
Defines functions groupPEAKS

Documented in groupPEAKS

# groupPEAKS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @aliases groupPEAKS
#' @title Get peak-groups representing different chemical spectra in each LC-MS datafile
#' @description Function performs peak-picking and peak-grouping for each LC-MS datafile independently.
#' @details Function performs peak-picking using the \emph{centWave} algorithm from package \emph{xcms}.
#' Picked-peaks are then grouped into chemical spectra. For each peak in the sample:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Co-eluting peaks are found.
#' \item EIC correlation between all co-eluting peaks is performed.
#' \item Network of peaks with high EIC correlation (with coefficients above the selected threshold) is built.
#' }
#' Co-eluting peaks within a network of high EIC correlation originate from the same chemical compound and therefore form a chemical spectrum.
#' @param file \code{character} with path to metadata csv file, which must incluce columns 'filename', 'run_order' and 'raw_filepath'.
#' @param out_dir \code{character} specifying desired directory for output.
#' @param cwt \code{CentWaveParam} class object with parameters for centWave-based peak-picking.
#' @param ncores \code{numeric} defining number of cores to use for parallelisation. Default set to 1 for serial implementation.
#' @param thr \code{numeric} defining correlation coefficient threshold, above which peak pairs will be considered as correlated. Default set to 0.95.
#' @return For each LC-MS file, function writes a table with picked-peaks and their peak-groups into separate files, in the defined \code{out_dir} directory.
#' Inputed metadata file is updated to include a column 'proc_filepath', specifying full path to processed csv files peak-group tables.
#' @export
groupPEAKS <- function(file = NULL,
                       out_dir = NULL,
                       cwt = NULL,
                       ncores = 2,
                       thr = 0.95) {
  if (is.null(file)) {
    stop("'file' is required")
  if (!file.exists(file)) {
    stop("incorrect filepath for 'file' provided")
  if (is.null(out_dir)) {
    stop("'out_dir' is required")
  if (!dir.exists(out_dir)) {
    stop("incorrect filepath for 'out_dir' provided")
  if (is.null(cwt) | class(cwt) != "CentWaveParam") {
    stop("'cwt' has to be a 'CentWaveParam' object")
  if (ncores < 1 | !is.numeric(ncores)) {
    warning("'ncores' was not correctly set. Switching to ncores = 1 (serial performance)")
  ## register paral backend
  if (ncores > 1) {
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncores)
  } else {
  ## check provided metadata
  samples <- read.csv(file, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  req_cnames <- c(
  if (any(!req_cnames %in% names(samples))) {
    stop("'files' table must contain columns: ", paste0(req_cnames, collapse = ", "))
  ## verboseColumns must be TRUE to output column "scpos"
  cwt@verboseColumns <- TRUE
  ## mzdiff was >= 0 to avoid duplicate peaks in peak-groups
  if (cwt@mzdiff < 0) {
    warning("mzdiff of ", cwt@mzdiff, " was selected. Switching mzdiff to 0 ...")
    cwt@mzdiff <- 0
  ## list raw files to be processed (only list files that have not been peak-grouped in the out_dir yet)
  samples$proc_filepath <- paste0(file.path(out_dir, samples$filename), "_peakgrs.csv")
  rfiles <- samples$raw_filepath[which(!file.exists(samples$proc_filepath))]

  while (length(rfiles) > 0) {

    ## create named vector to store processing result for every file
    nfiles <- length(rfiles)
    result <- setNames(vector("list", nfiles), nm = rfiles)

    if (ncores > 1) {

      ## get number of processes across which files will be divided
      nproc <- ceiling(nfiles / ncores)

      ## in each new process, start a new cluster with selected number of cores
      for (iproc in seq(0, (nproc - 1), by = 1)) {

        ## extract files to be processed in this process
        files_proc_first <- 1 + (iproc * ncores)
        files_proc_last <- ncores + (iproc * ncores)
        files_proc_last <- ifelse(files_proc_last <= nfiles, files_proc_last, nfiles)
        files_proc <- rfiles[files_proc_first:files_proc_last]

        ## run selected files across the cluster
        cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncores)
        result[files_proc_first:files_proc_last] <- foreach::foreach(
          f = files_proc,
          .inorder = TRUE,
          .export = c("groupPEAKS_paral"), # not neccessary if massFlowR is imported with .packages
          .packages = c("xcms", "MSnbase")
        ) %dopar% (
            f = f,
            out_dir = out_dir,
            cwt = cwt,
            thr = thr
        message(files_proc_last, " out of ", nfiles, " files were processed.")
    } else {
      ## serial implementation
      result <- lapply(setNames(rfiles, rfiles),
        FUN = groupPEAKS_paral,
        out_dir = out_dir,
        cwt = cwt,
        thr = thr
    ## process results
    # identify files that failed and update list of files
    result_status <- sapply(result, "[[", "status")
    rfiles <- names(result[which(result_status == "FAILED")])

    if (length(rfiles) > 0) {
      error_messages <- sapply(result, "[[", "error")
      if ("readDATA failure" %in% error_messages) {
        stop("readDATA failed with: \n", paste(rfiles, "\n"))
      message(" \n", length(rfiles), " files failed. Processing failed files ...")
      message("Generated error messages for failed files:\n")
      message(paste0(sapply(result[rfiles], "[[", "error")))
  write.csv(samples, file = file, row.names = FALSE)
  message("Peak-groups for all files were succesfully generated.")
lauzikaite/massflowR documentation built on April 27, 2020, 5:32 p.m.