
#' A single result.
#' @param object Wrap object into a `result` class.
#' @param id Object identifier in [storage::object_store].
result <- function (object, id)
  structure(list(object = object, id = id), class = 'result')

#' A set (list) of results.
#' @param res A `list` of objects to wrap in a `results` class.
results <- function (res)
  stopifnot(is.list(res), all_named(res))
    mapply(result, object = res, id = names(res), SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE),
    class = 'results'

is_results <- function (x) inherits(x, "results")

#' @export
`.DollarNames.result` <- function (x, pattern = "")
  grep(pattern, c('commit', 'object', 'id'), value = TRUE)

#' @export
`$.result` <- function (x, i)
  if (identical(i, 'id') || identical(i, 'object')) {
  if (identical(i, 'commit')) {
    g <- graph(internal_state$stash)
    return(find_first_parent(g, x$id))
  stop('unknown option: ', i, call. = FALSE)

#' @export
`.DollarNames.results` <- function (x, pattern = "")
  ids <- vapply(x, `[[`, character(1), i = 'id')
  srt <- storage::shorten(ids)
  ids <- if (anyDuplicated(srt)) ids else srt
  grep(pattern, c('tidy', ids), value = TRUE)

#' @export
`$.results` <- function (x, i)
  ids <- vapply(x, `[[`, character(1), i = 'id')
  short_ids <- storage::shorten(ids)
  if (identical(i, 'tidy')) {
    rows <- lapply(x, function (x) broom::tidy(x$object))
    return(cbind(id = short_ids, do.call(rbind, rows)))
  if (length(j <- match(i, short_ids))) return(x[[j]])
  if (length(j <- match(i, ids))) return(x[[j]])
  stop('unknown option: ', i, call. = FALSE)

# --- printing ---

#' @export
print.results <- function (x, ...)
  lapply(x, function (result) {
    cat(crayon::green(storage::shorten(result[['id']])), ': ')
    print(result, indent = 10)

print.result <- function (x, ...) print_result(x[['object']], ...)

print_result <- function (x, ...) UseMethod("print_result")

print_result.default <- function (x, ...)

#' @importFrom stringi stri_sub
print_result.lm <- function (x, digits = 2, indent = 0, ...)
  glance <- broom::glance(x)
  values <- format(glance, digits = digits)
  glance <- paste(names(glance), values, sep = ':', collapse = ' ')
  cls <- paste(class(x), collapse = ' ')
  frm <- format(x$call$formula)
  indent <- indent + nchar(cls) + nchar(frm) + 5
  glance <- strwrap(glance, width = getOption("width") - indent)
  if (length(glance) > 1) {
    glance <- paste0(stringi::stri_sub(glance[1], 1, -3), '...')
      ' ',

# --- plotting ---

#' @export
`plot.results` <- function (x, xlab = 'adj.r.squared', ylab = 'AIC', ...)
  glance <- lapply(x, function (r) broom::glance(r$object))
  shared <- Reduce(intersect, lapply(glance, names))
  present <- function (v)
    if (!isTRUE(v %in% shared)) stop(v, ' is not available for all objects', call. = FALSE)
  X <- vapply(glance, `[[`, numeric(1), i = xlab)
  Y <- vapply(glance, `[[`, numeric(1), i = ylab)
  plot(X, Y, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)
lbartnik/experiment documentation built on May 20, 2019, 8:27 p.m.