
##### COPYRIGHT #############################################################################################################
# This package is governed by the JRD OCTOPUS License, which is the
# GNU General Public License V3 with additional terms. The precise license terms are located in the files

#   Description                                                                                                         #####
#   This file contains helper functions for tests
#####   Developer(s): J. Kyle Wathen, PhD                                                                               #####

library( DoseFinding)
#The following function is used in connection with apply to get the pvalues of testing random samples
t.test.pval <-function( vSamp )
    t.test( vSamp )$p.value

CleanSimulationDirectories <- function()
    if( length( dir("enrollment") ) > 0)
        file.remove( paste("enrollment/", dir("enrollment"), sep="") )

    if( length( dir( "ISAOut1")) > 0 )
        file.remove( paste("ISAOut1/", dir( "ISAOut1"), sep="") )

    if( length( dir( "ISAOut2")) > 0 )
        file.remove( paste("ISAOut2/", dir( "ISAOut2") , sep="") )

    if( length( dir( "log")) > 0 )
        file.remove( paste("log/", dir( "log") , sep="") )

    if( length( dir( "out")) > 0 )
        file.remove( paste("out/", dir( "out") , sep="") )
# This function checks to make sure two lists have the same elements and the values match
# if bOrderMatters = FALSE then the items do not have to be in the same order.
AreListsEqual <- function( lList1, lList2, bOrderMatters = FALSE  )
    if( bOrderMatters )
        bRet <- identical( lList1, lList2 )
        bTest0 <- bTest1 <- bTest2 <- bTest3 <- bTest4 <- FALSE

        bTest0   <- all( is.list( lList1 ), is.list( lList2) )
        bLength  <- length( names( lList1 ) ) == length(  names( lList2 ) )

        if( bLength && bTest0 )
            bTest1 <- all( names( lList1 ) %in% names( lList2 ) )
            bTest2 <- all( names( lList2 ) %in% names( lList1 ) )
            bTest3 <- all( unlist( lList1[ names( lList2 ) ] ) == unlist( lList2 ) )
            bTest4 <- all( unlist( lList2[ names( lList1 ) ] ) == unlist( lList1 ) )
        bRet   <- all( bTest0, bTest1, bTest2, bTest3, bTest4)
    return( bRet )

SetupTrialDesign1ISA <- function()

    dConvWeeksToMonths <- 12/52
    nDesign            <- 1

    bNoIA             <- FALSE
    vQtyPats          <- c(30,  60)  # Number of patients on control, treatment
    nMaxQtyPats       <- sum( vQtyPats )

    vMaxQtyPatsInISA  <- c( nMaxQtyPats )

    vMinQtyPats       <- c( 15, nMaxQtyPats ) # nMaxQtyPats * 0.5  #The minimum number of patients at before a compound is dropped
    vMinFUTime        <- c( 12 * dConvWeeksToMonths, 12 * dConvWeeksToMonths)
    dQtyMonthsBtwIA   <- 0 # 1 IA + FA

    vObsTime          <- c( 0, 2, 4, 8, 12 ) * dConvWeeksToMonths

    #ISA 1
    vISALab1  <- c( 1, 1)
    vTrtLab1  <- c( 1, 2)

    #ISA 1 specific stuff

    #With only 1 ISA it starts at the start of the platform
    lISAStart1   <- structure( list( dParam1=0), class="SetTime" )
    lSimISAStart <- list( lISAStart1 = lISAStart1)

    #Define the MAV and TV targets and what level of confidence to utilize
    dMAV1       <- 40
    dTV1        <- 60

    dMAV2       <- 1
    dTV2        <- 2

    vLowerCI1   <- c(0.1, 0.2)
    vUpperCI1   <- c( 0.9, 0.8)

    vLowerCI2   <- c( 0.1, 0.2)
    vUpperCI2   <- c( 0.9, 0.8)

    # Notes - Each ISA must have a cAnalysis defined for it.  By default they will use RunAnalysis.Independent
    # Each cAnalysis should have a list of analysis structures for each outcome.

    #Analysis object for outcome 1
    cAnalysis1 <- structure( list( dMAV          = dMAV1,
                                   dTV           = dTV1,
                                   vUpperCI      = vUpperCI1,
                                   vLowerCI      = vLowerCI1,
                                   bPlacMinusTrt = TRUE,
                                   nVerboseOutput= 1,
                                   vTrtLab       = vTrtLab1,
                                   vObsTime      = vObsTime),
                             class= c("ReptMeasAnalysis","ProcessReptMeasChngBaseline"))

    #Setup the list for the Outcome 2
    cAnalysis2 <- structure( list( dMAV           = dMAV2,
                                   dTV            = dTV2,
                                   vUpperCI       = vUpperCI2,
                                   vLowerCI       = vLowerCI2 ,
                                   bPlacMinusTrt  = FALSE,
                                   vTrtLab        = vTrtLab1,
                                   nVerboseOutput = 1,
                                   vObsTime       = vObsTime[5]),
                             class= c("Ranked","ProcessSingleTimeOutcome" ) )

    #For the "standard" type analysis we are assuming that you give the nISA to pull the data for.
    # when we get to do an analysis that uses control data from multiple ISA will need to write a new RunAnalysis that
    # has other options.
    cISA1Analysis <- structure( list(   vAnalysis = list( cAnalysis1 = cAnalysis1,
                                                          cAnalysis2 = cAnalysis2),
                                        nISA = 1), class= "Independent")

    lDecisionOut <- structure(list(strApproachIA = "TwoOutcomeOption3", strApproachFA="TwoOutcomeOption3"), class = "General")

    cISA1Info <- structure( list( vQtyPats        = vQtyPats,
                                  vTrtLab         = vTrtLab1,
                                  vMinQtyPats     = vMinQtyPats,
                                  vMinFUTime      = vMinFUTime,
                                  dQtyMonthsBtwIA = dQtyMonthsBtwIA,
                                  cISAAnalysis    = cISA1Analysis,
                                  lDecision       = lDecisionOut ), class="EqualRandomizer")

    #TODO: In validating the  cTrialDesign$cISADesigns need to make sure the ProcessDataXXX class type is the same in all ISAs

    cISADesigns <- structure( list( cISA1 = cISA1Info), class= "IndependentISA")

    cTrialDesign   <- structure( list( vObsTime          = vObsTime,
                                       nMaxQtyPats       = nMaxQtyPats,
                                       vMaxQtyPatsInISA  = vMaxQtyPatsInISA,
                                       vISALab           = vISALab1,
                                       vTrtLab           = vTrtLab1,
                                       nQtyISAs          = length( cISADesigns),
                                       cISADesigns       = cISADesigns ), class="EqualRandomizer" )

    return( cTrialDesign )


SetupTrialDesign2ISA <- function( strISA2Randomizer = "EqualRandomizer" )
    dConvWeeksToMonths <- 12/52
    bNoIA           <- FALSE
    #Originally min pats was 45 changing to 75 to make up for the second dose
    vQtyPats        <- c(70,60,60,70)
    vQtyPatsInit    <- c( 40,0,0,40 )   #This is for this version only, assuming we want 15 on dose 1 and 30 on dose 4 first with a total of 30 and 60 on those doses
    nMaxQtyPats     <- 260  #Setting this to the max that wil be run in this scenario file
    vMinQtyPats     <-  c(sum( vQtyPatsInit ),nMaxQtyPats) # nMaxQtyPats * 0.5  #The minimum number of patients at before a compound is dropped

    #mTrtStartTimes allows different doses to start after the ISA opens.  Below the mTrtStartTimes
    # specifices the first 3 doses to start when the ISA opens and the 4th dose to open 5-8 months after the
    # ISA opens.  Only valid for Randomizers of class type = "DelayedStartRandomizer"
    mTrtStartTimes  <- matrix( c( 0, 0,
                                  0, 0,
                                  0, 0,
                                  5, 8 ), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2)

    # Check why this is needed
    vMinFUTime   <- c(12 * dConvWeeksToMonths, 12 * dConvWeeksToMonths)
    nQtyMonthsBtwIA <- 100 # 1 IA + FA

    vObsTime <- c( 0, 2, 4, 8, 12 ) * dConvWeeksToMonths

    #ISA 1 has 4 doses
    #vISA      <- c( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) #Thing this will be removed
    vTrtLab1  <- c( 1, 2, 3, 4)
    vTrtLab2  <- c( 1, 5, 6, 7)

    #ISA 1 specific stuff
    vISA1Doses  <- c(0,100, 300, 900)
    dMAV1       <- 40
    dTV1        <- 60

    vPValTrend    <- c( 0.05,0.05 )
    vLowerCI1     <- c( 0.1, 0.2)
    vUpperCI1     <- c( 0.9, 0.8)

    dMAV2       <- 1
    dTV2        <- 2
    vLower2       <- c( 0.10, 0.2)
    vUpper2       <- c( 0.95, 0.9)

                 direction = 'decreasing')
    # Notes - Each ISA must have a cAnalysis defined for it.  By default they will use RunAnalysis.Independent
    # Each cAnalysis should have a list of analysis structures for each outcome.
    cAnalysis1 <- structure( list( dMAV          = dMAV1,
                                   dTV           = dTV1,
                                   vUpperCI      = vUpperCI1,
                                   vLowerCI      = vLowerCI1,
                                   bPlacMinusTrt = TRUE,
                                   lModels       = models,
                                   vDose         = vISA1Doses,
                                   nVerboseOutput= 1,
                                   vTrtLab       = vTrtLab1,
                                   vPValTrend    = vPValTrend,
                                   vObsTime      = vObsTime),
                             class= c("ReptMeasAnalysisPerDose","ProcessReptMeasChngBaseline", "AtLeastOne"))

    #Setup the list for the Outcome 2
    cAnalysis2 <- structure( list( dMAV           = dMAV2,
                                   dTV            = dTV2,
                                   vUpperCI       = vUpper2,
                                   vLowerCI       = vLower2 ,
                                   bPlacMinusTrt  = FALSE,
                                   vDose          = vISA1Doses,
                                   vTrtLab        = vTrtLab2,
                                   nVerboseOutput = 1,
                                   vObsTime       = vObsTime[5]),
                             class= c("RankedPerDoseExact","ProcessSingleTimeOutcome","AtLeastOne" ) )

    #For the "standard" type analysis we are assuming that you give the nISA to pull the data for.
    # when we get to do an analysis that uses control data from multiple ISA will need to write a new RunAnalysis that
    # has other options.
    cISA1Analysis <- structure( list(   vAnalysis = list( cAnalysis1 = cAnalysis1,
                                                          cAnalysis2 = cAnalysis2),
                                        nISA = 1), class= "Independent")

    lDecisionOut1 <- structure(list(strApproachIA = "TwoOutcomeOption3", strApproachFA="TwoOutcomeOption3"), class = "General")

    cISA1Info <- structure( list( vQtyPats        = vQtyPats,
                                  vQtyPatsInit    = vQtyPatsInit,
                                  vTrtLab         = vTrtLab1,
                                  bNoIA           = bNoIA,
                                  vMinQtyPats     = vMinQtyPats,
                                  vMinFUTime      = vMinFUTime,
                                  nQtyMonthsBtwIA = nQtyMonthsBtwIA,
                                  cISAAnalysis    = cISA1Analysis,
                                  dQtyMonthsBtwIA = 2.0,
                                  lDecision       = lDecisionOut1), class="POCRandomizer")

    cISA2Info <- structure( list( vQtyPats              = vQtyPats,
                                  vQtyPatsInit          = vQtyPatsInit,
                                  vTrtLab               = vTrtLab2,
                                  bNoIA                 = bNoIA,
                                  vMinQtyPats           = vMinQtyPats,
                                  vMinFUTime            = vMinFUTime,
                                  nQtyMonthsBtwIA       = nQtyMonthsBtwIA,
                                  cISAAnalysis          = cISA1Analysis,
                                  lDecision             = lDecisionOut1,
                                  dQtyMonthsBtwIA       = 2.0,
                                  mTreatmentStartTimes  = mTrtStartTimes ), class=strISA2Randomizer)

    cISADesigns <- structure( list( cISA1 = cISA1Info, cISA2 =cISA2Info ), class= "IndependentISA")

    #The following could be moved to a Ctor for the trial design element.
    nMaxQtyPats    <- sum( cISA1Info$vQtyPats  ) + sum( cISA1Info$vQtyPats )
    vMaxQtyPatsInISA <- c( sum( cISA1Info$vQtyPats  ), sum( cISA1Info$vQtyPats ) )
    nQtyISA <- 2

    vTrtLab <- vector()   # Used to help keep track of the number of patients on
    vISALab <- vector()
    for( nISA in 1:nQtyISA)
        vMaxQtyPatsInISA[ nISA ] <- sum( cISADesigns[[ nISA ]]$vQtyPats )
        vTrtLab               <- c( vTrtLab, cISADesigns[[ nISA ]]$vTrtLab )
        vISALab               <- c( vISALab, rep( nISA, length( cISADesigns[[ nISA ]]$vTrtLab ) ) )
    cTrialDesign   <- structure( list( nQtyISAs        = length( cISADesigns),
                                       nMaxQtyPats       = nMaxQtyPats,
                                       vMaxQtyPatsInISA  = vMaxQtyPatsInISA,
                                       vISALab           = vISALab,
                                       vTrtLab           = vTrtLab,
                                       cISADesigns       = cISADesigns ), class="EqualRandomizer" )

    return( cTrialDesign )

SetupTrialDesign2ISASimple <- function( strISA2Randomizer = "EqualRandomizer" )
    dConvWeeksToMonths <- 12/52
    bNoIA           <- FALSE
    #Originally min pats was 45 changing to 75 to make up for the second dose
    vQtyPats        <- c(70,60,60,70)
    vQtyPatsInit    <- c( 20,20,20,20 )   #This is for this version only, assuming we want 15 on dose 1 and 30 on dose 4 first with a total of 30 and 60 on those doses
    nMaxQtyPats     <- 260  #Setting this to the max that wil be run in this scenario file
    vMinQtyPats     <-  c(sum( vQtyPatsInit ),nMaxQtyPats) # nMaxQtyPats * 0.5  #The minimum number of patients at before a compound is dropped

    #mTrtStartTimes allows different doses to start after the ISA opens.  Below the mTrtStartTimes
    # specifices the first 3 doses to start when the ISA opens and the 4th dose to open 5-8 months after the
    # ISA opens.  Only valid for Randomizers of class type = "DelayedStartRandomizer"
    mTrtStartTimes  <- matrix( c( 0, 0,
                                  0, 0,
                                  0, 0,
                                  0, 0 ), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2)

    # Check why this is needed
    vMinFUTime   <- c(12 * dConvWeeksToMonths, 12 * dConvWeeksToMonths)
    nQtyMonthsBtwIA <- 100 # 1 IA + FA

    vObsTime <- c( 0, 2, 4, 8, 12 ) * dConvWeeksToMonths

    #ISA 1 has 4 doses
    #vISA      <- c( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) #Thing this will be removed
    vTrtLab1  <- c( 1, 2, 3, 4)
    vTrtLab2  <- c( 1, 5, 6, 7)

    #ISA 1 specific stuff
    vISA1Doses  <- c(0,100, 300, 900)
    dMAV1       <- 40
    dTV1        <- 60

    vPValTrend    <- c( 0.05,0.05 )
    vLowerCI1     <- c( 0.1, 0.2)
    vUpperCI1     <- c( 0.9, 0.8)

    dMAV2       <- 1
    dTV2        <- 2
    vLower2       <- c( 0.10, 0.2)
    vUpper2       <- c( 0.95, 0.9)

                 direction = 'decreasing')
    # Notes - Each ISA must have a cAnalysis defined for it.  By default they will use RunAnalysis.Independent
    # Each cAnalysis should have a list of analysis structures for each outcome.
    cAnalysis1 <- structure( list( dMAV          = dMAV1,
                                   dTV           = dTV1,
                                   vUpperCI      = vUpperCI1,
                                   vLowerCI      = vLowerCI1,
                                   dFinalUpperCI = 0.8,
                                   dFinalLowerCI = 0.2,
                                   bPlacMinusTrt = TRUE,
                                   lModels       = models,
                                   vDose         = vISA1Doses,
                                   nVerboseOutput= 1,
                                   vTrtLab       = vTrtLab1,
                                   vPValTrend    = vPValTrend,
                                   vObsTime      = vObsTime),
                             class= c("ReptMeasAnalysisPerDose","ProcessReptMeasChngBaseline", "AtLeastOne"))

    #Setup the list for the Outcome 2
    cAnalysis2 <- structure( list( dMAV           = dMAV2,
                                   dTV            = dTV2,
                                   vUpperCI       = vUpper2,
                                   vLowerCI       = vLower2 ,
                                   dFinalUpperCI = 0.8,
                                   dFinalLowerCI = 0.2,
                                   bPlacMinusTrt  = FALSE,
                                   vDose          = vISA1Doses,
                                   vTrtLab        = vTrtLab2,
                                   nVerboseOutput = 1,
                                   vObsTime       = vObsTime[5]),
                             class= c("RankedPerDoseExact","ProcessSingleTimeOutcome","AtLeastOne" ) )

    #For the "standard" type analysis we are assuming that you give the nISA to pull the data for.
    # when we get to do an analysis that uses control data from multiple ISA will need to write a new RunAnalysis that
    # has other options.
    cISA1Analysis <- structure( list(   vAnalysis = list( cAnalysis1 = cAnalysis1,
                                                          cAnalysis2 = cAnalysis2),
                                        nISA = 1), class= c("NoBorrowing"))

    lDecisionOut1 <- structure(list(strApproachIA = "TwoOutcomeOption3", strApproachFA="TwoOutcomeOption3"), class = "General")

    cISA1Info <- structure( list( vQtyPats        = vQtyPats,
                                  vQtyPatsInit    = vQtyPatsInit,
                                  vTrtLab         = vTrtLab1,
                                  bNoIA           = bNoIA,
                                  vMinQtyPats     = vMinQtyPats,
                                  vMinFUTime      = vMinFUTime,
                                  nQtyMonthsBtwIA = nQtyMonthsBtwIA,
                                  cISAAnalysis    = cISA1Analysis,
                                  dQtyMonthsBtwIA = 2.0,
                                  lDecision       = lDecisionOut1), class="POCRandomizer")

    cISA2Info <- structure( list( vQtyPats              = vQtyPats,
                                  vQtyPatsInit          = vQtyPatsInit,
                                  vTrtLab               = vTrtLab2,
                                  bNoIA                 = bNoIA,
                                  vMinQtyPats           = vMinQtyPats,
                                  vMinFUTime            = vMinFUTime,
                                  nQtyMonthsBtwIA       = nQtyMonthsBtwIA,
                                  cISAAnalysis          = cISA1Analysis,
                                  lDecision             = lDecisionOut1,
                                  dQtyMonthsBtwIA       = 2.0,
                                  mTreatmentStartTimes  = mTrtStartTimes ), class=strISA2Randomizer)

    cISADesigns <- structure( list( cISA1 = cISA1Info, cISA2 =cISA2Info ), class= "IndependentISA")

    #The following could be moved to a Ctor for the trial design element.
    nMaxQtyPats    <- sum( cISA1Info$vQtyPats  ) + sum( cISA1Info$vQtyPats )
    vMaxQtyPatsInISA <- c( sum( cISA1Info$vQtyPats  ), sum( cISA1Info$vQtyPats ) )
    nQtyISA <- 2

    vTrtLab <- vector()   # Used to help keep track of the number of patients on
    vISALab <- vector()
    for( nISA in 1:nQtyISA)
        vMaxQtyPatsInISA[ nISA ] <- sum( cISADesigns[[ nISA ]]$vQtyPats )
        vTrtLab               <- c( vTrtLab, cISADesigns[[ nISA ]]$vTrtLab )
        vISALab               <- c( vISALab, rep( nISA, length( cISADesigns[[ nISA ]]$vTrtLab ) ) )
    cTrialDesign   <- structure( list( nQtyISAs        = length( cISADesigns),
                                       nMaxQtyPats       = nMaxQtyPats,
                                       vMaxQtyPatsInISA  = vMaxQtyPatsInISA,
                                       vISALab           = vISALab,
                                       vTrtLab           = vTrtLab,
                                       cISADesigns       = cISADesigns ), class="EqualRandomizer" )

    return( cTrialDesign )

SetupSimulations <- function( cTrialDesign, nQtyReps  )

    vObsTime1    <- cTrialDesign$cISADesigns$cISA1$cISAAnalysis$vAnalysis[[1]]$vObsTime

    nQtyCol <- length( vObsTime1 )

    vMeanTrt  <- c( 3.5, 3.4, 3.0, 2.5, 2, 0)
    vMeanCtrl <- c( 3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 0 )

    mVarCov   <- matrix( c( 0.5, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4,  0.4, 0,
                            0.4, 0.5, 0.4, 0.4,  0.4, 0,
                            0.4, 0.4, 0.5, 0.4,  0.4, 0,
                            0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.5,  0.4, 0,
                            0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4,  0.5, 0,
                            0,   0,   0,   0,    0,   1), ncol=(nQtyCol+1) )

    mMeanNull <- rbind( vMeanCtrl, vMeanCtrl,vMeanCtrl,vMeanCtrl)
    mMeanAlt  <- rbind( vMeanCtrl, vMeanTrt, vMeanTrt, vMeanTrt )

    #Setup the first Scenario, starting with non-ISA specific information
    nDesign         <- 1

    #     Setup ISA1 cISADesign element     #####

    cISAStart1   <- structure( list( dParam1=0), class="SetTime" )

    cISAStart2   <- structure( list( dParam1=12, dParam2 =14 ), class="Uniform" )

    vObsTime1    <- cTrialDesign$cISADesigns$cISA1$cISAAnalysis$vAnalysis[[1]]$vObsTime

    ### Simulate Outcome
    cSimOutcome1     <- structure( list( mMean      = mMeanNull,
                                        mVarCov    = mVarCov,
                                        vColIndex = c(1,2,3,4,5),
                                        vObsTime   = vObsTime1 ), class= c("MVN", "ProcessReptMeasChngBaseline"))

    cSimOutcome2     <- structure( list( mMean      = mMeanNull,
                                         mVarCov    = mVarCov,
                                         vColIndex =c(6),
                                         vObsTime   = vObsTime1[ length( vObsTime1 ) ] ), class= c("MVN","ProcessSingleTimeOutcome"))

    cSimOutcome <- structure( list( cSimOutcome1 = cSimOutcome1,
                                    cSimOutcome2 = cSimOutcome2 ), class="Correlated")

    cISA1Info <- structure( list(cSimOutcomes = cSimOutcome,
                                 cSimISAStart = cISAStart1 ) )

    cISA2Info <- structure( list(cSimOutcomes = cSimOutcome,
                                 cSimISAStart = cISAStart2 ) )
    # Setup the cISADesign element         ######

    cISADesigns <- structure( list( cISA1 = cISA1Info,
                                    cISA2 = cISA2Info) )

    #      Setup the non-ISA specific info and scenarios #####

    nMaxQtyPats <- 0
    if( is.null( cTrialDesign$nMaxQtyPats) )
        for( i in 1:length( cTrialDesign$cISADesigns))
            nMaxQtyPats     <- nMaxQtyPats + sum(  cTrialDesign$cISADesigns[[i]]$vQtyPats)

        nMaxQtyPats <- cTrialDesign$nMaxQtyPats

    # Recruitment rates, how many patient are expected to enroll each month in the trial ####

    vPatsPerMonthPerSite1   <- c(0.1,0.3,0.45,0.5,0.5,0.5)

    vQtyOfSitesPlat        <- c(3,8,15,35,50,70)
    vQtyOfPatsPerMonth1     <- vPatsPerMonthPerSite1 * vQtyOfSitesPlat

    ap                      <- NewAccrualProcess( vQtyPatsPerMonth = vQtyOfPatsPerMonth1, nMaxQtyPatients = nMaxQtyPats )

    # Setup the scenarios                                                               ####

    cScen1 <- structure(list(cAcc         = ap,
                             nDesign      = nDesign,
                             Scen         = 1,
                             nQtyReps     = nQtyReps,
                             nPrintDetail = 0,
                             cISADesigns  = cISADesigns))

    # The next block of code could be replaced by a loop and allow the user to send the fraction of the difference
    # but for this example it is just copied for clarity,

    lScen <- list( cScen1 = cScen1 )
    vName <- c( "cScen1" )

    cSimulation <- structure( list( lScenarios    = lScen,
                                    cTrialDesign  = cTrialDesign

    lSimulation <- list( SimDesigns = list(cSimulation))

    return( lSimulation )

SetupSimulateCovariateObject = function( )
    Cov1 = structure( list( vProbs = c( 0.4, 0.6 ) ),      class = "Categorical" )
    Cov2 = structure( list( vProbs = c( 0.2, 0.3, 0.5 ) ), class = "Categorical" )

    cSimCovariates = structure( list( Cov1 = Cov1, Cov2 = Cov2 ), class= "default" )
    return( cSimCovariates )
kwathen/OCTOPUS documentation built on Oct. 24, 2024, 12:36 p.m.