
Defines functions scale2list codeScales recodeQuick mModels shortKeys

Documented in codeScales mModels recodeQuick scale2list shortKeys

# general information ------------------------------------------------

# data frame with items
# matrix with items
# recoding of items
# making scales of items
# making scales with measurement models
# data frame

# this function extracts all scales from a codebook and turns them into a scale
# the codebook is a data frame with several colums that indicate
# - item
# - short-item
# - scales
# - items to recode

# make scales into a readable list -----------------------------------

#' Transform a scale into a readable list
#' This function turns a scale in the form of \code{A = 1, 5, 10R, 15r} into a list which of \enumerate{
#'  \item the scale used
#'  \item the name of the scale
#'  \item the items to use for the scale (by position in data frame or questionnaire)
#'  \item the items that need to be recoded.
#' }
#'Items that need to be recoded are indicated using an \code{R} or \code{r} behind the number of the item.
#' @param scale A description of a scale in the form of \code{scale <- c(name = 1, 2, 3, 4r, 5)}. The scale is defined using \code{=}, the items by their position in the data frame or questionnaire (this should correspond!).
#' @return
#' Returns a list that list that contains four entries: The input used (\code{original.scale}), the derived name of the scale (\code{name}), the items that constitute the scale \code{items}, the items that need to be recoded (\code{recode})
#' @export
#' @examples
#' scales = c("E = 1r, 6, 11R, 16",
#'            "A = 2r, 7, 12r, 17r",
#'            "C = 3, 8r, 13, 18",
#'            "N = , 9r, 14, 19",
#'            "O = 4, 10RR, 15, 20 21")
#' scale2list(scales[1])

scale2list <- function(scale){
  if (!is.character(scale)) {
    stop("Input needs to be a character vector. See help for input", call. = TRUE)
  if ( i <- grep("=", scale) != 1) {
    stop ("in definiton of scales, there needs to be at least one `=` per scale")

  # extract name of scale (later to be used everywhere, e. g. in lavaan)
  name.space <- unlist(strsplit(scale, "=", fixed = TRUE))[1]
  name.scale <- gsub(x = name.space, pattern = " ", replacement = "")
  if (nchar(name.scale) < 1) {
    stop ("one scale does not have a name, please check scale input format, e. g. `extra = 1, 4, 8, ...` ")
  if(unlist(strsplit(name.scale, "[^0-9]+")) != "") {stop ( "no numerics allowed in name of scale: `", name.scale, "`. Please rename scale")}

  # extract items for scales
  items.raw <- unlist(strsplit(scale, "="))
  stopifnot(length(items.raw) == 2)
  items.raw <- items.raw[2]
  items <- unique(na.omit(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(items.raw, "[^0-9]+")))))
  if (length(items) == 0) {
    stop ("one scale does not have items, please check scale input format, e. g. `extra = 1, 4, 8, ...` ")

  # get items that need recoding
  # this works, but does only the replacement ## maybe run this with stringr
  gsub("\\d+[rR]", "---", items.raw)
  pos <- gregexpr(pattern = "\\d+[rR]", text = items.raw)
  start <- pos[[1]]
  stop <- start + attr(pos[[1]], "match.length")-2

  if (!requireNamespace("purrr", quietly = FALSE)) {
    to.recode <- unlist(purrr::map2(.x = start,
                                    .y = stop,
                                    .f = ~ substr(items.raw,start = .x, stop = .y)))
  } else {
    to.recode <- mapply(function(x, y) substr(items.raw, start = x,
                                              stop = y), x = start, y = stop)
  to.recode <- as.numeric(to.recode)

  result <- list(original.scale = paste("The scale used was", scale),
                 name = name.scale,
                 items = items,
                 recode = to.recode)

# 2. scales into recoded data set ------------------------------------

#' codeScales
#' A function to compute the means for each participant in a certain questionnaire. Any questionnaire contains a table that indicates which items belong to which scale and which items are recoded. This table can be inserted into the function via the argument \code{scales}.
#' @param data A data frame that contains \emph{only} the values of the questionnaire.
#' @param scales A character vector that indicates which items belong to which scale
#' @param recode Logical. Should the values be recoded automatically? Default is to \code{TRUE}
#' @param valid.values Vector of numeric values that are valid for the questionnaire, i. e. the numeric transformation of the likert scale.
#' @param return.both Logical. Should the original data frame and the new scales be returned? Defaul is ti \code{FALSE}, which returnes only the scores scales.
#' @return
#' A data frame wich contains the scored scales of the questionnaire used.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' scales <-  c("E = 1r, 6, 11R, 16",
#'              "A = 2r, 7, 12r, 17r",
#'              "C = 3, 8r, 13, 18",
#'              "N = 4, 9r, 14, 19",
#'              "O = 5, 10, 15, 20 21")
#' data <- bigfive[grep(x = names(bigfive), pattern = "BFI_")]
#' transformed.data <- codeScales(data, scales, recode = TRUE, return.both = FALSE)

codeScales <- function(data, scales, recode = TRUE, valid.values = NULL,
                       return.both = FALSE){

  ### beg of section that is identical ____________________________________


  if (!requireNamespace("purrr", quietly = FALSE)) {
    itemkeys <- purrr::map(scales, scale2list)
  } else {
    itemkeys <- lapply(scales, scale2list)

  # check data frame TESTTHAT
  if (!requireNamespace("purrr", quietly = FALSE)) {
    all.names <- purrr::map(itemkeys,  ~.x$name)
    all.items <- purrr::map(itemkeys,  ~.x$items)
    all.recodes <- purrr::map(itemkeys,  ~.x$recode)
  } else {
    all.names <- lapply(itemkeys, function(x) x$name)
    all.items <- lapply(itemkeys, function(x) x$items)
    all.recodes <- lapply(itemkeys, function(x) x$recode)

  number.of.items <- length(unlist(all.items))
  if (number.of.items == 0) {stop ("Number of items indicated in scales is 0. Please check input") }

  if (ncol(data) != number.of.items) {
    stop("The data frame you inserted contains ", if(ncol(data) < number.of.items) {"less"} else {"more"}, " colmns (", ncol(data), ") than the number of items (", number.of.items, ") you indicated. Please correct either of them. Number of columns must be equal to number of items.")

  # make duplicate check in shortkeys
  if (any(table(unlist(all.items)) > 1)) {
    message("You have used the following item more than once: ",
            names(table(unlist(all.items))[table(unlist(all.items)) > 1]),
            ". Please check if correct.")
  if(!setequal(seq_along(unlist(all.items)), sort(unlist(all.items)))) {
    message("You have inserted ", max(unlist(all.items)), " items, but you have not used every item from 1 to ", max(unlist(all.items)), ". Please check if correct")
  ### end of section that is identical ____________________________________

  if (recode) {
    all.recodes <- na.omit(unlist(all.recodes))
    data <- recodeQuick(data, recode = all.recodes, valid.values = valid.values)
  } else {
    data <- data

  ## computing the final scores
  scored.scales <- purrr::map(all.items, ~ rowMeans(data[.x], na.rm = TRUE))
  names(scored.scales) <- all.names
  scored.scales <- as.data.frame(scored.scales)

  if (return.both) {
    result <- cbind(data, scored.scales)
  } else {
    result <- scored.scales

# 2.1 recode items in data set ---------------------------------------

#' recodeQuick to recode questionnaire data
#' Questionnaire data usually contain only values ranging from 1 to 4 or 1 to 5. This function takes as input the items of a data frame that should be recoded (as numeric position or as names) and recodes these items. Unless missings are scored as \code{NA} and not, for example, as \code{-99}, the function will just reverse the values of the items.
#' @param data A data frame that contains only the values of the data frame.
#' @param recode A numeric vector giving the poisitions of the items to recode or a character vector giving the names of the variables to recode.
#' @param valid.values A vector containing the valid values of the questionnaire, i. e. the ones that should be recoded. Can be useful if missings are recoded as \code{-99}.
#' @return The data frame with the recoded items.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## eample 1
#' data <- data.frame(a = c(1, 2, -99), b = c(3, 4, NA))
#' recodeQuick(data, recode = "a", valid.values = c(1:4))
#' ## example 2
#' data <- bigfive[grep(x = names(bigfive), pattern = "BFI_")]
#' data <- data[1:10, 1:10]
#' data[1, 6] <- -99 ## here, a missing is coded as -99.
#' recode <- c(6, 10)
#' recodeQuick(data, recode = c(6, 10), valid.values = c(1:4))

recodeQuick <- function(data, recode, valid.values = NULL){

  data.check <- as.data.frame(purrr::map(data, as.integer))

  if (any(data.check != data, na.rm = TRUE)) {
    message("Some values are not integers. Please check your input if neccessary")

  # drop NA from recode
  recode <- recode[!is.na(recode)]

  if (!(is.numeric(recode) || is.character(recode))) {
    stop("Input to `recode` must either be numeric or character (i. e. the
         position or  the name of the items `data`")

  # check if positions are all part of the data frame
  if (is.numeric(recode)) {
    recode.names <- names(data)[recode]
    if (any(is.na(recode.names))) {
      stop("you have provided the position of items to be recoded that are
           not included in the data frame. Please check input.")

  # check if names are all part of the data frame
  if (is.character(recode)) {
    recode.names <- recode
    if (any(!recode.names %in% names(data))) {
      comprsn <- recode.names %in% names(data)
      stop("Your have provided names of items to be recoded that \n do not
           exist in your data frame: \n", recode.names[!comprsn],
           "\n Please check input.")

  # make data frame that is checked for recode:
  data.recode <- data[recode.names]

  # check values in data frame, are all recodes present, some missings?
  if (is.null(valid.values)) {
    table.values <- table(unlist(data.recode))
    include.values <- as.numeric(names(table.values))
  } else {
    include.values <- valid.values

  recode.hits.data <- purrr::map(include.values, ~ data.recode == . )

  for (i in seq_along(include.values)) {
    data.recode[recode.hits.data[[i]]] <- rev(include.values)[i]

  # merge two data frames again
  data[recode.names] <- data.recode[recode.names]

  message("The following values were recoded: \n ",
          paste(paste(include.values,"to", rev(include.values), collapse = ", ")))

# 3. get measurement models from data set ----------------------------

#' Get Measurement Models for the questionnaire used
#' @param data The data frame containing only the variables that are used for the analyses
#' @param scales A character vector of scales used.
#' @param run.models Logical. Should the models be run or should they be returnes as character output? Default is to \code{FALSE}, which returns only the definition of the measurement models in lavaan syntax.
#' @param ... If \code{run.models = TRUE}, a measurement model for each scale is fitted, using \code{\link[lavaan]{cfa}}. These \code{...} arguments are passed on directly to this function.
#' @return Depending on \code{run.models}, this function returns either a list of character vectors, each containint the measurement model in \code{lavaan} syntax or the fitted model.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' scales <-  c("E = 1r, 6, 11R, 16",
#'              "A = 2r, 7, 12r, 17r",
#'              "C = 3, 8r, 13, 18",
#'              "N = 4, 9r, 14, 19",
#'              "O = 5, 10, 15, 20 21")
#' data <- bigfive[grep(x = names(bigfive), pattern = "BFI_")]
#' mModels(data, scales, run.models = FALSE, std.lv = TRUE)

mModels <- function(data, scales, run.models, ...){

  ### this section identical to section in other functions ________________


  if (!requireNamespace("purrr", quietly = FALSE)) {
    itemkeys <- purrr::map(scales, scale2list)
  } else {
    itemkeys <- lapply(scales, scale2list)

  # check data frame TESTTHAT
  if (!requireNamespace("purrr", quietly = FALSE)) {
    all.names <- purrr::map(itemkeys,  ~.x$name)
    all.items <- purrr::map(itemkeys,  ~.x$items)
  } else {
    all.names <- lapply(itemkeys, function(x) x$name)
    all.items <- lapply(itemkeys, function(x) x$items)

  number.of.items <- length(unlist(all.items))
  if (number.of.items == 0) {stop ("Number of items indicated in scales is 0. Please check input") }

  if (ncol(data) != number.of.items) {
    stop("The data frame you inserted contains ", if(ncol(data) < number.of.items) {"less"} else {"more"}, " colmns (", ncol(data), ") than the number of items (", number.of.items, ") you indicated. Please correct either of them. Number of columns must be equal to number of items.")

  # make duplicate check in shortkeys
  if (any(table(unlist(all.items)) > 1)) {
    message("You have used the following item more than once: ",
            names(table(unlist(all.items))[table(unlist(all.items)) > 1]),
            ". Please check if correct.")
  if(!setequal(seq_along(unlist(all.items)), sort(unlist(all.items)))) {
    message("You have inserted ", max(unlist(all.items)), " items, but you have not used every item from 1 to ", max(unlist(all.items)), ". Please check if correct")

  ### end of section that is identical ____________________________________

## make measurement models:

  item.names.text <- purrr::map(all.items, ~ names(data)[.])
  manifests.string <- purrr::map(item.names.text, ~ stringr::str_c(., collapse = " + "))
  ## get the models:
  m.models <- purrr::map2(.x = all.names, .y = manifests.string, ~ stringr::str_c(.x, .y, sep = " =~ "))

  if (run.models) {
    model.fits <- purrr::map(m.models, ~ lavaan::cfa(model = . , data = data, ...))
  } else {


# 99 keys of important questionnaires --------------------------------

#' Short Keys for Questionnaires
#' Insert the commonly used short name of a questionnaire to generate the
#' Currently available questionnaires are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \href{www.google.com}{BFI-K} QUELLE LINK
#' \item NEO-PI-R
#' }
#' @param keytable The short name of the questionnaire that should be analyzed. See details for all available questionnaires.
#' @return Returns a vector with short keys readable by the package \code{quest} for further analyses.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' shortKeys("BFI-K")
shortKeys <- function(keytable = "BFI-K") {
  if (keytable == "BFI-K") {
    scales <-  c("E = 1r, 6, 11R, 16",
                 "A = 2r, 7, 12r, 17r",
                 "C = 3, 8r, 13, 18",
                 "N = 4, 9r, 14, 19",
                 "O = 5, 10, 15, 20 21")
  } else if (keytable == "NEO-PI-R") {

  } else {
    stop("Short name of questionnaire you indicated not found.")
  message("You have selected a pre-defined shortkey for your questionnaire. Please check that the order of itmes in keytable corresponds to order of items in your data frame!")
kthorstmann/quest documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:05 p.m.