
#' Plot fitted concentrations against the total concentration
#' Plots the concentrations calculated by concConvert and exConls, adding lines for the defined concentration against the total concentration of the curve.
#' @param conctable a data frame of concentrations
#' @param concentration the specified total concentration
#' @param times the timepoints of your concentrations
#' @param plotTitle The title you want on your plot
#' @export

concPlot <- function(conctable, concentration, times, plotTitle){
  matplot(times, conctable,
          type = "l",
          ylab = expression(paste("Concentration (", mu, "M)")),
          xlab = "Time (min)",
          main = plotTitle,
          bty = "n",
          yaxp = c(0,ceiling(concentration),ceiling(concentration)),
          ylim = c(min(conctable), ceiling(concentration)))
  abline(concentration, 0, lty = 3)
  conc <- c()
  for(i in 1:nrow(conctable)){
    conc[i] <- sum(conctable[i,])
  lines(times, conc)
  legend("bottomright", legend = c("Free", "Protonated", "Native"), col = c("black", "red", "green"), lty = c(1,2,3))
kuraisle/psRIIfit documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:06 p.m.