
Defines functions survey_sim

Documented in survey_sim

#' Simulate one or more survey design
#' @param design survey design(s) to use.  Ignored if parameters and scenario are specified.
#' @param parasite parasite(s) to use.  Ignored if parameters and scenario are specified.
#' @param method method(s) to use.  Ignored if parameters and scenario are specified.
#' @param n_individ number of individuals (can be a vector)
#' @param scenario a data frame of scenarios (see \code{\link{survey_scenario}})
#' @param parameters a list of parameter sets (see \code{\link{survey_parameters}})
#' @param iterations number of iterations per simulation
#' @param cl option to specify either a number of cores or an existing cluster for parallel computation (passed to \code{\link[pbapply]{pblapply}})
#' @param output type of output:  one of summarised, full or extended
#' @param analysis type of ERR/FECRT analysis:  one of mean or delta
#' @param check_memory should the expected memory allocation be checked before proceeding?  Does not apply to output type summarised.
#' @importFrom pbapply pblapply
#' @importFrom parallel makeForkCluster makePSOCKcluster stopCluster clusterSetRNGStream clusterExport
#' @importFrom tidyr expand_grid everything
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by group_split select bind_rows bind_cols
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @import tidyverse
#' @examples
#' results <- survey_sim(design="NS_11", n_individ = c(100,200,300,400,500))
#' @export
survey_sim <- function(design = c("NS_11","SS_11","SSR_11"),
                       parasite = "hookworm", method = "kk",
                       n_individ = seq(100,1000,by=10),
                       scenario = survey_scenario(parasite),
                       parameters = survey_parameters(design, parasite, method),
                       iterations = 1e3, cl=NULL,
                       output="summarised", analysis="mean", check_memory=TRUE)

  # TODO: pmatching for string arguments
  stopifnot(length(output)==1L, output %in% c("summarised","full","extended"))
  summarise <- output == "summarised"

  stopifnot(length(analysis)==1L, analysis %in% c("mean","delta"))

  design <- check_design(design)
  parasite <- check_parasite(parasite)
  method <- check_method(method)

  stopifnot(is.numeric(n_individ), all(n_individ > 0L), all(n_individ%%1 == 0L))
  stopifnot(is.numeric(iterations), length(iterations)==1L, iterations > 0L, iterations%%1==0L)

  # Could be specified as a list:
  if(is.data.frame(parameters)) parameters <- list(parameters)
  # TODO: check all needed parameter values are present and non-missing
  check_parameters(parameters, iterations)

  scenario <- check_scenario(scenario)

  # Check that we are not requesting too big a vector
  if(check_memory && !summarise){
    parameters |>
      lapply(function(x) x |> select("parasite", "parameter_set") |> slice(1L)) |>
      bind_rows() |>
      full_join(scenario, by="parasite") |>
      nrow() ->
    ntot <- nsims * length(n_individ) * iterations

    ## Memory footprint is around 550 bytes per row for extended and 125 bytes per row for full
    memreq_gb <- (ntot * if(output=="extended") 550 else 125) / 1e9

    ## Set a limit of 10GB:
    if(memreq_gb > 10){
      stop(str_c("You have requested an output data frame that would consume around ", round(memreq_gb, 1), "GB of RAM - you should use the summarise method instead (set check_memory=FALSE to override)"))

  ## If cl is an int then set up a cluster:
  if(!is.null(cl) && is.numeric(cl)){
    stopifnot(length(cl)==1L, !is.na(cl), cl > 0L, cl%%1 == 0.0)
      cl <- makeForkCluster(cl)
      cl <- makePSOCKcluster(cl)
    # Required to honour set.seed() on PSOCK clusters:
    clusterSetRNGStream(cl, NULL)

  ## Run the parameter/scenario/n_individ combos:
  cat("Running simulations for ", length(parameters), " parameter sets...\n", sep="")
  st <- Sys.time()

  parameters |>
    # Potentially split different count_parameter sets (should be rare):
      x |>
        group_split(min_positive_screen, min_positive_pre, count_add, count_mult,
          count_intercept, count_coefficient,
          alpha, efficacy_expected, efficacy_lower_target, force_inclusion_prob, dropout_screen, dropout_pre)
    }) |>
    do.call("c", args=_) |>
    # Use of cl argument means we always should use pblapply:
      # Remove the design and ns from the parameters:
      x |>
        count(design, n_day_screen, n_aliquot_screen, n_day_pre, n_aliquot_pre, n_day_post, n_aliquot_post, min_positive_screen, min_positive_pre) |>
        select(-n) ->

      # Ensure that N_* are consistent:
      des <- all_ns$design
      all_ns |> select(-design) |> unlist() -> all_ns
      stopifnot(length(all_ns)==8L, all(all_ns>=0L), all(all_ns%%1L == 0L))
      # TODO: nicer error messages

      # Remove count_parameters from the parameters:
      x |>
        count(min_positive_screen, min_positive_pre, count_add, count_mult,
          count_intercept, count_coefficient,
          alpha, efficacy_expected, efficacy_lower_target, force_inclusion_prob, dropout_screen, dropout_pre) |>
        select(-n) ->

      # Ensure that parameter_set is consistent:
      stopifnot(all(x$parameter_set == x$parameter_set[1L]))

      # Do whatever cost calculations can be done before expanding:
      x |>
          # Note: these costs/times are per aliquot!
          time_consumables_screen = case_when(
            n_aliquot_screen == 0L ~ 0.0,
            TRUE ~ (time_prep_screen + time_record*n_aliquot_screen) / n_aliquot_screen
          time_consumables_pre = case_when(
            n_aliquot_pre == 0L ~ 0.0,
            TRUE ~ (time_prep_pre + time_record*n_aliquot_pre) / n_aliquot_pre
          time_consumables_post = case_when(
            n_aliquot_post == 0L ~ 0.0,
            TRUE ~ (time_prep_post + time_record*n_aliquot_post) / n_aliquot_post

          # Add demography time as a single cost per individual for SSR:
          time_consumables_screen = case_when(
            n_aliquot_screen > 0L ~ time_consumables_screen + time_demography / (n_day_screen*n_aliquot_screen),
            TRUE ~ time_consumables_screen
          # Add demography time as a single cost per individual for SS and NS:
          time_consumables_pre = case_when(
            n_aliquot_screen == 0L ~ time_consumables_pre + time_demography / (n_day_pre*n_aliquot_pre),
            TRUE ~ time_consumables_pre

          cost_consumables_screen = case_when(
            n_aliquot_screen == 0L ~ 0.0,
            TRUE ~ (cost_sample + cost_aliquot_screen) / n_aliquot_screen
          cost_consumables_pre = case_when(
            n_aliquot_pre == 0L ~ 0.0,
            TRUE ~ (cost_sample + cost_aliquot_pre) / n_aliquot_pre
          cost_consumables_post = case_when(
            n_aliquot_post == 0L ~ 0.0,
            TRUE ~ (cost_sample + cost_aliquot_post) / n_aliquot_post
        ) |>
        # This supercedes the following variables:
        # time_demography, time_prep_*, time_record, cost_sample, cost_aliquot_*
        identity() ->

      # Add a scenario_int that is guaranteed to be 0...S:
      scenario |>
        filter(parasite %in% x$parasite) |>
        mutate(scenario_int = (1:n())-1L) |>
        # Changed parameter name:
        mutate(reduction = 1-true_efficacy) ->

      # Replicate the parameters over iterations (if necessary),
      # and then inner_join with scenario and add replicate ID:
        if(nrow(x)!=iterations) stop(paste0("The number of rows of the parameter data frame (", nrow(x), ") does not match the number of iterations (", iterations, ")"))
        if(!"iteration" %in% names(x)) x$iteration <- 1:iterations
        x <- x |> arrange(iteration)
        stopifnot(all(x$iteration == 1:iterations))
        x <- bind_cols(x, iteration = 1:iterations)
      x <- inner_join(x, tscenario, by="parasite") |>
        mutate(replicateID = 1:n(), mu_pre = mean_epg * weight * recovery)

      n_individ <- sort(n_individ)
      stopifnot(all(n_individ > 0L), all(n_individ%%1 == 0))

        dist_string <- "cs_ga_ga_nb_be_mean"
        if(all(x$aliquot_cv <= 0)) dist_string <- "cs_ga_ga_po_be_mean"
      }else if(analysis=="delta"){
        dist_string <- "cs_ga_ga_nb_be_delta"
        if(all(x$aliquot_cv <= 0)) dist_string <- "cs_ga_ga_po_be_delta"
        stop("Unhandled analysis type")

      y <- Rcpp_survey_sim(des, dist_string, all_ns, as.data.frame(x), as.data.frame(count_parameters), n_individ, summarise)
      reslevs <- Rcpp_results_levels()


        rv <- full_join(y, x, by="replicateID") |>
          select(-replicateID, -scenario_int) |>
          mutate(analysis = analysis, result = results_to_factor(result)) |>
          select(-reduction) |>
          select(design, parasite, scenario, mean_epg, true_efficacy, efficacy_expected, efficacy_lower_target, method, n_individ, parameter_set, iteration, analysis, result, efficacy, lower_stat, upper_stat, total_days, total_cost, everything())

      }else if(output=="full"){

        rv <- full_join(y,
                        x |> select(design, parasite, efficacy_expected, efficacy_lower_target, method, parameter_set, iteration, scenario, mean_epg, true_efficacy, replicateID),
          ) |>
          mutate(analysis = analysis, result = results_to_factor(result)) |>
          select(design, parasite, scenario, mean_epg, true_efficacy, efficacy_expected, efficacy_lower_target, method, n_individ, parameter_set, iteration, analysis, result, efficacy, lower_stat, upper_stat, total_days, total_cost)

      }else if(output=="summarised"){

        rv <- x |>
          count(design, parasite, method, n_day_screen, n_aliquot_screen, n_day_pre, n_aliquot_pre, n_day_post, n_aliquot_post, min_positive_screen, min_positive_pre, scenario, efficacy_expected, efficacy_lower_target, mean_epg, true_efficacy, parameter_set, scenario_int) |>
          full_join(y, by="scenario_int") |>
          mutate(analysis = analysis, efficacy_variance = var_efficacy, n_failure = n_total - n_success) |>
          select(-scenario_int) |>
          select(design, parasite, scenario, mean_epg, true_efficacy, efficacy_expected, efficacy_lower_target, method, n_individ, parameter_set, analysis,
            efficacy_mean = mean_efficacy, efficacy_variance, days_mean = mean_days,
            cost_mean = mean_cost, cost_variance = var_cost,
            n_below_cutoffs, n_between_cutoffs, n_above_cutoffs,
            n_total, n_success, n_failure, starts_with("n_result_")
        names(rv)[str_detect(names(rv), "n_result_")] <- str_c("n_", survey_results_levels()[["LevelName"]])
        stopifnot(nrow(y)==nrow(rv), nrow(rv)==(nrow(tscenario)*length(n_individ)))
        stop("Unrecognised output type")

    }, cl=cl) |>
    bind_rows() ->

  cat("Done in ", round(as.numeric(Sys.time()-st, units='mins'), 1), " minutes\n", sep="")

ku-awdc/eggSim documentation built on Feb. 23, 2024, 10:22 p.m.