
Defines functions inverse_additive_logistic_transform additive_logistic_transform optim_polya_proportions optim_polya_precision optim_polya_pingpong optim_polya dirichlet_precision_wicker

Documented in dirichlet_precision_wicker optim_polya optim_polya_pingpong

#' Estimate Dirichlet precision using Wicker's formula
#' Returns an estimate of the Dirichlet precision (sum of the parameters of a
#' Dirichlet distribution) using a closed-form expression derived by Wicker
#' \emph{et. al.}
#' @param props A matrix of training proportions, one column per category, one
#'   row per trial.
#' @param min_prop Minimum proportion used in the calculation.  Wicker's
#'   formula takes the log of each proportion, which fails if a proportion is
#'   zero.  This parameter provides a lower bound to proportions used in the
#'   formula.
#' @param min_value Minimum return value.  In some cases, Wicker's estimate
#'   is zero or negative.  This parameter is used to provide a lower bound to
#'   the return value.
#' @references
#'   Wicker, N., et al. "A Maximum Likelihood Approximation Method for 
#'   Dirichlet's Parameter Estimation," Comp. Stat. Data Anal. 52, 1315 (2008).
#' @return Estimated sum of parameters for Dirichlet distribution
#' @export
dirichlet_precision_wicker <- function(props, min_prop=1e-10, min_value=0.1) {
  if (is.vector(props)) {
    props <- matrix(props, nrow=1)
  props[props < min_prop] <- min_prop
  n <- ncol(props)
  k <- nrow(props)
  f <- apply(props, 2, mean)
  euler_constant <- -digamma(1)
  term0 <- n * (k - 1) * euler_constant
  term1 <- n * sum(f * log(f))
  term2 <- sum(f * colSums(log(props)))
  wicker_estimate <- term0 / (term1 - term2)
  if (wicker_estimate < min_value) min_value else wicker_estimate

#' Find MLE of a multivariate Polya distribution
#' @param counts A matrix of observed data, one column per category, one row
#'   per trial.
#' @return The result of the final call to optim().
#' @export
optim_polya <- function(counts, check_runaway=TRUE) {

  polya_model <- function(alphas) {
    sum(apply(counts, 1, dpolya, alphas))

  optim_step <- function(initial_params) {
      lower=rep(1e-10, length(initial_params)),
      upper=rep(1e10, length(initial_params)),
      control=list(maxit=1000, fnscale=-1, trace=0))

  props <- t(apply(counts, 1, function (x) {x / sum(x)}))
  approx_precision <- dirichlet_precision_wicker(props, min_value=1)
  initial_params <- approx_precision * apply(props, 2, mean)

  results <- optim_step(initial_params)
  if (results$convergence != 0) {
      "Convergence failed in call to optim(): ", 
      " ",

  # Check for runaway parameters
  if (check_runaway) {

  low_alphas <- results$par < 1e-8
  low_alpha_calls <- 0
  while (any(low_alphas)) {
    # Replace ultra-low parameters with some allowable value
    message("One or more parameters is too small, re-optimizing...")
    allowable_par <- results$par
    allowable_par[allowable_par > 1e-8] <- 1
    results <- optim_step(allowable_par)
    low_alphas <- results$par < 1e-8
    low_alpha_calls <- low_alpha_calls + 1
    if (low_alpha_calls > 10) {
      message("More than 10 attempts to remove parameters that are too small")

  # Check solution using variation of parameters
  bad_variants_exist <- TRUE
  while (bad_variants_exist) {
    variant_multipliers <- expand.grid(
      idx  = seq_along(results$par), 
      mult = c(10, 2, 0.5, 0.1))
    variant_pars <- t(apply(variant_multipliers, 1, function (x) {
      idx <- x["idx"]
      mult <- x["mult"]
      results$par[idx] <- mult * results$par[idx]
    variant_likelihoods <- apply(variant_pars, 1, polya_model)
    bad_variants_exist <- max(variant_likelihoods) > results$value
    if (bad_variants_exist) {
      message("MLE exceeded with variation of parameters, re-optimizing...")
      top_par <- variant_pars[which.max(variant_likelihoods),]
      results <- optim_step(top_par)


#' Find MLE of a multivariate Polya distribution, optimizing mean and precision separately
#' @param counts A matrix of observed data, one column per category, one row
#'   per trial.
#' @param max_iter Maximum number of iterations
#' @return The result of the final call to optim().
#' @export
optim_polya_pingpong <- function(counts, max_iter=100, tol=1e-5, max_a0=20) {
  alphas <- colSums(counts)
  a0 <- sum(alphas)
  if (a0 > max_a0) {
    alphas <- alphas * (max_a0 / a0)
  # print(alphas)
  n <- 1

  while (n <= max_iter) {
    a0 <- sum(alphas)
    r1 <- optim_polya_precision(counts, alphas)
    # Only allow precision to increase by factor of 10
    r1_a0 <- sum(r1$par)
    max_step_a0 <- 10 * a0
    if (r1_a0 > max_step_a0) {
      r1$par <- r1$par * max_step_a0 / r1_a0
    # print(r1$par)

    r2 <- optim_polya_proportions(counts, r1$par)
    if (isTRUE(all.equal(alphas, r2$par, tolerance=tol))) {
      r2$pings <- n
    alphas <- r2$par
    n <- n + 1

  message("Could not find stable result in ", max_iter, " iterations.")
  r2$pings <- n

optim_polya_precision <- function(counts, alphas) {
  a0 <- sum(alphas)
  ps <- alphas / a0
  polya_model <- function(x) {
    alphas <- x * ps
    sum(apply(counts, 1, dpolya, alphas))
  res <- optim(
    control=list(maxit=1000, fnscale=-1, trace=0))
  res$par <- res$par * ps

optim_polya_proportions <- function(counts, alphas) {
  a0 <- sum(alphas)
  ps <- alphas / a0
  ps_alt <- additive_logistic_transform(ps)

  polya_model <- function(x) {
    alphas <- a0 * inverse_additive_logistic_transform(x)
    sum(apply(counts, 1, dpolya, alphas))

  res <- optim(
    control=list(maxit=1000, fnscale=-1, trace=0))

#   if (any(res$par < 1e-8)) {
#     p2 <- res$par
#     p2[p2 < 1e-8] <- 1
#     res <- optim(
#       p2,
#       polya_model,
#       method="L-BFGS-B",
#       lower=1e-10,
#       upper=1e10,
#       control=list(maxit=1000, fnscale=-1, trace=0))
#   }

  res$par <- a0 * inverse_additive_logistic_transform(res$par)

additive_logistic_transform <- function(xs) {
  # Log ratios to first element
  log(tail(xs, -1)) - log(xs[1])

inverse_additive_logistic_transform <- function(xs) {
  xs <- c(1, exp(xs))
  xs / sum(xs)
kylebittinger/polyafit documentation built on Jan. 11, 2023, 8:53 a.m.