
win <- .Platform$OS.type == 'windows'
ext <- tools::file_ext(input)
input <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(input))
builddir <- if (win) './' else system2('make', '-s builddir', stdout = TRUE)

fig.path <- paste0(input, '-figures/')
if (!win) {
    Sys.setlocale(category = "LC_ALL", locale = "en_US.UTF-8")

hook_pdfclean <- function (before, options, envir) {
    if (before || options$fig.num == 0) return()
    for (f in paste0(options$fig.path, options$label, '-', seq_len(options$fig.num), '.', options$fig.ext)) {
        message('cropping and resetting meta data, timestamps, ids ', f)
        ft <- paste0(f, '.tmp')
        # crop
        system2('pdfcrop', c(shQuote(f), shQuote(f)))
        # remove meta data that might change between versions
        system2('sed', c('-i', shQuote('/^\\/\\(Producer\\|Creator\\|PTEX.Fullbanner\\) (.*)/d'), shQuote(f)))
        # fix offsets
        system2('pdftk', c(shQuote(f), 'output', shQuote(ft)))
        file.rename(ft, f)
        # remove timestamps
        system2('sed', c('-i', shQuote('/^\\/\\(Mod\\|Creation\\)Date (D:/s/[0-9]/0/g'), shQuote(f)))
        system2('sed', c('-i', shQuote('/^\\/ID \\[/s/[0-9a-fA-F]/D/g'), shQuote(f)))

if (ext == 'Rmd') {
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(tidy = FALSE,
                          error = FALSE,
                          pdfclean = TRUE,
                          echo = FALSE,
                          cache = TRUE,
                          dev = 'pdf',
                          fig.path = fig.path,
                          cache.path = paste0(builddir, input, '-cache/'))
    knitr::knit_hooks$set(pdfclean = if (win) knitr::hook_pdfcrop else hook_pdfclean)
    knitr::knit(paste0(input, '.Rmd'), paste0(input, '.markdown'), envir = new.env())

    for (rmd_warning in knitr::knit_meta(class = "rmd_warning")) {
        message("Warning: ", rmd_warning)

if (win) {
    lines <- readLines(paste0(input, '.markdown'))
    cat(grep('^%% ', lines, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE), file = paste0(input, '-filtered.markdown'), sep = '\n')
    params <- sub('^%% ', '--', grep('^%% ', lines, value = TRUE))
    system2(paste0(Sys.getenv('RSTUDIO_PANDOC'), '/pandoc'), c(paste0(input, '-filtered.markdown'), '-o', paste0(input, '.tex'), params))
    system2('pdflatex', c('--synctex=1', '-shell-escape', '-interaction=nonstopmode', paste0(input, '.tex')))
    file.copy('references.bib', 'parsed-references.bib', overwrite = TRUE)
    system2('bibtex', c(input))
} else if (make) {
    system2('make', paste0('pdflatex-', input))
laderast/DSI_explore1 documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:40 a.m.