
Defines functions bash_func_name shell_has_bash moduleInit

Documented in moduleInit

#' Initialize Environment Modules interface
#' Initialize linux Environment Modules. Must be called before using \code{\link{module}}
#' @param version The version of the module system that is installed
#' @param modulesHome Path to where the module system is installed
#' @export
moduleInit <- function( version = '3.2.10',
                        modulesHome = '/local/genome/Modules/3.2.10'){

  # Check if modulecmd exists in the
  if(!file.exists( file.path(modulesHome,"bin/modulecmd") )){
    stop(file.path(modulesHome,"bin/modulecmd")," missing!\n",
         "  Module environment init failed!" )

  if( is.na(Sys.getenv('MODULE_VERSION', unset = NA)) ){
    Sys.setenv(MODULE_VERSION_STACK = version,
               MODULE_VERSION = version)
  } else {
    Sys.setenv(MODULE_VERSION_STACK = Sys.getenv('MODULE_VERSION'))


  if( is.na(Sys.getenv('MODULEPATH', unset = NA)) ){
    txt <- readLines(file.path(Sys.getenv('MODULESHOME'),"init/.modulespath"))

    # remove commented lines and trim leading and trailing whitespace
    txt <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", sub("#.*$","",txt))
    # paste together
    path <- paste(txt[txt != ""],collapse=":")
    Sys.setenv( MODULEPATH = path )

  if( is.na(Sys.getenv('LOADEDMODULES', unset = NA)) ){
    Sys.setenv( LOADEDMODULES = "" )
  # for {r, engine="bash"} in Rmarkdown/other bash subprocesses to use 'module' function
  if( shell_has_bash() ) {
    module_function <- bash_func_name()
    if( is.na(Sys.getenv(module_function, unset = NA)) ) {
      env_var <- list(f = paste("() {  eval `", file.path(modulesHome, "bin/modulecmd"), " bash ${1+\"$@\"}`; }",
                                sep = ""))
      names(env_var) <- module_function
      do.call(Sys.setenv, env_var)

shell_has_bash <- function() {
  ## $SHELL is login shell bash - set by all shells
  ## $0 is process name
  ## $BASH is set by bash even when sh is symlinked to bash (/bin/sh rather than /bin/bash)
  bash <-
    system("{ which bash >/dev/null && bash -c 'basename ${SHELL:-unset}; basename $0; basename ${BASH:-unset}'; } || echo unset",
           intern = TRUE)
  any(bash == "bash") & any(bash == "unset") == FALSE

# probe the system to discover naming scheme BASH_FUNC_module%% vs BASH_FUNC_module()
bash_func_name <- function() {
  ## system() uses sh which is often not linked/copy of bash, but another shell e.g. dash
  name_scheme <- system("bash -c '__r() { : ;}; export -f __r; env | grep ^BASH_FUNC___r'",
                        intern = TRUE)
  name_scheme <- gsub(pattern = "(BASH_FUNC___r|=.*)", replacement = "", x = name_scheme)
  func_name   <- paste("BASH_FUNC_module", name_scheme, sep = "")
larsgr/RLinuxModules documentation built on Feb. 5, 2023, 10:40 a.m.