
Defines functions meme_gif .check_ext meme

Documented in meme meme_gif

#' Generate a meme
#' Generate a meme with a background image, text label and optional inset graphic.
#' @name meme
#' @details
#' This function generates and saves a meme as a jpg or png file.
#' @section Fonts:
#' Memes use the Impact font by default. This is a Windows font.
#' If using `memery` on Linux for example, you would have to first install the
#' font if not already installed on the system. If Impact or any other font
#' family passed to `meme()`, e.g. `family = "Consolas"`, is not installed on an
#' operating system, `meme()` will ignore it and fall back on `family = "serif"`
#' internally. If unfamiliar, explore the documentation and examples available
#' for the `showtext` and `sysfonts` packages, which `merery` leverages.
#' @section Text labels:
#' List elements in `label_pos` must all be the same length and must match the
#' length of `label`. This is provided for generality but is most suited to
#' length-2 cases; the use of meme title/subtitle or top/bottom text pairs.
#' Similarly, `size`, `family`, `col` and `shadow` may be vectorized.
#' For example, top and bottom text can have different font size and family and
#' the font text and shadow can be different colors.
#' @section Inset graphic:
#' The meme plot may optionally include an inset plot by passing a ggplot object
#' to `inset`. This makes the memes more fun for data analysts. See examples.
#' The plotting region containing `inset` is a specific viewport in the `grid`
#' layout. `inset_bg` is a list of arguments that affect the background of this
#' part of the meme plot. They define a rectangle that by default is
#' semi-transparent with rounded corners and no border color. This can be changed
#' via the list arguments `fill`, `col` and `r`.
#' The inset plot `inset` is placed above this layer and also fills the region.
#' The default ggplot2 theme used my `meme()`, [memetheme()], uses transparent
#' ggplot plot and panel background fill and plot border color that allow the
#' background viewport rectangle and its rounded corners to show through.
#' The default theme also has no plot margins.
#' If you supply a different theme via `ggtheme`, you can provide different plot
#' and panel background fill and plot border color as part of the theme.
#' For similar no-margin themes, if the plot background fill or border color are
#' not fully transparent, set the viewport rectangle corner radius to zero so
#' that rounded corners do not show inside the panel background. For opaque plot
#' background fill this will not matter.
#' Of course, the plot and panel background fill should still be transparent or
#' semi-transparent if occupying a large amount of the total meme plot area or
#' it will obscure the meme image itself. An alternative is to use `inset` as,
#' for example, a tiny thumbnail in the corner of the meme plot, in which case
#' full opacity is not necessarily an issue. If you do not want to override the
#' theme of your plot and do not wish to pass a theme explicitly by `ggtheme`,
#' you can set `ggtheme = NULL`.
#' @section Dimensions and image processing:
#' Specifying `width` and `height` is not required. By default, output file
#' dimensions are taken from the input file, `img`. However, these arguments can
#' be used to override the default dimension matching. The aspect ratio is fixed
#' so if you change the two disproportionately, you will increasing the canvas,
#' adding bars on two sides; it will not stretch the image.
#' `mult` can be set less than one if relying on `img` dimension for meme plot
#' width and height and `img` is large. It is equivalent to scaling
#' proportionately with `width` and `height` maintaining the original aspect ratio.
#' Whether or not `width` and/or `height` are provided, `mult` is always applied
#' (defaults to `mult = 1`).
#' Beyond this basic resizing to help control output file size, it is not the
#' intent of `memery` to offer general image processing capabilities. If
#' adjustments to source images are desired, you should use a dedicated package
#' for image processing. `magick` is recommended.
#' @section Reading and writing gifs:
#' Reading and writing gifs requires the `magick` package. Since this is not
#' required for any other part of `memery` and it represents a minor use case,
#' the package does not have these dependencies. `magick` is listed as a
#' suggested package for `memery`; it is not imported as a dependency.
#' `meme_gif()` is an optional extra function. In order to use it, install the
#' `magick` package.
#' See the example below if your system meets these requirements. As with jpg
#' or png image inputs, if additional control is required for making custom
#' adjustments to gif image frames, use the `magick` package for image
#' pre-processing. `meme()` only provides basic control over output size and
#' `meme_gif()` only adds control over gif frame selection and rate.
#' @param img path to image file, png or jpg.
#' @param label character, meme text. May be a vector, matched to `label_pos`.
#' @param file output file, png or jpg.
#' @param size label size. Actual size affected by image size, i.e., `cex`.
#' @param family character, defaults to `"Impact"`, the classic meme font. See
#' details.
#' @param col label color.
#' @param shadow label shadow/outline color.
#' @param label_pos named list of position elements for the meme text `w`, `h`,
#' `x` and `y`. Each element may be a vector. See details.
#' @param inset a ggplot object. This is an optional inset plot and may be excluded.
#' @param ggtheme optional ggplot2 theme. If ignored, the default `memery`
#' ggplot2 theme is used.
#' @param inset_bg a list of background settings for the plotting region
#' containing `inset`. See details.
#' @param inset_pos named list of position elements for the `inset` inset plot:
#' `w`, `h`, `x` and `y`.
#' @param width numeric, width of overall meme plot in pixels. If missing, taken
#' from `img` size.
#' @param height numeric, height of overall meme plot in pixels. If missing,
#' taken from `img` size.
#' @param bg character, background color for graphics device.
#' @param mult numeric, a multiplier. Used to adjust width and height. See details.
#' @param fps frames per second, only applicable to `meme_gif()`. See details.
#' @param frame integer, frame numbers to include. The default `frame = 0`
#' retains all frames. Only applicable to `meme_gif()`. See details.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to `meme_gif()`.
#' @return nothing is returned; file written to disk.
#' @examples
#' # Prepare data and make a graph
#' library(ggplot2)
#' x <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = 50)
#' panels <- rep(c("Plot A", "Plot B"), each = 50)
#' d <- data.frame(x = x, y = sin(x), grp = panels)
#' txt <- c("Philosoraptor's plots", "I like to make plots",
#'   "Figure 1. (A) shows a plot and (B) shows another plot.")
#' out <- tempfile("meme", fileext = c("1.png", "2.png", "3.png", "4.gif"))
#' p <- ggplot(d, aes(x, y)) + geom_line(colour = "cornflowerblue", linewidth = 2) +
#'   geom_point(colour = "orange", size = 4) + facet_wrap(~grp) +
#'   labs(title = txt[1], subtitle = txt[2], caption = txt[3])
#' # meme image background and text labels
#' img <- system.file("philosoraptor.jpg", package = "memery")
#' lab <- c("Title meme text", "Subtitle text")
#' \dontrun{
#' # Not run due to file size
#' # basic meme
#' meme(img, lab[1:2], out[1])
#' # data analyst's meme
#' meme(img, lab[1:2], out[2], size = 2, inset = p, mult = 2)
#' }
#' # data meme with additional content control
#' vp_bg <- list(fill = "#FF00FF50", col = "#FFFFFF80") # graph background
#' # arbitrary number of labels, placement, and other vectorized attributes
#' lab <- c(lab, "Middle plot text")
#' pos <- list(w = rep(0.9, 3), h = rep(0.3, 3), x = c(0.35, 0.65, 0.5),
#'   y = c(0.95, 0.85, 0.3))
#' fam <- c("Impact", "serif", "Impact")
#' clrs1 <- c("black", "orange", "white")
#' clrs2 <- clrs1[c(2, 1, 1)]
#' \dontrun{
#' meme(img, lab, out[3], size = c(2, 1.5, 1), family = fam, col = clrs1,
#'   shadow = clrs2, label_pos = pos, inset = p, inset_bg = vp_bg, mult = 2)
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' # Not run due to file size, software requirements, web source
#' # GIF meme. Requires magick package.
#' p <- ggplot(d, aes(x, y)) + geom_line(colour = "white", linewidth = 2) +
#'   geom_point(colour = "orange", size = 1) + facet_wrap(~grp) +
#'   labs(title = "The wiggles", subtitle = "Plots for cats",
#'        caption = "Figure 1. Gimme sine waves.")
#' lab <- c("R plots for cats", "Sine wave sine wave sine wave sine wave...")
#' pos <- list(w = rep(0.9, 2), h = rep(0.3, 2), x = rep(0.5, 2), y = c(0.9, 0.75))
#' img <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leonawicz/memery/master/data-raw/cat.gif"
#' meme_gif(img, lab, out[4], size = c(1.5, 0.75), label_pos = pos,
#'          inset = p, inset_bg = list(fill = "#00BFFF80"), mult = 1.5, fps = 20)
#' }

#' @rdname meme
#' @export
meme <- function(img, label, file, size = 1, family = "Impact", col = "white", shadow = "black",
                 label_pos = text_position(length(label)),
                 inset = NULL, ggtheme = memetheme(), inset_bg = inset_background(),
                 inset_pos = inset_position(), width, height, bg = "transparent", mult = 1){
  family[!family %in% sysfonts::font_families()] <- "serif"
  n <- length(label)
  if(!all(sapply(label_pos, length) == n))
    stop("`label_pos` list elements must be same length as `label`.")
  ext <- utils::tail(strsplit(img, "\\.")[[1]], 1)
  ext2 <- utils::tail(strsplit(file, "\\.")[[1]], 1)
  .check_ext(ext, ext2)
  f <- if(ext %in% c("jpeg", "jpg")) jpeg::readJPEG else png::readPNG
  if(substr(img, 1, 4) == "http"){
    x <- tempfile()
    utils::download.file(img, x, mode = "wb", quiet = TRUE)
    img <- f(x)
  } else {
    img <- f(img)

  g0 <- grid::rasterGrob(img, interpolate = TRUE)
  rc <- dim(img)[1:2]
  if(!missing(inset) && !is.null(ggtheme)) inset <- inset + ggtheme
  if(missing(width)) width <- rc[2]
  if(missing(height)) height <- rc[1]
  width <- width*mult
  height <- height*mult
  base_size_multiplier <- 3.5
  if(missing(size)) size <- 1
  if(ext2 == "jpg") size <- (3 / 4) * size
  size <- size * base_size_multiplier
  if(n > 1){
    size <- rep(size, length.out = n)
    family <- rep(family, length.out = n)
    col <- rep(col, length.out = n)
    shadow <- rep(shadow, length.out = n)

  p0 <- ggplot2::ggplot(data.frame(x = c(0, 1), y = c(0, 1)), ggplot2::aes(.data[["x"]], .data[["y"]])) +
    ggplot2::annotation_custom(g0, xmin = -Inf, xmax = Inf, ymin = -Inf, ymax = Inf) +
  if(ext2 == "png") Cairo::CairoPNG(file, width = width, height = height, bg = bg)
  if(ext2 == "jpg") grDevices::jpeg(file, width = width, height = height, bg = bg, type = "cairo")
  vp_back <- grid::viewport(width = 1, height = 1, x = 0.5, y = 0.5)
    vp_plot <- grid::viewport(width = inset_pos$w, height = inset_pos$h, x = inset_pos$x, y = inset_pos$y)
  vp_text <- purrr::map(seq_along(label_pos$w),
                        ~grid::viewport(width = label_pos$w[.x], height = label_pos$h[.x],
                                        x = label_pos$x[.x], y = label_pos$y[.x]))
  print(p0, vp = vp_back)
    if(is.null(inset_bg$fill)) inset_bg$fill <- inset_background()$fill
    if(is.null(inset_bg$col)) inset_bg$col <- inset_background()$col
    if(is.null(inset_bg$r)) inset_bg$r <- inset_background()$r
    grid::grid.roundrect(r = inset_bg$r, gp = grid::gpar(fill = inset_bg$fill, col = inset_bg$col))
    print(inset, vp = vp_plot)
  for(i in seq_along(vp_text)){
    .shadow(label[i], gp = grid::gpar(cex = size[i]), fontfamily = family[i], col = col[i], shadow = shadow[i])

.check_ext <- function(inext, outext){
  stop_ext <- "must be a jpg or png. Check file extension."
  if(!inext %in% c("jpeg", "jpg", "png")) stop(paste("`img`", stop_ext))
  if(!outext %in% c("jpg", "png")) stop(paste("Output", stop_ext))

#' @rdname meme
#' @export
meme_gif <- function(img, label, file, size = 1, family = "Impact", col = "white", shadow = "black",
                     label_pos = text_position(length(label)),
                     inset = NULL, ggtheme = memetheme(), inset_bg = inset_background(),
                     inset_pos = inset_position(), width, height, bg = "transparent", mult = 1,
                     fps = 10, frame = 0, ...){
  if(!.check_for_magick()) return(message(.no_magick))
  is_gif <- utils::tail(strsplit(img, "\\.")[[1]], 1) == "gif"
  if(!is_gif) stop("`img` is not a gif. Use `meme` instead of `meme_gif`.")
  x <- magick::image_read(img)
  frames <- seq_along(x)
  frame <- as.integer(frame)
  frame <- frame[frame %in% frames]
    x <- x[frame]
    frames <- seq_along(frame)
  tmpdir <- if(is.null(list(...)$tmpdir)) tempdir() else list(...)$tmpdir
  basefile <- gsub(".gif", "", basename(file))
  tmpfiles <- file.path(tmpdir, paste0(basefile, "gif_frame_", gsub(" ", "0", format(frames, width = 3)), ".png"))
  purrr::walk2(frames, tmpfiles, ~magick::image_write(magick::image_convert(x[.x], "png"), .y))
  cat("Merging meme with", length(frames), "gif frames")
  no_width <- missing(width) # nolint
  no_height <- missing(height) # nolint
  purrr::walk(tmpfiles, ~({
    img0 <- file0 <- .x
    co <- capture.output({
      if(no_width & no_height){
        meme(img0, label, file0, size, family, col, shadow, label_pos,
             inset, ggtheme, inset_bg, inset_pos, mult = mult)
      } else if(no_width){
        meme(img0, label, file0, size, family, col, shadow, label_pos,
             inset, ggtheme, inset_bg, inset_pos, height = height, bg = bg, mult = mult)
      } else if(no_height){
        meme(img0, label, file0, size, family, col, shadow, label_pos,
             inset, ggtheme, inset_bg, inset_pos, width = width, mult = mult)
      } else {
        meme(img0, label, file0, size, family, col, shadow, label_pos,
             inset, ggtheme, inset_bg, inset_pos, width = width, height = height, bg = bg, mult = mult)
  cat("\nSaving meme...")
  frames <- magick::image_read(tmpfiles)
  magick::image_write_gif(frames, file, delay = round(1/fps, 2))
leonawicz/memery documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 12:16 p.m.