
Defines functions predict_pheno

Documented in predict_pheno

#' Makes predictions for selected phenotype
#' This function outputs predictions for phenotype of
#' interest using selected regions upon which predictor
#' has been built
#' @param inputdata_test Object containing expression data from test
#' set and corresponding GenomicRanges object \code{expression}
#' @param phenodata data set with phenotype information; samples in rows,
#' variables in columns \code{phenodata}
#' @param phenotype phenotype of interest \code{phenotype}
#' @param type The class of the phenotype of interest (numeric, factor)
#' @param covariates Which covariates to include in model \code{covariates}
#' @param predictordata object output from build_predictor \code{predictordata}
#' @return A vector of predicted phenoyptes
#' @keywords phenotype, prediction, data set
#' @importFrom splines ns
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges findOverlaps
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library('GenomicRanges')
#' library('dplyr')
#' ## Make up some some region data
#' regions <- GRanges(seqnames = 'chr2', IRanges(
#'      start = c(28971710:28971712, 29555081:29555083, 29754982:29754984),
#'      end = c(29462417:29462419, 29923338:29923340, 29917714:29917716)))
#' ## make up some expression data for 9 rows and 30 people
#' data(sysdata, package='phenopredict')
#' ## includes R object 'cm'
#' exp= cm[1:length(regions),1:30]
#' ## generate some phenotype information
#' sex = as.data.frame(rep(c("male","female"),each=15))
#' age = as.data.frame(sample(1:100,30))
#' pheno = dplyr::bind_cols(sex,age)
#' colnames(pheno) <- c("sex","age")
#' ## filter regions to be used to build the predictor
#' inputdata <- filter_regions(expression=exp, regiondata=regions,
#' 	phenodata=pheno, phenotype="sex",
#' 	covariates=NULL,type="factor", numRegions=2)
#' ## build phenotype predictor
#' predictor<-build_predictor(inputdata=inputdata ,phenodata=pheno,
#' 	phenotype="sex", covariates=NULL,type="factor", numRegions=2)
#' ## determine resubstitution error
#' ## carry out prediction in training data set
#' predictions_test<-test_predictor(inputdata=inputdata ,phenodata=pheno,
#' 	phenotype="sex", covariates=NULL,type="factor",predictordata=predictor)
#' ## generate new expressiondata set for prediction
#' exp_new= cm_new[1:length(regions),1:30]
#' ## extract test data
#' test_data<-extract_data(newexpression=exp_new,
#' newregiondata=predictor$regiondata, predictordata=predictor)
#' ## predict phenotype in test data
#' predictions <- predict_pheno(inputdata_test=test_data, phenodata=pheno,
#' phenotype="sex", type="factor" ,covariates=NULL, predictordata = predictor)

predict_pheno <- function(inputdata_test=NULL, phenodata=NULL, phenotype=NULL,
	type=c("factor","numeric") ,covariates=NULL, predictordata = NULL){
	requireNamespace("stats", quietly=TRUE)

	#check to makes sure same regions are included
	if(length(inputdata_test$regiondata) != length(predictordata$regiondata)) {
		stop('The same regions used to build your predictor
			must be the regions used in your test set.')
		stop('Some of the regions in your test expression set
			are not the same as those in expression set used to build your predictor')
		stop('Make sure your test expression set is in the
			same order as your prediction expression set!')

	## to chose max value, but assign NA if max is 0
	which.highest <- function(x){

	expression = inputdata_test$covmat
	regiondata = inputdata_test$regiondata

	type <- match.arg(type,c("factor", "numeric") )

	  # requireNamespace("minfi", quietly=TRUE)
		# define possible predictions
		possibles = levels(droplevels(as.factor(phenodata[,phenotype])))
		possNA = c(possibles,"Unassigned")
		# make predictions
			coefCellType=predictordata$coefEsts) -> predictions
		maxs <- apply(predictions,1,max)
		esttype = apply(predictions,1,which.highest)
		predicted <- possNA[esttype]

		## ensure regions are named the same way as in build_predictor
		colnames(expression) <- paste0("exp_",1:ncol(expression))

		knots_picked = predictordata$knots_picked
		# in predict_pheno do this (set up a model matrix from
		# build_predictor with the same regions, but new data)
		Xnew = model.matrix(as.formula(paste0(
			"~",paste( paste0(" splines::ns(",colnames(expression),
			",df=",l,", knots=knots_picked[,\'",colnames(knots_picked),
			"\'])"),collapse="+"))), data=expression)

		## generate predictions
		predicted = as.numeric(as.matrix(t(predictordata$coefEsts))) %*% t(Xnew)

leekgroup/phenopredict documentation built on May 14, 2019, 11:27 a.m.