##### COPYRIGHT #############################################################################################################
# This package is governed by the JRD OCTOPUS License, which is the
# GNU General Public License V3 with additional terms. The precise license terms are located in the files
#Note this verison of BayesianNormalAR1 was modified to allow for multiple doses, see the for loop
RunAnalysis.BayesianNormalAR1 <- function( cAnalysis, lDataAna, nISAAnalysisIndx, bIsFinalISAAnalysis, cRandomizer )
print( paste( "RunAnalysis.BayesianNormalAR1 "))
vOut <- lDataAna$vOut
vBaseline <- lDataAna$vBaseline
vTrt <- as.factor(lDataAna$vTrt)
vTimeF <- as.factor(lDataAna$vTime)
vTime <- lDataAna$vTime
vIND <- lDataAna$vIND
# Assuming 1 is the control treatment
vUniqT <- unique( lDataAna$vTrt )
vUniqT <- sort(vUniqT[ vUniqT != 1 ])
nQtyTimePts <- length( lDataAna$vObsTime )
dTimePt <- lDataAna$vObsTime[ nQtyTimePts]
#now We need to sample each arm and compare the samples to get the posterior probabilities we want
nQtySamples <- 10000 # Make this an input in the analysis
#vOut <- vOut[ vTime == lDataAna$vObsTime[ nQtyTimePts] ]
#vTrt <- vTrt[ vTime == lDataAna$vObsTime[ nQtyTimePts] ]
#Build the data for control, then sample the posterior
vYPlac <- vOut[ vTrt == 1 ]
vINDPlac <- vIND[ vTrt == 1 ]
vTimePlac <- vTime[ vTrt == 1 ]
vTD <- cbind( vINDPlac ,vYPlac,vTimePlac )
vTDOrd <- vTD[ order( vTD[,1], vTD[, 3]),]
#Make sure to use number of time poitns - 1 since change from baseline
mYPlac <- matrix( vTDOrd[,2], ncol = nQtyTimePts - 1, byrow=TRUE) # The vector is sorted by ID, Time
mYPlac <- mYPlac[ is.na( mYPlac[,nQtyTimePts - 1] ) == FALSE,] # Now this is only the completers
vX <- lDataAna$vObsTime
nQtyPats <- nrow( mYPlac )
lDataArm <- list( mY = mYPlac, nQtyPats = nQtyPats, vX = vX, nQtyTimePts= nQtyTimePts - 1 )
mPostSampPlac <- SamplePosteriorAR1( lDataArm, nQtySamples, title="Placebo" )
vMeanPlac <- CalcuateMeanAR1( mPostSampPlac[,1], mPostSampPlac[,2], vX[nQtyTimePts - 1])
#Need to loop over each treatment (dose)
lRetAll <- vector("list", length( vUniqT)) #The list that will be retured with a list for each dose
nIndx <- 1
nQtyTrt <- length( vUniqT)
for( i in 1:nQtyTrt )
#Create the data for vUniqT[i]
vY <- vOut[ vTrt == vUniqT[i] ]
vYTrt <- vOut[ vTrt == vUniqT[i] ]
vINDTrt <- vIND[ vTrt == vUniqT[i] ]
vTimeTrt <- vTime[ vTrt == vUniqT[i] ]
vTD <- cbind( vINDTrt ,vYTrt,vTimeTrt )
vTDOrd <- vTD[ order( vTD[,1], vTD[, 3]),]
#Make sure to use number of time poitns - 1 since change from baseline
mYTrt <- matrix( vTDOrd[,2], ncol = nQtyTimePts - 1, byrow=TRUE) # The vector is sorted by ID, Time
mYTrt <- mYTrt[ is.na( mYTrt[,nQtyTimePts - 1] ) == FALSE,] # Now this is only the completer
nQtyPats <- nrow( mYTrt )
lDataArm <- list( mY = mYTrt, nQtyPats = nQtyPats, vX = vX, nQtyTimePts= nQtyTimePts - 1 )
#sample the posterior for this treatment
mPostSampTrt <- SamplePosteriorAR1( lDataArm, nQtySamples, title=paste( "Treatment ", i,sep ="") )
vMeanTrt <- CalcuateMeanAR1( mPostSampTrt[,1], mPostSampTrt[,2], vX[nQtyTimePts - 1])
#print( paste( "Mean plac ", mean( vMeanPlac ), "( ", mean(mYPlac[,6] ), ") Mean Trt ", i , " ", mean( vMeanTrt ), " (", mean( mYTrt[,6]), ")" ))
#print( paste( "Plac ", mean( mPostSampPlac[,1]), ", ", mean( mPostSampPlac[,2]), ", ", mean( mPostSampPlac[,3])))
#print( paste( "Trt ", i, " ", mean( mPostSampTrt[,1]), ", ", mean( mPostSampTrt[,2]), ", ", mean( mPostSampTrt[,3])))
lSamples <- list( vPostSampPlac = vMeanPlac, vPostSampTrt = vMeanTrt )
lRetAll[[ i ]] <- ComputePosteriorProbs( cAnalysis, nISAAnalysisIndx, bIsFinalISAAnalysis, lSamples )
if( nQtyTrt == 1 )
lRetAll <- lRetAll[[1]]
lRetAll$cRandomizer <- cRandomizer # Needed because the main code will pull the randomizer off just in-case this function were to close a covariate group
return( lRetAll )
#Note: This is a normal model and with conjugate prior so we could calculate the posterior (normal) but I did it this way so
#the framework would be there to add a more complex placebo model
SamplePosteriorAR1<- function( lData, nQtySamplesPerChain, title ="" )
strModelFile <- paste0( "BayesianNormalAR1.txt")
#lDataJAGS <- list( vY = lData$vY, nQtyPats = lData$nQtyPats )
lInits <- list( InitsNormalModelAR1(), InitsNormalModelAR1(), InitsNormalModelAR1()) # Going to run 3 chains
m <- jags.model( strModelFile, lData,lInits, n.chains=3, quiet = TRUE )
update(m,1000,progress.bar = "none",quiet = TRUE)
mSamps <- coda.samples(m, c("alpha","beta", "gamma"), n.iter=nQtySamplesPerChain, quiet = TRUE,progress.bar = "none" )
#plot( mSamps)
#title( main= title)
mSamps <- rbind(mSamps[,][[1]],mSamps[,][[2]],mSamps[,][[3]])
dPostMeanMu <- mean( mSamps[,1])
#print(paste( "Post Means ", dPostMeanMu ))
return( mSamps )
InitsNormalModelAR1 <- function()
list( alpha =runif( 1, -10,-.1),beta =runif( 1,0.01,.98), gamma=rnorm( 1, 0, 5),tau=runif( 1, 0.01, 5) )
CalcuateMeanAR1<- function( vAlpha, vBeta, dTime )
# <- exp(vAlpha) * (1 - exp( -vBeta * dTime ))
dRet <- vAlpha + vBeta*dTime
return( dRet)
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