
Defines functions SERGL RAC_change

Documented in RAC_change

#' @title Rank Abundance Curve Changes
#' @description Calculates change of the five aspects of rank abundance curves
#'   (richness, evenness, rank, species gains, and species losses) for a
#'   replicate between two time points.
#' @param df A data frame containing time, species, and abundance columns and an
#'   optional columns of replicates.
#' @param time.var The name of the time column.
#' @param species.var The name of the species column.
#' @param abundance.var The name of the abundance column.
#' @param replicate.var The name of the optional replicate column. If specified,
#'   replicate must be unique within the dataset and cannot be nested within
#'   treatments or blocks.
#' @param reference.time The name of the optional time point that all other time
#'   points should be compared to (e.g. the first year of data). If not
#'   specified, each comparison is between consecutive time points (the first
#'   and second year, second and third year, etc.)
#' @return The RAC_change function returns a data frame with a subset of the
#'   following columns:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{replicate.var: }{A column that has same name and type as the
#'  replicate.var column, if replicate.var is specified.}
#'  \item{time.var: }{A column with the specified time.var and a second column,
#'  with '2' appended to the name. Time is subtracted from time2.}
#'  \item{richness_change: }{A numeric column that is the change in richness
#'  between the two time periods for a replicate divided by the total number of
#'  unique species in both time periods. A positive value occurs when a there is
#'  an increase in species richness over time, and a negative value when there
#'  is a decreases in species richness over  time.}
#'  \item{evenness_change: }{A numeric column that is the change in
#'  evenness(measured with Evar) between the two time periods for a replicate. A
#'  positive value occurs when evenness  increases over time, and a negative
#'  value when evenness decreases in over time.}
#'  \item{rank_change: }{A numeric column that is the absolute value of the
#'  average change in species ranks between the two time periods for a replicate
#'  divided by the total number of unique species in both time periods. Species
#'  that are not present in both time periods are given the S+1 rank in the
#'  sample it is absent in, where S is the number of species in that sample.}
#'  \item{gains: }{A numeric column of the number of species that are present at
#'  time period 2 that were not present at time period 1 for a replicate divided
#'  by the total number of unique species in both time periods. This is
#'  equivalent to the turnover function with metric = "appearances".}
#'  \item{losses: }{A numeric column of the number of species that are not
#'  present at time period 2 but were  present at time period 1 for a replicate
#'  divided by the total number of unique species in both time periods. This is
#'  equivalent to the turnover function with metric = "disappearance".}
#' }
#' @references Avolio et al. Submitted
#' @examples 
#' data(pplots)
#' # Without replicates
#' df <- subset(pplots, plot == 25)
#' RAC_change(df = df,
#'            species.var = "species",
#'            abundance.var = "relative_cover",
#'            time.var = "year")
#' # With replicates
#' df <- subset(pplots, year < 2004 & plot %in% c(6, 25, 32))
#' RAC_change(df = df,
#'            species.var = "species",
#'            abundance.var = "relative_cover",
#'            replicate.var = "plot",
#'            time.var = "year")
#' # With reference year
#' df <- subset(pplots, year < 2005 & plot %in% c(6, 25, 32))
#' RAC_change(df = df,
#'            species.var = "species",
#'            abundance.var = "relative_cover",
#'            replicate.var = "plot",
#'            time.var = "year",
#'            reference.time = 2002)
#' @export

RAC_change <- function(df,
                       replicate.var = NULL,
                       reference.time = NULL) {

  # validate function call and purge extraneous columns
  args <- as.list(match.call()[-1])
  df <- do.call(check_args, args, envir = parent.frame())
  # add zeros for species absent from a time period within a replicate
  by <- c(replicate.var)
  allsp <- split_apply_combine(df, by, FUN = fill_species, species.var, abundance.var)

  # rank species in each time and optionally replicate
  by <- c(time.var, replicate.var)
  rankdf <- split_apply_combine(allsp, by, FUN = add_ranks, abundance.var)

  # merge subsets on time difference of one time step
  cross.var <- time.var
  cross.var2 <- paste(cross.var, 2, sep = '')
  split_by <- c(replicate.var)
  merge_to <- !(names(rankdf) %in% split_by)
  if (is.null(reference.time)) {
    ranktog <- split_apply_combine(rankdf, split_by, FUN = function(x) {
      y <- x[merge_to]
      cross <- merge(x, y, by = species.var, suffixes = c('', '2'))
      f <- factor(cross[[cross.var]])
      f2 <- factor(cross[[cross.var2]], levels = levels(f))
      idx <- (as.integer(f2) - as.integer(f)) == 1
      cross[idx, ]
  } else {
    ranktog <- split_apply_combine(rankdf, split_by, FUN = function(x) {
      y <- x[x[[time.var]] != reference.time, merge_to]
      x <- x[x[[time.var]] == reference.time, ]
      merge(x, y, by = species.var, suffixes = c('', '2'))
  # remove rows with NA for both abundances (preferably only when introduced
  # by fill_species)
  idx <- is.na(ranktog[[abundance.var]])
  abundance.var2 <- paste(abundance.var, 2, sep = '')
  idx2 <- is.na(ranktog[[abundance.var2]])
  ranktog[idx, abundance.var] <- 0
  ranktog[idx2, abundance.var2] <- 0
  idx <- ranktog[[abundance.var]] != 0 | ranktog[[abundance.var2]] != 0
  ranktog <- ranktog[idx, ]
  # apply turnover calculation to all replicates for each time point
  by <- c(replicate.var, cross.var, cross.var2)
  output <- split_apply_combine(ranktog, by, FUN = SERGL,
    species.var, abundance.var, abundance.var2)
    warning(paste0("evenness_change values contain NAs because there are plots",
                   " with only one species"))

  output_order <- c(
    time.var, paste(time.var, 2, sep = ''),
    'richness_change', 'evenness_change', 'rank_change', 'gains', 'losses')
  return(output[intersect(output_order, names(output))])

# Private functions: these are internal functions not intended for reuse.
# Future package releases may change these without notice. External callers
# should not use them.

# A function to calculate RAC changes for a replicate between two consecutive time points 
# @param df a dataframe
# @param time.var the name of the time column
# @param rank.var1 the name of the speices rank column for the first time peroid
# @param rank.var2 the name of the species rank column for the second time period
# @param abundance.var1 the name of the abundance column for the first time peroid
# @param abundance.var2 the name of the abundance column for the second time period
SERGL <- function(df, species.var, abundance.var, abundance.var2) {
  out <- c(species.var, 'rank', 'rank2', abundance.var, abundance.var2)
  out <- unique(df[!(names(df) %in% out)])

  # ricness and evenness differences
  s_t1 <- S(df[[abundance.var]])
  e_t1 <- Evar(as.numeric(df[[abundance.var]]))
  s_t2 <- S(df[[abundance.var2]])
  e_t2 <- Evar(as.numeric(df[[abundance.var2]]))
  delta_s <- (s_t2-s_t1) / nrow(df)
  delta_e <- (e_t2-e_t1) 
  # gains and lqosses
  df$gain <- ifelse(df[[abundance.var]] == 0, 1, 0)
  df$loss <- ifelse(df[[abundance.var2]] == 0, 1, 0)
  gain <- sum(df$gain) / nrow(df)
  loss <- sum(df$loss) / nrow(df)
  delta_r <- mean(abs(df[['rank']] - df[['rank2']])) / nrow(df)
  measures <- data.frame(
    richness_change = delta_s, evenness_change = delta_e,
    rank_change = delta_r, gains = gain, losses = loss)
  return(cbind(out, measures))
laurenmh/codyn documentation built on Dec. 5, 2020, 3:41 p.m.