
Defines functions initiateSpataObject_10X initiateSpataObject_ExprMtr initiateSpataObject_Examples initiateSpataObject_CountMtr initiateSpataObject_Empty

Documented in initiateSpataObject_10X initiateSpataObject_CountMtr initiateSpataObject_Empty initiateSpataObject_Examples initiateSpataObject_ExprMtr

#' @title Initiate an empty `spata2` object
#' @inherit initiateSpataObject_ExprMtr params
#' @return An empty object of class `spata2`.
#' @export

initiateSpataObject_Empty <- function(sample_name, spatial_method = "Visium"){

    msg = "Setting up new `spata2` object.",
    verbose = TRUE

  # check input
  confuns::is_value(sample_name,  mode = "character")

    input = spatial_method,
    against = validSpatialMethods()

  # create object
  class_string <- "spata2"

  base::attr(class_string, which = "package") <- "SPATA2"

  object <- methods::new(Class = class_string, samples = sample_name)

  # set basic slots
  object@information$method <- spatial_methods[[spatial_method]]

  object <- setDefaultInstructions(object)

  # empty slots
  empty_list <- purrr::set_names(x = list(list()), nm = sample_name)

  object@autoencoder <- empty_list
  object@cnv <- empty_list
  object@dea <- empty_list
  object@images <- empty_list
  object@spatial <- empty_list
  object@trajectories <- empty_list
  object@used_genesets <- SPATA2::gsdf

  # set version
  object@version <- current_spata_version



#' @title Initiate a `spata2` object from a raw count matrix
#' @description Default function for any spatial related experiment whoose `spata2` objects are initiated with
#' a raw count matrix. See details for more information.
#' @param count_mtr A numeric matrix to be used as the count matrix. Rownames must
#' correspond to the genes and column names must correspond to the barcodes.
#' @inherit initiateSpataObject_ExprMtr params return
#' @inherit transformSpataToSeurat params
#' @details The loading and preprocessing of the `spata2` object  currently relies on the Seurat-package. Before any pre processing function is applied
#' mitochondrial and stress genes are discarded. For more advanced users the arguments above starting with a capital letter allow to
#' manipulate the way the `spata2` object is processed. For all of these arguments apply the following instructions:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{If set to FALSE the processing function is skipped.}
#'   \item{If set to TRUE the respective function is called with it's default argument settings. Note: \code{RunUMAP()} needs
#'   additional input!}
#'   \item{If a named list is provided the respective function is called whereby the named list will provide the argument-input (the `Seurat` object to be constructed must not be named and will be
#'   passed to every function as the first argument!!!.)}
#'   }
#' Note that certain listed functions require previous functions! E.g. if \code{RunPCA} is set to FALSE \code{RunTSNE()}
#' will result in an error. (\code{base::tryCatch()} will prevent the function from crashing but the respective slot
#' is going to be empty.) Skipping functions might result in an incomplete `spata2` object.
#' @export

initiateSpataObject_CountMtr <- function(coords_df,
                                         spatial_method = "Unknown",
                                         image = NULL,
                                         image_class = "HistologyImage",
                                         image_object = NULL,
                                         feature_df = NULL,
                                         directory_spata = NULL,
                                         directory_seurat = NULL,
                                         combine_with_wd = FALSE,
                                         SCTransform = FALSE,
                                         NormalizeData = list(normalization.method = "LogNormalize", scale.factor = 1000),
                                         FindVariableFeatures = list(selection.method = "vst", nfeatures = 2000),
                                         ScaleData = TRUE,
                                         RunPCA = list(npcs = 60),
                                         FindNeighbors = list(dims = 1:30),
                                         FindClusters = list(resolution = 0.8),
                                         RunTSNE = TRUE,
                                         RunUMAP = list(dims = 1:30),
                                         verbose = TRUE,

    # 1. Control --------------------------------------------------------------
      msg = "Starting initiation",
      verbose = verbose

    confuns::is_value(x = sample_name, mode = "character", ref = "sample_name")

      df = coords_df,
      var.class = list("barcodes" = "character", "x" = c("double", "integer", "numeric"), "y" = c("double", "integer", "numeric")),
      ref = "coords_df"

    count_mtr <- methods::as(count_mtr, Class = "sparseMatrix")


      stop("'count_mtr'-input needs to have column names")

    } else if(base::is.null(base::rownames(count_mtr))){

      stop("'count_mtr'-input needs to have row names.")


    barcodes_count_mtr <- base::colnames(count_mtr) %>% base::sort()
    barcodes_coords_df <- dplyr::pull(coords_df, var = "barcodes") %>% base::sort()

    # check identical barcodes
    if(!base::identical(barcodes_count_mtr, barcodes_coords_df)){

      stop("Barcodes of 'coords_df'-input and column names of 'count_mtr'-input need to be identical.")


    # -----

    # 2. Passing data ---------------------------------------------------------

    seurat_object <-
      Seurat::CreateSeuratObject(counts = count_mtr, meta.data = feature_df)

    processed_seurat_object <-
        seurat_object = seurat_object,
        SCTransform = SCTransform,
        NormalizeData = NormalizeData,
        FindVariableFeatures = FindVariableFeatures,
        ScaleData = ScaleData,
        RunPCA = RunPCA,
        FindNeighbors = FindNeighbors,
        FindClusters = FindClusters,
        RunTSNE = RunTSNE,
        RunUMAP = RunUMAP,
        verbose = verbose

    # 3. Passing features and images ------------------------------------------

    spata_object <-
        object = processed_seurat_object,
        assay_name = "RNA",
        spatial_method = spatial_method,
        sample_name = sample_name,
        verbose = FALSE


      spata_object <- setImageObject(object = spata_object, image_object = image_object)

    } else if(!base::is.null(image)) {

      image_object <-
          image = image,
          image_class = image_class,
          coordinates = coords_df

      spata_object <- setImageObject(object = spata_object, image_object = image_object)

    } else {

        msg = "Neither object of class `HistologyImaging` nor image provivded. Slot @images remains empty.",
        verbose = verbose


    spata_object <-
      setCoordsDf(object = spata_object, coords_df = coords_df)

    spata_object <- setInitiationInfo(spata_object)

    # 4. Save and return object -----------------------------------------------

    # save seurat

      spata_object <-

          spata_object_return <-
              seurat_object = processed_seurat_object,
              object = spata_object,
              directory_seurat = directory_seurat,
              combine_with_wd = combine_with_wd


        }, error = function(error){

          warning(glue::glue("Attempt to save `Seurat` object under '{directory_seurat}' failed with the following error message: {error}"))




    # save spata

      spata_object <-

          spata_object_ret <-
              object = spata_object,
              directory_spata = directory_spata,
              combine_with_wd = combine_with_wd


        }, error = function(error){

          warning(glue::glue("Attempt to save `spata2` object under '{directory_spata}' failed with the following error message: {error}"))




      msg = "Initiation finished.",
      verbose = verbose

    if(!"histology" %in% getFeatureNames(spata_object)){

      spata_object <-
          object = spata_object,
          name = "histology",
          verbose = FALSE




#' @title Initiate a `spata2` object from example data sets
#' @description Creates and returns an object of class spata
#' from the example data sets provided by the package \emph{SeuratData}.
#' See details for more.
#' @param data_set Character value. The data-set from which to create the `spata2` object.
#' Currently only \emph{'stxBrain'} is available. Additional datat sets will be added
#' shortly.
#' @param type Given to argument \code{type} of funciton \code{SeuratData::LoadData()}.
#' @param force Logical. If set to TRUE, the function installs all requirements
#' (packages, data sets) automatically without requesting any further permission.
#' If set to FALSE, the function stops with an informative error message when
#' it encounters missing installations.
#' @inherit initiateSpataObject_10X params details return
#' @export

initiateSpataObject_Examples <- function(data_set = "stxBrain",
                                         type = "anterior1",
                                         force = FALSE,
                                         gene_set_path = NULL,
                                         SCTransform = FALSE,
                                         NormalizeData = list(normalization.method = "LogNormalize", scale.factor = 1000),
                                         FindVariableFeatures = list(selection.method = "vst", nfeatures = 2000),
                                         ScaleData = TRUE,
                                         RunPCA = list(npcs = 60),
                                         FindNeighbors = list(dims = 1:30),
                                         FindClusters = list(resolution = 0.8),
                                         RunTSNE = TRUE,
                                         RunUMAP = list(dims = 1:30),
                                         verbose = TRUE){

  # 1. Make sure that the SeuratData package is installed -------------------

    msg = "Making sure that the SeuratData package is installed.",
    verbose = verbose

  pkgs <-
    utils::installed.packages() %>%

  if(!"SeuratData" %in% pkgs){


      confuns::give_feedback(msg = "Argument 'force' has been set to TRUE. Installing package 'SeuratData'.")

       devtools::install_github(repo = "satijalab/seurat-data")

    } else {

      msg <- "The package 'SeuratData' is not installed. Please install the package manually or set argument 'force' to TRUE."

      confuns::give_feedback(msg = msg, fdb.fn = "stop")



  # -----

  # 2. Make sure that the requested data set is installed -------------------

    msg = "Making sure that the requested data set is installed.",
    verbose = verbose

    input = data_set,
    against = "stxBrain"

  installed_data_sets <-
    SeuratData::AvailableData() %>%
    dplyr::filter(Installed) %>%

  if(!data_set %in% installed_data_sets){


      confuns::give_feedback(msg = glue::glue("Argument 'force' has been set to TRUE. Installing data set '{data_set}'."))

      SeuratData::InstallData(ds = data_set)

    } else {

      msg <- glue::glue("The data set '{data_set}' is not installed. Please install it manually or set argument 'force' to TRUE.")

      confuns::give_feedback(msg = msg, fdb.fn = "stop")



  # -----

  # 3. Load and process the seurat object  ----------------------------------

  confuns::give_feedback(msg = "Loading data and performing Seurat-analysis steps.", verbose = verbose)

  seurat_object <- SeuratData::LoadData(ds = data_set, type = type)

  # make sure that input for SCTRansform is valid

    SCTransform <- list("assay" = "Spatial", "new.assay.name" = "Spatial")

  } else if(confuns::is_list(SCTransform)){

    SCTransform[["assay"]] <- "Spatial"
    SCTransform[["new.assay.name"]] <- "Spatial"


  processed_seurat_object <-
      seurat_object = seurat_object,
      calculate_rb_and_mt = TRUE,
      remove_stress_and_mt = TRUE,
      SCTransform = SCTransform,
      NormalizeData = NormalizeData,
      FindVariableFeatures = FindVariableFeatures,
      ScaleData = ScaleData,
      RunPCA = RunPCA,
      FindNeighbors = FindNeighbors,
      FindClusters = FindClusters,
      RunTSNE = RunTSNE,
      RunUMAP = RunUMAP,
      verbose = verbose

  # -----

  # 4. Create `spata2` object --------------------------------------------------

  confuns::give_feedback(msg = "Initiating `spata2` object.", verbose = verbose)

  spata_object <-
      seurat_object = processed_seurat_object,
      sample_name = stringr::str_c(data_set, type, sep = "-"),
      gene_set_path = gene_set_path,
      method = "spatial",
      verbose = verbose

  spata_object <- setInitiationInfo(spata_object)

  spata_object@information$method <- Visium

  if(!"histology" %in% getFeatureNames(spata_object)){

    spata_object <-
        object = spata_object,
        name = "histology",
        verbose = FALSE


  # -----



#' @title Initiate spata object from scaled expression matrix
#' @description Default function for any spatial related experiment whoose output is
#' an already processed expression/intensity matrix. See details for more information.
#' @inherit check_saving params
#' @inherit gene_set_path params
#' @inherit sample_name params
#' @param coords_df Data.frame containing information about the positions of all
#' barcode-spots in form of a numeric \emph{x}- and \emph{y}-variable. The key-variable
#' \emph{barcodes} needs to be of type character and must be identical to the column names
#' of the input matrix.
#' @param expr_mtr A numeric matrix. The expression matrix to be used.
#' @param image An Image of the sample that can be displayed as the surface plot's background.
#' @param k,nn Numeric value. Given to argument \code{k} of function \code{RANN::nn2()}: Determines to maximum number
#' of nearest neighbours to compute. (\code{nn} is deprecated.)
#' @details After initiating the `spata2` object PCA is performed via \code{irlba::prcomp_irlba()} and clustering
#' is done via \code{RANN::nn2()}. (Use \code{addFeatures()} to add any clustering results of your own analysis.)
#' Additional dimensional reduction is performed via \code{Rtsne::Rtsne()} and \code{umap::umap()}.
#' Note that this function initiates a `spata2` object that does not contain a count-matrix! You can
#' add a count-matrix manually using \code{setCountmatrix()}. As long as there is none functions that
#' need a count-matrix will throw an error telling you that no count matrix could be found.
#' @return A `spata2` object.
#' @export

initiateSpataObject_ExprMtr <- function(coords_df,
                                        spatial_method = "Unknown",
                                        count_mtr = NULL,
                                        mtr_name = "scaled",
                                        image = NULL,
                                        image_class = "HistologyImage",
                                        image_object = NULL,
                                        directory_spata = NULL,
                                        combine_with_wd = FALSE,
                                        gene_set_path = NULL,
                                        k = 50,
                                        nn = NULL,
                                        runPca = list(n_pcs = 30),
                                        runTsne = list(tsne_perplexity = 30),
                                        runUmap = list(),
                                        verbose = TRUE){

  # 1. Control --------------------------------------------------------------

    msg = "Starting initiation.",
    verbose = verbose

  confuns::give_feedback(msg = "Checking input for validity.", verbose = verbose)

  # deprecated arguments

    warning("Argument 'nn' is deprecated. Please use argument 'k'.")

    confuns::is_value(x = nn, mode = "numeric")

    k <- nn


  # check if expr matrix is a matrix
  if(!base::is.matrix(expr_mtr) | base::length(base::dim(expr_mtr)) != 2){

    stop(glue::glue("Input for argument 'expr_mtr' must be a matrix."))


  # check if coordinate data.frame is valid
    df = coords_df,
    var.class = list(barcodes = c("character"),
                     x = c("numeric", "double", "integer"),
                     y = c("numeric", "double", "integer")),
    ref = "coords_df"

  # check value inputs
  confuns::is_value(x = sample_name, mode = "character")

  confuns::are_values("k", mode = "numeric")

  # check if gene names are valid
  if(base::any(stringr::str_detect(base::rownames(expr_mtr), pattern = "_"))){

    msg <- "Rownames of expression matrix contain '_' which is not allowed and will be changed into '-'."

    confuns::give_feedback(msg = msg, verbose = verbose)

    base::rownames(expr_mtr) <-
      stringr::str_replace_all(string = base::rownames(expr_mtr), pattern = "_", replacement = "-")


  # check if barcodes are valid and idential
  barcodes_coords <- dplyr::pull(.data = coords_df, var = "barcodes") %>% base::sort()
  barcodes_expr_mtr <- base::colnames(expr_mtr) %>% base::sort()

  if(!base::identical(barcodes_coords, barcodes_expr_mtr)){

    stop("Barcodes of expression matrix and barcodes of the coordinate data.frame must match.")


  coords_df <-
    dplyr::mutate(.data = coords_df, sample = {{sample_name}}) %>%
    dplyr::select(barcodes, sample, x, y)

  # -----

  # 2. Setting up spata object ----------------------------------------------

  spata_object <-
      sample_name = sample_name,
      spatial_method = spatial_method

  # data matrices


    count_mtr <- methods::as(count_mtr, Class = "sparseMatrix")

    spata_object <-
        object = spata_object,
        count_mtr = count_mtr[base::rowSums(base::as.matrix(count_mtr)) != 0, ]


  spata_object <-
      object = spata_object,
      expr_mtr = expr_mtr[base::rowSums(base::as.matrix(expr_mtr)) != 0, ],
      mtr_name = mtr_name

  spata_object <- setActiveMatrix(object = spata_object, mtr_name = mtr_name)

  # transfer data.frames and image
  feature_df <-
    dplyr::mutate(.data = coords_df, segmentation = "none") %>%
    dplyr::select(barcodes, sample, segmentation)

  gene_set_df <-
    loadGeneSetDf(gene_set_path = gene_set_path, verbose = verbose)

  spata_object <-
    setCoordsDf(object = spata_object, coords_df = coords_df) %>%
    setFeatureDf(object = ., feature_df = feature_df) %>%
    setGeneSetDf(object = ., gene_set_df = gene_set_df)


    spata_object <- setImageObject(object = spata_object, image_object = image_object)

  } else if(!base::is.null(image)) {

    image_object <-
        image = image,
        image_class = image_class,
        coordinates = coords_df

    spata_object <- setImageObject(object = spata_object, image_object = image_object)

  } else {

      msg = "Neither object of class `HistologyImaging` nor image provivded. Slot @images remains empty.",
      verbose = verbose


  # -----

  # 3. Running analysis -----------------------------------------------------

  confuns::give_feedback(msg = "Running PCA.", verbose = verbose)

  spata_object <-
      fn = "runPca",
      fn.ns = "SPATA2",
      default = list(object = spata_object),
      v.fail = spata_object,
      v.skip = spata_object,
      verbose = verbose

  confuns::give_feedback(msg = "Running SNN-Cluster Analysis.", verbose = verbose)

  cluster_df <-
      object = spata_object,
      k = k,
      searchtype = "priority",
      treetype = "bd",
      eps = 0,
      radius = 0

  feature_names <-
    dplyr::select_if(cluster_df, .predicate = base::is.factor) %>%

  spata_object <-
      object = spata_object,
      feature_df = cluster_df,
      feature_names = feature_names,
      key_variable = "barcodes"

  confuns::give_feedback(msg = "Running TSNE.", verbose = verbose)

  spata_object <-
      fn = "runTsne",
      fn.ns = "SPATA2",
      default = list(object = spata_object),
      v.fail = spata_object,
      v.skip = spata_object,
      verbose = verbose

  confuns::give_feedback(msg = "Running UMAP.", verbose = verbose)

  spata_object <-
      fn = "runUmap",
      fn.ns = "SPATA2",
      default = list(object = spata_object),
      v.fail = spata_object,
      v.skip = spata_object,
      verbose = verbose

  spata_object <- setDefaultInstructions(spata_object)

  spata_object <- setInitiationInfo(spata_object)

  # -----

  # 4. Saving and returning object ------------------------------------------

  confuns::give_feedback(msg = "Saving.", verbose = verbose)


    spata_object <-

        spata_object_ret <-
            object = spata_object,
            directory_spata = directory_spata,
            combine_with_wd = combine_with_wd


      }, error = function(error){

        warning(glue::glue("Attempt to save `spata2` object under '{directory_spata}' failed with the following error message: {error}"))



  } else {

      msg = "No directory has been specified. Skip saving."


  if(!"histology" %in% getFeatureNames(spata_object)){

    spata_object <-
        object = spata_object,
        name = "histology",
        verbose = FALSE


  # -----

    msg = "Initiation finished.",
    verbose = verbose



#' @title Initiate a `spata2` object from 10X Visium
#' @description Creates, saves and returns an object of class spata
#' from 10X Visium results. See details for more information.
#' @param directory_10X Character value. Specifies the 10X visium-folder from
#' which to load the information. This folder must contain the following sub directories:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{\emph{'/filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5'}}
#'  \item{\emph{'/spatial/*.jpg}}
#'  }
#' (It is no longer required that the folder contains an */outs/* sub directory.)
#' @param sample_name Character value. The sample name with which to refer to the
#' respective sample. Should start with a letter.
#' @param image_name Character value. The filename of the image that is read in
#' as the default image. Should be in subdirectory *directory_10X/spatial/*.
#' @inherit argument_dummy params
#' @inherit check_saving params
#' @inherit gene_set_path params
#' @inherit process_seurat_object params
#' @details The loading and preprocessing of the `spata2` object  currently relies on the Seurat-package. Before any pre processing function is applied
#' mitochondrial and stress genes are discarded. For more advanced users the arguments above starting with a capital letter allow to
#' manipulate the way the `spata2` object is processed. For all of these arguments apply the following instructions:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{If set to FALSE the processing function is skipped.}
#'   \item{If set to TRUE the respective function is called with it's default argument settings. Note: \code{RunUMAP()} needs
#'   additional input!}
#'   \item{If a named list is provided the respective function is called whereby the named list will provide the argument-input (the `Seurat` object to be constructed must not be named and will be
#'   passed to every function as the first argument!!!.)}
#'   }
#' Note that certain listed functions require previous functions! E.g. if \code{RunPCA} is set to FALSE \code{RunTSNE()}
#' will result in an error. (\code{base::tryCatch()} will prevent the function from crashing but the respective slot
#' is going to be empty.) Skipping functions might result in an incomplete `spata2` object. Use \code{validateSpataObject()} after
#' initiating it in order to see which slots are valid and which are not.
#' @return A `spata2` object.
#' @importFrom Seurat ScaleData
#' @export

initiateSpataObject_10X <- function(directory_10X,
                                    image_name = "tissue_lowres_image.png",
                                    directory_spata = NULL,
                                    directory_seurat = NULL,
                                    add_wd = "/",
                                    gene_set_path = NULL,
                                    SCTransform = FALSE,
                                    NormalizeData = list(normalization.method = "LogNormalize", scale.factor = 1000),
                                    FindVariableFeatures = list(selection.method = "vst", nfeatures = 2000),
                                    ScaleData = TRUE,
                                    RunPCA = list(npcs = 60),
                                    FindNeighbors = list(dims = 1:30),
                                    FindClusters = list(resolution = 0.8),
                                    RunTSNE = TRUE,
                                    RunUMAP = list(dims = 1:30),
                                    verbose = TRUE,


  # 1. Control --------------------------------------------------------------

    msg = "Starting initiation.",
    verbose = verbose

  # check input for sample and directory
  confuns::check_directories(directories = directory_10X, type = "folders")

  #confuns::are_values(c("directory_10X", "sample_name"), mode = "character")

  if(sample_name %in% c("", "all")){

    stop(glue::glue("' ' and 'all' are invalid sample names."))


  # check input for gene set data.frame
  confuns::is_value(x = gene_set_path, mode = "character", skip.allow = TRUE, skip.val = NULL)


    confuns::give_feedback(msg = "No gene-set data.frame path specified.", verbose = verbose)

  } else {

    confuns::check_directories(directories = gene_set_path, ref = "gene_set_path", type = "files")


  # check input for seurat processing functions
  for(fn in seurat_process_fns){

    input <- base::parse(text = fn) %>% base::eval()

    if(base::is.data.frame(input) | (!base::isTRUE(input) && !base::is.list(input) &&!base::isFALSE(input))){

      stop(glue::glue("Invalid input for argument '{fn}'. Must either be TRUE, FALSE or a named list."))



  # -----

  # 2. Read in data ---------------------------------------------------------

  dir_test_one <- stringr::str_c(directory_10X, "/filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5")

  # if FALSE, might have been specified with /outs subdirectories
  # old requirements

    directory_10X <- stringr::str_c(directory_10X, "/outs", sep = "")

    dir_test_two <- stringr::str_c(directory_10X, "/filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5")


      confuns::give_feedback(msg = "10X folder found.", verbose = verbose)

      msg <- "'~outs//' as sub directories are no longer required. See `?initiateSpataObject_10X`."

        message = msg,
        .frequency = "once",
        .frequency_id = "changed_dir_10X"

    } else {

      stop("Can not find Visium output. Please check input for argument `directory_10X`.")



  confuns::give_feedback(msg = "Reading in .h5 file.", verbose = verbose)

  file_dir <- stringr::str_c(directory_10X, "/filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5", sep = "")

  if(base::file.exists(paths = file_dir)){

   confuns::give_feedback(msg = glue::glue("Loading from directory: '{directory_10X}'"), verbose = verbose)

   image_dir <- stringr::str_c(directory_10X, "/spatial")

   seurat_object <-
       data.dir = directory_10X,
       filename = "filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5",
       image = Seurat::Read10X_Image(
         image.dir = image_dir,
         image.name = image_name

  } else {

   msg <- glue::glue("Directory '{file_dir}' does not exist.")

   confuns::give_feedback(msg = msg, fdb.fn = "stop")


  # -----

  # 3. Seurat analysis ------------------------------------------------------

  confuns::give_feedback(msg = "Performing Seurat-analysis steps.", verbose = verbose)

  # make sure that input for SCTRansform is valid

    SCTransform <- list("assay" = "Spatial", "new.assay.name" = "Spatial")

  } else if(confuns::is_list(SCTransform)){

    SCTransform[["assay"]] <- "Spatial"
    SCTransform[["new.assay.name"]] <- "Spatial"


  processed_seurat_object <-
      seurat_object = seurat_object,
      calculate_rb_and_mt = TRUE,
      remove_stress_and_mt = TRUE,
      SCTransform = SCTransform,
      NormalizeData = NormalizeData,
      FindVariableFeatures = FindVariableFeatures,
      ScaleData = ScaleData,
      RunPCA = RunPCA,
      FindNeighbors = FindNeighbors,
      FindClusters = FindClusters,
      RunTSNE = RunTSNE,
      RunUMAP = RunUMAP,
      verbose = verbose

  # -----

  # 5. Create `spata2` object --------------------------------------------------

  confuns::give_feedback(msg = "Initiating `spata2` object.", verbose = verbose)

  spata_object <- asSPATA2(object = processed_seurat_object, sample_name = sample_name, spatial_method = "Visium")

  # -----

  # 6. Save objects and return spata object ---------------------------------

  confuns::give_feedback(msg = "Saving.", verbose = verbose)

  # save seurat

    spata_object <-

        spata_object_return <-
            seurat_object = processed_seurat_object,
            object = spata_object,
            directory_seurat = directory_seurat,
            verbose = verbose


      }, error = function(error){

        warning(glue::glue("Attempt to save `Seurat` object under '{directory_seurat}' failed with the following error message: {error}"))



  } else {

      msg = "No directory specified. Skip saving `Seurat` object.",
      verbose = verbose


  # miscellaneous
  spata_object <- setPixelScaleFactor(spata_object)

  if(!"histology" %in% getFeatureNames(spata_object)){

    spata_object <-
        object = spata_object,
        name = "histology",
        verbose = FALSE


  # set image directories
  dir_default <- stringr::str_c(directory_10X, "/spatial/", image_name)

  spata_object <- setImageOrigin(object = spata_object, origin = dir_default)


    spata_object <- setImageDirDefault(object = spata_object, dir = dir_default)

  } else {

    warning(glue::glue("Directory {dir_default} not found. No default image set. Set with `setImageDirDefault()`."))


  dir_lowres <- stringr::str_c(directory_10X, "/spatial/tissue_lowres_image.png")


    spata_object <- setImageDirLowres(spata_object, dir = dir_lowres, check = FALSE)

  } else {

    warning(glue::glue("Directory {dir_lowres} not found. No low resolution image set. Set with `setImageDirLowres()`."))


  dir_highres <- stringr::str_c(directory_10X, "/spatial/tissue_hires_image.png")


    spata_object <- setImageDirHighres(spata_object, dir = dir_highres, check = FALSE)

  } else {

    warning(glue::glue("Directory {dir_highres} not found. No high resolution image set. Set with `setImageDirHighres()`."))


  spata_object <- setInitiationInfo(spata_object)

  spata_object <- identifyTissueSections(spata_object)
  spata_object <- identifyTissueOutline(spata_object)

  # save spata object

    spata_object <-

        spata_object_ret <-
            object = spata_object,
            directory_spata = directory_spata,
            verbose = verbose


      }, error = function(error){

        warning(glue::glue("Attempt to save `spata2` object under '{directory_spata}' failed with the following error message: {error}"))



  } else {

      msg = "No directory specified. Skip saving `spata2` object.",
      verbose = verbose


  # return output
    msg = "Initiation finished.",
    verbose = verbose

  # -----


kueckelj/SPATA2 documentation built on March 16, 2024, 10:25 a.m.