
# TODO: Add comment
# Author: LB

#moddwl_GUI = function (general_opts){
#	# Restore previous options file if existing, otherwise create a "dummy" one with default values
#	if (file.exists(general_opts$previous_file)) {
#		load(general_opts$previous_file)
#	} else {
##		moddwl_set_opts(previous_file = general_opts$previous_file) ; load(general_opts$previous_file)}
#		moddwl_read_xml_opts(previous_file = general_opts$previous_file,xml_file = general_opts$xml_file ) ; load(general_opts$previous_file)}
#	assign("Quit", T, envir=globalenv())	

#- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
#  Start Building the GUI
#- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
general_opts = list(in_folder = '', out_folder = '', mask_file = '', tempin_folder = '',
		seas1_check = 'On', seas1_start_day = 1, seas1_end_day = 31, seas1_start_month = 1 , seas1_end_month = 4, seas1_start_doy = 1, seas1_end_doy = 1,   
		seas2_check = 'On', seas2_start_day = 1, seas2_end_day = 31, seas2_start_month = 1 , seas2_end_month = 4, seas2_start_doy = 1, seas2_end_doy = 1, 
		seas3_check = 'On', seas3_start_day = 1, seas3_end_day = 31, seas3_start_month = 1 , seas3_end_month = 4, seas3_start_doy = 1, seas3_end_doy = 1,
		seas4_check = 'On', seas4_start_day = 1, seas4_end_day = 31, seas4_start_month = 1 , seas4_end_month = 4, seas4_start_doy = 1, seas4_end_doy = 1,
		start_year = 2003, end_year = 2014,
		avg_check = 'On', avg_thresh = 5500,
		maxth_check = 'On',maxth_thresh = 5000, vi_decr_thresh = 0.66, vi_decr_width = 8*16, vi_decr_check = 'Off', 
		minth_check = 'On',minth_thresh = 2500,
		flood_check = 'On', flood_wid = '16', 
		minmax_check = 'On', minmaxlow = 8*6, minmaxup = 8*15,
		lst_check = 'On' ,lst_thresh = 15,
		IDL_exe = '"C:/Program Files/Exelis/IDL82/bin/bin.x86_64/idl.exe"',
		IDL_Dir = '"S:/source_code/IDL/Applications/Phenorice_v2/Phenorice_v22/source/"')
RData_file = 	'D:/Temp/test.RData'
if (file.exists(RData_file)) {load(RData_file)}

{{main_win <- gbasicdialog(title = "Select PhenoRice Processing Options", parent=NULL, do.buttons=F, 
				visible = F, spacing = 10)
		main_group <- ggroup(container = main_win, horizontal = FALSE, expand = T)
		sel_prod <- general_opts$sel_prod

#- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
# Widgets for input/output folders selection  
#- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
{{infold_frame <- gframe(text = '<span foreground="blue" size="large">Input Folders and Files</span>', markup = T, container=main_group, expand = T,spacing = 15, horizontal = F)    			# Frame group
		infold_group <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container=infold_frame)  				# Main group
		infold_lab <- glabel(text = 'Folder Containing MODIS Original Time Series', justify = "right" , container=infold_group, width = 57)	
		infold_wid <- gedit(text = general_opts$in_folder, justify = "right" , container=infold_group, width = 57)			# Selected file
		fold_choose <- gbutton("Browse", handler=function(h,...) {choice<-gfile(type="selectdir", text="Select the Output Folder for MODIS data...")		# File selection widget
					if(! is.na(choice)){svalue(infold_wid)<-choice						## On new selection, set value of the label widget
						general_opts$in_folder = format(choice, justify = "left")	# 	On new selection,  Set value of the selected variable
					}}, container=infold_group)

tempinfold_group <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container=infold_frame)  				# Main group
tempinfold_lab <- glabel(text = 'Folder For Storage of Yearly Input Files', justify = "right" , container=tempinfold_group, width = 57)	
tempinfold_wid <- gedit(text = general_opts$tempin_folder, justify = "right" , container=tempinfold_group, width = 57)			# Selected file
fold_choose <- gbutton("Browse", handler=function(h,...) {choice<-gfile(type="selectdir", text="Select the Output Folder for MODIS data...")		# File selection widget
			if(! is.na(choice)){svalue(tempinfold_wid)<-choice						## On new selection, set value of the label widget
				general_opts$tempin_folder = format(choice, justify = "left")	# 	On new selection,  Set value of the selected variable
			}}, container=tempinfold_group)

mask_group <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container=infold_frame)  				# Main group
mask_lab <- glabel(text = 'Land Cover mask file (Optional)', justify = "right" , container=mask_group, width = 57)
mask_wid <- gedit(text = format(general_opts$mask_file, justify = "right") , container=mask_group, width = 57)			# Selected file
fold_choose <- gbutton("Browse", handler=function(h,...) {choice<-gfile(type="open", text="Select the LC MAsk File...")		# File selection widget
			if(! is.na(choice)){svalue(mask_wid)<-choice						## On new selection, set value of the label widget
				general_opts$mask_file = format(choice, justify = "left")	# 	On new selection,  Set value of the selected variable
			}}, container=mask_group)

{{outfold_frame <- gframe(text = '<span foreground="blue" size="large">Output Folder for Results storage</span>', markup = T, container=main_group, expand = T,spacing = 15)    			# Frame group
		outfold_group <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container=outfold_frame)  				# Main group
		outfold_lab <- glabel(text = 'Main Folder For Output Storage', justify = "right" , container=outfold_group, width = 57)
		outfold_wid <- gedit(text = format(general_opts$out_folder, justify = "right") , container=outfold_group, width = 57)			# Selected file
		fold_choose <- gbutton("Browse", handler=function(h,...) {choice<-gfile(type="selectdir", text="Select the Output Folder for storage of original HDFs...")		# File selection widget
					if(! is.na(choice)){svalue(outfold_wid)<-choice						## On new selection, set value of the label widget
						general_opts$out_folder = format(choice, justify = "left")	# 	On new selection,  Set value of the selected variable
					}}, container=outfold_group)

#- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
# Widgets for Season selection
#- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#	

{{seas_frame <- gframe(text = '<span foreground="blue" size="large">Typical Heading Periods</span>', markup = T, container=main_group, expand = T,spacing = 15, horizontal = F)    			# Frame group
#		check_seas = c('Winter','Spring','Summer','Autumn')
#		seas_wid <-  gcheckboxgroup(items = check_seas, checked = as.logical(general_opts$sel_seasons), container = seas_group, horizontal = T)
		seas1_group <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container=seas_frame)  				# Main group
		seas1_lab_name <- glabel(text = '<span weight = "bold" >Winter    </span>',markup = T, container = seas1_group)
		seas1_lab <- glabel(text = 'Start Day',markup = T, container = seas1_group)  
		start_day_wid_1   <- gspinbutton(1,31,  container=seas1_group , value = general_opts$seas1_start_dayprogr)
		seas1_lab <- glabel(text = 'Start Month',markup = T, container = seas1_group)
		start_month_wid_1 <- gspinbutton(1,12,  container=seas1_group , value = general_opts$seas1_start_month)
		addSpace(seas1_group, 25, horizontal=TRUE)
		seas1_lab <- glabel(text = 'End Day',markup = T, container = seas1_group)
		end_day_wid_1   <- gspinbutton(1,31,  container=seas1_group , value = general_opts$seas1_end_day)
		seas1_lab <- glabel(text = 'End Month',markup = T, container = seas1_group)
		end_month_wid_1 <- gspinbutton(1,12,  container=seas1_group , value = general_opts$seas1_end_month)
		addSpace(seas1_group, 25, horizontal=TRUE)
		check_seas1 = gradio(items = c('On','Off'), text = 'Select', container=seas1_group, selected = match(general_opts$seas1_check, c('On','Off')), horizontal = T)
		seas2_group <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container=seas_frame)  				# Main group
		seas1_lab_name <- glabel(text = '<span weight = "bold" >Spring     </span>',markup = T, container = seas2_group)
		seas2_lab <- glabel(text = 'Start Day',markup = T, container = seas2_group)  
		start_day_wid_2   <- gspinbutton(1,31,  container=seas2_group , value = general_opts$seas2_start_day)
		seas2_lab <- glabel(text = 'Start Month',markup = T, container = seas2_group)
		start_month_wid_2 <- gspinbutton(1,12,  container=seas2_group , value = general_opts$seas2_start_month)
		addSpace(seas2_group, 25, horizontal=TRUE)
		seas2_lab <- glabel(text = 'End Day',markup = T, container = seas2_group)
		end_day_wid_2   <- gspinbutton(1,31,  container=seas2_group , value = general_opts$seas2_end_day)
		seas2_lab <- glabel(text = 'End Month',markup = T, container = seas2_group)
		end_month_wid_2 <- gspinbutton(1,12,  container=seas2_group , value = general_opts$seas2_end_month)
		addSpace(seas2_group, 25, horizontal=TRUE)
		check_seas2 = gradio(items = c('On','Off'), text = 'Select', container=seas2_group, selected = match(general_opts$seas2_check, c('On','Off')), horizontal = T)
		seas3_group <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container=seas_frame)  				# Main group
		seas1_lab_name <- glabel(text = '<span weight = "bold" >Summer </span>',markup = T, container = seas3_group)
		seas3_lab <- glabel(text = 'Start Day',markup = T, container = seas3_group)  
		start_day_wid_3   <- gspinbutton(1,31,  container=seas3_group , value = general_opts$seas3_start_day)
		seas3_lab <- glabel(text = 'Start Month',markup = T, container = seas3_group)
		start_month_wid_3 <- gspinbutton(1,12,  container=seas3_group , value = general_opts$seas3_start_month)
		addSpace(seas3_group, 25, horizontal=TRUE)
		seas3_lab <- glabel(text = 'End Day',markup = T, container = seas3_group)
		end_day_wid_3   <- gspinbutton(1,31,  container=seas3_group , value = general_opts$seas3_end_day)
		seas3_lab <- glabel(text = 'End Month',markup = T, container = seas3_group)
		end_month_wid_3 <- gspinbutton(1,12,  container=seas3_group , value = general_opts$seas3_end_month)
		addSpace(seas3_group, 25, horizontal=TRUE)
		check_seas3 = gradio(items = c('On','Off'), text = 'Select', container=seas3_group, selected = match(general_opts$seas3_check, c('On','Off')), horizontal = T)
		seas4_group <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container=seas_frame)  				# Main group
		seas1_lab_name <- glabel(text = '<span weight = "bold" >Winter    </span>',markup = T, container = seas4_group)
		seas4_lab <- glabel(text = 'Start Day',markup = T, container = seas4_group)  
		start_day_wid_4   <- gspinbutton(1,31,  container=seas4_group , value = general_opts$seas4_start_day)
		seas4_lab <- glabel(text = 'Start Month',markup = T, container = seas4_group)
		start_month_wid_4 <- gspinbutton(1,12,  container=seas4_group , value = general_opts$seas4_start_month)
		addSpace(seas4_group, 25, horizontal=TRUE)
		seas4_lab <- glabel(text = 'End Day',markup = T, container = seas4_group)
		end_day_wid_4   <- gspinbutton(1,31,  container=seas4_group , value = general_opts$seas4_end_day)
		seas4_lab <- glabel(text = 'End Month',markup = T, container = seas4_group)
		end_month_wid_4 <- gspinbutton(1,12,  container=seas4_group , value = general_opts$seas4_end_month)
		addSpace(seas4_group, 25, horizontal=TRUE)
		check_seas4 = gradio(items = c('On','Off'), text = 'Select', container=seas4_group, selected = match(general_opts$seas4_check, c('On','Off')), horizontal = T)

years_frame = gframe(text = '<span foreground="blue" size="large">Select Start and End Years</span>', markup = T, container=main_group, expand = T,spacing = 15)    			# Frame group
start_date_lab <- glabel(text = '<span weight = "bold" >Starting Year:</span>',markup = T, container = years_frame)  ; size (start_date_lab ) = c(120,20) 
start_year_wid <- gspinbutton(2000 ,2020,  container=years_frame , value = general_opts$start_year, horizontal = T)
End_date_lab <- glabel(text = '<span weight = "bold" >Ending Year:</span>',markup = T, container = years_frame)  ; size (start_date_lab ) = c(120,20)
end_year_wid <- gspinbutton(2000 ,2020,  container=years_frame , value = general_opts$end_year, horizontal = T)

{{criteria_frame <- gframe(text = '<span foreground="blue" size="large">Select Criteria for Average VI</span>', 
				markup = T, container=main_group, expand = T,spacing = 15, horizontal = F)    			# Frame group
		avg_group <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container=criteria_frame)  				# Main group
		avg_lab <- glabel(text = 'Average VI Value Below Threshold', justify = "right" , container=avg_group, width = 57)
		avg_wid <- gedit(text = format(general_opts$avg_thresh, justify = "right") , container=avg_group, width = 8)	
		addSpace(avg_group, 157, horizontal=TRUE)
		avg_check = gradio(items = c('On','Off'), text = 'Select', container=avg_group, selected = match(general_opts$avg_check, c('On','Off')), horizontal = T)
		maxcriteria_group <- gframe(text = '<span foreground="blue" size="large">Select Criteria for Identification of legit Maximums</span>', 
				markup = T, container=main_group, expand = T,spacing = 15, horizontal = F)    			# Frame group
		maxth_group <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container=maxcriteria_group)  				# Main group
		maxth_lab <- glabel(text = 'VI of Max must be above:', justify = "right" , container=maxth_group, width = 8)
		maxth_wid <- gedit(text = format(general_opts$maxth_thresh, justify = "right") , container=maxth_group, width = 8)
		addSpace(maxth_group, 202, horizontal=TRUE)
		maxth_check = gradio(items = c('On','Off'), text = 'Select', container=maxth_group, selected = match(general_opts$maxth_check, c('On','Off')), horizontal = T)
		vi_decr_group <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container=maxcriteria_group)  				# Main group
		vi_decr_lab <- glabel(text = 'VI must decrease of :', justify = "right" , container=vi_decr_group, width = 8)
		vi_decr_wid <- gedit(text = format(general_opts$vi_decr_thresh, justify = "right") , container=vi_decr_group, width = 8)	
		vi_decr_lab <- glabel(text = ' % in ', justify = "right" , container=vi_decr_group, width = 8)
		vi_decr_wid2 <- gedit(text = format(general_opts$vi_decr_width, justify = "right") , container=vi_decr_group, width = 8)
		vi_decr_lab2<- glabel(text = 'Days after Max', container=vi_decr_group)
		addSpace(vi_decr_group, 50, horizontal=TRUE)
		vi_decr_check = gradio(items = c('On','Off'), text = 'Select', container=vi_decr_group, selected = match(general_opts$vi_decr_check, c('On','Off')), horizontal = T)
		mincriteria_group <- gframe(text = '<span foreground="blue" size="large">Select Criteria for Identification of legit Minimums</span>', 
				markup = T, container=main_group, expand = T,spacing = 15, horizontal = F)    			# Frame group
		minth_group <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container=mincriteria_group)  				# Main group
		minth_lab <- glabel(text = 'VI of min must be below:', justify = "right" , container=minth_group, width = 8)
		minth_wid <- gedit(text = format(general_opts$minth_thresh, justify = "right") , container=minth_group, width = 8)
		addSpace(minth_group, 207, horizontal=TRUE)
		minth_check = gradio(items = c('On','Off'), text = 'Select', container=minth_group, selected = match(general_opts$minth_check, c('On','Off')), horizontal = T)
		flood_group <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container=mincriteria_group)  				# Main group
		flood_lab <- glabel(text = 'Flooding Detected withn :', justify = "right" , container=flood_group, width = 8)
		flood_wid <- gedit(text = format(general_opts$flood_wid, justify = "right") , container=flood_group, width = 8)	
		flood_lab2 <- glabel(text = ' Days from minimum ', justify = "right" , container=flood_group, width = 8)
#		vi_decr_wid2 <- gedit(text = format(general_opts$vi_decr_width, justify = "right") , container=vi_decr_group, width = 8)
#		vi_decr_lab2<- glabel(text = 'Days', container=vi_decr_group)
		addSpace(flood_group, 83, horizontal=TRUE)
		flood_check = gradio(items = c('On','Off'), text = 'Select', container=flood_group, selected = match(general_opts$flood_check, c('On','Off')), horizontal = T)
		minmax_group <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container=mincriteria_group)  				# Main group
		minmax_lab <- glabel(text = 'Max should occur between:', justify = "right" , container=minmax_group, width = 8)
		minmaxlow_wid <- gspinbutton(from = 0, to = 150, by = 8, container=minmax_group,horizontal =F, width = 30, value = general_opts$minmaxlow )	
		minmax_lab <- glabel(text = ' and ', justify = "right" , container=minmax_group, width = 8)
		minmaxup_wid <- gspinbutton(from = 0, to = 150, by = 8, container=minmax_group,horizontal =F, width = 30 , value = general_opts$minmaxup )
		minmax_lab2<- glabel(text = ' Days after Minimum ', justify = "right" , container=minmax_group, width = 8)
		minmax_check = gradio(items = c('On','Off'), text = 'Select', container=minmax_group, selected = match(general_opts$minmax_check, c('On','Off')), horizontal = T)
		lst_group = ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container=mincriteria_group)  				# Main group
		lst_lab <- glabel(text = 'LST on Min must be above:', justify = "right" , container=lst_group, width = 8)
		lst_wid <- gedit(text = format(general_opts$lst_thresh, justify = "right") , container=lst_group, width = 8)
		lst_lab2 <- glabel(text = ' Degrees C', justify = "right" , container=lst_group, width = 8)
		addSpace(lst_group, 135, horizontal=TRUE)
		lst_check = gradio(items = c('On','Off'), text = 'Select', container=lst_group, selected = match(general_opts$lst_check, c('On','Off')), horizontal = T)

{{but_group <- ggroup(container = main_group, horizontal = TRUE)
		{{start_but <- gbutton(text = 'Start', container = but_group, handler = function (h,....) {# If "Start" pressed, retrieve selected values and save in previous file
#								general_opts = list(in_folder = '', out_folder = '', mask_file = '', sel_seasons = c(0,1,1,0), avg_check = 'On', avg_thresh = 5500,
#										maxth_check = 'On',maxth_thresh = 5000, vi_decr_thresh = 0.66, vi_decr_width = 8*16, vi_decr_check = 'Off', 
#										minth_check = 'On',minth_thresh = 2500, minth_check = 'On',
#										flood_check = 'On', flood_wid = '16', 
#										minmax_check = 'On', minmaxlow = 8*6, minmaxup = 8*15,
#										lst_check = 'On' ,lst_thresh = 15)
							general_opts$in_folder = svalue(infold_wid)
							general_opts$tempin_folder = svalue(tempinfold_wid)
							general_opts$out_folder = svalue(outfold_wid)
							general_opts$mask_file = svalue(mask_wid)
							general_opts$seas1_check = svalue(check_seas1)
							general_opts$seas1_start_day = svalue(start_day_wid_1)
							general_opts$seas1_end_day = svalue(end_day_wid_1) 
							general_opts$seas1_start_month = svalue(start_month_wid_1)
							general_opts$seas1_end_month = svalue(end_month_wid_1)
							today = as.Date(paste(svalue(start_day_wid_1),svalue(start_month_wid_1),'2014', sep = '/'), format("%d/%m/%Y"))
							general_opts$seas1_start_doy <- strftime(today, format = "%j")
							today = as.Date(paste(svalue(end_day_wid_1),svalue(end_month_wid_1),'2014', sep = '/'), format("%d/%m/%Y"))
							general_opts$seas1_end_doy <- as.integer(strftime(today, format = "%j"))
#								browser()
							general_opts$seas2_check = svalue(check_seas2)
							general_opts$seas2_start_day = svalue(start_day_wid_2)
							general_opts$seas2_end_day = svalue(end_day_wid_2) 
							general_opts$seas2_start_month = svalue(start_month_wid_2)
							general_opts$seas2_end_month = svalue(end_month_wid_2) 
							today = as.Date(paste(svalue(start_day_wid_2),svalue(start_month_wid_2),'2014', sep = '/'), format("%d/%m/%Y"))
							general_opts$seas2_start_doy <- strftime(today, format = "%j")
							today = as.Date(paste(svalue(end_day_wid_2),svalue(end_month_wid_2),'2014', sep = '/'), format("%d/%m/%Y"))
							general_opts$seas2_end_doy <- strftime(today, format = "%j")
							general_opts$seas3_check = svalue(check_seas3)
							general_opts$seas3_start_day = svalue(start_day_wid_3)
							general_opts$seas3_end_day = svalue(end_day_wid_3) 
							general_opts$seas3_start_month = svalue(start_month_wid_3)
							general_opts$seas3_end_month = svalue(end_month_wid_3)  
							today = as.Date(paste(svalue(start_day_wid_3),svalue(start_month_wid_3),'2014', sep = '/'), format("%d/%m/%Y"))
							general_opts$seas3_start_doy <- strftime(today, format = "%j")
							today = as.Date(paste(svalue(end_day_wid_3),svalue(end_month_wid_3),'2014', sep = '/'), format("%d/%m/%Y"))
							general_opts$seas3_end_doy <- strftime(today, format = "%j")
							general_opts$seas4_check = svalue(check_seas4)
							general_opts$seas4_start_day = svalue(start_day_wid_4)
							general_opts$seas4_end_day = svalue(end_day_wid_4) 
							general_opts$seas4_start_month = svalue(start_month_wid_4)
							general_opts$seas4_end_month = svalue(end_month_wid_4)  
							today = as.Date(paste(svalue(start_day_wid_4),svalue(start_month_wid_4),'2014', sep = '/'), format("%d/%m/%Y"))
							general_opts$seas4_start_doy <- strftime(today, format = "%j")
							today = as.Date(paste(svalue(end_day_wid_4),svalue(end_month_wid_4),'2014', sep = '/'), format("%d/%m/%Y"))
							general_opts$seas4_end_doy <- strftime(today, format = "%j")
							general_opts$start_year = svalue(start_year_wid)
							general_opts$end_year = svalue(end_year_wid)
#								general_opts$sel_seasons = svalue(seas_wid, index = T)
							general_opts$avg_check = svalue(avg_check)
							general_opts$avg_thresh = svalue(avg_wid)
							general_opts$maxth_check = svalue(maxth_check)
							general_opts$maxth_thresh = svalue(maxth_wid)
							general_opts$vi_decr_check = svalue(vi_decr_check)
							general_opts$vi_decr_thresh = svalue(vi_decr_wid)
							general_opts$vi_decr_width = svalue(vi_decr_wid2)
							general_opts$minth_check = svalue(minth_check)
							general_opts$minth_thresh = svalue(minth_wid)
							general_opts$flood_check = svalue(flood_check)
							general_opts$flood_wid = svalue(flood_wid)
							general_opts$minmax_check = svalue(minmax_check)
							general_opts$minmaxlow = svalue(minmaxlow_wid)
							general_opts$minmaxup = svalue(minmaxup_wid)
							general_opts$lst_check = svalue(lst_check)
							general_opts$LSsT_thresh = svalue(lst_wid)
							save(general_opts, file = RData_file)
							txt_file = file.path(general_opts$out_folder,'phenorice_options.txt')
#								p = as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, general_opts))
#								write.table(p,"D:/Temp/test.txt",sep = '\t', col.names = T)
#								print(p)
							lapply(general_opts, write, txt_file, append=TRUE, ncolumns=1000)
#									save(general_opts,prod_opt_list,mod_prod_list, file = general_opts$previous_file)
#									assign("Quit", F, envir=globalenv())
#								}
		quit_but <- gbutton(text = 'Quit', container = but_group, handler = function(h,...){
					assign("Quit", T, envir=globalenv())

visible(main_win, set=TRUE) ## show the selection GUI

#			addSpace(but_group, 300, horizontal=TRUE)
#			{{load_but <- gbutton(text = 'Load Options from File', container = but_group, handler = function (h,....){
#								choice<-gfile(type="open", text="Select file for loading processing options...")#, initialfilename = general_opts$previous_file)		# File selection widget
#								#			outprev_choose <- gbutton("Browse", handler=function(h,...) {choice<-gfile(type="open", text="Select the file for saving-loading processing options...")		# File selection widget
#				#						
#				#						if(!is.na(choice)){svalue(outprev_wid)<-choice						## On new selection, set value of the label widget
#				#							general_opts$previous_file = format(choice, justify = "left")	# 	On new selection,  Set value of the selected variable
#				#						
#				#						}}, container=outprev_group)
#								if(! is.na(choice)){
#				#							svalue(outprev_wid)<-choice						## On new selection, set value of the label widget
#				#							general_opts$previous_file = format(choice, justify = "left")	# 	On new selection,  Set value of the selected variable
#									load(choice)
#									svalue(prod_wid) <- general_opts$sel_prod
#				#						general_opts$sel_prod <- mod_prod_list[which(mod_prod_list == svalue(prod_wid))]						# Products options
#									svalue(sens_wid)<-general_opts$sensor 
#									temp_wid_bands <<- prod_opt_list[[general_opts$sel_prod]]$bandsel				# set dummy variables holding the initial values of selected bands
#									temp_wid_bands_indexes <<- prod_opt_list[[general_opts$sel_prod]]$indexes_bandsel
#									temp_wid_bands_quality <<- prod_opt_list[[general_opts$sel_prod]]$quality_bandsel
#									svalue(start_day_wid)<-general_opts$start_day  	# Dates options
#									svalue(start_month_wid)<- general_opts$start_month  
#									svalue(start_year_wid) <- general_opts$start_year 
#									svalue(end_day_wid) <- general_opts$end_day 
#									svalue(end_month_wid) <-general_opts$end_month  
#									svalue (end_year_wid) <-general_opts$end_year   
#									svalue(start_x_wid)<- general_opts$start_x  		# Tiles options
#									svalue(end_x_wid) <-general_opts$end_x  
#									svalue(start_y_wid) <-general_opts$start_y   
#									svalue(end_y_wid) <-general_opts$end_y   
#									svalue(proj_wid)	 <-general_opts$proj 	# Proj and extent options
#									svalue(output_proj4_wid)	 <- general_opts$user_proj4 
#									svalue(output_res_sel_wid) <-general_opts$out_res_sel 			
#									svalue(output_res_wid) <-general_opts$out_res 
#									svalue(output_resmeth_wid) <- general_opts$resampling
#									svalue(output_ext_wid) <-general_opts$full_ext 
#									svalue(output_ULeast_wid) <- general_opts$bbox [1]
#									svalue(output_LReast_wid) <- general_opts$bbox [2]
#									svalue(output_LRnorth_wid) <- general_opts$bbox [3]
#									svalue(output_ULnorth_wid) <- general_opts$bbox [4]
#									svalue(reprocess_wid) <- general_opts$reprocess
#									svalue(format_wid) <- general_opts$out_format 
#									svalue(timeseries_wid) <- general_opts$ts_format 
#									svalue(outfold_wid) <- 	general_opts$out_folder # Folder options
#									svalue(outfoldmod_wid) <- general_opts$out_folder_mod
#								}
#							})
#				}}
#			{{save_but <- gbutton(text = 'Save Options', container = but_group, handler = function (h,....) {
#								choice<-gfile(type="save", text="Select file for saving processing options...", initialfilename = general_opts$previous_file)		# File selection widget
#				#								browser()
#								if(!is.na(choice)){
#				#											svalue(outprev_wid)<-choice						## On new selection, set value of the label widget
#				#											general_opts$previous_file = format(choice, justify = "left")	# 	On new selection,  Set value of the selected variable
#									# If "Start" pressed, retrieve selected values and save in previous file
#									general_opts$sel_prod <- mod_prod_list[which(mod_prod_list == svalue(prod_wid))]						# Products options
#									general_opts$sensor <- svalue(sens_wid)
#									if (exists ('temp_wid_bands')) {
#										prod_opt_list[[sel_prod]]$bandsel <- temp_wid_bands			#retrieve selected bands
#										rm(temp_wid_bands, envir = globalenv())
#									}
#									if (exists ('temp_wid_bands_indexes')) {
#										prod_opt_list[[sel_prod]]$indexes_bandsel <- temp_wid_bands_indexes #retrieve selected indexes
#										rm(temp_wid_bands_indexes, envir = globalenv())
#									}
#									if (exists ('temp_wid_bands_quality')) {
#										prod_opt_list[[sel_prod]]$quality_bandsel <- temp_wid_bands_quality 	#retrieve selected quality ind.
#										rm(temp_wid_bands_quality, envir = globalenv())
#									}
#									general_opts$start_day <- svalue(start_day_wid)		# Dates options
#									general_opts$start_month <- svalue(start_month_wid)
#									general_opts$start_year <- svalue(start_year_wid)
#									general_opts$end_day <- svalue(end_day_wid)
#									general_opts$end_month <- svalue(end_month_wid)
#									general_opts$end_year <- svalue(end_year_wid)
#									general_opts$start_x <- svalue(start_x_wid)		# Tiles options
#									general_opts$end_x <- svalue(end_x_wid)
#									general_opts$start_y <- svalue(start_y_wid)
#									general_opts$end_y <- svalue(end_y_wid)
#									general_opts$proj <- svalue(proj_wid)		# Proj and extent options
#									general_opts$user_proj4 <- svalue(output_proj4_wid)	
#									general_opts$out_res_sel<- (svalue(output_res_sel_wid))			
#									general_opts$out_res <- (svalue(output_res_wid))
#									general_opts$resampling <- svalue(output_resmeth_wid)
#									general_opts$full_ext <- svalue(output_ext_wid)
#									general_opts$bbox <- ((c(svalue(output_ULeast_wid),svalue(output_LReast_wid),
#															svalue(output_LRnorth_wid),svalue(output_ULnorth_wid))))
#									general_opts$reprocess <- svalue(reprocess_wid)
#									general_opts$out_format <- svalue(format_wid)
#									general_opts$ts_format <- svalue(timeseries_wid)
#									general_opts$out_folder <- svalue(outfold_wid)		# Folder options
#									general_opts$out_folder_mod <- svalue(outfoldmod_wid)		# Folder options
#									check <- T
#									# Check if dates, processing extent and tiles selection make sense
#									if (as.Date(paste(general_opts$start_year, general_opts$start_month, general_opts$start_day, sep = '-')) >
#											as.Date(paste(general_opts$end_year, general_opts$end_month, general_opts$end_day, sep = '-'))) {gmessage('Error in Selected Dates', title = 'Warning'); check <- F}
#									if ((general_opts$start_x > general_opts$end_x ) | (general_opts$start_y > general_opts$end_y )) {gmessage('Error in Selected Tiles', title = 'Warning') ; check <- F}
#									general_opts$bbox <- as.numeric(general_opts$bbox)
#									n_bbox_compiled <- length(which(is.finite(general_opts$bbox)))
#									if (n_bbox_compiled == 4){
#										if ((general_opts$bbox[1] > general_opts$bbox[2]) | (general_opts$bbox[3] > general_opts$bbox[4])) {gmessage('Error in Selected Output extent', title = 'Warning') ; check <- F}}
#									if ((n_bbox_compiled < 4) & (n_bbox_compiled > 0 )) {gmessage('Error in Selected Output extent', title = 'Warning') ; check <- F}
#									if (general_opts$out_folder == ''){gmessage('Please Select an output folder !', title = 'Warning') ; check <- F}
#									if (check == T) {					# If check passed, save previous file and return
#										dir.create(file.path(getwd(),'Previous'))
#										save(general_opts,prod_opt_list,mod_prod_list, file = choice)
#									}
#								}
#							})		
#				}}
#		}}
##		avg_wid <-  mask_wid <- gedit(text = format(general_opts$in_folder, justify = "right") , container=mask_group, width = 57)
#	}}

###- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
### Widgets for product selection and bands selection  
###- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
##	{{satprod_frame <- gframe(text ='<span foreground="blue" size="large">MODIS Product, bands and satellites selection</span>', markup = T,horizontal = FALSE, container=main_group, spacing = 15)
##			prod_frame <- gframe(text ="Select MODIS Product and bands",horizontal = TRUE, container=satprod_frame, spacing = 15)
##			checked <- which(mod_prod_list == general_opts$sel_prod)
##			temp_wid_bands <<- prod_opt_list[[checked]]$bandsel				# set dummy variables holding the initial values of selected bands
##			temp_wid_bands_indexes <<- prod_opt_list[[checked]]$indexes_bandsel
##			temp_wid_bands_quality <<- prod_opt_list[[checked]]$quality_bandsel
##			prod_wid <- gdroplist(items = mod_prod_list, container=prod_frame, horizontal = T, selected = checked,  handler = function(h,...) {
##						checked <- mod_prod_list[which(mod_prod_list == svalue(prod_wid))]		# find index of sel. product
##						temp_wid_bands <<- rep(0, length(prod_opt_list[[checked]]$bandsel))					# reset dummy variables for band selection to 0 on product change
##						temp_wid_bands_indexes <<- rep(0, length(prod_opt_list[[checked]]$indexes_bandsel))
##						temp_wid_bands_quality <<- rep(0, length(prod_opt_list[[checked]]$quality_bandsel))
##					})
##			addSpace(prod_frame, 100, horizontal=TRUE)
##			band_wid <- gbutton(text = 'Select Processing Bands', border = T,				# Child widget for processing bands selection
##					handler = function(h,....) {
##						checked <- mod_prod_list[which(mod_prod_list == svalue(prod_wid))]		# find index of sel. product
##						check_names <- prod_opt_list[[checked]]$band_fullnames						# retrieve band names
##						check_wid <- temp_wid_bands																				# retrieve selected at the time
##						selgroup <- gbasicdialog(title = "Select Processing Bands						", parent=NULL, do.buttons=F, width = 500, horizontal = T)
##						# widgets for band selection - original
##						cbox_total <- gframe(text = "Select Processing Bands", container = selgroup, horizontal = T, width = 500)
##						cbox<- gframe(text = "Original MODIS Bands					   ", container = cbox_total, horizontal = T, width = 500)
##						bands_wid <- gcheckboxgroup(items = check_names, checked = as.logical(check_wid), container = cbox, use.table = F, width = 500)
##						# widgets for band selection - indexes
##						check_names_indexes <- prod_opt_list[[checked]]$indexes_fullnames # retrieve indexes band names
##						if (!is.null(check_names_indexes)) {
##							check_wid_indexes<- temp_wid_bands_indexes													# retrieve indexes fullnames selected at the time
##							cbox_indexes<- gframe(text = "Spectral Indexes						", container = cbox_total, horizontal = FALSE, width = 500)
##							bands_wid_indexes <- gcheckboxgroup(items = check_names_indexes, checked = as.logical(check_wid_indexes), container = cbox_indexes, use.table = F, width = 500)
##						} 
##						# widgets for band selection - quality
##						check_names_quality <- prod_opt_list[[checked]]$quality_fullnames # retrieve quality band names
##						if (!is.null(check_names_quality)) {
##							check_wid_quality<- temp_wid_bands_quality													# retrieve quality fullnames selected at the time
##							cbox_quality<- gframe(text = "Quality Indicators						", container = cbox_total, horizontal = FALSE, width = 500)
##							bands_wid_quality <- gcheckboxgroup(items = check_names_quality, checked = as.logical(check_wid_quality), container = cbox_quality, use.table = F, width = 500)
##						}
##						# Start/Cancel widgets
##						bands_group <- ggroup(container = selgroup, horizontal = TRUE)
##						accept_but <- gbutton(text = 'Start', container = bands_group, handler = function(button,...){
##									pos_wid <- which(check_names %in% svalue (bands_wid))   ;		tmp_arr_bands <- array(data = 0 , dim = length(check_names))		
##									tmp_arr_bands[pos_wid] <- 1   ;	temp_wid_bands <<- tmp_arr_bands
##									if (length(which(check_names_indexes != '') > 0)) {
##										pos_wid <- which(check_names_indexes %in% svalue (bands_wid_indexes))   ;		tmp_arr_ind <- array(data = 0 , dim = length(check_names_indexes))  
##										tmp_arr_ind[pos_wid] <- 1	; temp_wid_bands_indexes <<- tmp_arr_ind	
##									}
##									if (length(which(check_names_quality != '') > 0)) {
##										pos_wid <- which(check_names_quality %in% svalue(bands_wid_quality))   ;		tmp_arr_qual <- array(data = 0 , dim = length(check_names_quality))  
##										tmp_arr_qual[pos_wid] <- 1	; temp_wid_bands_quality <<- tmp_arr_qual	
##									}
##									dispose(selgroup)			
##									print(checked)
##									print(temp_wid_bands)
##									print(temp_wid_bands_indexes)
##									print(temp_wid_bands_quality)
##								})
##						cancel_but <- gbutton(text = 'Cancel', container = bands_group, handler = function(button,...){
##									if (exists('check_wid')) {temp_wid_bands <<- check_wid}
##									if (exists('check_wid_indexes')) {temp_wid_bands_indexes <<- check_wid_indexes}
##									if (exists('check_wid_quality')) {temp_wid_bands_quality <<- check_wid_quality}
##									dispose(selgroup)
##								})
##						addSpace(bands_group, 760, horizontal=TRUE)
##						www_but <- gbutton(text = 'Product details', container = bands_group, handler = function(button,...) browseURL(prod_opt_list[[checked]]$www))
##						visible(selgroup, set=TRUE)    # visualize band selection widgets
##					},container =prod_frame)
##		}}
###- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
### Widgets for Sensor selection  
###- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#	
##	{{sens_frame <- gframe(text ="Select satellites to be processed",horizontal = TRUE, container=satprod_frame, spacing = 15, expand = T)
##			sens_wid <- gradio(items = c("Terra","Aqua", "Both"),selected = which(c("Terra","Aqua", "Both") == general_opts$sensor),
##					container = sens_frame, horizontal = T)
##		}}
###- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
### Widgets for Dates selection	  
###- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
##	{{dates_frame <- gframe(text = '<span foreground="blue" size="large">Processing Period</span>', markup = T, container = main_group, horizontal = T, expand = T, spacing = 15)
##			# start date ----
##			start_date_lab <- glabel(text = '<span weight = "bold" >Starting Date:</span>',markup = T, container = dates_frame)  ; size (start_date_lab ) = c(120,20) 
##			start_day_wid <- gspinbutton(1,31,  container=dates_frame , value = general_opts$start_day)
##			start_month_wid <- gspinbutton(1,12,  container=dates_frame , value = general_opts$start_month)
##			start_year_wid <- gspinbutton(2000 ,2020,  container=dates_frame , value = general_opts$start_year, horizontal = T)
##			size (start_day_wid) = c(35,25)    ; size (start_month_wid) = c(35,25)   ; size (start_year_wid) = c(55,25) 
##			# End date ----
##			end_date_lab <- glabel(text = '<span weight = "bold" >Ending Date:</span>', markup = T,container = dates_frame)  ; size (end_date_lab ) = c(120,20) 
##			end_day_wid <- gspinbutton(1,31,  container=dates_frame , value = general_opts$end_day)
##			end_month_wid <- gspinbutton(1,12,  container=dates_frame , value = general_opts$end_month)
##			end_year_wid <- gspinbutton(2000,2020,  container=dates_frame , value = general_opts$end_year)
##			size (end_day_wid) <- c(35,25)    ; size (end_month_wid) <- c(35,25)    ; size (end_year_wid) <- c(55,25) 
##		}}
###- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
### Widgets for Tiles selection	  
###- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
##	{{tiles_group <- gframe(text = '<span foreground="blue" size="large">Required MODIS Tiles </span>', markup = T, container = main_group, horizontal = F, expand = T, spacing = 15)
##			x_group <- ggroup(container = tiles_group, horizontal = TRUE)
##			# horizontal
##			start_x_lab <- glabel(text = '<span weight = "bold" >Horizontal Tiles:</span>',markup = T, container = x_group) ; size(start_x_lab) = c(120,20)
##			start_x_start <- glabel(text = 'Start: ', container = x_group) ; size(start_x_start) = c(35,25) 
##			start_x_wid <- gspinbutton(1, 35, text = 'Select', container=x_group, value = general_opts$start_x)
##			end_x_lab <- glabel(text = 'End: ', container = x_group) ; size(end_x_lab) = c(35,25) 
##			end_x_wid <- gspinbutton(1, 35, text = 'Select', container=x_group, value = general_opts$end_x)
##			size (start_x_wid) = c(35,25)    ; size (end_x_wid) = c(35,25)  
##			show_map <- gbutton(text = 'Show Tiles Map', border = T,
##					handler = function(h,....) {x11(10,6, )
##						plot(raster(file.path(general_opts$main_dir, "/Accessoires/MODIS_Tiles.gif")))},
##					container =x_group )
##			# vertical
##			y_group <- ggroup(container = tiles_group, horizontal = TRUE)
##			start_y_lab <- glabel(text = '<span weight = "bold" >Vertical Tiles:</span>',markup = T, container = y_group) ; size(start_y_lab) = c(120,20) 
##			start_y_start <- glabel(text = 'Start: ', container = y_group) ; size(start_y_start) = c(35,25) 
##			start_y_wid <- gspinbutton(0,17, text = 'Select', container=y_group, value = general_opts$start_y)
##			end_y_lab <- glabel(text = 'End: ', container = y_group); size(end_y_lab) = c(35,25) 
##			end_y_wid <- gspinbutton(0,17, text = 'Select', container=y_group, value = general_opts$end_y)
##			size (start_y_wid) <- c(35,25)   ; size (end_y_wid) <- c(35,25) 
##		}}
###- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
### Widgets for Projection, resolution and bbox selection 
###- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
##	{{output_proj_frame <- gframe(text = '<span foreground="blue" size="large">Reprojection and Resize Options</span>',markup = T, container = main_group, horizontal = FALSE, expand = T, spacing = 30)
##			output_proj_group <- ggroup (container = output_proj_frame, horizontal = TRUE, spacing = 15)
##			font (output_proj_frame) <- list(weight = 'bold', color  = 'blue')
##			# Projection ----
##			output_proj_lab <- glabel(text = '<span weight = "bold" >Output Projection:</span>', container = output_proj_group,markup = T) ; size(output_proj_lab) = c(120,20)
##			proj_wid <- gcombobox(general_opts$out_proj_names, container=output_proj_group, selected = match(general_opts$proj, general_opts$out_proj_names), handler = function(h,....) {
##						current_sel <- svalue(proj_wid) 
##						if (current_sel != 'User Defined') { enabled(output_proj4_wid) <- F} else {(enabled(output_proj4_wid) <- T)}
##					})
##			size (proj_wid) <- c(100,20)
##			outproj_user_lab<- glabel(text = '<span weight = "bold" >PROJ4 String:</span>', container = output_proj_group,markup = T) ; size(output_proj_lab) = c(120,20)
##			output_proj4_wid <- gedit(text = general_opts$user_proj4, container = output_proj_group, width = 40)
##			if (general_opts$proj == 'User Defined') { enabled(output_proj4_wid) <- T} else {(enabled(output_proj4_wid) <- F)}
##			# Resolution ----
##			output_res_group <- ggroup (container = output_proj_frame, horizontal = TRUE)
##			output_res_lab <- glabel(text = '<span weight = "bold" >Output Resolution:</span>',markup = T, container = output_res_group) ; size(output_res_lab) = c(120,20)
##			output_res_sel_wid  <-  gcombobox(c('Native','Resampled'), container=output_res_group, 
##					selected = match(general_opts$out_res_sel, c('Native','Resampled')), handler = function(h,....) {
##						current_sel <- svalue(output_res_sel_wid) 
##						if (current_sel == 'Native') { enabled(output_res_wid) <- F} else {(enabled(output_res_wid) <- T)}
##					}) 
##			pixsize_lab <- glabel(text = '<span weight = "bold" >Pixel Size:</span>',markup = T, container = output_res_group) ; 	size (pixsize_lab) <- c(120,20)
##			output_res_wid <- gedit(text = general_opts$out_res , container = output_res_group)   ; 	size(output_res_wid) <- c(90,20)
##			if (general_opts$out_res_sel == 'Native') { enabled(output_res_wid) <- F} else {(enabled(output_res_wid) <- T)}
##			# Resampling ----
##			resopts_group <- ggroup (container = output_proj_frame, horizontal = TRUE)
##			resmeth_lab <- glabel(text = '<span weight = "bold" >Resampling Method:</span>',markup = T, container = resopts_group) ; size(resmeth_lab) = c(120,20)
##			resamp_array <- c('near','bilinear','cubic', 'cubicspline','lanczos','average','mode')
##			output_resmeth_wid <-  gcombobox(resamp_array, container=resopts_group, selected = match(general_opts$resampling, resamp_array)) 
##			size (output_resmeth_wid) <- c(80,20)
##			# Extent ----
##			output_ext_group <- ggroup (container = output_proj_frame, horizontal = TRUE, expand = T)
##			output_ext_lab <- glabel(text = '<span weight = "bold" >Output Extent:</span>',markup = T, container = output_ext_group) ; size(output_ext_lab) <- c(120,20)
##			output_ext_wid <-  gcombobox(c('Full Tiles Extent','Resized'), container=output_ext_group, 
##					selected = match(general_opts$full_ext, c('Full Tiles Extent','Resized')), handler = function(h,....) {
##						current_sel = svalue(output_ext_wid) 
##						if (current_sel == 'Full Tiles Extent') { enabled(bbox_group) <- F} else {(enabled(bbox_group) <- T)}
##					}) 
##			size (output_ext_wid) <- c(120,20)
##			{# bounding box ----
##				bbox_group <- ggroup (horizontal = FALSE, container=output_proj_frame)
##				UL_group <- ggroup (horizontal = TRUE, container=bbox_group)
##				output_ULeast_lab <- glabel('Upper Left Easting (xmin)', container = UL_group)   ;    size (output_ULeast_lab) <- c(160,20)
##				output_ULeast_wid <- gedit(text = general_opts$bbox[1], container = UL_group, width = 10)
##				addSpace(UL_group, 30, horizontal=TRUE)
##				output_LReast_lab <- glabel('Lower Right Easting (xmax)', container = UL_group)   ;    size (output_LReast_lab) <- c(160,20)
##				output_LReast_wid <- gedit(text = general_opts$bbox[2], container = UL_group, width = 10)
##				LR_group <- ggroup (horizontal = TRUE, container=bbox_group)
##				output_LRnorth_lab <- glabel('Lower Right Northing (ymin)', container = LR_group) ;    size (output_LRnorth_lab) = c(160,20)
##				output_LRnorth_wid <- gedit(text = general_opts$bbox[3], container = LR_group, width = 10)
##				addSpace(LR_group, 30, horizontal=TRUE)
##				output_ULnorth_lab <- glabel('Upper Left Northing (ymax)', container = LR_group) ;    size (output_ULnorth_lab) <- c(160,20)
##				output_ULnorth_wid <- gedit(text = general_opts$bbox[4], container = LR_group, width = 10)
##				if (general_opts$full_ext == 'Full Tiles Extent') { enabled(bbox_group) <- F} else {(enabled(bbox_group) <- T)}
##			}
##		}}
###- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
### Widgets for Format and reprocess options 
###- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
##	{{options_frame <- gframe(text = '<span foreground="blue" size="large">Processing Options</span>', markup = T, container = main_group, expand = T,spacing = 15, horizontal = F)
##			opt_group <- ggroup(container = options_frame, horizontal = T, expand = T)
##			format_lab <- glabel(text = '<span weight = "bold" >Output Format for single images</span>',markup = T, container = opt_group)
##			format_wid <- gdroplist(items = c('ENVI','GTiff'), text = 'Select', container=opt_group, selected = match(general_opts$out_format, c('ENVI','GTiff')))
##			timeseries_lab <- glabel(text = '<span weight = "bold" >Format of Time Series Images</span>',markup = T, container = opt_group)
##			timeseries_wid <- gcombobox( c('ENVI Meta Files','R Stack Files','Both'), container=opt_group, 
##					selected <- match(general_opts$ts_format, c('ENVI Meta Files','R Stack Files','Both')), handler = function(h,....) {
##						current_sel <- svalue(timeseries_wid)
##					})
##			repro_group <- ggroup(container = options_frame, horizontal = T)
##			reprocess_lab <- glabel(text = '<span weight = "bold" >ReDownload Existing Images</span>',markup = T, container = repro_group)
##			reprocess_wid <- gradio(items = c('Yes','No'), text = 'Select', container=repro_group, selected = match(general_opts$reprocess, c('Yes','No')), horizontal = T)
##		}}	
###- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
### Widgets for options file saving and loading
###- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
###	{{outprev_frame <- gframe(text = '<span foreground="blue" size="large">File For Saving-loading processing options</span>', markup = T, container=main_group, expand = T,spacing = 15)    			# Frame group
###			outprev_group <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container=outprev_frame)  				# Main group
###			outprev_wid <- gedit(text = format(general_opts$previous_file, justify = "right") , container=outprev_group, width = 57)			# Selected file
###			outprev_choose <- gbutton("Browse", handler=function(h,...) {choice<-gfile(type="open", text="Select the file for saving-loading processing options...")		# File selection widget
###						if(!is.na(choice)){svalue(outprev_wid)<-choice						## On new selection, set value of the label widget
###							general_opts$previous_file = format(choice, justify = "left")	# 	On new selection,  Set value of the selected variable
###						}}, container=outprev_group)
###			butprev_group <- ggroup(container = outprev_group, horizontal = TRUE)
###			load_but <- gbutton(text = 'Load Oprions from File', container = butprev_group, handler = function (h,....){
###						choice<-gfile(type="open", text="Select file for loading processing options...")		# File selection widget
###						if(! is.na(choice)){
###							svalue(outprev_wid)<-choice						## On new selection, set value of the label widget
###							general_opts$previous_file = format(choice, justify = "left")	# 	On new selection,  Set value of the selected variable
##	##						browser()
###						load(svalue(outprev_wid))
###						svalue(prod_wid) <- general_opts$sel_prod
##	##						general_opts$sel_prod <- mod_prod_list[which(mod_prod_list == svalue(prod_wid))]						# Products options
###						svalue(sens_wid)<-general_opts$sensor 
###						temp_wid_bands <<- prod_opt_list[[general_opts$sel_prod]]$bandsel				# set dummy variables holding the initial values of selected bands
###						temp_wid_bands_indexes <<- prod_opt_list[[general_opts$sel_prod]]$indexes_bandsel
###						temp_wid_bands_quality <<- prod_opt_list[[general_opts$sel_prod]]$quality_bandsel
###						svalue(start_day_wid)<-general_opts$start_day  	# Dates options
###						svalue(start_month_wid)<- general_opts$start_month  
###						svalue(start_year_wid) <- general_opts$start_year 
###						svalue(end_day_wid) <- general_opts$end_day 
###						svalue(end_month_wid) <-general_opts$end_month  
###						svalue (end_year_wid) <-general_opts$end_year   
###						svalue(start_x_wid)<- general_opts$start_x  		# Tiles options
###						svalue(end_x_wid) <-general_opts$end_x  
###						svalue(start_y_wid) <-general_opts$start_y   
###						svalue(end_y_wid) <-general_opts$end_y   
###						svalue(proj_wid)	 <-general_opts$proj 	# Proj and extent options
###						svalue(output_proj4_wid)	 <- general_opts$user_proj4 
###						svalue(output_res_sel_wid) <-general_opts$out_res_sel 			
###						svalue(output_res_wid) <-general_opts$out_res 
###						svalue(output_resmeth_wid) <- general_opts$resampling
###						svalue(output_ext_wid) <-general_opts$full_ext 
###						svalue(output_ULeast_wid) <- general_opts$bbox [1]
###						svalue(output_LReast_wid) <- general_opts$bbox [2]
###						svalue(output_LRnorth_wid) <- general_opts$bbox [3]
###						svalue(output_ULnorth_wid) <- general_opts$bbox [4]
###						svalue(reprocess_wid) <- general_opts$reprocess
###						svalue(format_wid) <- general_opts$out_format 
###						svalue(timeseries_wid) <- general_opts$ts_format 
###						svalue(outfold_wid) <- 	general_opts$out_folder # Folder options
###						svalue(outfoldmod_wid) <- general_opts$out_folder_mod
###						}
###					})
###		}}
###- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
### Widgets for output folders selection  
###- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
##	{{outfold_frame <- gframe(text = '<span foreground="blue" size="large">Main Output Folder for Time Series storage</span>', markup = T, container=main_group, expand = T,spacing = 15)    			# Frame group
##			outfold_group <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container=outfold_frame)  				# Main group
##			outfold_wid <- gedit(text = format(general_opts$out_folder, justify = "right") , container=outfold_group, width = 57)			# Selected file
##			fold_choose <- gbutton("Browse", handler=function(h,...) {choice<-gfile(type="selectdir", text="Select the Output Folder for MODIS data...")		# File selection widget
##						if(! is.na(choice)){svalue(outfold_wid)<-choice						## On new selection, set value of the label widget
##							general_opts$out_folder = format(choice, justify = "left")	# 	On new selection,  Set value of the selected variable
##						}}, container=outfold_group)
##		}}
##	{{outfoldmod_frame <- gframe(text = '<span foreground="blue" size="large">Output Folder for Original hdf storage</span>', markup = T, container=main_group, expand = T,spacing = 15)    			# Frame group
##			outfoldmod_group <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container=outfoldmod_frame)  				# Main group
##			outfoldmod_wid <- gedit(text = format(general_opts$out_folder_mod, justify = "right") , container=outfoldmod_group, width = 57)			# Selected file
##			fold_choose <- gbutton("Browse", handler=function(h,...) {choice<-gfile(type="selectdir", text="Select the Output Folder for storage of original HDFs...")		# File selection widget
##						if(! is.na(choice)){svalue(outfoldmod_wid)<-choice						## On new selection, set value of the label widget
##							general_opts$out_folder_mod = format(choice, justify = "left")	# 	On new selection,  Set value of the selected variable
##						}}, container=outfoldmod_group)
##		}}
###- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
### Start/Quit buttons 
###- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
##	{{but_group <- ggroup(container = main_group, horizontal = TRUE)
##			{{start_but <- gbutton(text = 'Start', container = but_group, handler = function (h,....) {# If "Start" pressed, retrieve selected values and save in previous file
##								general_opts$sel_prod <- mod_prod_list[which(mod_prod_list == svalue(prod_wid))]						# Products options
##								general_opts$sensor <- svalue(sens_wid)
###								browser()
##								if (exists ('temp_wid_bands')) {
##									prod_opt_list[[general_opts$sel_prod]]$bandsel <- temp_wid_bands			#retrieve selected bands
##								}
##								if (exists ('temp_wid_bands_indexes')) {
##									prod_opt_list[[general_opts$sel_prod]]$indexes_bandsel <- temp_wid_bands_indexes #retrieve selected indexes
##								}
##								if (exists ('temp_wid_bands_quality')) {
##									prod_opt_list[[general_opts$sel_prod]]$quality_bandsel <- temp_wid_bands_quality 	#retrieve selected quality ind.
##								}
##								print(temp_wid_bands)
##								print(temp_wid_bands_quality)
##								print(temp_wid_bands_indexes)
##								general_opts$start_day <- svalue(start_day_wid)		# Dates options
##								general_opts$start_month <- svalue(start_month_wid)
##								general_opts$start_year <- svalue(start_year_wid)
##								general_opts$end_day <- svalue(end_day_wid)
##								general_opts$end_month <- svalue(end_month_wid)
##								general_opts$end_year <- svalue(end_year_wid)
##								general_opts$start_x <- svalue(start_x_wid)		# Tiles options
##								general_opts$end_x <- svalue(end_x_wid)
##								general_opts$start_y <- svalue(start_y_wid)
##								general_opts$end_y <- svalue(end_y_wid)
##								general_opts$proj <- svalue(proj_wid)		# Proj and extent options
##								general_opts$user_proj4 <- svalue(output_proj4_wid)	
##								general_opts$out_res_sel <- (svalue(output_res_sel_wid))			
##								general_opts$out_res <- (svalue(output_res_wid))
##								general_opts$resampling <- svalue(output_resmeth_wid)
##								general_opts$full_ext <- svalue(output_ext_wid)
##								general_opts$bbox <- ((c(svalue(output_ULeast_wid),svalue(output_LReast_wid),
##														svalue(output_LRnorth_wid),svalue(output_ULnorth_wid))))
##								general_opts$reprocess <- svalue(reprocess_wid)
##								general_opts$out_format <- svalue(format_wid)
##								general_opts$ts_format <- svalue(timeseries_wid)
##								general_opts$out_folder <- svalue(outfold_wid)		# Folder options
##								general_opts$out_folder_mod <- svalue(outfoldmod_wid) 
##								check <- T
##								# Check if dates, processing extent and tiles selection make sense
##								if (as.Date(paste(general_opts$start_year, general_opts$start_month, general_opts$start_day, sep = '-')) >
##										as.Date(paste(general_opts$end_year, general_opts$end_month, general_opts$end_day, sep = '-'))) {gmessage('Error in Selected Dates', title = 'Warning'); check <- F}
##								if ((general_opts$start_x > general_opts$end_x ) | (general_opts$start_y > general_opts$end_y )) {gmessage('Error in Selected Tiles', title = 'Warning') ; check <- F}
##								if (max(prod_opt_list[[general_opts$sel_prod]]$bandsel)+
##										max(prod_opt_list[[general_opts$sel_prod]]$indexes_bandsel)+
##										max(prod_opt_list[[general_opts$sel_prod]]$quality_bandsel) == 0) {gmessage('No Output bands or indexes selected - Please Correct !', title = 'Warning') ; check <- F}
##								general_opts$bbox <- as.numeric(general_opts$bbox)
##								n_bbox_compiled <- length(which(is.finite(general_opts$bbox)))
##								if (general_opts$full_ext != 'Full Tiles Extent') {
##									if (n_bbox_compiled == 4){
##										if ((general_opts$bbox[1] > general_opts$bbox[2]) | (general_opts$bbox[3] > general_opts$bbox[4])) {gmessage('Error in Selected Output extent', title = 'Warning') ; check <- F}}
##									if ((n_bbox_compiled < 4) & (n_bbox_compiled >= 0 )) {gmessage('Error in Selected Output extent', title = 'Warning') ; check <- F}
##								}
##								if (general_opts$out_folder == ''){gmessage('Please Select an output folder !', title = 'Warning') ; check <- F}
##								if (general_opts$out_folder_mod == ''){gmessage('Please Select an output folder for storing original HDFs!', title = 'Warning') ; check <- F}
##								if (check == T) {					# If check passed, save previous file and return
##									dir.create(file.path(getwd(),'Previous'))
##									save(general_opts,prod_opt_list,mod_prod_list, file = general_opts$previous_file)
##									assign("Quit", F, envir=globalenv())
##									rm(temp_wid_bands, envir = globalenv())
##									rm(temp_wid_bands_indexes, envir = globalenv())
##									rm(temp_wid_bands_quality, envir = globalenv())
##									dispose(main_win)
##								}
##							})
##				}}	
##			quit_but <- gbutton(text = 'Quit', container = but_group, handler = function(h,...){
##						assign("Quit", T, envir=globalenv())
##						dispose(main_win)
##					})
##			addSpace(but_group, 300, horizontal=TRUE)
##			{{load_but <- gbutton(text = 'Load Options from File', container = but_group, handler = function (h,....){
##								choice<-gfile(type="open", text="Select file for loading processing options...")#, initialfilename = general_opts$previous_file)		# File selection widget
##								#			outprev_choose <- gbutton("Browse", handler=function(h,...) {choice<-gfile(type="open", text="Select the file for saving-loading processing options...")		# File selection widget
###						if(!is.na(choice)){svalue(outprev_wid)<-choice						## On new selection, set value of the label widget
###							general_opts$previous_file = format(choice, justify = "left")	# 	On new selection,  Set value of the selected variable
###						}}, container=outprev_group)
##								if(! is.na(choice)){
###							svalue(outprev_wid)<-choice						## On new selection, set value of the label widget
###							general_opts$previous_file = format(choice, justify = "left")	# 	On new selection,  Set value of the selected variable
##									load(choice)
##									svalue(prod_wid) <- general_opts$sel_prod
###						general_opts$sel_prod <- mod_prod_list[which(mod_prod_list == svalue(prod_wid))]						# Products options
##									svalue(sens_wid)<-general_opts$sensor 
##									temp_wid_bands <<- prod_opt_list[[general_opts$sel_prod]]$bandsel				# set dummy variables holding the initial values of selected bands
##									temp_wid_bands_indexes <<- prod_opt_list[[general_opts$sel_prod]]$indexes_bandsel
##									temp_wid_bands_quality <<- prod_opt_list[[general_opts$sel_prod]]$quality_bandsel
##									svalue(start_day_wid)<-general_opts$start_day  	# Dates options
##									svalue(start_month_wid)<- general_opts$start_month  
##									svalue(start_year_wid) <- general_opts$start_year 
##									svalue(end_day_wid) <- general_opts$end_day 
##									svalue(end_month_wid) <-general_opts$end_month  
##									svalue (end_year_wid) <-general_opts$end_year   
##									svalue(start_x_wid)<- general_opts$start_x  		# Tiles options
##									svalue(end_x_wid) <-general_opts$end_x  
##									svalue(start_y_wid) <-general_opts$start_y   
##									svalue(end_y_wid) <-general_opts$end_y   
##									svalue(proj_wid)	 <-general_opts$proj 	# Proj and extent options
##									svalue(output_proj4_wid)	 <- general_opts$user_proj4 
##									svalue(output_res_sel_wid) <-general_opts$out_res_sel 			
##									svalue(output_res_wid) <-general_opts$out_res 
##									svalue(output_resmeth_wid) <- general_opts$resampling
##									svalue(output_ext_wid) <-general_opts$full_ext 
##									svalue(output_ULeast_wid) <- general_opts$bbox [1]
##									svalue(output_LReast_wid) <- general_opts$bbox [2]
##									svalue(output_LRnorth_wid) <- general_opts$bbox [3]
##									svalue(output_ULnorth_wid) <- general_opts$bbox [4]
##									svalue(reprocess_wid) <- general_opts$reprocess
##									svalue(format_wid) <- general_opts$out_format 
##									svalue(timeseries_wid) <- general_opts$ts_format 
##									svalue(outfold_wid) <- 	general_opts$out_folder # Folder options
##									svalue(outfoldmod_wid) <- general_opts$out_folder_mod
##								}
##							})
##				}}
##			{{save_but <- gbutton(text = 'Save Options', container = but_group, handler = function (h,....) {
##								choice<-gfile(type="save", text="Select file for saving processing options...", initialfilename = general_opts$previous_file)		# File selection widget
###								browser()
##								if(!is.na(choice)){
###											svalue(outprev_wid)<-choice						## On new selection, set value of the label widget
###											general_opts$previous_file = format(choice, justify = "left")	# 	On new selection,  Set value of the selected variable
##									# If "Start" pressed, retrieve selected values and save in previous file
##									general_opts$sel_prod <- mod_prod_list[which(mod_prod_list == svalue(prod_wid))]						# Products options
##									general_opts$sensor <- svalue(sens_wid)
##									if (exists ('temp_wid_bands')) {
##										prod_opt_list[[sel_prod]]$bandsel <- temp_wid_bands			#retrieve selected bands
##										rm(temp_wid_bands, envir = globalenv())
##									}
##									if (exists ('temp_wid_bands_indexes')) {
##										prod_opt_list[[sel_prod]]$indexes_bandsel <- temp_wid_bands_indexes #retrieve selected indexes
##										rm(temp_wid_bands_indexes, envir = globalenv())
##									}
##									if (exists ('temp_wid_bands_quality')) {
##										prod_opt_list[[sel_prod]]$quality_bandsel <- temp_wid_bands_quality 	#retrieve selected quality ind.
##										rm(temp_wid_bands_quality, envir = globalenv())
##									}
##									general_opts$start_day <- svalue(start_day_wid)		# Dates options
##									general_opts$start_month <- svalue(start_month_wid)
##									general_opts$start_year <- svalue(start_year_wid)
##									general_opts$end_day <- svalue(end_day_wid)
##									general_opts$end_month <- svalue(end_month_wid)
##									general_opts$end_year <- svalue(end_year_wid)
##									general_opts$start_x <- svalue(start_x_wid)		# Tiles options
##									general_opts$end_x <- svalue(end_x_wid)
##									general_opts$start_y <- svalue(start_y_wid)
##									general_opts$end_y <- svalue(end_y_wid)
##									general_opts$proj <- svalue(proj_wid)		# Proj and extent options
##									general_opts$user_proj4 <- svalue(output_proj4_wid)	
##									general_opts$out_res_sel<- (svalue(output_res_sel_wid))			
##									general_opts$out_res <- (svalue(output_res_wid))
##									general_opts$resampling <- svalue(output_resmeth_wid)
##									general_opts$full_ext <- svalue(output_ext_wid)
##									general_opts$bbox <- ((c(svalue(output_ULeast_wid),svalue(output_LReast_wid),
##															svalue(output_LRnorth_wid),svalue(output_ULnorth_wid))))
##									general_opts$reprocess <- svalue(reprocess_wid)
##									general_opts$out_format <- svalue(format_wid)
##									general_opts$ts_format <- svalue(timeseries_wid)
##									general_opts$out_folder <- svalue(outfold_wid)		# Folder options
##									general_opts$out_folder_mod <- svalue(outfoldmod_wid)		# Folder options
##									check <- T
##									# Check if dates, processing extent and tiles selection make sense
##									if (as.Date(paste(general_opts$start_year, general_opts$start_month, general_opts$start_day, sep = '-')) >
##											as.Date(paste(general_opts$end_year, general_opts$end_month, general_opts$end_day, sep = '-'))) {gmessage('Error in Selected Dates', title = 'Warning'); check <- F}
##									if ((general_opts$start_x > general_opts$end_x ) | (general_opts$start_y > general_opts$end_y )) {gmessage('Error in Selected Tiles', title = 'Warning') ; check <- F}
##									general_opts$bbox <- as.numeric(general_opts$bbox)
##									n_bbox_compiled <- length(which(is.finite(general_opts$bbox)))
##									if (n_bbox_compiled == 4){
##										if ((general_opts$bbox[1] > general_opts$bbox[2]) | (general_opts$bbox[3] > general_opts$bbox[4])) {gmessage('Error in Selected Output extent', title = 'Warning') ; check <- F}}
##									if ((n_bbox_compiled < 4) & (n_bbox_compiled > 0 )) {gmessage('Error in Selected Output extent', title = 'Warning') ; check <- F}
##									if (general_opts$out_folder == ''){gmessage('Please Select an output folder !', title = 'Warning') ; check <- F}
##									if (check == T) {					# If check passed, save previous file and return
##										dir.create(file.path(getwd(),'Previous'))
##										save(general_opts,prod_opt_list,mod_prod_list, file = choice)
##									}
##								}
##							})		
##				}}
##		}}
lbusett/phenoriceR documentation built on May 18, 2019, 9:17 p.m.