##' @name fit_spm
##' @export
fit_spm <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("fit_spm")
##' @name fit_spm
##' @title Fitting an underlying continuous process to areal data
##' @details This function uses the [stats::optim] function optimization
##' algorithms to find the Maximum Likelihood estimators, and their standard
##' errors, from a model adapted from. The function allows the user to input
##' the control parameters from the [stats::optim] function through the argument
##' \code{control_opt}, which is a named list. Additionally, the one can
##' input lower and upper boundaries for the optimization problem, as well
##' as the preferred optimization algorithm (as long as it is available for
##' [stats::optim]). The preferred algorithm is selected by the argument
##' \code{opt_method}. In addition to the control of the optimization, the
##' user can select a covariance function among the following: Matern,
##' Exponential, Powered Exponential, Gaussian, and Spherical. The parameter
##' \code{apply_exp} is a \code{logical} scalar such that, if set to
##' \code{TRUE}, the \eqn{\exp} function is applied to the nonnegative
##' parameters, allowing the optimization algorithm to search for all the
##' parameters over the real numbers.
##' The model assumes \deqn{Y(\mathbf{s}) = \mu + S(\mathbf{s})} at the
##' point level. Where \eqn{S ~ GP(0, \sigma^2 C(\lVert \mathbf{s} -
##' \mathbf{s}_2 \rVert; \theta))}. Further, the observed data is supposed
##' to be \eqn{Y(B) = \lvert B \rvert^{-1} \int_{B} Y(\mathbf{s}) \,
##' \textrm{d} \mathbf{s}}.
##' @param x an object of type \code{spm}. Note that, the dimension of
##' \code{theta_st} depends on the 2 factors. 1) the number of variables
##' being analyzed, and 2) if the input is a \code{spm} object.
##' @param model a \code{character} scalar indicating the family of the
##' covariance function to be used. The options are \code{c("matern",
##' "pexp", "gaussian", "spherical", "gw")}.
##' @param theta_st a \code{numeric} (named) vector containing the initial
##' parameters.
##' @param nu a \code{numeric} value indicating either the \eqn{\nu}
##' parameter from the Matern covariance function (controlling the process
##' differentiability), or the "pexp" for the Powered Exponential family. If
##' the \code{model} chosen by the user is Matern and \code{nu} is not
##' informed, it is automatically set to .5. On the other hand, if the user
##' chooses the Powered Exponential family and do not inform \code{nu},
##' then it is set to 1. In both cases, the covariance function becomes the
##' so called exponential covariance function.
##' @param tr tapper range
##' @param kappa \eqn{\kappa \in \{0, \ldots, 3 \}} parameter for the GW cov
##' function.
##' @param mu2 the smoothness parameter \eqn{\mu} for the GW function.
##' @param apply_exp a \code{logical} scalar indicating whether the parameters
##' that cannot assume negative values should be exponentiate or not.
##' @param opt_method a \code{character} scalar indicating the optimization
##' algorithm to be used. For details, see [stats::optim].
##' @param control_opt a named \code{list} containing the control arguments for
##' the optimization algorithm to be used. For details, see [stats::optim].
##' @param comp_hess a \code{boolean} indicating whether the Hessian matrix
##' should be computed.
##' @param phi_min a \code{numeric} scalar representing the minimum \eqn{phi}
##' value to look for.
##' @param phi_max a \code{numeric} scalar representing the maximum \eqn{phi}
##' value to look for.
##' @param nphi a \code{numeric} scalar indicating the number of values to
##' compute a grid-search over \eqn{phi}.
##' @param cores a \code{integer} scalar indicating number of cores to be used. Default is getOption("mc.cores"). No effect on Windows.
##' @param ... additional parameters, either passed to [stats::optim].
##' @import Matrix
##' @return a \code{spm_fit} object containing the information about the
##' estimation of the model parameters.
##' @examples
##' data(liv_lsoa) ## loading the LSOA data
##' msoa_spm <- sf_to_spm(sf_obj = liv_msoa, n_pts = 500,
##' type = "regular", by_polygon = FALSE,
##' poly_ids = "msoa11cd",
##' var_ids = "leb_est")
##' ## fitting model
##' theta_st_msoa <- c("phi" = 1) # initial value for the range parameter
##' fit_msoa <-
##' fit_spm(x = msoa_spm,
##' theta_st = theta_st_msoa,
##' model = "matern",
##' nu = .5,
##' apply_exp = TRUE,
##' opt_method = "L-BFGS-B",
##' control = list(maxit = 500))
##' AIC(fit_msoa)
##' summary_spm_fit(fit_msoa, sig = .05)
##' @export
fit_spm.spm <- function(x, model, theta_st,
nu = NULL,
tr = NULL,
kappa = 1, mu2 = 1.5,
apply_exp = FALSE,
opt_method = "Nelder-Mead",
control_opt = list(),
comp_hess = TRUE,
...) {
stopifnot(NCOL(x$var) == 1)
stopifnot(inherits(x, "spm"))
if (! missing(nu))
stopifnot(length(nu) == 1)
stopifnot(model %in% c("matern", "pexp", "gaussian",
"spherical", "cs", "gw"))
if (model == "gw")
stopifnot(mu2 >= 1)
npar <- length(theta_st)
p <- npar + 2L
if (npar == 2) {
op_val <-
stats::optim(par = theta_st,
fn = singl_log_plik,
method = opt_method,
control = control_opt,
hessian = FALSE,
.dt = x$var,
dists = x$dists,
npix = x$npix,
model = model,
nu = nu,
tr = tr,
kappa = kappa,
mu2 = mu2,
apply_exp = apply_exp,
} else if(npar == 1) {
op_val <-
stats::optim(par = theta_st,
fn = singl_log_lik_nn,
method = opt_method,
control = control_opt,
hessian = FALSE,
.dt = x$var,
dists = x$dists,
npix = x$npix,
model = model,
nu = nu,
tr = tr,
kappa = kappa,
mu2 = mu2,
apply_exp = apply_exp,
estimates <- op_val$par
if (apply_exp) {
estimates <- exp(estimates)
## Using Delta-Method
## https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/r/faq/how-can-i-estimate-the-standard-error-of-transformed-regression-parameters-in-r-using-the-delta-method/
## grad_mat <-
## diag(c(1, exp(estimates[2:npar])))
## info_mat <- crossprod(grad_mat, info_mat) %*% grad_mat
.n <- NROW(x$var)
## can be turned in to a function to make to code cleaner
"matern" = {
if (is.null(nu))
nu <- .5
V <- comp_mat_cov(x$dists,
n = .n, n2 = .n,
phi = estimates["phi"],
sigsq = 1,
nu = nu)
"pexp" = {
if (is.null(nu))
nu <- 1
V <- comp_pexp_cov(x$dists,
n = .n, n2 = .n,
phi = estimates["phi"],
sigsq = 1,
nu = nu)
"gaussian" = {
V <- comp_gauss_cov(x$dists,
n = .n, n2 = .n,
phi = estimates["phi"],
sigsq = 1)
"spherical" = {
V <- Matrix(
n = .n, n2 = .n,
phi = estimates["phi"],
sigsq = 1),
sparse = TRUE
"gw" = {
V <- Matrix(
n = .n, n2 = .n,
phi = estimates["phi"],
sigsq = 1,
kappa = kappa,
mu = mu2),
sparse = TRUE
"cs" = {
V <- Matrix(
n = .n, n2 = .n,
phi = estimates["phi"],
sigsq = 1),
sparse = TRUE
"tapmat" = {
V <- Matrix(
n = .n, n2 = .n,
phi = estimates["phi"],
sigsq = 1,
nu = nu,
theta = tr),
sparse = TRUE
ones_n <- matrix(rep(1, .n), ncol = 1L)
y <- matrix(x$var, ncol = 1L)
if (npar == 2) {
V <- V + diag(estimates["al"] / x$npix,
nrow = .n, ncol = .n)
inv_v <- chol2inv(chol(V))
mles <- est_mle(x$var, inv_v)
estimates <- c(mles,
"al" = unname(estimates["al"]),
"phi" = unname(estimates["phi"]))
if (comp_hess) {
info_mat <- solve(
numDeriv::hessian(func = singl_log_lik,
x = estimates,
.dt = x$var,
dists = x$dists,
npix = x$npix,
model = model,
nu = nu,
tr = tr,
kappa = kappa,
mu2 = mu2,
apply_exp = FALSE)
} else {
info_mat <- matrix(NA_real_, ncol = p, nrow = p)
} else if (npar == 1) {
inv_v <- chol2inv(chol(V))
mles <- est_mle(x$var, inv_v)
estimates <- c(mles,
"phi" = unname(estimates["phi"]))
if (comp_hess) {
## stats::optimHess(par = estimates,
## fn = singl_log_lik,
info_mat <- solve(
numDeriv::hessian(func = singl_ll_nn_hess,
x = estimates,
.dt = x$var,
dists = x$dists,
npix = x$npix,
model = model,
nu = nu,
tr = tr,
kappa = kappa,
mu2 = mu2,
apply_exp = FALSE)
} else {
info_mat <- matrix(NA_real_,
ncol = length(estimates),
nrow = length(estimates))
output <- list(
estimate = estimates,
info_mat = info_mat,
converged = ifelse(op_val$convergence == 0,
"yes", "no"),
log_lik = - op_val$value,
call_data = x,
model = model,
nu = nu,
taper_rg = tr,
gw_pars = c(kappa, mu2)
class(output) <- append(class(output), "spm_fit")
## ##' @name fit_spm
## fit_spm2 <- function(x, model, theta_st,
## nu = NULL,
## apply_exp = FALSE,
## opt_method = "Nelder-Mead",
## control_opt = list(),
## comp_hess = TRUE,
## ...) {
## stopifnot(!is.null(names(theta_st)))
## p <- NCOL(x$var)
## npar <- length(theta_st)
## op_val <-
## stats::optim(par = theta_st,
## fn = singl_log_rel,
## method = opt_method,
## control = control_opt,
## hessian = FALSE,
## .dt = x$var,
## dists = x$dists,
## npix = x$npix,
## model = model,
## nu = nu,
## apply_exp = apply_exp,
## ...)
## estimates <- op_val$par
## if(apply_exp) {
## ## estimates[2:npar] <- c(expm1(estimates[2]), exp(estimates[3:npar]))
## estimates <- exp(estimates)
## ## Using Delta-Method
## ## https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/r/faq/how-can-i-estimate-the-standard-error-of-transformed-regression-parameters-in-r-using-the-delta-method/
## ## grad_mat <-
## ## diag(c(1, exp(estimates[2:npar])))
## ## info_mat <- crossprod(grad_mat, info_mat) %*% grad_mat
## }
## .n <- NROW(x$var)
## ## can be turned in to a function to make to code cleaner
## switch(model,
## "matern" = {
## if(is.null(nu))
## nu <- .5
## V <- comp_mat_cov(x$dists,
## n = .n, n2 = .n,
## phi = estimates["phi"],
## sigsq = 1,
## nu = nu)
## },
## "pexp" = {
## if(is.null(nu))
## nu <- 1
## V <- comp_pexp_cov(x$dists,
## n = .n, n2 = .n,
## phi = estimates["phi"],
## sigsq = 1,
## nu = nu)
## },
## "gaussian" = {
## V <- comp_gauss_cov(x$dists,
## n = .n, n2 = .n,
## phi = estimates["phi"],
## sigsq = 1)
## },
## "spherical" = {
## V <- comp_spher_cov(x$dists,
## n = .n, n2 = .n,
## phi = estimates["phi"],
## sigsq = 1)
## })
## ones_n <- matrix(rep(1, .n), ncol = 1L)
## y <- matrix(x$var, ncol = 1L)
## V <- V + diag(estimates["nu"] / x$npix,
## nrow = .n, ncol = .n)
## inv_v <- chol2inv(chol(V))
## mu_hat <- as.numeric( crossprod(ones_n, inv_v) %*% y / (sum(inv_v)) )
## estimates <- c("mu" = mu_hat,
## "tausq" = unname(estimates["sigsq"] * estimates["nu"]),
## "sigsq" = unname(estimates["sigsq"]),
## "phi" = unname(estimates["phi"]))
## if(comp_hess) {
## info_mat <- solve(
## stats::optimHess(par = estimates,
## fn = singl_log_lik,
## .dt = x$var,
## dists = x$dists,
## npix = x$npix,
## model = model,
## nu = nu,
## apply_exp = FALSE)
## )
## } else {
## info_mat <- matrix(NA_real_, ncol = p, nrow = p)
## }
## output <- list(
## estimate = estimates,
## info_mat = info_mat,
## converged = ifelse(op_val$convergence == 0,
## "yes", "no"),
## call_data = x,
## model = model,
## nu = nu
## )
## class(output) <- append(class(output), "spm_fit")
## return(output)
## }
##' @title Summarizing \code{spm_fit}
##' @description Provides a \code{data.frame} with point estimates and
##' confidence intervals for the parameters of the model fitted using the
##' \code{spm_fit} function.
##' @param x a \code{spm_fit} object.
##' @param sig a real number between 0 and 1 indicating significance level to be
##' used to compute the confidence intervals for the parameter estimates.
##' @return a \code{data.frame} summarizing the parameters estimated by the
##' \code{fit_spm} function.
##' @export
summary_spm_fit <- function(x, sig = .05) {
se_est <- diag(x$info_mat)
est <- x$estimate
## cc <- matrix(c(0, 1, 1, 0), ncol = 1)
## est <- c(est, as.numeric(crossprod(cc, est)))
## se_est <- c(se_est, as.numeric(crossprod(cc, x$info_mat) %*% cc))
se_est <- sqrt(se_est)
lb <- est - stats::qnorm(1 - (sig/2)) * se_est
k <- 2:length(est)
lb[k] <- pmax(lb[k], 0)
ub <- est + stats::qnorm(1 - (sig/2)) * se_est
ci_est <- sprintf("[%.3f; %.3f]",
lb, ub)
if(is.null(names(x$estimate))) {
tbl <- data.frame(
estimate = est,
se = se_est,
ci = ci_est,
row.names = NULL
} else {
tbl <- data.frame(
par = names(x$estimate),
estimate = est,
se = se_est,
ci = ci_est,
row.names = NULL
cat(sprintf("\n optimization algorithm converged: %s \n \n", x$converged))
##' @name fit_spm
##' @export
fit_spm2 <- function(x, model, nu,
kappa = 1, mu2 = 1.5,
comp_hess = TRUE,
phi_min, phi_max, nphi = 10,
cores = getOption("mc.cores", 1L)) {
stopifnot(NCOL(x$var) == 1)
stopifnot(inherits(x, "spm"))
stopifnot(length(nphi) == 1)
stopifnot(model %in% c("matern", "pexp", "gaussian",
"spherical", "cs", "gw"))
if (model == "gw")
stopifnot(mu2 >= 1)
if (! missing(nu))
stopifnot(length(nu) == 1)
my_phi <- seq(from = phi_min,
to = phi_max,
length.out = nphi)
## vector to store the profile likelihood value for each phi
pl <- vector(mode = "numeric",
length = 2 * length(my_phi))
if(.Platform$OS.type != "unix") {
for(i in seq_along(my_phi)) {
pl[i] <- singl_log_lik_nn(my_phi[i], .dt = x$var,
dists = x$dists, npix = 1,
model = model, nu = nu,
kappa = kappa, mu2 = mu2)
} else {
pl <- parallel::mclapply(my_phi,
FUN = singl_log_lik_nn,
.dt = x$var,
dists = x$dists, npix = 1,
model = model, nu = nu,
kappa = kappa, mu2 = mu2,
mc.cores = cores)
pl <- unlist(pl)
k <- which.min(pl[seq_len(nphi)])
if(k == 1) {
my_phi2 <- seq(my_phi[1] - 1e-05, my_phi[1],
length.out = length(my_phi))
} else if(k == length(my_phi)) {
my_phi2 <- seq(my_phi[nphi], my_phi[nphi] + 1e-05,
length.out = length(my_phi))
} else {
my_phi2 <- seq(my_phi[k - 1], my_phi[k + 1],
length.out = length(my_phi))
for( i in seq_along(my_phi2) ) {
pl[i + nphi] <-
singl_log_lik_nn(my_phi2[i], .dt = x$var,
dists = x$dists, npix = 1,
model = model, nu = nu,
kappa = kappa, mu2 = mu2)
phi_out <- c(my_phi, my_phi2)[which.min(pl)]
.n <- NROW(x$var)
## can be turned in to a function to make to code cleaner
"matern" = {
nu <- .5
V <- comp_mat_cov(x$dists,
n = .n, n2 = .n,
phi = phi_out,
sigsq = 1,
nu = nu)
"pexp" = {
nu <- 1
V <- comp_pexp_cov(x$dists,
n = .n, n2 = .n,
phi = phi_out,
sigsq = 1,
nu = nu)
"gaussian" = {
V <- comp_gauss_cov(x$dists,
n = .n, n2 = .n,
phi = phi_out,
sigsq = 1)
"spherical" = {
V <- Matrix(
n = .n, n2 = .n,
phi = phi_out,
sigsq = 1),
sparse = TRUE
"gw" = {
V <- Matrix(
n = .n, n2 = .n,
phi = phi_out,
sigsq = 1,
kappa = kappa,
mu = mu2),
sparse = TRUE
"cs" = {
V <- Matrix(
n = .n, n2 = .n,
phi = phi_out,
sigsq = 1),
sparse = TRUE
"tapmat" = {
V <- Matrix(
n = .n, n2 = .n,
phi = phi_out,
sigsq = 1,
nu = nu,
theta = tr),
sparse = TRUE
ones_n <- matrix(rep(1, .n), ncol = 1L)
y <- matrix(x$var, ncol = 1L)
inv_v <- chol2inv(chol(V))
mles <- est_mle(x$var, inv_v)
estimates <- c(mles,
"phi" = unname(phi_out))
if(comp_hess) {
## stats::optimHess(par = estimates,
## fn = singl_log_lik,
info_mat <- solve(
numDeriv::hessian(func = singl_ll_nn_hess,
x = estimates,
.dt = x$var,
dists = x$dists,
npix = x$npix,
model = model,
nu = nu,
tr = tr,
kappa = kappa,
mu2 = mu2,
apply_exp = FALSE)
} else {
info_mat <- matrix(NA_real_,
ncol = length(estimates),
nrow = length(estimates))
output <- list(
estimate = estimates,
info_mat = info_mat,
converged = "yes",
log_lik = - pl[which.min(pl)],
call_data = x,
model = model,
nu = nu,
gw_pars = c(kappa, mu2)
class(output) <- append(class(output), "spm_fit")
##' @name goodness_of_fit
##' @title Akaike's (and Bayesian) An Information Criterion for \code{spm_fit}
##' objects.
##' @param object a \code{spm_fit} object.
##' @param ... optionally more fitted model objects.
##' @param k \code{numeric}, the _penalty_ per parameter to be used; the default
##' 'k = 2' is the classical AIC. (for compatibility with \code{stats::AIC}.
##' @importFrom stats AIC BIC
##' @return a \code{numeric} scalar corresponding to the goodness of fit
##' measure.
##' @export
AIC.spm_fit <- function(object, ..., k = 2) {
p <- length(object$estimates)
ll <- object$log_lik
k * (p - object$log_lik)
##' @name goodness_of_fit
##' @export
BIC.spm_fit <- function(object, ...) {
.n <- length(object$call_data$var)
ll <- object$log_lik
log(.n) - 2 * object$log_lik
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