null(constr)) {
stop("not tested!")
colnames(constr) <- cn1
# Join with base
constr <- mutate(constr, Type = "constraint")
prof <- full_join(base, constr)
} else{
prof <- base
# If scale, then row standardize
if(scale) {
# Get row sums
pr1 <- select(prof, -cons, -Type)
rs <- rowSums(pr1)
prof <- mutate_at(prof, vars(-cons, -Type), funs(div(., rs = rs)))
# Reshape
prof <- gather(prof, Source, value, -cons, -Type)
# Reorder
prof$Source <- factor(prof$Source, levels = cn)
# Return formatted profiles
return(list(long = prof))
#' @title div
#' @param vec vector of source
#' @param rs row sums
div <- function(vec, rs) {vec / rs}
#' @rdname pmfprof
#' @export
print.pmfprof <- function(x) {
#' @rdname pmfprof
#' @export
plot.pmfprof <- function(x, scale = T, type = F, size = 12) {
# type is whether to color by type, scale is whether proportion or units,
# size is size of text on x axis
# Create y label
ylab1 <- ifelse(scale, "Proportion of species", "Concentration units")
# If multiple types
prof <- x$long
if(type) {
g1 <- ggplot(prof, aes(x = cons, y = value, fill = Type))
} else{
# Get number of constituents
P <- length(unique(prof$cons))
# Set color
cols <- rep(brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"),length = P)
# Plot by constituent
g1 <- ggplot(prof, aes(x = cons, y = value, fill = cons)) +
scale_fill_manual(values = cols)
# Add bars, formatting
g1 <- g1 + geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +
theme_bw() + xlab("") + ylab(ylab1) +
theme(text = element_text(size = 12),
axis.text.x = element_text(size = size, angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5)) +
facet_wrap(~ Source, ncol = 2)
# if(!type) {
g1 <- g1 + theme(legend.position = "top")
# }
#' @export
summary.pmfprof <- function(x, ...) {
nsource <- ncol(x$wide) - 1
ncons <- nrow(x$wide)
res <- list(nsource = nsource, ncons = ncons,
call = match.call())
class(res) <- "summary.pmfprof"
#' @export
print.summary.pmfprof <- function(x) {
cat("Number of sources:", x$nsource, "\n")
cat("Number of constituents:", x$ncons, "\b")
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