
Defines functions build_opts default_table_names build_layers_list merge_table_plot_opts build_aes_and_non_aes_lists build_opts_wrapper

Documented in build_aes_and_non_aes_lists build_layers_list build_opts build_opts_wrapper default_table_names merge_table_plot_opts

# These are 'opts-mergers', which allow the user to supply partially specified
# lists, and fill in the remaining automatically.

# table-opts -------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Build Opts lists
#' @param n_tables The number of tables for which to construct opts.
#' @param layers_list A list containing which layer attributes to plot for
#'  every layer. See the function \code{build_layers_list()} for more
#'  details.
#' @param aes_list A list containing the aesthetics attributes for every
#'  layer. See \code{build_aes_and_non_aes_lits()} for more details.
#' @param non_aes_list The list containing the non-data-driven aesthetics
#'  attributes for every layer. See \code{build_aes_and_non_aes_lits()} for
#'  more details.
#' @param facet_vector A vector containing column names in the annotation data
#'  to use for faceting.
#' @return opts A list that can be input into \code{plot_mvar_from_opts()}.
#' @export
build_opts <- function(n_tables, layers_list, aes_list, non_aes_list,
                       facet_vector = NULL) {
  opts <- rep(list(list()), n_tables)

  for(cur_table in seq_len(n_tables)) {
    opts[[cur_table]]$facet_vector <- facet_vector
    opts[[cur_table]]$layers_list <- layers_list[[cur_table]]
    opts[[cur_table]]$aes_list <- aes_list[[cur_table]]
    opts[[cur_table]]$non_aes_list <- non_aes_list[[cur_table]]

#' @title Get the tables to put into an mvarTable object
#' @description For ade4, we need to specify the row and columns scores to
#' output, depending on the method.
#' @param method The name of the ordination method from which we want to
#'  extract scores.
#' @return If the method is implemented in ade4, the names of the tables that
#'  give the row and column scores.
#' @export
default_table_names <- function(method) {
         "dudi" = c("li", "co"),
         "ade4_pca" = c("li", "co"),
         "acm" = c("li", "co"),
         "coa" = c("li", "co"),
         "fca" = c("li", "co"),
         "fpca" = c("li", "co"),
         "pco" = c("li"),
         "hillsmith" = c("li", "co"),
         "mix" = c("li", "co"),
         "nsc" = c("li", "co"),
         "dpcoa" = c("l1", "l2"),
         "decorana" = c("site", "species"),
         "metaMDS"  = c(),
         "isomap" = c(),
         "isoMDS" = c(),
         "vegan_cca" = c(),
         "cca"  = c(),
         "rda" = c(),
         "CCorA" = c("corr.X.Cx", "corr.X.Cy", "corr.Y.Cx", "corr.Y.Cy"),
         "procuste" = c("scorX", "scorY"),
         "coinertia" = c("li", "co"),
         "factominer_pca" = c("ind", "var"),
         "PCA" =  c("ind", "var"),
         "MFA" = c("ind", "quanti.var"),
         "CA" = c("row", "col"),
         "DMFA" = c("ind", "var", "group"),
         "FAMD" = c("ind", "var"),
         "HMFA" = c("ind", "quanti.var"),
         "MCA" = c("ind", "var"))

# plot-opts --------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Construct Layers List
#' @description Here are some defaults for layers options that are commonly
#' used. The pre-set options currently are
#'    points: We plot points for each layer. If no color aesthetic associated
#'      with row or column annotation is provided, each layer of points will
#'      be a different color. This is the default plot.
#'    text: This plots text for every layer.
#'    point-text: This plots points for the first layer and text for the second
#'      layer. Only applies to tables with two layers.
#'    text-point: This plots text for the first layer and points for the second.
#'    points-and-text: This shows both points and slightly offset points for
#'      every layer.
#'    point-text-arrow: This plots points for the first layer, and both text
#'      and arrows for the second layer.
#' @param n_tables How many tables are in the mvarTable object to plot?
#' @param layers_list A string specifying the type of layers to include.
#' @return layers_list A list of lists, whose i^th element is a list describing
#'  the ggplot layers to include for the i^th table.
#' @export
build_layers_list <- function(n_tables, layers_list = "point") {
  if(is.character(layers_list)) {
    # Case that user has specified a preset option, rather than a full character list
    layers_list <- switch(layers_list,
                          "point" = rep(list(list(point = TRUE)), n_tables),
                          "text" = rep(list(list(point = FALSE, text = TRUE)), n_tables),
                          "point-text" = list(list(point = TRUE), list(text = TRUE, point = FALSE)),
                          "text-point" = list(list(point = FALSE, text = TRUE), list(point = TRUE)),
                          "points-and-text" = rep(list(list(point = TRUE, text = TRUE)), n_tables),
                          "point-text-arrow" = list(list(points = TRUE), list(points = FALSE, text = TRUE, arrow = TRUE)),
                          "contour" = rep(list(list(point = FALSE, contour= TRUE)), n_tables),
                          "density" = rep(list(list(point = FALSE, density= TRUE)), n_tables),
                          "point-and-contour" = rep(list(list(point = TRUE, contour= TRUE)), n_tables),
                          "point-and-density" = rep(list(list(point = TRUE, density= TRUE)), n_tables)
  return (layers_list)

#' @title Supply Default Table Plotting Options
#' @param opts A list of plotting options, for which we need to merge
#'    unspecified elements.
#' @return opts An updated list of plotting options.
#' @export
merge_table_plot_opts <- function(opts = list()) {
  if(is.null(opts$aes_list)) opts$aes_list <- list()
  if(is.null(opts$layers_list)) opts$layers_list <- list()
  if(is.null(opts$non_aes_list)) opts$non_aes_list <- list()

  default_aes_list <- list(x = "axis_1", y = "axis_2", col = NULL,
                           fill = NULL, shape = NULL, size = NULL,
                           label = "label")
  opts$aes_list <- modifyList(default_aes_list, opts$aes_list)
  default_layers_list <- list(point = TRUE, text = FALSE, arrow = FALSE,
                              contour = FALSE, density = FALSE)
  opts$layers_list <- modifyList(default_layers_list, opts$layers_list)
  default_non_aes_list <- list()
  opts$non_aes_list <- modifyList(default_non_aes_list, opts$non_aes_list)
  return (opts)

#' @title Construct Aesthetics List
#' @description While the plot\_mvar\_from\_opts is very flexible, it does not
#' provide an easy to use interface for the most common plotting procedures. This
#' provides some of the default plotting options for aes lists (those whose names
#' are columns in the mvar object) and non-aes lists (those that are not related
#' to the data, for example, calling geom_text() with col = "red".)
#' @param mvar_object The mvar_object that we would like to plot.
#' @param x The column name specifying the x-axis in the ordination. Defaults
#'  to axis_1 for each coord object in the mvar.
#' @param y The column name specifying the y-axis in the ordination. Defaults
#'  to axis_2 for each coord object in the mvar.
#' @param col The color to use for points or text in the plot. This can either
#'  be a column in one or more of the annotation objects, in which case the
#'  values from that annotation will be used for coloring, or a string specifying
#'  the actual color to use.
#' @param shape The points to use for points in the plot. This can either
#'  be a column in one or more of the annotation objects, in which case the
#'  values from that annotation will be used for coloring, or a string specifying
#'  the actual color to use.
#' @param size The size of points in the plot. This can either be a column in
#'  one or more of the annotation objects, in which case the values from that
#'  annotation will be used for coloring, or a string specifying the actual color
#'  to use.
#' @param label The label to use for text in the plot. This can either be a column in
#'  one or more of the annotation objects, in which case the values from that
#'  annotation will be used for coloring, or a string specifying the actual color
#'  to use.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed on to layer. These are often aesthetics,
#'  used to set an aesthetic to a fixed value. They may also be parameters
#'  to the paired geom/stat.
#' @return Two lists containing the aes and non aes options. Both lists have
#'  length given by the number layers in the mvar object. The i^th component
#'  contains directions for plotting the i^th layer. The aes list contains
#'  options that are column names in the corresponding annotation, the non-aes
#'  components are not in the data annotation.
#' @export
build_aes_and_non_aes_lists <- function(mvar_table, x = "axis_1", y = "axis_2",
                                        col = NULL, fill = NULL, shape = NULL,
                                        size = NULL, label = NULL, ...) {
  n_tables <- length(mvar_table)
  aes_list <- rep(list(list()), n_tables)
  non_aes_list <- rep(list(list()), n_tables)
  for(cur_table in seq_len(n_tables)) {

    # if the data does not have any color annotation already, set color to be
    # the index of the desired layer.
    cur_col <- ifelse(is.null(col), cur_table, col)
    cur_fill <- fill
    if(is.null(cur_fill)) {
      if(cur_col != "black") {
        cur_fill <- cur_col

    cur_colnames <- colnames(mvar_table[[cur_table]]@annotation)
    all_colnames <- unlist(lapply(mvar_table, function(x) colnames(x@annotation)))
    full_aes_list <- list(col = cur_col, fill = cur_fill, shape = shape,
                          size = size, label = label, ...)
    cur_ix <- which(full_aes_list %in% cur_colnames)
    any_ix <- which(full_aes_list %in% all_colnames)
    aes_list[[cur_table]] <- c(list(x = x, y = y), full_aes_list[cur_ix])
    non_aes_list[[cur_table]] <- full_aes_list[setdiff(1:length(full_aes_list), any_ix)]
  list(aes_list = aes_list, non_aes_list = non_aes_list)

#' @title Wrap options building process
#' @description When building default options, a common sequence is 1) build
#' the layers list, 2) build the aesthetics list, and then 3) build the opts
#' list. This encapsulates this process.
#' @param mvar_table The mvar_table that we would like to plot.
#' @param x The column name specifying the x-axis in the ordination. Defaults
#'  to axis_1 for each coord object in the mvar.
#' @param y The column name specifying the y-axis in the ordination. Defaults
#'  to axis_2 for each coord object in the mvar.
#' @param col The color to use for points or text in the plot. This can either
#'  be a column in one or more of the annotation objects, in which case the
#'  values from that annotation will be used for coloring, or a string specifying
#'  the actual color to use.
#' @param shape The points to use for points in the plot. This can either
#'  be a column in one or more of the annotation objects, in which case the
#'  values from that annotation will be used for coloring, or a string specifying
#'  the actual color to use.
#' @param size The size of points in the plot. This can either be a column in
#'  one or more of the annotation objects, in which case the values from that
#'  annotation will be used for coloring, or a string specifying the actual color
#'  to use.
#' @param label The label to use for text in the plot. This can either be a column in
#'  one or more of the annotation objects, in which case the values from that
#'  annotation will be used for coloring, or a string specifying the actual color
#'  to use.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed on to layer. These are often aesthetics,
#'  used to set an aesthetic to a fixed value. They may also be parameters
#'  to the paired geom/stat.
#' @param facet_vector A vector containing column names in the annotation data
#'  to use for faceting.
#' @return Two lists containing the aes and non aes options. Both lists have
#'  length given by the number layers in the mvar object. The i^th component
#'  contains directions for plotting the i^th layer. The aes list contains
#'  options that are column names in the corresponding annotation, the non-aes
#'  components are not in the data annotation.
#' @export
build_opts_wrapper <- function(mvar_table, layers_list = "point", x = "axis_1",
                               y = "axis_2", col = NULL, fill = NULL,
                               shape = NULL, size = NULL, label = NULL,
                               facet_vector = NULL, ...) {
  layers_list <- build_layers_list(length(mvar_table), layers_list)
  full_list <- build_aes_and_non_aes_lists(mvar_table, x, y, col, fill,
                                           shape, size, label, ...)
  build_opts(length(mvar_table), layers_list, full_list$aes_list,
             full_list$non_aes_list, facet_vector)
krisrs1128/mvarVis documentation built on Oct. 13, 2019, 11:14 p.m.