
#'@description Donut_plot
#'@param e should be the e, where rows are samples and columns are compounds.

#'@author Sili Fan \email{fansili2013@gmail.com}
stat_Donut_plot = function(e,f,p,p_column,selected_sample){
  #selected_sample is actually the score value of PCA.
  if(length(selected_sample)==0|selected_sample == ""){
    stop("No Sample From PCA Selected.")
    e = as.matrix(e)
    pca = prcomp(e, center = F, scale. = F)
    score = pca$x
    p_temp = tryCatch(p[round(score[,1],4)%in%round(selected_sample,4),],error = function(e){
      stop("No points selected from PCA plot.")

    table = table(p_temp[,p_column])
    names = names(table)
    values = as.numeric(table)
    result = list()
    for(i in 1:length(unique(p_temp[,p_column]))){
      result[[i]] = list(
        label = names[i],
        value = values[i]
    return(list(data = jsonlite::toJSON(result,auto_unbox=T)))

kwanjeeraw/metabox documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:07 p.m.