Man pages for kwstat/agridat
Agricultural Datasets

aastveit.barleyBarley heights and environmental covariates in Norway
acorsi.grayleafspotMulti-environment trial evaluating 36 maize genotypes in 9...
adugna.sorghumMulti-environment trial of sorghum at 3 locations across 5...
agridatDatasets from agricultural experiments
allcroft.lodgingMulti-environment trial of cereal with lodging data
alwan.lambFor the 34 sheep sires, the number of lambs in each of 5 foot...
ansari.wheat.uniformityUniformity trial of wheat
archbold.appleSplit-split plot experiment of apple trees
ars.earlywhitecorn96Multi-environment trial of early white food corn
australia.soybeanMulti-environment trial of soybean in Australia
bachmaier.nitrogenTrial of wheat with nitrogen fertilizer in two fertility...
bailey.cotton.uniformityUniformity trial of cotton in Egypt
baker.barley.uniformityUniformity trials of barley, 10 years on same ground
baker.strawberry.uniformityUniformity trial of strawberry
baker.wheat.uniformityUniformity trial of wheat
bancroft.peanut.uniformityUniformity trial of peanuts
barrero.maizeMulti-environment trial of maize in Texas.
batchelor.uniformityUniformity trials of apples, lemons, oranges, and walnuts
battese.surveySurvey and satellite data for corn and soy areas in Iowa
beall.webwormsCounts of webworms in a beet field, with insecticide...
beaven.barleyYields of 8 barley varieties in 1913 as used by Student.
becker.chickenMating crosses of chickens
beckett.maize.uniformityA uniformity trial of maize in Ghana.
belamkar.augmentedMulti-environment trial of wheat with Augmented design
besag.bayesianRCB experiment of spring barley in United Kingdom
besag.beansCompetition experiment in beans with height measurements
besag.checksCheck variety yields in winter wheat.
besag.elbatanRCB experiment of wheat, 50 varieties in 3 blocks with strong...
besag.endivePresence of footroot disease in an endive field
besag.metMulti-environment trial of corn, incomplete-block design
besag.triticaleFour-way factorial agronomic experiment in triticale
blackman.wheatMulti-environment trial of wheat, conventional and semi-dwarf...
bliss.borersCorn borer infestation under four treatments
bond.diallelDiallel cross of winter beans
bose.multi.uniformityUniformity trials of barley, wheat, lentils
box.corkWeight of cork samples on four sides of trees
bradley.multi.uniformityUniformity trial of 4 crops on the same land
brandle.rapeMulti-environment trial of rape in Manitoba
brandt.switchbackSwitchback experiment on dairy cattle, milk yield for two...
bridges.cucumberMulti-environment trial of cucumbers in a latin square design
broadbalk.wheatLong term wheat yields on Broadbalk fields at Rothamsted.
bryan.corn.uniformityUniformity trial of corn at 3 locations in Iowa.
buntaran.wheatMulti-environment trial of wheat in Sweden in 2016.
burgueno.alphaIncomplete block alpha design
burgueno.rowcolRow-column design
burgueno.unreplicatedField experiment with unreplicated genotypes plus one...
butron.maizeMulti-environment trial of maize with pedigrees
byers.appleDiameters of apples
caribbean.maizeMulti-environment trial of maize with fertilization
carlson.germinationGermination of alfalfa seeds at various salt concentrations
carmer.densityNonlinear maize yield-density model
cate.potassiumRelative cotton yield for different soil potassium...
chakravertti.factorialFactorial experiment of rice, 3x5x3x3
chinloy.fractionalfactorialFractional factorial of sugarcane, 1/3 3^5 = 3x3x3x3x3
christidis.competitionCompetition between varieties in cotton
christidis.cotton.uniformityUniformity trial of cotton
christidis.wheat.uniformityUniformity trial of wheat
cleveland.soilSoil resistivity in a field
cochran.beetsYield and number of plants in a sugarbeet fertilizer...
cochran.bibMulti-environment trial of corn, balanced incomplete block...
cochran.crdPotato scab infection with sulfur treatments
cochran.eelwormsCounts of eelworms before and after fumigant treatments
cochran.factorialFactorial experiment of beans, 2x2x2x2
cochran.latinLatin square design in wheat
cochran.latticeBalanced lattice experiment in cotton
cochran.wirewormsWireworms controlled by fumigants in a latin square
connolly.potatoPotato yields in single-drill plots
coombs.rice.uniformityUniformity trial of rice in Malaysia
cornelius.maizeMulti-environment trial of maize for 9 cultivars at 20...
corsten.interactionMulti-environment trial of corn
cox.stripsplitStrip-split-plot of barley with fertilizer, calcium, and soil...
cramer.cucumberCucumber yields and quantitative traits
crampton.pigWeight gain in pigs for different treatments
crossa.wheatMulti-environment trial of wheat for 18 genotypes at 25...
crowder.seedsGermination of Orobanche seeds for two genotypes and two...
cullis.earlygenEarly generation variety trial in wheat
damesa.maizeIncomplete-block experiment of maize in Ethiopia.
darwin.maizeDarwin's maize data of crossed/inbred plant heights
dasilva.maizeMulti-environment trial of maize
dasilva.soybean.uniformityUniformity trial of soybean
davidian.soybeanGrowth of soybean varieties in 3 years
davies.pasture.uniformityUniformity trial of pasture.
day.wheat.uniformityUniformity trial of wheat
denis.missingMulti-environment trial with structured missing values
denis.ryegrassMulti-environment trial of perennial ryegrass in France
depalluel.sheepLatin square of four breeds of sheep with four diets
devries.pineGraeco-Latin Square experiment in pine
digby.jointregressionMulti-environment trial of wheat
diggle.cowBodyweight of cows in a 2-by-2 factorial experiment
draper.safflower.uniformityUniformity trial of safflower
ducker.groundnut.uniformityUniformity trial of groundnut
durban.competitionSugar beet yields with competition effects
durban.rowcolRow-column experiment of spring barley, many varieties
durban.splitplotSplit-plot experiment of barley with fungicide treatments
eden.nonnormalHeight of barley plants in a study of non-normal data
eden.potatoPotato yields in response to potash and nitrogen fertilizer
eden.tea.uniformityUniformity trial of tea
edwards.oatsMulti-environment trial of oats in United States, 5...
engelstad.nitroMulti-environment trial of corn with nitrogen fertilizer
evans.sugarcane.uniformityUniformity trial of sugarcane
fan.stabilityMulti-environment trial of maize hybrids in China
federer.diagcheckWheat experiment with diagonal checks
federer.tobaccoRCB of tobacco, height plants exposed to radiation
fisher.barleyMulti-environment trial of 5 barley varieties, 6 locations, 2...
fisher.latinLatin square experiment on mangolds
forster.wheat.uniformityUniformity trial of wheat in Australia.
foulley.calvingCalving difficulty by calf sex and age of dam
fox.wheatMulti-environment trial of wheat, 22 varieties at 14 sites in...
garber.multi.uniformityUniformity trials of oat hay and wheat grain
gartner.cornYield monitor data from a corn field in Minnesota
gathmann.btImpact of Bt corn on non-target species
gauch.soyMulti-environment trial of soybeans in New York, 1977 to 1988
george.wheatMulti-location/year breeding trial in California
giles.wheatStraw length and ear emergence for wheat genotypes.
gilmour.serpentineWheat yield in South Australia with serpentine row/col...
gilmour.slatehallSlate Hall Farm 1978
gomez.fractionalfactorialFractional factorial of rice, 1/2 2^6 = 2x2x2x2x2x2
gomez.groupsplitGroup balanced split-plot design in rice
gomez.heterogeneityRCB experiment of rice, heterogeneity of regressions
gomez.heteroskedasticRCB experiment of rice, heteroskedastic varieties
gomez.multilocsplitplotMulti-environment trial of rice, split-plot design
gomez.nitrogenSoil nitrogen at three times for eight fertilizer treatments
gomez.nonnormal1Insecticide treatment effectiveness
gomez.nonnormal2RCB experiment of rice, measuring white heads
gomez.nonnormal3RCB experiment of rice, 12 varieties with leafhopper survival
gomez.rice.uniformityUniformity trial of rice
gomez.seedrateRCB experiment of rice, 6 densities
gomez.splitplot.subsampleSplit-plot experiment of rice, with subsamples
gomez.splitsplitSplit-split-plot experiment of rice
gomez.stripplotStrip-plot experiment of rice
gomez.stripsplitplotStrip-split-plot experiment of rice
gomez.wetdryRice yield in wet & dry seasons with nitrogen fertilizer...
gorski.oats.uniformityUniformity trial of oats in Poland
gotway.hessianflyHessian fly damage to wheat varieties
goulden.barley.uniformityUniformity trial of barley
goulden.eggsSample of egg weights on 24 consecutive days
goulden.latinLatin square experiment for testing fungicide
goulden.splitsplitSplit-split-plot experiment of wheat
graybill.heteroskedasticMulti-environment trial of wheat varieties with...
gregory.cottonFactorial experiment of cotton in Sudan.
grover.diallelDiallel 6x6
grover.rcb.subsampleRice RCB with subsamples
gumpertz.pepperPhytophtera disease incidence in a pepper field
hadasch.lettuceLettuce resistance to downy mildew resistance (with marker...
hanks.sprinklerWheat yields in a line-source sprinkler experiment
hanover.whitepineMating crosses of white pine trees
hansen.multi.uniformityMulti-year uniformity trial in Denmark
haritonenko.sugarbeet.uniformityUniformity trial of sugar beet
harris.multi.uniformityUniformity trials with multiple crops, 15 years on the same...
harrison.priorsRanges of analytes in soybean from other authors
harris.wateruseWater use by horticultural trees
hartman.tomato.uniformityUniformity trial of tomato
harvey.lsmeansAverage daily gain of 65 steers for 3 lines, 9 sires.
harville.lambBirth weight of lambs from different lines/sires
hayman.tobaccoDiallel cross of Aztec tobacco
hazell.vegetablesGross profit for 4 vegetable crops in 6 years
heady.fertilizerYield of corn, alfalfa, clover with two fertilizers
heath.cabbage.uniformityUniformity trial of cabbage.
heath.raddish.uniformityUniformity trial of radish
henderson.milkfatMilk fat yields for a single cow
hernandez.nitrogenMulti-environment trial of corn with nitrogen fertilizer at 5...
hessling.argentinaRelation between wheat yield and weather in Argentina
hildebrand.systemsMulti-environment trial of maize for four cropping systems
holland.arthropodsCounts of arthropods in a grid-sampled wheat field
holshouser.splitstripSplit-strip-plot of soybeans
holtsmark.timothy.uniformityUniformity trial of timothy grass in Norway
huehn.wheatMulti-environment trial of wheat to illustrate stability...
hughes.grapesRCB experiment of grape, disease incidence
hunter.cornMulti-environment trial of corn with nitrogen fertilizer
hutchinson.cotton.uniformityUniformity trial of cotton
igue.sugarcane.uniformityUniformity trial with sugarcane
ilri.sheepBirth weight and weaning weight of Dorper x Red Maasi lambs
immer.sugarbeet.uniformityUniformity trial of sugarbeets, measurements of yield, sugar,...
ivins.herbsPercent ground cover of herbage species and nettles.
iyer.wheat.uniformityUniformity trials of wheat in India
jansen.appleInfestation of apple shoots by apple canker.
jansen.carrotInfestation of carrots by fly larvae
jansen.strawberryOrdered disease ratings of strawberry crosses.
jayaraman.bambooBamboo progeny trial
jegorow.oats.uniformityUniformity trial of oats in Russia
jenkyn.mildewYields from treatment for mildew control
john.alphaAlpha lattice design of spring oats
johnson.blightPotato blight due to weather in Prosser, Washington
johnson.douglasfirA study of small-plots of old-growth Douglas Fir in Oregon.
jones.corn.uniformityUniformity trial of corn.
jurowski.wheat.uniformityUniformity trial of wheat in Russia
kadam.millet.uniformityUniformity trial of millet
kalamkar.potato.uniformityUniformity trial of potatoes
kalamkar.wheat.uniformityUniformity trial of wheat
kang.maizeMulti-environment trial of maize in Louisianna at 4 locs in 3...
kang.peanutMulti-environment trial of peanuts for 10 genotypes in 15...
karcher.turfgrassTurfgrass ratings for different treatments
kayad.alfalfaYield monitor data for 4 cuttings of alfalfa in Saudi Arabia.
keen.potatodamageDamage to potato tubers from lifting rods.
kempton.barley.uniformityUniformity trial of barley
kempton.competitionSugar beet trial with competition effects
kempton.rowcolRow-column experiment of wheat
kempton.slatehallSlate Hall Farm 1976 spring wheat
kenward.cattleRepeated measurement of weights of calves with two...
kerr.sugarcane.uniformityUniformity trials of sugarcane, 4 fields
khan.brassica.uniformityUniformity trial of brassica.
khin.rice.uniformityUniformity trial of rice
kiesselbach.oats.uniformityUniformity trial of oats
kirk.potatoVariety trial of potatoes, highly replicated
kling.augmentedAugmented design of meadowfoam
kotowski.potato.uniformityUniformity trial of potato in Poland.
kreusler.maizeGrowth of maize plants in Germany during 1875-1878
kristensen.barley.uniformityUniformity trial of barley
kulkarni.sorghum.uniformityUniformity trial of sorghum
lambert.soiltempAverage monthly soil temperature near Zurich
lander.multi.uniformityUniformity trials of wheat and chari, 4 years on the same...
larsen.timothy.uniformityUniformity trial of timothy grass in Norway
lasrosas.cornYield monitor data for a corn field in Argentina with...
lavoranti.eucalyptusHeight of Eucalyptus trees in southern Brazil
laycock.tea.uniformityUniformity trials of tea
lee.potatoblightRepeated measurements of resistance to potato blight
lehmann.millet.uniformityUniformity trial of millet in India
lehmann.rice.uniformityUniformity trial of rice in India
lehner.soybeanmoldYield, white mold, and sclerotia for soybeans in Brazil
lessman.sorghum.uniformityUniformity trial of sorghum
libsLoad multiple packages and install if needed
lillemo.wheatMulti-environment trial of wheat susceptibile to powdery...
li.millet.uniformityUniformity trial of millet
linder.wheatMulti-environment trial of wheat in Switzerland
lin.superiorityMulti-environment trial of 33 barley genotypes in 12...
lin.unbalancedMulti-environment trial of 33 barley genotypes in 18...
little.splitblockSplit-block experiment of sugar beets
loesell.bean.uniformityUniformity trial of white pea beans
lonnquist.maizeMulti-environment trial of maize, half diallel
lord.rice.uniformityUniformity trial of rice
love.cotton.uniformityUniformity trial of cotton
love.sugarcane.uniformityUniformity Trial of Sugarcane in Puerto Rico
lucas.switchbackSwitchback experiment on dairy cattle, milk yield for 3...
lu.stabilityMulti-environment trial of maize, to illustrate stability...
lyon.potato.uniformityUniformity trial of potatoes
lyons.wheatMulti-environment trial of winter wheat at 12 sites in 4...
magistad.pineapple.uniformityUniformity trial of pineapple
masood.rice.uniformityUniformity trial of rice
mcclelland.corn.uniformityUniformity trial of corn
mcconway.turnipRCB experiment of turnips
mckinstry.cotton.uniformityUniformity trial of cotton in South Rhodesia
mcleod.barleyMulti-environment trial of barley in South Canterbury with...
mead.cauliflowerLeaves for cauliflower plants at different times
mead.cowpea.maizeIntercropping experiment of maize/cowpea
mead.germinationSeed germination with different temperatures/concentrations
mead.lambNumber of lambs born to 3 breeds on 3 farms
mead.strawberryRCB experiment of strawberry
mead.turnipDensity/spacing experiment for turnips in 3 blocks.
mercer.mangold.uniformityUniformity trial of mangolds
mercer.wheat.uniformityUniformity trial of wheat
miguez.biomassBiomass of 3 crops in Greece
minnesota.barley.weatherMonthly weather at 6 sites in Minnesota 1927-1936.
minnesota.barley.yieldMulti-environment trial of barley in Minnesota at 6 sites in...
montgomery.wheat.uniformityUniformity trial of wheat, 2 years on the same land
moore.uniformityUniformity trials of pole beans, bush beans, sweet corn,...
nagai.strawberry.uniformityUniformity trial of strawberry
nair.turmeric.uniformityUniformity trial of turmeric.
narain.sorghum.uniformityUniformity trial of sorghum
nass.cornU.S. historical crop yields by state
nebraska.farmincomeNebraska farm income in 2007 by county
nonnecke.peas.uniformityUniformity trial of canning peas
nonnecke.sweetcorn.uniformityUniformity trial of sweet corn
obsi.potato.uniformityUniformity trial of potato in Africa 2001
odland.soybean.uniformityUniformity trials of soy hay and soybeans
omer.sorghumMulti-environment trial of sorghum, 6 environments
onofri.winterwheatMulti-environment trial of winter wheat, 7 years
ortiz.tomatoMulti-environment trial of tomato in Latin America,...
pacheco.soybeanMulti-environment trial of soybean in Brazil. trial of coffee
panse.cotton.uniformityUniformity trial of cotton trial of oranges
patterson.switchbackSwitchback experiment on dairy cattle, milk yield for 4...
payne.wheatLong term rotation experiment at Rothamsted
pearce.appleApple tree yields for 6 treatments with covariate
pearl.kernelsCounts of yellow/white and sweet/starchy maize kernels by 15...
pederson.lettuce.repeatedRepeated measurements of lettuce growth
perry.springwheatMulti-environment trial of wheat cultivars introduced...
petersen.sorghum.cowpeaIntercropping experiment of sorghum/cowpea
piepho.barley.uniformityUniformity trial of barley
piepho.cocksfootMulti-environment trial of cock's foot, heading dates for 25...
polson.safflower.uniformityUniformity trial of safflower
rangaswamy.groundnut.uniformityUniformity trial of groundnut
ratkowsky.onionsOnion yields for different densities at two locations
reid.grassesYields of four grasses for a wide range of nitrogen...
riddle.wheatModified Latin Square experiments of wheat
ridout.appleshootsRoot counts for propagated columnar apple shoots.
robinson.peanut.uniformityUniformity trial of peanuts
roemer.sugarbeet.uniformityUniformity trial of sugar beets
rothamsted.brusselsRCB experiment of brussels sprouts, 9 fertilizer treatments
rothamsted.oatsRCB experiment of oats, straw and grain, 9 fertilizer...
ryder.groundnutRCB experiment of groundut, wet and dry yields
salmon.buntFungus infection in varieties of wheat
saunders.maize.uniformityUniformity trial of maize in South Africa
sawyer.multi.uniformityUniformity trials of wheat, swedes, oats, 3 years on the same...
sayer.sugarcane.uniformityUniformity trial of sugarcane in India, 1932, 1933 & 1934.
senshu.riceMulti-environment trial of rice, with solar radiation and...
shafii.rapeseedMulti-environment trial of rapeseed in U.S.
shafi.tomato.uniformityUniformity trial of tomato
sharma.metMulti-environment trial
shaw.oatsMulti-environment trial of oats in India
siao.cotton.uniformityUniformity trials of cotton in China
silva.cottonNumber of cotton bolls for different levels of defoliation.
sinclair.cloverClover yields in a factorial fertilizer experiment
smith.beans.uniformityUniformity trials of beans, 2 species in 2 years
smith.corn.uniformityUniformity trial of corn, 3 years on same ground
smith.wheat.uniformityUniformity trial of wheat
snedecor.asparagusAsparagus yields for different cutting treatments
snijders.fusariumFusarium infection in wheat varieties
stephens.sorghum.uniformityUniformity trial of sorghum silage
steptoe.morex.phenoMulti-environment trial of barley, phenotypic and genotypic...
stickler.sorghum.uniformityUniformity trial of sorghum
stirret.borersCorn borer control by application of fungal spores.
streibig.competitionCompetition experiment between barley and sinapis. trial in apple
strickland.grape.uniformityUniformity trial of grape
strickland.peach.uniformityUniformity trial of peach
strickland.tomato.uniformityUniformity trial of tomato
stroup.ninRCB experiment of wheat at the Nebraska Intrastate Nursery
stroup.splitplotSplit-plot experiment of simulated data
student.barleyMulti-environment trial of barley
summerby.multi.uniformityUniformity trial of maize, oat, alfalfa, mangolds
tai.potatoMulti-environment trial of potato
talbot.potatoMulti-environment trial of potato in UK, yields and trait...
tesfaye.milletMulti-environment trial of millet
theobald.barleyMulti-environment trial of barley, multiple years &...
theobald.covariateMulti-environment trial of corn silage, Year * Loc * Variety...
thompson.cornsoyMulti-environment trial of corn & soybean, 1930-1962, with...
tulaikow.wheat.uniformityUniformity trial of winter/spring wheat
turner.herbicideHerbicide control of larkspur
urquhart.feedlotWeight gain calves in a feedlot
usgs.herbicidesConcentrations of herbicides in streams in the United States
vaneeuwijk.drymatterMulti-environment trial of maize, dry matter content
vaneeuwijk.fusariumInfection of wheat varieties by Fusarium strains from 1990 to...
vaneeuwijk.nematodesNumber of cysts on 11 potato genotypes for 5 potato cyst...
vargas.txeTreatment x environment interaction in agronomy trials
vargas.wheat1Wheat yields in 7 years with genetic and environment...
vargas.wheat2Multi-environment trial of wheat with environmental...
verbyla.lupinMulti-environment trial of lupin, multiple varieties and...
vishnaadevi.rice.uniformityUniformity trial of rice
vold.longtermLong-term barley yields at different fertilizer levels
vsn.lupin3Multi-environment trial of lupin, early generation trial
wallace.iowalandIowa farmland values by county in 1925
walsh.cottonpriceAcres and price of cotton 1910-1943
wassom.brome.uniformityUniformity trials of bromegrass
waynick.soilSoil nitrogen and carbon in two fields
wedderburn.barleyMulti-environment trial of barley, percent of leaves affected...
weiss.incblockSoybean balanced incomplete block experiment
weiss.latticeLattice experiment in soybeans.
welch.bermudagrassFactorial experiment of bermuda grass, 4x4x4, N, P, K...
wheatley.carrotInsecticide treatments for carrot fly larvae
wiebe.wheat.uniformityUniformity trial of wheat
wiedemann.safflower.uniformityUniformity trial of safflower
williams.barley.uniformityUniformity trial of barley
williams.cotton.uniformityUniformity trial of cotton
williams.treesMulti-environment trial of trees, height / survival of 37...
woodman.pigWeight gain in pigs for different treatments
wyatt.multi.uniformityUniformity trial of oats and wheat on the same ground.
yang.barleyMulti-environment trial of barley in Alberta, 6 varieties at...
yan.winterwheatMulti-environment trial of winter wheat in Ontario
yates.missingFactorial experiment of potato, 3x3 with missing values
yates.oatsSplit-plot experiment of oats
zuidhof.broilerDaily weight, feed, egg measurements for a broiler chicken
kwstat/agridat documentation built on Feb. 20, 2025, 9:44 p.m.