
Defines functions print_glimpse_table_fk collapse_key_names print_glimpse_table_pk print_glimpse_table_name print_glimpse_table print_rule_between_tables print_glimpse_table_meta glimpse.dm_zoomed glimpse.dm as.list.dm_zoomed as.list.dm pull_tbl.dm_zoomed pull_tbl.dm pull_tbl empty_dm all_same_source dm_reset_all_filters tbl_vars.dm_zoomed tbl_vars.dm dimnames.dm_zoomed dim.dm_zoomed collect.dm_zoomed collect.dm compute.dm src_tbls_impl dm_get_keyed_tables_impl tbl_def_impl tbl_impl keyed_tbl_impl str.dm_zoomed str.dm `length<-.dm` length.dm_zoomed length.dm `names<-.dm` names.dm_zoomed names.dm `[<-.dm` `[.dm_zoomed` `[.dm` `[[<-.dm` `[[.dm_zoomed` `[[.dm` `$<-.dm` `$.dm_zoomed` `$.dm` format.dm_zoomed_df tbl_sum.dm_zoomed_df new_dm_zoomed_df as_dm_zoomed_df def_get_n_fks def_get_n_pks def_get_n_columns def_get_n_tables format.dm_zoomed format.dm show_dm print.dm_zoomed print.dm as_dm.DBIConnection as_dm.src tbl_src as_dm.default as_dm is_dm dm_get_zoom unnest_pks new_filter new_fk new_uk new_pk dm_get_def dm_from_def new_dm_def new_keyed_dm_def new_dm dm_impl dm

Documented in as_dm collect.dm compute.dm dm glimpse.dm glimpse.dm_zoomed is_dm new_dm pull_tbl

#' Data model class
#' @description
#' The `dm` class holds a list of tables and their relationships.
#' It is inspired by [datamodelr](https://github.com/bergant/datamodelr),
#' and extends the idea by offering operations to access the data in the tables.
#' `dm()` creates a `dm` object from [tbl] objects
#' (tibbles or lazy data objects).
#' @param ... Tables or existing `dm` objects to add to the `dm` object.
#'   Unnamed tables are auto-named, `dm` objects must not be named.
#' @param .name_repair,.quiet Options for name repair.
#'   Forwarded as `repair` and `quiet` to [vctrs::vec_as_names()].
#' @return For `dm()`, `new_dm()`, `as_dm()`: A `dm` object.
#' @seealso
#' - [dm_from_con()] for connecting to all tables in a database
#'   and importing the primary and foreign keys
#' - [dm_get_tables()] for returning a list of tables
#' - [dm_add_pk()] and [dm_add_fk()] for adding primary and foreign keys
#' - [copy_dm_to()] for DB interaction
#' - [dm_draw()] for visualization
#' - [dm_flatten_to_tbl()] for flattening
#' - [dm_filter()] for filtering
#' - [dm_select_tbl()] for creating a `dm` with only a subset of the tables
#' - [dm_nycflights13()]  for creating an example `dm` object
#' - [decompose_table()] for table surgery
#' - [check_key()] and [check_subset()] for checking for key properties
#' - [examine_cardinality()] for checking the cardinality of the relation between two tables
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dm(trees, mtcars)
#' new_dm(list(trees = trees, mtcars = mtcars))
#' as_dm(list(trees = trees, mtcars = mtcars))
#' @examplesIf rlang::is_installed(c("nycflights13", "dbplyr"))
#' is_dm(dm_nycflights13())
#' dm_nycflights13()$airports
#' dm_nycflights13()["airports"]
#' dm_nycflights13()[["airports"]]
#' dm_nycflights13() %>% names()
dm <- function(...,
               .name_repair = c("check_unique", "unique", "universal", "minimal"),
               .quiet = FALSE) {
  quos <- enquos(...)
  names <- names2(quos)

  dots <- map(quos, eval_tidy)

  is_dm <- map_lgl(dots, is_dm)

  for (i in which(is_dm)) {
    if (names[[i]] != "") {
        "All dm objects passed to `dm()` must be unnamed.",
        i = paste0("Argument ", i, " has name ", tick(names[[i]]), ".")

    if (is_zoomed(dots[[i]])) {
        "All dm objects passed to `dm()` must be unzoomed.",
        i = paste0("Argument ", i, " is a zoomed dm.")

  # FIXME: check not zoomed, prettier
  stopifnot(names2(quos)[is_dm] == "")

  dm_tbl <- dm_impl(dots[!is_dm], names(quos_auto_name(quos[!is_dm])))
  def <- dm_bind_impl(c(dots[is_dm], list(dm_tbl)), .name_repair, .quiet, repair_arg = "")

  # Validation occurs in CI/CD

dm_impl <- function(tbls, names) {
  names(tbls) <- names

#' A low-level constructor
#' @description
#' `new_dm()` is a low-level constructor that creates a new `dm` object.
#' - If called without arguments, it will create an empty `dm`.
#' - If called with arguments, no validation checks will be made to ascertain that
#'   the inputs are of the expected class and internally consistent;
#'   use [dm_validate()] to double-check the returned object.
#' @param tables A named list of the tables (tibble-objects, not names),
#'   to be included in the `dm` object.
#' @examplesIf rlang::is_installed("nycflights13")
#' library(dm)
#' library(nycflights13)
#' # using `data.frame` objects
#' new_dm(tibble::lst(weather, airports))
#' # using `dm_keyed_tbl` objects
#' dm <- dm_nycflights13()
#' y1 <- dm$planes %>%
#'   mutate() %>%
#'   select(everything())
#' y2 <- dm$flights %>%
#'   left_join(dm$airlines, by = "carrier")
#' new_dm(list("tbl1" = y1, "tbl2" = y2))
#' @rdname dm
#' @export
new_dm <- function(tables = list()) {
  def <- new_keyed_dm_def(tables)

new_keyed_dm_def <- function(tables = list()) {
  is_keyed <- map_lgl(unname(tables), is_dm_keyed_tbl)
  if (!any(is_keyed)) {

  # data should be saved as a tibble
  unclassed_tables <- map(tables, unclass_keyed_tbl)

  pks_df <- pks_df_from_keys_info(tables[is_keyed])
  uks_df <- uks_df_from_keys_info(tables[is_keyed])
  fks_df <- fks_df_from_keys_info(tables[is_keyed])

  new_dm_def(unclassed_tables, pks_df, uks_df, fks_df)

new_dm_def <- function(tables = list(), pks_df = NULL, uks_df = NULL, fks_df = NULL) {
  # Legacy
  data <- unname(tables)
  table <- names2(tables)

  stopifnot(all(pks_df$table %in% table))
  stopifnot(all(uks_df$table %in% table))
  stopifnot(all(fks_df$table %in% table))

  def <- fast_tibble(
    table = table,
    data = data,
    segment = NA_character_,
    display = NA_character_,
    pks = list_of(new_pk()),
    uks = list_of(new_uk()),
    fks = list_of(new_fk()),
    filters = list_of(new_filter()),
    zoom = list(NULL),
    col_tracker_zoom = list(NULL),
    uuid = vec_new_uuid_along(table),

  if (!is.null(pks_df)) {
    def$pks[match(pks_df$table, def$table)] <- map(pks_df$pks, `%||%`, new_pk())
  if (!is.null(uks_df)) {
    def$uks[match(uks_df$table, def$table)] <- map(uks_df$uks, `%||%`, new_pk())
  if (!is.null(fks_df)) {
    def$fks[match(fks_df$table, def$table)] <- map(fks_df$fks, `%||%`, new_pk())


dm_from_def <- function(def, zoomed = FALSE, validate = TRUE) {
  if (is.null(def[["uuid"]])) {
    def$uuid <- vec_new_uuid_along(def$table)
  } else {
    missing <- which(is.na(def$uuid))
    if (length(missing) > 0) {
      def$uuid[missing] <- vec_new_uuid_along(missing)

  class <- c(
    if (zoomed) "dm_zoomed",
  out <- structure(list(def = def), class = class, version = 4L)

  # Enable for strict tests (search for INSTRUMENT in .github/workflows):
  # if (validate) { dm_validate(out) } # INSTRUMENT: validate


dm_get_def <- function(x, quiet = FALSE) {
  # FIXME: Move that check to callers, for speed
  # Most callers already call it, but not all

  if (!identical(attr(x, "version"), 4L)) {
    x <- dm_upgrade(x, quiet)


new_pk <- function(column = list(), autoincrement = logical(length(column))) {
  stopifnot(is.list(column), is.logical(autoincrement))
  fast_tibble(column = column, autoincrement = autoincrement)

new_uk <- function(column = list()) {
  fast_tibble(column = column)

new_fk <- function(ref_column = list(),
                   table = character(),
                   column = list(),
                   on_delete = character()) {
    length(table) == length(column),
    length(table) == length(ref_column),
    length(on_delete) %in% c(1L, length(table))

    ref_column = ref_column,
    table = table,
    column = column,
    on_delete = on_delete

new_filter <- function(quos = list(), zoomed = logical()) {
  fast_tibble(filter_expr = unclass(quos), zoomed = zoomed)

unnest_pks <- function(def) {
  # Optimized
  pk_df <- tibble(
    table = rep(def$table, map_int(def$pks, nrow))

  pk_df <- vec_cbind(pk_df, vec_rbind(!!!def$pks))

  # FIXME: Should work better with dplyr 0.9.0
  if (!("column" %in% names(pk_df))) {
    pk_df$column <- character()


dm_get_zoom <- function(x, cols = c("table", "zoom"), quiet = FALSE) {
  # Performance
  def <- dm_get_def(x, quiet)
  zoom <- def$zoom
  where <- which(!map_lgl(zoom, is.null))
  if (length(where) != 1) {
    # FIXME: Better error message?
  def[where, cols]

#' Check class
#' `is_dm()` returns `TRUE` if the input is of class `dm`.
#' @param x An object.
#' @rdname dm
#' @return For `is_dm()`: A scalar logical, `TRUE` if is this object is a `dm`.
#' @export
is_dm <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "dm")

#' Coerce
#' `as_dm()` coerces objects to the `dm` class
#' @rdname dm
#' @export
as_dm <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
as_dm.default <- function(x, ...) {

  if (!is.list(x) || is.object(x)) {
    abort(paste0("Can't coerce <", class(x)[[1]], "> to <dm>."))

  # Automatic name repair
  names(x) <- vec_as_names(names2(x), repair = "unique")

tbl_src <- function(x) {
  if (is_empty(x) || is.data.frame(x)) {
  } else if (inherits(x, "tbl_sql")) {
  } else {

#' @export
as_dm.src <- function(x, ...) {

  dm_from_con(con = con_from_src_or_con(x), table_names = NULL)

#' @export
as_dm.DBIConnection <- function(x, ...) {

  dm_from_con(con = x, table_names = NULL)

#' @export
print.dm <- function(x, ...) {
  # for both dm and dm_zoomed

#' @export
print.dm_zoomed <- function(x, ..., n = NULL, width = NULL, n_extra = NULL) {
  format(x, ..., n = NULL, width = NULL, n_extra = NULL)

show_dm <- function(x) {
  def <- dm_get_def(x)
  if (nrow(def) == 0) {

  src <- dm_get_src_impl(x)
  if (!is.null(src)) {
    cat_rule("Table source", col = "green")
    db_info <- NULL

    tbl_str <- pillar::tbl_sum(def$data[[1]])
    if ("Database" %in% names(tbl_str)) {
      db_info <- paste0("src:  ", tbl_str[["Database"]])
    if (is.null(db_info)) {
      db_info <- strsplit(format(src), "\n")[[1]][[1]]


  cat_rule("Metadata", col = "violet")

  cat_line("Tables: ", commas(tick(def$table)))
  cat_line("Columns: ", def_get_n_columns(def))
  cat_line("Primary keys: ", def_get_n_pks(def))
  cat_line("Foreign keys: ", def_get_n_fks(def))

  filters <- dm_get_filters_impl(x)
  if (nrow(filters) > 0) {
    cat_rule("Filters", col = "orange")
    walk2(filters$table, filters$filter, ~ cat_line(paste0(.x, ": ", as_label(.y))))

#' @export
format.dm <- function(x, ...) {
  # for both dm and dm_zoomed
  def <- dm_get_def(x)
  glue("dm: {def_get_n_tables(def)} tables, {def_get_n_columns(def)} columns, {def_get_n_pks(def)} primary keys, {def_get_n_fks(def)} foreign keys")

#' @export
format.dm_zoomed <- function(x, ..., n = NULL, width = NULL, n_extra = NULL) {
  # so far only 1 table can be zoomed on
  dm_zoomed_df <- as_dm_zoomed_df(x)
  cat_line(format(dm_zoomed_df, ..., n = n, width = width, n_extra = n_extra))

def_get_n_tables <- function(def) {

def_get_n_columns <- function(def) {
  sum(map_int(map(def$data, colnames), length))

def_get_n_pks <- function(def) {
  sum(map_int(def$pks, vec_size))

def_get_n_fks <- function(def) {
  sum(map_int(def$fks, vec_size))

as_dm_zoomed_df <- function(x) {
  zoomed <- dm_get_zoom(x)

  # for tests
    name_df = zoomed$table

new_dm_zoomed_df <- function(x, ...) {
  if (!is.data.frame(x)) {
    return(structure(x, class = c("dm_zoomed_df", class(x)), ...))
  # need this in order to avoid star (from rownames, automatic from `structure(...)`)
  # in print method for local tibbles
    class = c("dm_zoomed_df", class(x), c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")),
    nrow = nrow(x),

# this is called from `tibble:::trunc_mat()`, which is called from `tibble::format.tbl()`
# therefore, we need to have our own subclass but the main class needs to be `tbl`
#' @export
tbl_sum.dm_zoomed_df <- function(x, ...) {
    structure(attr(x, "name_df"), names = "Zoomed table"),

#' @export
format.dm_zoomed_df <- function(x, ..., n = NULL, width = NULL, n_extra = NULL) {

#' @export
`$.dm` <- function(x, name) {
  # for both dm and dm_zoomed
  table <- dm_tbl_name(x, {{ name }})
  tbl_impl(x, table)

#' @export
`$.dm_zoomed` <- function(x, name) {
  name <- ensym(name)
  eval_tidy(quo(`$`(tbl_zoomed(x), !!name)))

#' @export
`$<-.dm` <- function(x, name, value) {

#' @export
`[[.dm` <- function(x, id, ...) {

  # for both dm and dm_zoomed
  if (is.numeric(id)) id <- src_tbls_impl(x)[id] else id <- as_string(id)
  tbl_impl(x, id, quiet = TRUE)

#' @export
`[[.dm_zoomed` <- function(x, id) {
  `[[`(tbl_zoomed(x, quiet = TRUE), id)

#' @export
`[[<-.dm` <- function(x, name, value) {

#' @export
`[.dm` <- function(x, id) {
  if (is.numeric(id)) id <- src_tbls_impl(x)[id]
  id <- as.character(id)
  dm_select_tbl(x, !!!id)

#' @export
`[.dm_zoomed` <- function(x, id) {
  # for both dm and dm_zoomed
  `[`(tbl_zoomed(x), id)

#' @export
`[<-.dm` <- function(x, name, value) {

#' @export
names.dm <- function(x) {
  # for both dm and dm_zoomed
  src_tbls_impl(x, quiet = TRUE)

#' @export
names.dm_zoomed <- function(x) {
  names(tbl_zoomed(x, quiet = TRUE))

#' @export
`names<-.dm` <- function(x, value) {

#' @export
length.dm <- function(x) {
  # for both dm and dm_zoomed
  length(src_tbls_impl(x, quiet = TRUE))

#' @export
length.dm_zoomed <- function(x) {
  length(tbl_zoomed(x, quiet = TRUE))

#' @export
`length<-.dm` <- function(x, value) {

#' @export
#' @autoglobal
str.dm <- function(object, ...) {
  # for both dm and dm_zoomed
  object <-
    dm_get_def(object, quiet = TRUE) %>%
    select(table, pks, fks, filters)

#' @export
#' @autoglobal
str.dm_zoomed <- function(object, ...) {
  object <-
    dm_get_def(object, quiet = TRUE) %>%
    mutate(zoom = if_else(map_lgl(zoom, is_null), NA_character_, table)) %>%
    select(zoom, table, pks, fks, filters)

keyed_tbl_impl <- function(dm, from) {
  tbl_impl(dm, from, keyed = TRUE)

tbl_impl <- function(dm, from, quiet = FALSE, keyed = FALSE) {
  def <- dm_get_def(dm, quiet = quiet)
  idx <- match(from, def$table)
  if (is.na(idx)) {
    abort_table_not_in_dm(from, src_tbls_impl(dm))

  tbl_def_impl(def, idx, keyed)

#' @autoglobal
tbl_def_impl <- function(def, idx, keyed) {
  data <- def$data[[idx]]

  if (!keyed) {

  uuid_lookup <- def[c("table", "uuid")]

  pk_def <- def$pks[[idx]]
  if (nrow(pk_def) > 0) {
    pk <- pk_def$column[[1]]
  } else {
    pk <- NULL

  uks <- def$uks[[idx]]

  fks_in_def <-
    def$fks[[idx]] %>%
    left_join(uuid_lookup, by = "table")

  fks_in <- new_fks_in(

  fks_out_def <-
    map2_dfr(def$uuid, def$fks, ~ tibble(ref_uuid = .x, .y)) %>%
    filter(table == !!def$table[[idx]]) %>%
    select(ref_uuid, ref_column, column)

  fks_out <- new_fks_out(

    pk = pk,
    uks = uks,
    fks_in = fks_in,
    fks_out = fks_out,
    uuid = def$uuid[[idx]]

dm_get_keyed_tables_impl <- function(dm) {
  def <- dm_get_def(dm)
  tables <- map(seq_along(def$table), ~ tbl_def_impl(def, .x, keyed = TRUE))
  set_names(tables, def$table)

src_tbls_impl <- function(dm, quiet = FALSE) {
  dm_get_def(dm, quiet)$table

#' Materialize
#' @description
#' `compute()` materializes all tables in a `dm` to new temporary
#' tables on the database.
#' @details
#' Called on a `dm` object, these methods create a copy of all tables in the `dm`.
#' Depending on the size of your data this may take a long time.
#' To create permament tables, first create the database schema using [copy_dm_to()]
#' or [dm_sql()], and then use [dm_rows_append()].
#' @inheritParams dm_get_tables
#' @param ... Passed on to [compute()].
#' @param temporary Must remain `TRUE`.
#' @return A `dm` object of the same structure as the input.
#' @name materialize
#' @export
#' @examplesIf dm:::dm_has_financial() && rlang::is_installed("RSQLite")
#' financial <- dm_financial_sqlite()
#' financial %>%
#'   pull_tbl(districts) %>%
#'   dbplyr::remote_name()
#' # compute() copies the data to new tables:
#' financial %>%
#'   compute() %>%
#'   pull_tbl(districts) %>%
#'   dbplyr::remote_name()
#' # collect() returns a local dm:
#' financial %>%
#'   collect() %>%
#'   pull_tbl(districts) %>%
#'   class()
compute.dm <- function(x, ..., temporary = TRUE) {
  if (!isTRUE(temporary)) {
    abort("`compute.dm()` does not support `temporary = FALSE`.")

  # for both dm and dm_zoomed
  x %>%
    dm_apply_filters_impl() %>%
    dm_get_def() %>%
    mutate(data = map(data, compute, ...)) %>%

#' Materialize
#' `collect()` downloads the tables in a `dm` object as local [tibble]s.
#' @inheritParams dm_examine_constraints
#' @rdname materialize
#' @export
collect.dm <- function(x, ..., progress = NA) {
  # for both dm and dm_zoomed
  x <- dm_apply_filters_impl(x)

  def <- dm_get_def(x)

  ticker <- new_ticker("downloading data", nrow(def), progress = progress)
  def$data <- map(def$data, ticker(collect), ...)
  dm_from_def(def, zoomed = is_zoomed(x))

#' @export
collect.dm_zoomed <- function(x, ...) {

    "Detaching table from dm.",
    i = "Use `. %>% pull_tbl() %>% collect()` instead to silence this message."


# FIXME: what about 'dim.dm()'?
#' @export
dim.dm_zoomed <- function(x) {
  # dm method provided by base
  dim(tbl_zoomed(x, quiet = TRUE))

#' @export
dimnames.dm_zoomed <- function(x) {
  # dm method provided by base

#' @export
tbl_vars.dm <- function(x) {

#' @export
tbl_vars.dm_zoomed <- function(x) {

dm_reset_all_filters <- function(dm) {
  def <- dm_get_def(dm)
  def$filters <- list_of(new_filter())

all_same_source <- function(tables) {
  # Use `NULL` if `tables` is empty
  first_table <- tables[1][[1]]
  is.null(detect(tables[-1], ~ !same_src(., first_table)))

# creates an empty `dm`-object, `src` is defined by implementation of `dm_get_src_impl()`.
empty_dm <- function() {
      table = character(),
      data = list(),
      segment = character(),
      display = character(),
      pks = list_of(new_pk()),
      uks = list_of(new_uk()),
      fks = list_of(new_fk()),
      filters = list_of(new_filter()),
      zoom = list(),
      col_tracker_zoom = list(),
      uuid = character(),

#' Retrieve a table
#' @description
#' This generic has methods for both `dm` classes:
#' 1. With `pull_tbl.dm()` you can chose which table of the `dm` you want to retrieve.
#' 1. With `pull_tbl.dm_zoomed()` you will retrieve the zoomed table in the current state.
#' @inheritParams dm_add_pk
#' @param table One unquoted table name for `pull_tbl.dm()`, ignored for `pull_tbl.dm_zoomed()`.
#' @inheritParams dm_get_tables
#' @seealso [dm_deconstruct()] to generate code of the form
#'   `pull_tbl(..., keyed = TRUE)` from an existing `dm` object.
#' @return The requested table.
#' @examplesIf rlang::is_installed("nycflights13")
#' # For an unzoomed dm you need to specify the table to pull:
#' dm_nycflights13() %>%
#'   pull_tbl(airports)
#' # If zoomed, pulling detaches the zoomed table from the dm:
#' dm_nycflights13() %>%
#'   dm_zoom_to(airports) %>%
#'   pull_tbl()
#' @export
pull_tbl <- function(dm, table, ..., keyed = FALSE) {

#' @export
pull_tbl.dm <- function(dm, table, ..., keyed = FALSE) {

  # for both dm and dm_zoomed
  # FIXME: shall we issue a special error in case someone tries sth. like: `pull_tbl(dm_for_filter, c(t4, t3))`?
  table_name <- as_string(enexpr(table))
  if (table_name == "") abort_no_table_provided()
  tbl_impl(dm, table_name, keyed = keyed)

#' @export
pull_tbl.dm_zoomed <- function(dm, table, ..., keyed = FALSE) {
  if (isTRUE(keyed)) {
    abort("`keyed = TRUE` not supported for zoomed dm objects.")


  table_name <- as_string(enexpr(table))
  zoomed <- dm_get_zoom(dm)
  if (table_name == "") {
    if (nrow(zoomed) == 1) {
    } else {
  } else if (!(table_name %in% zoomed$table)) {
    abort_table_not_zoomed(table_name, zoomed$table)
  } else {

#' @export
as.list.dm <- function(x, ...) {

  # for both dm and dm_zoomed

#' @export
as.list.dm_zoomed <- function(x, ...) {


#' Get a glimpse of your `dm` object
#' @inheritParams dm_get_tables
#' @param width Controls the maximum number of columns on a line used in
#'   printing. If `NULL`, `getOption("width")` will be consulted.
#' @param ... Passed to [pillar::glimpse()].
#' @description
#' `glimpse()` provides an overview (dimensions, column data types, primary
#' keys, etc.) of all tables included in the `dm` object. It will additionally
#' print details about outgoing foreign keys for the child table.
#' `glimpse()` is provided by the pillar package, and re-exported by \pkg{dm}.
#'  See [pillar::glimpse()] for more details.
#' @examples
#' dm_nycflights13() %>% glimpse()
#' dm_nycflights13() %>%
#'   dm_zoom_to(flights) %>%
#'   glimpse()
#' @export
glimpse.dm <- function(x, width = NULL, ...) {
  glimpse_width <- width %||% getOption("width")
  table_names_list <- names(dm_get_tables_impl(x))

  print_glimpse_table_meta(x, glimpse_width)
  if (!is_empty(table_names_list)) {
  walk(table_names_list, ~ print_glimpse_table(x, .x, glimpse_width, ...))


#' @rdname glimpse.dm
#' @export
glimpse.dm_zoomed <- function(x, width = NULL, ...) {
  glimpse_width <- width %||% getOption("width")

  table_name <- dm_get_zoom(x)$table[[1]]

  print_glimpse_table_meta(x, glimpse_width)
  print_glimpse_table(x, table_name, glimpse_width, ...)


#' Print details about all tables included in the `dm` object (zoomed or not)
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
print_glimpse_table_meta <- function(x, width) {
  table_list <- dm_get_tables_impl(x)

  if (length(table_list) == 0) {
    cat_line(trim_width("dm of 0 tables", width))

      paste0("dm of ", length(table_list), " tables: ", toString(tick(names(table_list)))),

#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
print_rule_between_tables <- function() {

#' Print glimpse for a single table included in the `dm` object (zoomed or not)
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
print_glimpse_table <- function(x, table_name, width, ...) {
  if (is_zoomed(x)) {
    table <- dm_get_zoom(x)$zoom[[1]]
  } else {
    table <- x[[table_name]]

  # `print_glimpse_table_meta()` is not part of this because it needs to be
  # printed only once for the entire object
  print_glimpse_table_name(x, table_name, width)
  print_glimpse_table_pk(x, table_name, width)
  print_glimpse_table_fk(x, table_name, width)
  # emtpy line to demarcate clearly information about keys and the glimpse info
  glimpse(table, width = width, ...)
  # in case the object is not zoomed, the following will help visually
  # distinguish between glimpse outputs for individual tables
  if (!is_zoomed(x)) print_rule_between_tables()

#' Print table name for a given table in the `dm` object (zoomed or not)
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
print_glimpse_table_name <- function(x, table_name, width) {
  if (is_zoomed(x)) {
    cat_line("\n", trim_width(paste0("Zoomed table: ", tick(table_name)), width))
  } else {
    cat_line("\n", trim_width(paste0("Table: ", tick(table_name)), width))

#' Print details about primary key for a given table in the `dm` object (zoomed or not)
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
print_glimpse_table_pk <- function(x, table_name, width) {
  pk <- dm_get_pk_impl(x, table_name)

  # anticipate that some key columns could have been removed by the user
  if (is_zoomed(x)) {
    pk <-
      update_zoomed_pk(x) %>%

  pk <- pk %>%
    map_chr(~ collapse_key_names(.x))

  if (!is_empty(pk)) {
    # FIXME: needs to change if #622 is solved
    cat_line(trim_width(paste0("Primary key: ", pk), width))

collapse_key_names <- function(keys, tab = FALSE) {
  tab <- ifelse(tab, "  ", "")
  if (length(keys) > 1L) {
    paste0(tab, "(", paste0(tick(keys), collapse = ", "), ")")
  } else {
    paste0(tab, tick(keys), collapse = ", ")

#' Print details about foreign keys for a given table in the `dm` object (zoomed or not)
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
print_glimpse_table_fk <- function(x, table_name, width) {
  all_fks <- if (is_zoomed(x)) {
    # anticipate that some key columns could have been removed/renamed by the user
    update_zoomed_fks(x, table_name, col_tracker_zoomed(x))
  } else {

  fk <- all_fks %>%
    filter(child_table == !!table_name) %>%
    select(-child_table) %>%
      function(child_fk_cols, parent_table, parent_key_cols, on_delete) {
            collapse_key_names(child_fk_cols, tab = TRUE),
            " -> ",
            collapse_key_names(paste0(parent_table, "$", parent_key_cols)),
            " ",

  if (!is_empty(fk)) {
    cat_line(length(fk), " outgoing foreign key(s):")
krlmlr/dm documentation built on Sept. 25, 2024, 6:13 a.m.