
#' @title FRG_Comp_Sig_Matrix
#' @description Function used to perform the Wilcoxon test of significant differences,
#'  using differnt number of 'before fire years' as reference. The function creates
#'  and saves matrixes of p-values obtained using differnt number of before fire
#'  years. Matrix is saved within the 'p-matrixes' subfolder of the folder
#'  containing the final output file. Additional info necessary to plot the time
#'  series (i.e., boxplots, objectids of fires, fireyears, ecc) are also saved
#'  in the same file (plot_stat data frame). 
#' @param in_file string File of scaled VI Time Series extracted for single-fire areas
#' @param out_file_pmat `character` path to the file to be used to store the
#'  p-values matrix
#' @param opts `list` of options passed from `frg_fullprocessing()`
#' @return Saves a p_matrix.RData file containing the p-values matrix and the
#'  'plot_stats' data frame in the 'p_matrixes' subfolder
#' @rdname frg_wilcox
#' @export 
#' @author Lorenzo Busetto, phD (2017) <lbusett@gmail.com>
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by summarise filter select
#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist
#' @importFrom abind abind
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom stats pairwise.wilcox.test
frg_wilcox <- function(in_file,
                       opts) {
  X75th <- up_box <- std_dev <- low_box <- X25th <- CLC_Class <- 
    OBJECTID <- Year <- J <- N_PIX <- Index <- lgtyy <- YearDiff <- CASE_ID <- 
      Time_Signif <-  low_ci <- hi_ci <- NULL
  median_analysis <- TRUE
  Out_File_R <- out_file_pmat
  #- ---------------------------------------------------- - 
  # Get time series data from the input file ----
  #- ---------------------------------------------------- - 
  # ts_data <- select(ts_data, -ENV_ZONE)
  # Initialization and Preliminary pre elaborations ----
  counter <- 1
  # Select 'Interesting' CLC Classes
  sel_levels    <- c("Schlerophyllus Vegetation", "Broadleaved Forests", 
                     "Coniferous Forests", "Mixed Forests", "Transitional Vegetation")
  # Remove unneeded CLC classes
  ts_data       <- droplevels(subset(ts_data, CLC_Class %in% sel_levels))  
  # Convert N_PIX to factor and add a 'p' before the number
  ts_data$N_PIX <- as.factor(paste("p", ts_data$N_PIX, sep = "_"))
  # Number of records to be analyzed (total number of FIRES in both burned areas
  # shapefile and MODIS ROI )
  n_fires       <- length(unique(ts_data$OBJECTID))
  # Get ancillary data regarding fires from the EFFIS shape file ----
  # Remove fires not 'present' in the MODIS dataset
  Data_Shape <- droplevels(subset(Data_Shape, 
                                  OBJECTID %in% unique(ts_data$OBJECTID)))
  recs       <- unique(Data_Shape$OBJECTID)  # Count the remaining fires
  n_recs     <- length(recs)  # Number of fires to process
  ts_data <- ts_data[complete.cases(ts_data), ]
  ts_data_Melted <- ts_data
  ts_data_Melted <- droplevels(subset(ts_data_Melted, Year != '2000')) 
  # Get list of available years Number of years in the time series
  Start_Year  <- min(ts_data_Melted$Year)  # Starting year of the time serie
  End_Year    <- max(ts_data_Melted$Year)  # Ending year of the time serie
  N_Years     <- 1 + as.numeric(End_Year) - as.numeric(Start_Year)
  Avail_Years <- seq(Start_Year, End_Year, 1)
  #- ---------------------------------------------------- - 
  #- #Initialize output matrixes ----
  #- ---------------------------------------------------- - 
  plot_stat_names <- c("CASE_ID", "OBJECTID", "FireYear", "YearFromFire", 
                       "Area_All", "Area_Forest", "Area_CLC",  "CLC_Class", 
                       "N_PIX", "Time_Signif", "Year", "YearDiff", "low_ci", "mean", "hi_ci", 
                       "std_dev", "low_box", "X25th", "median", "X75th", "up_box")
  # Define the output matrixes that will contain information on p-values
  # of wilcoxon rank sum tests.
  max_plus_years  <- N_Years - 3  #To compute the limits of the p-values full matrixes: 
  max_minus_years <- -(N_Years - 1)  #To compute the limits of the p-values full matrixes
  p_matrix_median <- NULL
  plot_stat       <- NULL  # Initialize output variables
  # Define an empty matrix with correct dimensions to store the results of 
  # the wilcoxon comparisons - using medians 
  p_matrix_median_empty <- array(data = NA, 
                                 dim = c(max_plus_years - max_minus_years, 
                                         max_plus_years - max_minus_years))
  colnames(p_matrix_median_empty) <- seq(max_minus_years, max_plus_years - 
                                           1, 1)
  rownames(p_matrix_median_empty) <- seq(max_minus_years + 1, max_plus_years, 1)
  #- ---------------------------------------------------- - 
  # Start Analysis on single fires ----
  # FirePix is a counter on fires. Fires are analyzed ordered
  # by total area according to the EFFIS shapefile 
  #- ---------------------------------------------------- - 
  case_ID <- 0
  # Compute the 'Years from fire' variable.
  ts_data_Melted$YearDiff <- (as.numeric(as.character(ts_data_Melted$Year)) - 
  # cONVERT TO A DATA.TABLE to improve speed !!!
  ts_data_Melted <- data.table(ts_data_Melted)
  # Set the 'keys' for the table. 
  setkey(ts_data_Melted, OBJECTID, CLC_Class)  
  for (FirePix in 1:n_fires) {
    # for (FirePix in 1:200){
    if ((FirePix/250) - floor(FirePix/250) == 0) {
      message("-> Analysing Burnt Area: ", FirePix, " of: ", n_fires)
    # Getrr OBJECTID of the fire to be analyzed
    FireCode         <- as.character(recs[FirePix])
    # Get Data of the selected fire
    Data_Fire        <- droplevels(ts_data_Melted[J(FireCode)])  
    Data_Fire_Shape  <- subset(Data_Shape, OBJECTID == FireCode)
    # get levels of 'Difference' with fire year - full and before fire
    YearDiffs        <- (unique(Data_Fire$YearDiff))
    YearDiffs_Before <- YearDiffs[which(YearDiffs < 0)]
    if (length(Data_Fire$FireYear) != 0 & is.finite(Data_Fire$FireYear[1])) {
      # control on number of records for selected fire
      # Get year of occurrence of the selected fire
      FireYear     <- Data_Fire$FireYear[1] 
      # Get total burnt Area
      Area_All     <- Data_Fire$Area_All[1] 
      # Get total in forest CLC types
      Area_Forest  <- Data_Fire$Area_Forest[1]
      # Compute years from fire at the beginning of the time serie for
      # the selected fire
      YearFromFire <- Start_Year - FireYear
      # Limit the analysis to fires occurred at least three years later than
      # the start of the time series AND at least one year before its end
      if ((FireYear - Start_Year >= 3) & (FireYear < End_Year)) {
        # Get array of CLC classes present in the selected fire Fire
        CLC_classes <- c(levels(Data_Fire$CLC_Class), "All")
        # Start cyclying on CLC classes 'available' in the selected fire
        for (Class in CLC_classes) {
          if (Class != "All") {
            Data_Class <- droplevels(Data_Fire[CLC_Class == Class])
          } else {
            Data_Class <- Data_Fire
          Data_Class_check <- Data_Class %>% 
            dplyr::group_by(N_PIX) %>% 
            dplyr::summarise(lgtyy = length(Index)) %>%
            dplyr::filter(lgtyy == N_Years) %>% 
          Data_Class <- subset(Data_Class, Data_Class$N_PIX %in% 
          # Check to see if at least opts$min_pix pixels are 'available' for the 
          # selected CLC class and Zone in the selected fire
          n_pix   <- length(unique(Data_Class$N_PIX))
          case_ID <- case_ID + 1
          # if number of pixels grater than minimum , perform analysis ----
          if (n_pix >= opts$min_pix) {
            # Compute the 'Area_CLC' class, i.e., the area burnt in each CLC class
            # for the analyzed fire
            if (Class == "All") {
              Area_CLC <- Area_Forest
            if (Class == "Broadleaved Forests") {
              Area_CLC <- Data_Fire_Shape[["BroadLeave"]]
            if (Class == "Coniferous Forests") {
              Area_CLC <- Data_Fire_Shape[["Coniferous"]]
            if (Class == "Mixed Forests") {
              Area_CLC <- Data_Fire_Shape[["MixedFores"]]
            if (Class == "Transitional Vegetation") {
              Area_CLC <- Data_Fire_Shape[["Transition"]]
            if (Class == "Schlerophyllus Vegetation") {
              Area_CLC <- Data_Fire_Shape[["Sclerophyl"]]
            if (median_analysis == T) {
              #- ---------------------------------------------------- - 
              # Creation of the 'means' matrix. ----
              # Replace data of the 'before' years with medians computed 
              # considering 1 year, 2 years, etcetera.
              #- ---------------------------------------------------- - 
              Data_Class_med <- Data_Class
              # Start of cycle on: Before_Year
              for (Before_Year in YearDiffs_Before) {
                # Get before fire data up to 'Before_Year' 
                Data_Before <- droplevels(
                  Data_Class[YearDiff >= Before_Year & YearDiff < 0]
                # Compute means per pixels of the before years
                mean_before <- as.integer(
                              list(mean = mean(Index, na.rm = T)), 
                              by = list(N_PIX)]$mean
                # Replace the original values with the means of before years
                Data_Class_med[YearDiff == Before_Year]$Index <- mean_before
              }  # End of cycle on: Before_Year
              #- ---------------------------------------------------- - 
              # Statistical analysis ----- 
              # Apply wilcoxon test to compute the p-valuesmatrixes - check 
              # differences with respect to means of before years
              #- ---------------------------------------------------- - 
              #Define an empty matrix with correct dimensions to store the results
              p_matrix_median_tmp <- p_matrix_median_empty  
              # Compute p-values
              paired_wtest_median <- try(
                                     paired = TRUE,
                                     alternative = "less", 
                                     p.adjust.method = "none",
                                     mu = -opts$perc_diff)
              if (class(paired_wtest_median) == "try-error") {
                stop("Error occurred while computing the wilcoxon test! Aborting!")
              #- ---------------------------------------------------- - 
              # Put results in the cumulated matrix ----
              # Assign the 'CASE_ID' as dimname of the 3rd dimension for easy referencing
              #- ---------------------------------------------------- - 
                attributes(paired_wtest_median$p.value)[2]$dimnames[[2]]] <- paired_wtest_median$p.value
              p_matrix_median <- try(abind::abind(p_matrix_median, p_matrix_median_tmp, 
                                           along = 3))
              if (class(p_matrix_median) == "try-error") {
                stop("Error occurred whilecreating the p-values matrix! Aborting!")
              dimnames(p_matrix_median)[[3]][dim(p_matrix_median)[3]] <- case_ID
            #- ---------------------------------------------------- - 
            #- Compute data to be saved to allow plotting (CIs + boxplot thresholds -----
            #- ---------------------------------------------------- - 
            int_data <- array(999, dim = c(length(Avail_Years), 3))
            # Compute quantiles of distribution for different years
            box_data <- t(
              boxplot(Index ~ YearDiff, data = Data_Class, plot = FALSE)$stats
            sdev_data <- Data_Class[, list(sd = sd(Index, na.rm = TRUE)), 
                                    by = list(YearDiff)]
            # Fill-in the output matrix for the analyzed fire.
            plot_stat_tmp <- as.data.frame(
              cbind(case_ID, FireCode, 
                    FireYear, YearFromFire, Area_All, Area_Forest, Area_CLC, 
                    as.character(Class), n_pix, Time_Signif = "Yes", 
                    Avail_Years, YearDiffs, int_data, sdev_data$sd, box_data), 
              stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            names(plot_stat_tmp) <- plot_stat_names
            # Add the results for the selected fire to the full output matrix
            plot_stat[[counter]] <- plot_stat_tmp  
            counter <- counter + 1
          } else {
            # If n_pix too low, the fire is skipped. Neither 'plot_stat' nor the
            # p-values matrixes are filled
        }  # End of cycle on classes  for a single fire
      } else { # End of check for sufficient number of years before and after fire
        case_ID <- case_ID + 1  
    }  # End of IF on sufficient data on the analyzed fire
  }  # End of Cycle on Fires
  plot_stat <- data.table::rbindlist(plot_stat)

  # set correct types for the output columns ----
  plot_stat <- plot_stat[, CASE_ID      := as.ordered(as.numeric(CASE_ID))]
  plot_stat <- plot_stat[, OBJECTID     := as.factor(OBJECTID)]
  plot_stat <- plot_stat[, FireYear     := as.factor(FireYear)]
  plot_stat <- plot_stat[, YearFromFire := as.ordered(as.numeric(YearFromFire))]
  plot_stat <- plot_stat[, Area_All     := as.numeric(Area_All)]
  plot_stat <- plot_stat[, Area_Forest  := as.numeric(Area_Forest)]
  plot_stat <- plot_stat[, Area_CLC     := as.numeric(Area_CLC)]
  plot_stat <- plot_stat[, CLC_Class    := as.factor(CLC_Class)]
  plot_stat <- plot_stat[, N_PIX        := as.numeric(N_PIX)]
  plot_stat <- plot_stat[, Time_Signif  := as.factor(Time_Signif)]
  plot_stat <- plot_stat[, Year         := as.ordered(as.numeric(Year))]
  plot_stat <- plot_stat[, YearDiff     := as.ordered(as.numeric(YearDiff))]
  plot_stat <- plot_stat[, low_ci       := as.numeric(low_ci)]
  plot_stat <- plot_stat[, mean         := as.numeric(mean)]
  plot_stat <- plot_stat[, hi_ci        := as.numeric(hi_ci)]
  plot_stat <- plot_stat[, std_dev      := as.numeric(std_dev)]
  plot_stat <- plot_stat[, low_box      := as.numeric(low_box)]
  plot_stat <- plot_stat[, X25th        := as.numeric(X25th)]
  plot_stat <- plot_stat[, median       := as.numeric(median)]
  plot_stat <- plot_stat[, X75th        := as.numeric(X75th)]
  plot_stat <- plot_stat[, up_box       := as.numeric(up_box)]
  # save results in the RData output file ----
  save(plot_stat, p_matrix_median, file = Out_File_R)
  gc(verbose = FALSE)  #Garbage collection
lbusett/frgtool documentation built on May 20, 2019, 11:27 p.m.