#' To avoid CRAN check problems
extract_formula_var_names <- function(formula, data) {
formula_variables <- all.vars(formula)
if (!missing(data)) {
formula_variables <- formula_variables[formula_variables %in% names(data)]
} else {
warning("You didn't specify data within data.frame. Only vectors with same length will be treated as data source.")
formula_env <- attr(formula, ".Environment")
if (!(all(formula_variables %in% ls(formula_env)))) {
stop("Not all data and parameters are defined in formula environment!")
is_data_vector <- function(variable) {
env_var <- formula_env[[variable]]
is.vector(env_var) && (length(env_var) > 1)
vector_vars <- formula_variables[purrr::map_lgl(formula_variables, is_data_vector)]
vector_length <- purrr::map_int(vector_vars, ~ length(formula_env[[.]]))
if (length(unique(vector_length)) != 1) {
stop("Can not determine data variables. Not all vectors are the same length!")
formula_variables <- vector_vars
get_formula_single_components <- function(formula_terms) {
as.character(attr(formula_terms,"variables"))[-c(1, 2)]
get_special_predictors <- function(variable_names, formula_terms, special, index = FALSE) {
if (index) {
attr(formula_terms, "specials")[[special]] - 1
} else {
variable_names[attr(formula_terms, "specials")[[special]]]
get_formula_metadata <- function(formula, variable_names) {
if (!(length(formula) == 3)) {
stop("Not specified response in formula")
formula_terms <- terms.formula(formula, specials = c("xs", "xf"))
formula_metadata <- list(
formula = formula,
response = variable_names[1],
predictors = variable_names[-1],
lhs = get_formula_lhs(formula),
rhs = get_formula_rhs(formula),
additive_components = get_formula_single_components(formula_terms),
xs_variables = get_special_predictors(variable_names, formula_terms, "xs"),
xf_variables = get_special_predictors(variable_names, formula_terms, "xf"),
xs_variables_idx = get_special_predictors(variable_names, formula_terms, "xs", TRUE),
xf_variables_idx = get_special_predictors(variable_names, formula_terms, "xf", TRUE)
if (length(formula_metadata$predictors) != length(formula_metadata$additive_components)) {
stop("Number of predictors is different than additive components")
clear_special_component <- function(component_string, add_variable = TRUE) {
fun <- substr(component_string, 1, 2)
if (!(fun %in% c("xs", "xf"))) {
var <- sub("(,|\\)).*$", '', component_string) %>%
substr(4, nchar(.))
if (add_variable) {
sprintf("%s(%s)", fun, var)
} else {
get_component_params <- function(additive_component, xs_opts, xf_opts, env) {
spline_params <- as.list(parse(text = additive_component[1])[[1]])
transition <- eval(spline_params$transition, envir = env)
effect <- eval(spline_params$effect, envir = env)
transition_type <- substr(additive_component, 1, 2)
if (transition_type == "xs") {
transition <- match_parameters(transition, xs_opts$transition, xs_opts_default$transition)
effect <- match_parameters(effect, xs_opts$effect, xs_opts_default$effect)
} else {
transition <- match_parameters(transition, xf_opts$transition, xf_opts_default$transition)
effect <- match_parameters(effect, xf_opts$effect, xf_opts_default$effect)
transition = transition,
effect = effect
get_special_component_metadata <- function(raw_variable_name, additive_component_chr, xs_opts, xf_opts, env) {
transformed_component <- clear_special_component(additive_component_chr)
call_function <- clear_special_component(additive_component_chr, FALSE)
component_params <- get_component_params(additive_component_chr, xs_opts, xf_opts, env)
component_details <- list(
var = raw_variable_name,
call = additive_component_chr,
new_call = transformed_component,
call_fun = call_function,
transition = component_params$transition,
effect = component_params$effect
collect_specials_metadata <- function(formula_metadata, xs_opts, xf_opts) {
special_predictor_indexes <- c(formula_metadata$xs_variables_idx, formula_metadata$xf_variables_idx)
special_predictor_names <- formula_metadata$predictors[special_predictor_indexes]
special_predictor_additive_components <- formula_metadata$additive_components[special_predictor_indexes]
special_component_metadata <- purrr::map2(
xs_opts = xs_opts, xf_opts = xf_opts,
env = attr(formula_metadata$formula, ".Environment")
names(special_component_metadata) <- special_predictor_names
transform_formula_chr <- function(formula_metadata, special_components_details) {
replace_component_call <- function(rhs_string_formula, component_details) {
sub(component_details$call, component_details$new_call, rhs_string_formula, fixed = TRUE)
transformed_rhs <- purrr::reduce(
.init = formula_metadata$rhs
sprintf("%s ~ %s", formula_metadata$lhs, transformed_rhs)
correct_improved_components <- function(special_components_details, transformed_variables) {
use_untransformed <- function(special_component_metadata) {
!(special_component_metadata$var %in% transformed_variables)
use_bare_call <- function(special_component_metadata) {
special_component_metadata$new_call <- special_component_metadata$var
special_components_details %>%
purrr::map_if(use_untransformed, use_bare_call)
add_special_to_predictor <- function(predictor, class, bare) {
if (!(class %in% c("numeric", "integer", "factor", "logical"))) {
stop("Wrong class passed.")
if (predictor %in% bare || class == "logical") {
if (class == "factor") {
sprintf("xf(%s)", predictor)
} else {
sprintf("xs(%s)", predictor)
build_predictor_based_formula <- function(response, predictors, classes, bare, form = "additive") {
if (form == "additive") {
collapse = " + "
} else {
collapse = " * "
rhs <- purrr::map2_chr(
predictors, classes, add_special_to_predictor, bare = bare) %>%
paste(collapse = collapse)
sprintf("%s ~ %s", response, rhs)
get_predictors_classes <- function(data) {
purrr::map_chr(1:ncol(data), function(x) class(data[[x]]))
try_get <- function(possible) {
possible_response <- try(possible, silent = TRUE)
if (!("try-error" %in% class(possible_response))) {
if (length(possible_response) == 0 || identical(possible_response, "NULL")) {
} else {
} else {
get_model_data <- function(model, data, env = parent.frame()) {
if (is.null(data)) {
data <- try_get(eval(getCall(model)$data, envir = env))
if (is.null(data)) {
stop("Data must be provided.")
get_model_response <- function(model, data, response) {
if (is.null(response)) {
response <- try_get(all.vars(model$terms[[2]]))
if (is.null(response)) {
response <- try_get(all.vars(model$Terms[[2]]))
if (is.null(response)) {
response <- all.vars(model$call$formula[[2]])
if (!is.null(response)) {
response_in_data <- response %in% colnames(data)
if (!all(response_in_data)) {
stop("Response not found in data")
response <- response[response_in_data]
} else {
stop("Cannot extract model lhs")
log_msg(sprintf("Extracted response: %s", response))
get_model_lhs <- function(model, lhs) {
if (is.null(lhs)) {
lhs <- try_get(deparse(model$terms[[2]]))
if (is.null(lhs)) {
lhs <- try_get(deparse(model$Terms[[2]]))
if (is.null(lhs)) {
lhs <- try_get(colnames(model.frame(model))[1])
if (is.null(lhs)) {
lhs <- try_get(deparse(model$call$formula[[2]], width.cutoff = 500))
if (is.null(lhs)) {
stop("Cannot extract model lhs")
log_msg(sprintf("Extracted lhs: %s", lhs))
get_model_predictors <- function(model, data, predictors, response) {
if (is.null(predictors)) {
predictors <- try_get(all.vars(model$terms[[3]]))
if (is.null(predictors)) {
predictors <- try_get(all.vars(model$Terms[[3]]))
if (!is.null(predictors)) {
predictors_in_data <- predictors %in% colnames(data)
if (!all(predictors_in_data)) {
stop("Not all predictors found in data")
predictors <- predictors[predictors_in_data]
} else {
predictors <- setdiff(colnames(data), response)
log_msg(sprintf("Extracted predictors: %s", paste0(predictors, collapse = ",")))
get_model_type <- function(model, data, response = NULL) {
response <- get_model_response(model, data, response)
if (inherits(data[[response]], "factor")) {
log_msg("Response variable of class factor. Considering classification problem.")
type <- "classification"
} else if (inherits(data[[response]], "integer") && (length(unique(data[[response]])) <= 2)) {
log_msg("Response variable of class integer with two values. Considering classification problem.")
type <- "classification"
} else {
log_msg("Considering regression problem.")
type <- "regression"
get_model_family <- function(model, family, type) {
model_family <- try_get(
if (is.null(model_family)) {
if (type == "classification") {
model_family <- match.fun("binomial")
} else {
if (is.character(family)) {
model_family <- match.fun(family)
family_name <- family
} else {
model_family <- match.fun(family$family)
family_name <- family$family
log_msg(sprintf("Cannot extract model family. Use %s.", family_name))
get_model_link <- function(model, link, type) {
model_link <- try_get(
if (is.null(model_link)) {
if (type == "classification") {
model_link <- "logit"
} else {
if (is.null(model_link)) {
log_msg(sprintf("Cannot extract model link. Use %s.", link))
model_link <- link
get_formula_lhs <- function(formula) {
deparse(formula[[2]], width.cutoff = 500)
get_formula_rhs <- function(formula) {
gsub("\\s+", " ", trimws(paste0(deparse(formula[[3]]), collapse = "")))
get_formula_predictors <- function(formula, data, predictors, response) {
if (is.null(predictors)) {
predictors <- all.vars(formula[[3]])
if (!is.null(predictors)) {
predictors_in_data <- predictors %in% colnames(data)
if (!all(predictors_in_data)) {
stop("Not all predictors found in data")
predictors <- predictors[predictors_in_data]
} else {
predictors <- setdiff(colnames(data), response)
get_formula_response <- function(formula, data, response) {
if (is.null(response)) {
response <- try_get(all.vars(formula[[2]]))
if (!is.null(response)) {
response_in_data <- response %in% colnames(data)
if (!all(response_in_data)) {
stop("Response not found in data")
response <- response[response_in_data]
} else {
stop("Cannot extract formula lhs")
add_specials_to_formula <- function(formula_components, data, omit = c("xs", "xf", "+", "*", ":", "~")) {
if (length(formula_components) == 1 && !(as.character(formula_components)[1] %in% omit)) {
if (class(data[[as.character(formula_components)]]) == "factor") {
template <- quote(xf(var))
} else {
template <- quote(xs(var))
template[[2]] <- formula_components
formula_components <- template
formula_components <- formula_components
} else if (length(formula_components) >= 3) {
if (as.character(formula_components[[1]]) %in% omit[-c(1, 2)]) {
for (i in seq_along(formula_components)) {
formula_components[[i]] <- add_specials_to_formula(formula_components[[i]], data, omit)
transformed_formula_object <- function(formula_metadata, blackbox, data, family, xs_opts, xf_opts, compare_stat) {
special_components_details <- collect_specials_metadata(formula_metadata, xs_opts, xf_opts)
transitions <- get_transitions_outcome(formula_metadata, special_components_details, blackbox, data,
family, compare_stat)
quantitative_transitions <- transitions$quantitative %>%
purrr::keep(~ !(is.null(.$transition_outcome)))
xs_functions <- purrr::map2(quantitative_transitions, names(quantitative_transitions), build_xs_function) %>%
xs <- function(variable) {
var_name <- deparse(substitute(variable))
qualitative_transitions <- transitions$qualitative %>%
purrr::keep(~ !(is.null(.$transition_outcome)))
xf_functions <- purrr::map2(qualitative_transitions, names(qualitative_transitions), build_xf_function) %>%
xf <- function(variable) {
var_name <- deparse(substitute(variable))
transformed_formula_env <- attr(formula_metadata$formula, ".Environment")
transformed_formula_env$xs <- xs
transformed_formula_env$xf <- xf
transformed_formula_env$xs_functions <- xs_functions
transformed_formula_env$xf_functions <- xf_functions
transformed_formula_env$quantitative_transitions <- quantitative_transitions
transformed_formula_env$qualitative_transitions <- qualitative_transitions
transformed_formula_env$response <- formula_metadata$response
variables_to_transform <- c(names(quantitative_transitions), names(qualitative_transitions))
special_components_details <- correct_improved_components(special_components_details, variables_to_transform)
transformed_formula_string <- transform_formula_chr(formula_metadata, special_components_details)
as.formula(transformed_formula_string, env = transformed_formula_env)
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