##### COPYRIGHT #############################################################################################################
# This package is governed by the JRD OCTOPUS License, which is the
# GNU General Public License V3 with additional terms. The precise license terms are located in the files
# This file contains the necessary functions to simulate the comparison of consecutive POC trials and a Platform trial
# with an ISA for each POC
#' @name PlotPlatformRecruitment
#' @title PlotPlatformRecruitment
#' @description {This function creates a plot of recruitment comparing a platform with 2 ISAs and 2 consecutive POC studies.
#' Mainly used by the Shiny app execute by calling RunExample( "CompareRecruitment" ). }
#' @seealso { \href{https://github.com/kwathen/OCTOPUS/blob/master/R/RecruitmentComparitor.R}{View Code on GitHub} }
#' @export
PlotPlatformRecruitment <- function( nQtyReps, nMaxQtyPats, vPatsPerMonthPerSite1,
dDelayToStartPOC, dDelayBetweenTrialsPOC,vQtySitesPOC,
dDelayToStartPlat,dDelayBetweenTrialsPlat, vQtyOfSitesPlat1, vQtyOfSitesPlat2 )
vQtyOfSitesPOC1 <- vQtySitesPOC
vQtyOfSitesPOC2 <- vQtyOfSitesPOC1
vQtyOfSitesPOC2 <- ifelse( vQtyOfSitesPOC2 > 35, 35, vQtyOfSitesPOC2 )
#For the POC sending the same vPatsPerMonthPerSite1 for POC1 and 2 because there is no savings in the second
lSimResPOC <- SimulateAccrual( nQtyReps, nMaxQtyPats, dDelayBetweenTrialsPOC,
vPatsPerMonthPerSite1, vQtyOfSitesPOC1, vPatsPerMonthPerSite1,
vQtyOfSitesPOC1, dDelayToStartPOC )
lSimResPlat <- SimulateAccrual( nQtyReps, nMaxQtyPats, dDelayBetweenTrialsPlat,
vPatsPerMonthPerSite1, vQtyOfSitesPlat1, vPatsPerMonthPerSite1,
vQtyOfSitesPlat2, dDelayToStartPlat )
return( SummarizeSimple( lSimResPOC, lSimResPlat, "" ) )
#' @name ggPlotPlatformRecruitment
#' @title PlotPlatformRecruitment
#' @description {This function creates a plot of recruitment comparing a platform with 2 ISAs and 2 consecutive POC studies.
#' Mainly used by the Shiny app execute by calling RunExample( "CompareRecruitment" ). This version returns a ggplot2 object. }
#' @seealso { \href{https://github.com/kwathen/OCTOPUS/blob/master/R/RecruitmentComparitor.R}{View Code on GitHub} }
#' @export
ggPlotPlatformRecruitment <- function( nQtyReps, nMaxQtyPats, vPatsPerMonthPerSite1,
dDelayToStartPOC, dDelayBetweenTrialsPOC,vQtySitesPOC,
dDelayToStartPlat,dDelayBetweenTrialsPlat, vQtyOfSitesPlat1, vQtyOfSitesPlat2 )
vQtyOfSitesPOC1 <- vQtySitesPOC
vQtyOfSitesPOC2 <- vQtyOfSitesPOC1
vQtyOfSitesPOC2 <- ifelse( vQtyOfSitesPOC2 > 35, 35, vQtyOfSitesPOC2 )
#For the POC sending the same vPatsPerMonthPerSite1 for POC1 and 2 because there is no savings in the second
lSimResPOC <- SimulateAccrual( nQtyReps, nMaxQtyPats, dDelayBetweenTrialsPOC,
vPatsPerMonthPerSite1, vQtyOfSitesPOC1, vPatsPerMonthPerSite1,
vQtyOfSitesPOC1, dDelayToStartPOC )
lSimResPlat <- SimulateAccrual( nQtyReps, nMaxQtyPats, dDelayBetweenTrialsPlat,
vPatsPerMonthPerSite1, vQtyOfSitesPlat1, vPatsPerMonthPerSite1,
vQtyOfSitesPlat2, dDelayToStartPlat )
return( ggSummarizeSimple( lSimResPOC, lSimResPlat ) )
ComputeMonthlyAccrual <- function( vPatsPerMonthPerSite, vQtyOfSites )
#This function improves previous version because it assumes the ramp up in Pat/Month/Site is applied to each site as it opens.
# vPatsPerMonthPerSite = c(2,4,8,16) # This implies the first month a site is open it is expected to enroll 2, 2nd month 4, 3rd month 8, 4th month 16 patient
# vQtyOfSites = c( 1,11,31,61) # This implies that 1 site opened month 1, 10 sites opened month 2, 20 opened month 3, and 30 opened month 4
#In month 1: 1 site opens and enrolls 2
# # In month 2: 10 sites that open and are expected to enroll 2 patients in month 2 of the trial, and the site that opened in month 1 expected 4 patients: total = 24
# In month 3: the 20 sites opened are expected to enroll 2, 10 sites are expected to enroll 4, 1 site enroll 8: Total = 88
# In month 4: the 30 sites that open are expected to enroll 2
# 20 sites are expected to enroll 4, 10 sites are expected to enroll 8 and 1 site enroll 16: Total = 236
# In month 5: 30 sites expected to enroll 4, 20 sites enroll 8, 10 sites enroll 16 and 1 site enroll 16: Total 456
# In month 6: 30 sites expected to enroll 8, 20 sites enroll 16, 10 sites enroll 16 and 1 site enroll 16: Total = 736
# In month 7 (and after): all sites are at 16 thus total accrual 16*61=976
vSitesOpened <- c( vQtyOfSites[1], diff( vQtyOfSites ) )
nLenQtyPats <- length( vPatsPerMonthPerSite )
vPatsPerMonthPerSiteExt <- c( vPatsPerMonthPerSite, rep( vPatsPerMonthPerSite[ nLenQtyPats ], nLenQtyPats ) )
mPatsPerMonth <- matrix( vPatsPerMonthPerSiteExt, byrow=TRUE, nrow=1)
nLen <- length( vSitesOpened )
for( i in 2:nLen )
vRow <- c( rep(0, i-1), vPatsPerMonthPerSiteExt )[1:length(vPatsPerMonthPerSiteExt)]
mPatsPerMonth <- rbind( mPatsPerMonth, vRow )
vTotalAccrual <- vSitesOpened %*% mPatsPerMonth
#Repeat the last element to make sure the vector is long enough for any accrual amount
vTotalAccrual <- c(vTotalAccrual, rep( vTotalAccrual[ length( vTotalAccrual)], 1000))
return( vTotalAccrual)
#' @name SimulateAccrual
#' @title SimulateAccrual
#' @description {This function simulates the accural for 2 ISAs. Mainly used by the Shiny app execute by calling RunExample( "CompareRecruitment" ). }
#' @seealso { \href{https://github.com/kwathen/OCTOPUS/blob/master/R/RecruitmentComparitor.R}{View Code on GitHub} }
#' @export
SimulateAccrual <- function( nQtyReps, nMaxQtyPats, dDelayBetweenTrials, vPatsPerMonthPerSite1,
vQtyOfSites1, vPatsPerMonthPerSite2, vQtyOfSites2, dDelayToStart)
{ #Make sure the QtyOfSites and PatsPerMonthPerSite have equal length
dNewSites <- diff(vQtyOfSites1)
nQtyRampUp1 <- length(dNewSites[dNewSites>0]) + 1
dNewSites <- diff(vQtyOfSites2)
nQtyRampUp2 <- length(dNewSites[dNewSites>0]) + 1
strTimeToStartFirst <- paste( ", ", dDelayToStart, " months to start 1st compound", sep="")
strAssumpTr1 <- paste(" N = ", nMaxQtyPats, ", Delay between trials: ", dDelayBetweenTrials, " months", strTimeToStartFirst, "\n ", sep = "")
strAssumpTr1 <- paste(strAssumpTr1, "Compound 1 - Pats/Month/Site: ",
paste( vPatsPerMonthPerSite1,collapse=","),
"\n Compound 1 - Qty. Of Sites Open\n ", paste( vQtyOfSites1[1:nQtyRampUp1], collapse=","), sep = "")
strAssumpTr1 <- paste(strAssumpTr1, "\n Compound 2 - Pats/Month/Site: ",
paste( vPatsPerMonthPerSite2,collapse=","),
"\n Compound 2 - Qty. Of Sites Open\n ", paste( vQtyOfSites2[1:nQtyRampUp2], collapse=","), sep = "")
nAdd <- length( vQtyOfSites1) - length( vPatsPerMonthPerSite1)
if( nAdd > 0 )
vPatsPerMonthPerSite1 <- c(vPatsPerMonthPerSite1, rep(vPatsPerMonthPerSite1[ length(vPatsPerMonthPerSite1)], nAdd ))
vQtyOfPatsPerMonth1 <-ComputeMonthlyAccrual( vPatsPerMonthPerSite1, vQtyOfSites1) #vQtyOfSites1* vPatsPerMonthPerSite1
nAdd <- length( vQtyOfSites2) - length( vPatsPerMonthPerSite2)
if( nAdd > 0 )
vPatsPerMonthPerSite2 <- c(vPatsPerMonthPerSite2, rep(vPatsPerMonthPerSite2[ length(vPatsPerMonthPerSite2)], nAdd ))
vQtyOfPatsPerMonth2 <- ComputeMonthlyAccrual( vPatsPerMonthPerSite2, vQtyOfSites2) # vQtyOfSites2*vPatsPerMonthPerSite2
mStartPerMonth <- rep( 0, 100)
vFinalMonth1 <- rep( 0, nQtyReps )
vFinalMonth2 <- rep( 0, nQtyReps )
mStartPerMonth <- matrix( 0, nrow=100, ncol = nQtyReps)
ap <- NewAccrualProcess( vQtyPatsPerMonth = vQtyOfPatsPerMonth1, nMaxQtyPatients = nMaxQtyPats )
ap2 <- NewAccrualProcess( vQtyPatsPerMonth = vQtyOfPatsPerMonth2, nMaxQtyPatients = nMaxQtyPats )
iRep <- 1
for( iRep in 1:nQtyReps)
vUnif1 <- runif( length( vQtyOfPatsPerMonth1 ), 0.5, 1.25)
vUnif2 <- runif( length( vQtyOfPatsPerMonth2 ), 0.5, 1.25)
ap <- NewAccrualProcess( vQtyPatsPerMonth = vUnif1 * vQtyOfPatsPerMonth1, nMaxQtyPatients = nMaxQtyPats )
ap2 <- NewAccrualProcess( vQtyPatsPerMonth = vUnif2 * vQtyOfPatsPerMonth2, nMaxQtyPatients = nMaxQtyPats )
lRet <- SimulateSingleTrialRecruitment( ap, ap2, nMaxQtyPats, dDelayBetweenTrials )
if( iRep%% (nQtyReps*0.1) == 0 )
print( paste( "Rep ", iRep, "..."))
vFinalMonth1[ iRep ] <- lRet$nFinalMonth1
vFinalMonth2[ iRep ] <- lRet$nFinalMonth2
mStartPerMonth[,iRep] <- lRet$vStartPerMonth
mStartPerMonthCI <- apply( mStartPerMonth, 1, quantile,probs=c(0.025, 0.975) )
vStartPerMonthMean <- apply( mStartPerMonth, 1, mean)
vLower <- mStartPerMonthCI[1,]
vUpper <- mStartPerMonthCI[2,]
vStartPerMonthMean<- c(rep(0,dDelayToStart),vStartPerMonthMean,nMaxQtyPats,nMaxQtyPats)
vLower <- c( rep(0,dDelayToStart), vLower, nMaxQtyPats, nMaxQtyPats)
vUpper <- c( rep(0,dDelayToStart), vUpper, nMaxQtyPats, nMaxQtyPats)
vFinalMonth1 <- vFinalMonth1+dDelayToStart
vFinalMonth2 <- vFinalMonth2+dDelayToStart
dMeanFinalMonth1 <- mean( vFinalMonth1)
vCI1 <- as.vector(quantile( vFinalMonth1, c(0.025, 0.975)))
dMeanFinalMonth2 <- mean( vFinalMonth2 - vFinalMonth1)
vCI2 <- as.vector(quantile( vFinalMonth2 - vFinalMonth1, c(0.025, 0.975)))
vMonth <- 1:68
return( list( vMonth= vMonth, vLower = vLower, vUpper = vUpper, vStartPerMonthMean = vStartPerMonthMean,
dMeanFinalMonth1 = dMeanFinalMonth1, vCI1 = vCI1, dMeanFinalMonth2 = dMeanFinalMonth2, vCI2 = vCI2,
strAssumpTr1 = strAssumpTr1, vFinalMonth1 = vFinalMonth1, vFinalMonth2 = vFinalMonth2 ))
SimulateSingleTrialRecruitment <- function( ap, ap2, nMaxQtyPats, dDelayBetweenTrials )
vStartPerMonth <- rep(0,100)
vStartTime <- SimulateArrivalTimes( ap )
nFinalMonth1 <- vStartTime[ nMaxQtyPats]
vStartTime2 <- SimulateArrivalTimes( ap2 )
vStartTime <- c(vStartTime, vStartTime2+nFinalMonth1+dDelayBetweenTrials)
nFinalMonth2 <- vStartTime[length( vStartTime )]
vStartTimeTble <- table(ceiling(vStartTime))
vTmpIndex <-as.integer(names(vStartTimeTble))
vStartTimeTble <- vStartTimeTble[ vTmpIndex <= 100]
vTmpIndex <- vTmpIndex[ vTmpIndex <= 100]
vStartPerMonth[ vTmpIndex ] <- vStartPerMonth[ vTmpIndex ] + vStartTimeTble
vStartPerMonth <- cumsum(vStartPerMonth)
return( list( nFinalMonth1 = nFinalMonth1, nFinalMonth2 = nFinalMonth2, vStartPerMonth = vStartPerMonth ))
SummarizeComplete <- function( lResPOC, lResPlat, strFile, xlim = 66, ylim = 250 )
if( strFile != "" )
pdf( file = strFile )
plot( c( 0,1), y = c(0,10), type='n',axes=FALSE, frame.plot=FALSE, ann=FALSE)
strAssump <- paste( "Assumptions - POC\n", lResPOC$strAssumpTr1, "\n\n", "Assumptions - Platform\n", lResPlat$strAssumpTr1, sep="")
strPOC <- paste( " 2 POC Studies \n Ave. Time to Finish Compound 1 (95% CI): ", round(lResPOC$dMeanFinalMonth1,1),
"( ", round(lResPOC$vCI1[1],1),", ", round(lResPOC$vCI1[2],1), ")",
"\n Ave. Time to Finish Compound 2 (95% CI): ", round(lResPOC$dMeanFinalMonth2,1),
"( ", round(lResPOC$vCI2[1],1),", ", round(lResPOC$vCI2[2],1),")", sep="")
strPlat <- paste(" Platform \n Ave. Time to Finish Compound 1 (95% CI): ", round(lResPlat$dMeanFinalMonth1,1),
"( ", round(lResPlat$vCI1[1],1),", ", round(lResPlat$vCI1[2],1), ")",
"\n Ave. Time to Finish Compound 2 (95% CI): ", round(lResPlat$dMeanFinalMonth2,1),
"( ", round(lResPlat$vCI2[1],1),", ", round(lResPlat$vCI2[2],1), ")",
vPOCTime1 <- lResPOC$vFinalMonth1
vPlatTime1 <- lResPlat$vFinalMonth1
vPercentSavings1 <- (vPOCTime1 - vPlatTime1)/vPOCTime1
vPercentSavingCI1 <- round( 100*as.vector(quantile(vPercentSavings1 , c(0.025, 0.975))),1)
strSavings <- paste("Percent savings on first compound: ", round( mean(vPercentSavings1)*100,1), "% ( ", vPercentSavingCI1[1], "%, ", vPercentSavingCI1[2], "% )", sep="" )
vPOCTime2 <- lResPOC$vFinalMonth2-lResPOC$vFinalMonth1
vPlatTime2 <- lResPlat$vFinalMonth2-lResPlat$vFinalMonth1
vPercentSavings2 <- (vPOCTime2 - vPlatTime2)/vPOCTime2
vPercentSavingCI2 <- round( 100*as.vector(quantile(vPercentSavings2 , c(0.025, 0.975))),1)
strSavings <- paste(strSavings, "\nPercent savings on second compound: ", round( mean(vPercentSavings2)*100,1), "% ( ", vPercentSavingCI2[1], "%, ", vPercentSavingCI2[2], "% )", sep="" )
strDesc <- paste( strAssump, "\n\n\nResults\n", strPOC, "\n\n", strPlat, "\n\n", strSavings, sep="")
text( 0,10.25, strDesc, adj=c(0,1), cex=.75)
vMonth <- lResPOC$vMonth
#Plot 1 - just the means
plot( vMonth, lResPOC$vStartPerMonthMean[vMonth] , type ='l', xlab="Month", ylab="# of Patients", ylim = c(0,ylim), lwd=2, xlim=c(0,xlim), main="Mean Recruitment")
nMaxQtyPats <- lResPOC$vUpper[length(vMonth)]
abline( h=c( nMaxQtyPats,nMaxQtyPats/2 ), col=8, lty=9)
abline( v = seq(0,100,5), col=8, lty=9)
lines( vMonth, lResPlat$vStartPerMonthMean[vMonth] , lwd=2, col=3)
legend( 0, ylim, legend =c( "2 POC", "Platform"), lty=c(1,2,1,2), lwd=2, col=c(1,3), cex=.75)
#Plot 2 - Means + CI
plot( vMonth, lResPOC$vStartPerMonthMean[vMonth] , type ='l', xlab="Month", ylab="# of Patients", ylim = c(0,ylim), lwd=2, xlim=c(0,xlim), main="Mean Recruitment")
abline( h=c( nMaxQtyPats,nMaxQtyPats/2 ), col=8, lty=9)
abline( v = seq(0,100,5), col=8, lty=9)
lines( vMonth, lResPlat$vStartPerMonthMean[vMonth] , lwd=2, col=3, lty=1)
lines( vMonth, lResPlat$vLower[vMonth] , lwd=2, col=3, lty=2)
lines( vMonth, lResPlat$vUpper[vMonth] , lwd=2, col=3, lty=2)
lines( vMonth, lResPOC$vStartPerMonthMean[vMonth] , lwd=2, col=1, lty=1)
lines( vMonth, lResPOC$vLower[vMonth] , lwd=2, col=1, lty=2)
lines( vMonth, lResPOC$vUpper[vMonth] , lwd=2, col=1, lty=2)
legend( 0, ylim, legend =c( "2 POC", "95% CI 2 POC", "Platform", "95% CI Platform"), lty=c(1,2,1,2), lwd=2, col=c(1,1,3,3), cex=.75 )
#Plot 3 - POC Means + CI
plot( vMonth, lResPOC$vStartPerMonthMean[vMonth] , type ='l', xlab="Month", ylab="# of Patients", ylim = c(0,ylim), lwd=2, xlim=c(0,xlim), main="2 POC")
abline( h=c( nMaxQtyPats,nMaxQtyPats/2 ), col=8, lty=9)
abline( v = seq(0,100,5), col=8, lty=9)
lines( vMonth, lResPOC$vStartPerMonthMean[vMonth] , lwd=2, col=1, lty=1)
lines( vMonth, lResPOC$vLower[vMonth] , lwd=2, col=1, lty=2)
lines( vMonth, lResPOC$vUpper[vMonth] , lwd=2, col=1, lty=2)
#Plot 4 - POC Means + CI
plot( vMonth, lResPlat$vStartPerMonthMean[vMonth] , type ='l', xlab="Month", ylab="# of Patients", ylim = c(0,ylim), lwd=2, xlim=c(0,xlim), main="Platform Trial")
abline( h=c( nMaxQtyPats,nMaxQtyPats/2 ), col=8, lty=9)
abline( v = seq(0,100,5), col=8, lty=9)
lines( vMonth, lResPlat$vStartPerMonthMean[vMonth] , lwd=2, col=3, lty=1)
lines( vMonth, lResPlat$vLower[vMonth] , lwd=2, col=3, lty=2)
lines( vMonth, lResPlat$vUpper[vMonth] , lwd=2, col=3, lty=2)
if( strFile != "" )
SummarizeSimple <- function( lResPOC, lResPlat, strFile, xlim = NA, ylim = NA )
if( strFile != "" )
pdf( file = strFile )
#jpeg( file= strFile, width=1300, height=1000, res=100 )
strAssump <- paste( "Assumptions - POC\n", lResPOC$strAssumpTr1, "\n\n", "Assumptions - Platform\n", lResPlat$strAssumpTr1, sep="")
strPOC <- paste( " 2 POC Studies \n Ave. Time to Finish Compound 1 (95% CI): ", round(lResPOC$dMeanFinalMonth1,1),
"( ", round(lResPOC$vCI1[1],1),", ", round(lResPOC$vCI1[2],1), ")",
"\n Ave. Time to Finish Compound 2 (95% CI): ", round(lResPOC$dMeanFinalMonth2,1),
"( ", round(lResPOC$vCI2[1],1),", ", round(lResPOC$vCI2[2],1),")", sep="")
strPlat <- paste(" Platform \n Ave. Time to Finish Compound 1 (95% CI): ", round(lResPlat$dMeanFinalMonth1,1),
"( ", round(lResPlat$vCI1[1],1),", ", round(lResPlat$vCI1[2],1), ")",
"\n Ave. Time to Finish Compound 2 (95% CI): ", round(lResPlat$dMeanFinalMonth2,1),
"( ", round(lResPlat$vCI2[1],1),", ", round(lResPlat$vCI2[2],1), ")",
vPOCTime1 <- lResPOC$vFinalMonth1
vPlatTime1 <- lResPlat$vFinalMonth1
vPercentSavings1 <- (vPOCTime1 - vPlatTime1)/vPOCTime1
vPercentSavingCI1 <- round( 100*as.vector(quantile(vPercentSavings1 , c(0.025, 0.975))),1)
strSavings <- paste("Percent savings on first compound: ", round( mean(vPercentSavings1)*100,1), "% ( ", vPercentSavingCI1[1], "%, ", vPercentSavingCI1[2], "% )", sep="" )
vPOCTime2 <- lResPOC$vFinalMonth2-lResPOC$vFinalMonth1
vPlatTime2 <- lResPlat$vFinalMonth2-lResPlat$vFinalMonth1
vPercentSavings2 <- (vPOCTime2 - vPlatTime2)/vPOCTime2
vPercentSavingCI2 <- round( 100*as.vector(quantile(vPercentSavings2 , c(0.025, 0.975))),1)
strSavings <- paste(strSavings, "\nPercent savings on second compound: ", round( mean(vPercentSavings2)*100,1), "% ( ", vPercentSavingCI2[1], "%, ", vPercentSavingCI2[2], "% )", sep="" )
strDesc <- paste( strAssump, "\n\n\nResults\n", strPOC, "\n\n", strPlat, "\n\n", strSavings, sep="")
vMonth <- lResPOC$vMonth
#Plot 1 - just the means
#plot( vMonth, lResPOC$vStartPerMonthMean[vMonth] , type ='l', xlab="Month", ylab="# of Patients", ylim = c(0,ylim), lwd=2, xlim=c(0,xlim), main="Mean Recruitment")
#nMaxQtyPats <- lResPOC$vUpper[length(vMonth)]
#abline( h=c( nMaxQtyPats,nMaxQtyPats/2 ), col=8, lty=9)
#abline( v = seq(0,100,5), col=8, lty=9)
#lines( vMonth, lResPlat$vStartPerMonthMean[vMonth] , lwd=2, col=3)
#legend( 0, ylim, legend =c( "2 POC", "Platform"), lty=c(1,2,1,2), lwd=2, col=c(1,3), cex=.75)
#Plot 2 - Means + CI
if( is.na( ylim ) )
ylim <- max( lResPOC$vStartPerMonthMean,lResPOC$vStartPerMonthMean)
if( is.na( xlim ) )
xPoc <- vMonth[ lResPOC$vLower == max( lResPOC$vLower )]
xPlat <- vMonth[ lResPlat$vLower == max( lResPlat$vLower)]
xlim <- max( xPoc[1], xPlat[1] )*1.05
plot( vMonth, lResPOC$vStartPerMonthMean[vMonth] , type ='l', xlab="Month", ylab="# of Patients", ylim = c(0,ylim), lwd=3, xlim=c(0,xlim), main="Mean Recruitment")
abline( h=seq( 0, ylim, ylim/3), col=8, lty=9)
abline( v = seq(0,100,5), col=8, lty=9)
lines( vMonth, lResPlat$vStartPerMonthMean[vMonth] , lwd=3, col=3, lty=1)
lines( vMonth, lResPlat$vLower[vMonth] , lwd=3, col=3, lty=2)
lines( vMonth, lResPlat$vUpper[vMonth] , lwd=3, col=3, lty=2)
lines( vMonth, lResPOC$vStartPerMonthMean[vMonth] , lwd=3, col=1, lty=1)
lines( vMonth, lResPOC$vLower[vMonth] , lwd=3, col=1, lty=2)
lines( vMonth, lResPOC$vUpper[vMonth] , lwd=3, col=1, lty=2)
legend( 0, ylim, legend =c( "2 POC", "95% CI 2 POC", "Platform", "95% CI Platform"), lty=c(1,2,1,2), lwd=2, col=c(1,1,3,3), cex=.75)
if( strFile != "" )
# lResPOC <- SimulateAccrual( 100, 100,6,
# c(0.1,0.3,0.45, 0.5), c(5,10,15,20,25,35), c(0.1,0.3,0.45, 0.5),
# c(5,10,15,20,25,35), 3 )
# lResPlat <- SimulateAccrual( 100,100, 1,
# c(0.1,0.3,0.45, 0.5), c(3,8,15,35,50,70), c(0.1,0.3,0.45, 0.5),
# c(7.5, 15, 23,30, 37.5, 70), 6 )
# ggSummarizeSimple( lResPOC, lResPlat, "" )
# ggPlotPlatformRecruitment ( 100,100, c(0.1,0.3,0.45, 0.5),
# 6, 6, c(3,8,15,35,50,70),
# 6,2, c(3,8,15,35,50,70), c(7.5, 15, 23,30, 37.5, 70) )
ggSummarizeSimple <- function( lResPOC, lResPlat, xlim = NA, ylim = NA )
strAssump <- paste( "Assumptions - POC\n", lResPOC$strAssumpTr1, "\n\n", "Assumptions - Platform\n", lResPlat$strAssumpTr1, sep="")
strPOC <- paste( " 2 POC Studies \n Ave. Time to Finish Compound 1 (95% CI): ", round(lResPOC$dMeanFinalMonth1,1),
"( ", round(lResPOC$vCI1[1],1),", ", round(lResPOC$vCI1[2],1), ")",
"\n Ave. Time to Finish Compound 2 (95% CI): ", round(lResPOC$dMeanFinalMonth2,1),
"( ", round(lResPOC$vCI2[1],1),", ", round(lResPOC$vCI2[2],1),")", sep="")
strPlat <- paste(" Platform \n Ave. Time to Finish Compound 1 (95% CI): ", round(lResPlat$dMeanFinalMonth1,1),
"( ", round(lResPlat$vCI1[1],1),", ", round(lResPlat$vCI1[2],1), ")",
"\n Ave. Time to Finish Compound 2 (95% CI): ", round(lResPlat$dMeanFinalMonth2,1),
"( ", round(lResPlat$vCI2[1],1),", ", round(lResPlat$vCI2[2],1), ")",
vPOCTime1 <- lResPOC$vFinalMonth1
vPlatTime1 <- lResPlat$vFinalMonth1
vPercentSavings1 <- (vPOCTime1 - vPlatTime1)/vPOCTime1
vPercentSavingCI1 <- round( 100*as.vector(quantile(vPercentSavings1 , c(0.025, 0.975))),1)
strSavings <- paste("Percent savings on first compound: ", round( mean(vPercentSavings1)*100,1), "% ( ", vPercentSavingCI1[1], "%, ", vPercentSavingCI1[2], "% )", sep="" )
vPOCTime2 <- lResPOC$vFinalMonth2-lResPOC$vFinalMonth1
vPlatTime2 <- lResPlat$vFinalMonth2-lResPlat$vFinalMonth1
vPercentSavings2 <- (vPOCTime2 - vPlatTime2)/vPOCTime2
vPercentSavingCI2 <- round( 100*as.vector(quantile(vPercentSavings2 , c(0.025, 0.975))),1)
strSavings <- paste(strSavings, "\nPercent savings on second compound: ", round( mean(vPercentSavings2)*100,1), "% ( ", vPercentSavingCI2[1], "%, ", vPercentSavingCI2[2], "% )", sep="" )
strDesc <- paste( strAssump, "\n\n\nResults\n", strPOC, "\n\n", strPlat, "\n\n", strSavings, sep="")
vMonth <- lResPOC$vMonth
#Plot 2 - Means + CI
if( is.na( ylim ) )
ylim <- max( lResPOC$vStartPerMonthMean,lResPOC$vStartPerMonthMean)
if( is.na( xlim ) )
xPoc <- vMonth[ lResPOC$vLower == max( lResPOC$vLower )]
xPlat <- vMonth[ lResPlat$vLower == max( lResPlat$vLower)]
xlim <- max( xPoc[1], xPlat[1] )*1.05
xlimScale <- scale_x_continuous( limits=c( 0, round( xlim, 0)))
xlimScale <- NULL
df <- data.frame( Month = c(vMonth, vMonth),
startPatPerMonthMean = c( lResPOC$vStartPerMonthMean[vMonth],lResPlat$vStartPerMonthMean[vMonth]),
Type = c(rep( "2 POC", length(vMonth)), rep( "Platform", length( vMonth))),
Lower = c( lResPOC$vLower[vMonth],lResPlat$vLower[vMonth]),
Upper = c( lResPOC$vUpper[vMonth],lResPlat$vUpper[vMonth]))
p1 = ggplot(data = df, aes( x = Month, y = startPatPerMonthMean, colour=Type) ) +
geom_line(lwd =2) +
xlimScale +
labs( title ="Mean Recruitment", y="# of Patients") +
theme_bw() +
theme(plot.title =element_text(hjust=0.5), panel.grid.major.y = element_line(size=1.5)) +
theme( legend.position ="top", legend.direction="horizontal", legend.title =element_blank() ) +
geom_ribbon( aes( x= Month, ymin=Lower, ymax=Upper, fill=Type), alpha=0.2, colour=NA) +
scale_colour_manual( labels=c("2 POC ( 95% CI )","Platform ( 95% CI )"), values=c( "black", "green")) +
scale_fill_manual(labels=c("2 POC ( 95% CI )","Platform ( 95% CI )"),values=c("gray", "green"))
return( p1 )
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