
Defines functions setSpCorResults setPrResults transform_pixel_to_si plotDendrogram export runSpatialCorrelationAnalysis plotGeneDendrogram ggpLayerGenePattern getSpCorResults getSpCorClusterNames getSpCorCluster getGeneDistDf getGeneDistMtr getPatternNames getPrResults clusterSpCorResults addSpCorCluster

Documented in addSpCorCluster clusterSpCorResults export getGeneDistMtr getPatternNames getPrResults getSpCorCluster getSpCorClusterNames getSpCorResults plotDendrogram plotGeneDendrogram runSpatialCorrelationAnalysis setPrResults setSpCorResults transform_pixel_to_si

#' @title Add cluster results of spatial correlation results
#' @inherit check_sample params
#' @param cluster_list The list containing information and results
#' the function \code{clusterSpCorResults()} returns.
#' @inherit set_dummy return details
#' @keywords internal
addSpCorCluster <- function(object,
                            of_sample = ""){


  of_sample <- check_sample(object, of_sample = of_sample, of.length = 1)

  method <- cluster_list$method

  sp_cor <- getSpCorResults(object, of_sample = of_sample)

  if(method %in% base::names(sp_cor$clusters)){

      msg = glue::glue("Overwriting preexisting results of method '{method}'."),
      verbose = verbose


  sp_cor[["cluster"]][[method]] <- cluster_list

  object <- setSpCorResults(object = object,
                            sp_cor_list = sp_cor,
                            of_sample = of_sample)



#' @title Cluster genes according to their expression profile
#' @keywords internal
#' @keywords internal
clusterSpCorResults <- function(object,
                                of_sample = "",
                                method_hclust = "complete",
                                k = NULL,
                                h = NULL){

  # 1. Control --------------------------------------------------------------


  of_sample <- check_sample(object, of_sample = of_sample)

  # 2. Extract --------------------------------------------------------------

  sp_cor <- getSpCorResults(object, of_sample = of_sample)

  hcluster_out <-
    stats::hclust(d = sp_cor$dist_mtr, method = method_hclust)

  cutree_out <-
    stats::cutree(tree = hcluster_out, k = k, h = h)

  cutree_df <-
    base::as.data.frame(cutree_out) %>%
    tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "genes") %>%
    dplyr::rename(cluster = cutree_out) %>%
      cluster = stringr::str_c("cluster", cluster, sep = "_"),
      cluster = base::factor(cluster)
    ) %>%

  sp_cor$clusters[[method_hclust]] <-
      cutree_df = cutree_df,
      dist_df = hlpr_dist_mtr_to_df(sp_cor$dist_mtr),
      input = list("h" = h, "k" = k, "method" = method_hclust)

  object <- setSpCorResults(object = object,
                            sp_cor_list = sp_cor,
                            of_sample = of_sample)



#' @title Obtain pattern recognition results
#' @inherit check_method params
#' @inherit check_sample params
#' @return The list containing all information the respective pattern
#' recognition algorithm returns.
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{\code{getPrResults()}: List containing all information the respective
#'  method returns}
#'  \item{\code{getPrSuggestion()}: List containing the actual pattern suggestions.}
#'  \item{\code{getPatternNames()}: Character vector of pattern names.}}
#' @keywords internal
getPrResults <- function(object, method_pr = "hspa", of_sample = NA){


  of_sample <- check_sample(object, of_sample = of_sample, of.length = 1)

  pr_list <-

    test = base::is.list(pr_list) & confuns::is_named(pr_list),
    ref_x = "requested pattern recognition results",
    ref_fns = glue::glue("function runPatternRecognition(..., method_pr = '{method_pr}')")



#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getPrResults
getPatternNames <- function(object, method_pr = "hotspot", of_sample = NA){

  getPrSuggestion(object, of_sample = of_sample, method_pr = method_pr)$info %>%
    dplyr::pull(var = {{method_pr}}) %>%


#' @title Obtain distance measurements of spatially correlated genes
#' @inherit check_sample params
#' @return A data.frame or a distance matrix.
#' @keywords internal
getGeneDistMtr <- function(object, of_sample = NA){


  of_sample <- check_sample(object, of_sample = of_sample, of.length = 1)

  sp_cor <- getSpCorResults(object, of_sample = of_sample)



#' @keywords internal
getGeneDistDf <- function(object, of_sample = NA){

  getGeneDistMtr(object = object, of_sample = of_sample) %>%
    hlpr_dist_mtr_to_df() %>%


#' @title Obtain cluster results based on spatial correlation analysis
#' @inherit check_sample params
#' @inherit method_hclust params
#' @return The list containing all information about the clustering results.
#' @keywords internal
getSpCorCluster <- function(object, method_hclust = "complete", of_sample = NA){


  of_sample <- check_sample(object, of_sample = of_sample, of.length = 1)

  sp_cor <-
    getSpCorResults(object, of_sample = of_sample)

  cor_clusters <-

    test = !(base::is.null(cor_clusters) | base::identical(list(), cor_clusters)),
    ref_x = "spatial correlation results",
    ref_fns = "function runSpatialCorrelationAnaylsis() first"



#' @rdname getSpCorCluster
#' @keywords internal
#' @keywords internal
getSpCorClusterNames <- function(object, of_sample = NA){


  of_sample <- check_sample(object, of_sample = of_sample, of.length = 1)

  sp_cor <- getSpCorResults(object, of_sample = of_sample)

  cluster_names <- base::names(sp_cor$clusters)

    test = !(base::is.null(cluster_names) | base::length(cluster_names) == 0),
    ref_x = "spatial correlation clusters",
    ref_fns = "function clusterSpCorResults() first"



#' @title Obtain spatial correlation results
#' @inherit check_sample params
#' @inherit method_hclust params
#' @return The list containing all information about the clustering results.
#' @keywords internal
getSpCorResults <- function(object, of_sample = NA){


  of_sample <- check_sample(object, of_sample = of_sample, of.length = 1)

  corr_assessment <-

    test = !(base::is.null(corr_assessment)),
    ref_x = "spatial correlation clusters",
    ref_fns = "function runSpatialCorrelationAnalysis() first"



#' @keywords internal
ggpLayerGenePattern <- function(object, gene_pattern, type = "hull", verbose = FALSE, ...){

  genes <-
    stringr::str_remove(gene_pattern, pattern = gene_pattern_suf_regex) %>%

  gp_coords_df <-
    getGenePatternCoordsDf(object, genes = genes, verbose = FALSE) %>%
    dplyr::filter(gene_pattern %in% {{gene_pattern}})

  if(type == "hull"){

    out <-
        data = gp_coords_df,
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y, color = gene_pattern, fill = gene_pattern),




#' @title Visualize clustering results
#' @description Plots a dendrogram of the distance matrix calculated via \code{runSpatialCorrelation()}.
#' @inherit check_sample params
#' @inherit check_method params
#' @param ... Additional arguments given to \code{ggdendro::ggdendrogram()}
#' @return ggplot_family return
#' @keywords internal

plotGeneDendrogram <- function(object,
                               method_hclust = "complete",
                               of_sample = NA,


  check_method(method_hclust = method_hclust)

  of_sample <- check_sample(object, of_sample = of_sample, of.length = 1)

  sp_cor <- getSpCorResults(object, of_sample = of_sample)

  hcluster_out <-
    stats::hclust(d = sp_cor$dist_mtr, method = method_hclust)

  ggdendro::ggdendrogram(data = hcluster_out, labels = FALSE, ...)


#' @title Initiate gene clustering analysis based on spatial patterns
#' @description This function screens a subset of genes and evaluates their
#' spatial overlap by correlation- and subsequent clustering analysis. Results can be
#' conveniently obtained or processed with additional functions such as
#' \code{clusterSpCorResults()}, \code{getGenes()} or \code{getSpCorResults()}.
#' @inherit check_method params
#' @inherit check_sample params
#' @inherit check_smooth params
#' @inherit getExpressionMatrix params
#' @param genes A numeric value (integer) or a character vector. Determines which genes
#' are included in the correlation assessment. If specified as a numeric value
#' the genes are sorted in a decreasing fashion corresponding to their variance
#' across all barcode spots. Then the top n genes are included whereby n is equal
#' to the specified numeric value.
#' If specified as a character vector it's elements are considered to be gene
#' names and all valid inputs are included.
#' @param genes_additional Character vector of gene names. If \code{genes} is
#' specified as a numeric value but you want certain genes to be included irrespective
#' of their variance you can denote them here and they are added after the
#' variance evaluation.
#' @param threshold_stw,threshold_stpv Numeric values. Both values refer to the
#' results of the shapiro-wilkinson test results for each gene. Before beeing sorted
#' according to their variance you can use both arguments to filter for genes
#' with a \emph{W-value} bigger or equal to \code{threshold_stw} and a respective
#' p-value lower or equal to \code{threshold_stpv}.
#' @param with_ties Logical. If set to TRUE (the default) genes with equal
#' variances are kept even if the total number of genes
#' @details The overall expression matrix is filtered according to the input
#' of argument \code{genes}, transposed and given to \code{stats::cor()}. The returned
#' correlation matrix is given to \code{stats::dist()} to calculate the distance
#' matrix needed for subsequent cluster analysis.
#' Use \code{getGenes()} and it's argument \code{similar_to} in order to get genes
#' that feature a similar expression profile/pattern as a gene of interest.
#' @return An updated spata-object.
#' @keywords internal

runSpatialCorrelationAnalysis <- function(object,
                                          of_sample = "",
                                          genes = 2000, # gene names, integer
                                          genes_additional = NULL,
                                          threshold_stw = 0.5,
                                          threshold_stpv = 0.1,
                                          with_ties = TRUE,
                                          method_cor = "pearson",
                                          method_dist = "euclidean",
                                          mtr_name = NULL,
                                          verbose = TRUE){

  # 1. Control --------------------------------------------------------------


  confuns::are_values(c("with_ties", "verbose"), mode = "logical")
  confuns::are_values(c("threshold_stw", "threshold_stpv"), mode = "numeric")

  confuns::is_vec(x = genes_additional, mode = "character", skip.allow = TRUE, skip.val = NULL)

  of_sample <- check_sample(object, of_sample = of_sample, of.length = 1)


    genes <- check_genes(object, genes = genes)

  } else if(base::is.numeric(genes) && confuns::is_value(genes, mode = "numeric")) {

    # assess gene variation, sort and select top n genes
    genes <-
      getGeneMetaDf(object = object, of_sample = of_sample) %>%
      dplyr::filter(stw >= threshold_stw & stpv <= threshold_stpv) %>%
      dplyr::slice_max(order_by = var, n = genes, with_ties = with_ties) %>%
      dplyr::pull(var = "genes")

    if(base::length(genes) == 0){

      base::stop("The current input for arguments 'threshold_stw' and 'threshold_stpv' results in 0 genes.")



      genes_additional <- check_genes(object, genes = genes_additional)

      genes <- c(genes, genes_additional) %>% base::unique()


  } else {

    base::stop(glue::glue("Input for argument 'genes' must be a character vector or a numeric value."))


  # -----

    msg = glue::glue("Initiating analysis with {base::length(genes)} genes."),
    verbose = verbose

  expr_mtr <-
    joinWith(object = object,
             spata_df = getCoordsDf(object, of_sample = of_sample),
             genes = genes,
             smooth = TRUE,
             smooth_span = 0.01,
             normalize = FALSE,
             verbose = verbose) %>%
    tibble::column_to_rownames(var = "barcodes") %>%
    dplyr::select(-x, -y, -sample) %>%

  # 2. Correlate gene expression across all barcode spots -------------------

    msg = glue::glue("Calculating expression correlation with method '{method_cor}'."),
    verbose = TRUE

  corr_mtr <- stats::cor(x = expr_mtr, method = method_cor)

  # -----

  # 3. Calculate distance matrix --------------------------------------------

    msg = glue::glue("Calculating distance matrix with method '{method_dist}'. (This might take a few minutes)."),
    verbose = verbose

  dist_mtr <- stats::dist(x = corr_mtr, method = method_dist)

  # -----

  # 5. Set results ----------------------------------------------------------

  spatial_correlation <- list("clusters" = list(),
                              "dist_mtr" = dist_mtr,
                              "genes" = base::colnames(expr_mtr),
                              "method_cor" = method_cor,
                              "method_dist" = method_dist,
                              "threshold_stpv" = threshold_stpv,
                              "threshold_stw" = threshold_stw)

  object <- setSpCorResults(object = object,
                            sp_cor_list = spatial_correlation,
                            of_sample = of_sample)

    msg = "Done.",
    verbose = verbose



#' @title dummy
#' @keywords internal
export <-function(){}

#' @title dummy
#' @keywords internal
plotDendrogram <- function(){}

#' @title dummy
#' @keywords internal
transform_pixel_to_si <- function(){}

#' @title Set results of pattern recognition methods
#' @inherit check_sample params
#' @param method_pr Character value. Denotes the pattern recognition method.
#' @param pr_list The list of information and results the chosen method in
#' \code{method_pr} returns
#' @inherit set_dummy return details
#' @keywords internal
setPrResults <- function(object, of_sample = "",  method_pr = "hpa", pr_results){


  of_sample <- check_sample(object, of_sample = of_sample, of.length = 1)

  object@spatial[[of_sample]][[method_pr]] <- pr_results



#' @title Set results of spatial correlation analysis
#' @inherit check_sample params
#' @param sp_cor_list The list of information and results the
#' function \code{runSpatialCorrelationAnalysis()} returns.
#' @inherit set_dummy return details
#' @keywords internal
setSpCorResults <- function(object,
                            of_sample = ""){


  of_sample <- check_sample(object, of_sample = of_sample, of.length = 1)

  object@spatial[[of_sample]][["correlation"]] <- sp_cor_list


kueckelj/SPATA2 documentation built on March 16, 2024, 10:25 a.m.