
Defines functions mb_image mb_search mb_article memory_beta

Documented in mb_article mb_image mb_search memory_beta

#' Memory Beta API
#' Access Star Trek content from
#' \href{https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Page}{Memory Alpha}.
#' @details
#' The content returned is always a data frame. The structure changes slightly
#' depending on the nature of the endpoint, but results from different endpoints
#' can be merged easily.
#' @section Portals:
#' At the highest level, passing `endpoint = "portals"` returns a data frame
#' listing the available Memory Beta portals supported by `rtrek`. A column of
#' relative URLs is also included for reference, but can be ignored. Compared to
#' Memory Alpha, Memory Beta does not technically offer "portals", but for
#' consistency in `rtrek`, several high level categories on Memory Beta are
#' treated as portal options. See [memory_alpha()] for comparison.
#' @section Portal Categories:
#' In all other cases, the endpoint string must begin with one of the valid
#' portal IDs. Passing only the ID returns a data frame with IDs and relative
#' URLs associated with the available categories in the specific portal. Unlike
#' `memory_alpha`, there are no `group` or `subgroup` columns. Memory Beta
#' offers a more consistent reliance on the simple hierarchy of categories and
#' articles.
#' Selecting a specific category within a portal is done by appending the portal
#' ID in `endpoint` with the category ID, separated by a forward slash. You can
#' append nested subcategory IDs with forward slashes, provided the
#' subcategories exist.
#' @section Articles:
#' When the endpoint is neither a top-level portal or one of a portal's
#' categories (or subcategories, if available), it is an article. An article is
#' a terminal node, meaning you cannot nest further. An article will be any
#' entry whose URL does not begin with `Category:`. In this case, the content
#' returned is still a data frame for consistency, but differs substantially
#' from the results of non-terminal endpoints.
#' Memory Beta is not a database containing convenient tables. Articles comprise
#' the bulk of what Memory Beta has to offer. They are not completely
#' unstructured text, but are loosely structured. Some assumptions are made and
#' `memory_beta` returns a data frame containing article text and links. It is
#' up to the user what to do with this information, e.g., performing text
#' analyses.
#' @section Additional Notes:
#' The `url` column included in results for context uses relative paths to save
#' space. The full URLs all begin the same. To visit a URL directly, prepend it
#' with `https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/`.
#' Also note that once you know the relative URL for an article, e.g.,
#' `"Worf"`, you do not need to traverse through one of the portals using an
#' `endpoint` string to retrieve its content. You can instead use
#' `mb_article("Worf")`.
#' `memory_beta` provides an overview perspective on how content available at
#' Memory Beta is organized and can be searched for through a variety of
#' hierarchical layouts. And in some cases this structure that can be obtained
#' in table form can be useful as data or metadata in itself. Alternatively,
#' `mb_article()` is focused exclusively on pulling back content from known
#' articles.
#' @param endpoint character, See details.
#' @return a data frame
#' @export
#' @seealso [mb_article()], [memory_alpha()]
#' @examples
#' memory_beta("portals") # show available portals
#' endpoint <- "characters/Characters by races and cultures/Klingonoids/Klingons"
#' \donttest{
#' x <- memory_beta(endpoint)
#' x <- x[grep("Worf", x$Klingons), ]
#' x
#' memory_beta(paste0(endpoint, "/Worf")) # return terminal article content
#' }
memory_beta <- function(endpoint){
  x <- .mb_portals
  if(endpoint == "portals") return(x)
  ep <- strsplit(endpoint, "/")[[1]]
  if(ep[1] %in% x$id){
    d <- mb_category_pages(ep[1], x$url[x$id == ep[1]],
                           c(".category-page__members", ".category-page__pagination"))
  } else {
    stop("Invalid endpoint: portal ID.", call. = FALSE)
  if(length(ep) == 1) return(d)
  mb_select(d, ep[-1], ep[1])

#' Read Memory Beta article
#' Read Memory Beta article content and metadata.
#' Article content is returned in a nested, tidy data frame.
#' @param url character, article URL. Expects package-style short URL. See
#' examples.
#' @param content_format character, the format of the article main text,
#' `"xml"` or `"character"`.
#' @param content_nodes character, which top-level nodes in the article main
#' text to retain.
#' @param browse logical, also open `url` in browser.
#' @return a nested data frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{mb_article("Azetbur")}
mb_article <- function(url, content_format = c("xml", "character"),
                       content_nodes = c("h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "p", "b", "ul"), browse = FALSE){
  content_format <- match.arg(content_format)
  url <- mb_base_add(url)
    x <- xml2::read_html(url),
    error = function(e) stop("Article not found.", call. = FALSE)
  title <- rvest::html_node(x, ".page-header__title") |> mb_text()
  cats <- mb_article_categories(x)
  x <- rvest::html_nodes(x, "body .page__main .mw-parser-output") |> rvest::html_children()
  aside <- mb_article_aside(x)
  content <- x[which(rvest::html_name(x) %in% content_nodes & !grepl("<aside.*aside>", x))]
  if(content_format == "character") content <- gsub("\\[\\]", "", mb_text(content))
  if(browse) utils::browseURL(url)
  dplyr::tibble(title = title, content = list(content), metadata = list(aside), categories = list(cats))

#' Memory Beta site search
#' Perform a Memory Beta site search.
#' This function returns a data frame containing the title, truncated text
#' preview, and relative URL for the first page of search results. It does not
#' recursively collate search results through subsequent pages of results. There
#' could be an unexpectedly high number of pages of results depending on the
#' search query. Since the general nature of this search feature seems
#' relatively casual anyway, it aims only to provide a first page preview.
#' @param text character, search query.
#' @param browse logical, open search results page in browser.
#' @return a data frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{mb_search("Worf")}
mb_search <- function(text, browse = FALSE){
  url <- paste0(mb_base_add("Special:Search?query="), gsub("\\s+", "+", text))
  x <- xml2::read_html(url) |> rvest::html_node(".unified-search__results")
  x <- rvest::html_nodes(x, "li article") |> mb_text() |> strsplit("(\n|\t)+")
  if(browse) utils::browseURL(url)
  dplyr::tibble(title = sapply(x, "[", 1), text = sapply(x, "[", 2), url = sapply(x, "[", 3))

#' Memory Beta images
#' Download a Memory Beta image and return a ggplot object.
#' By default the downloaded file is not retained (`keep = FALSE`). The filename
#' is derived from `url` if `file` is not provided. Whether or not the output
#' file is kept, a ggplot object of the image is returned.
#' @param url character, the short URL of the image, for example as returned by
#' `memory_beta()`. See example.
#' @param file character, output file name. Optional. See details.
#' @param keep logical, if `FALSE` (default) then `file` is only temporary.
#' @return a ggplot object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{mb_image("File:DataBlaze.jpg")}
mb_image <- function(url, file, keep = FALSE){
  url <- gsub(",", "%2C", url)
  file0 <- gsub("^File:|,", "", url)
  url2 <- xml2::read_html(mb_base_add(url)) |>
    rvest::html_nodes("a img") |>
  url2 <- url2[grepl("^http", url2)]
  idx <- grep(file0, url2)
  if(!length(idx)) stop("Source file not accessible.", call. = FALSE)
  url2 <- url2[idx[1]]
  url2 <- gsub("latest/scale-to-width-down/\\d+\\?", "latest?", url2)
  if(missing(file)) file <- gsub(" ", "_", file0)
  file <- gsub("jpeg$", "jpg", file)
  downloader::download(url2, destfile = file, quiet = TRUE, mode = "wb")
  x <- jpeg::readJPEG(file)
  if(!keep) unlink(file, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)

  asp <- dim(x)[1] / dim(x)[2]
  x <- grid::rasterGrob(x, interpolate = TRUE)
  ggplot2::ggplot(geom = "blank") +
    ggplot2::annotation_custom(x, xmin = -Inf, xmax = Inf, ymin = -Inf, ymax = Inf) +
    ggplot2::theme(aspect.ratio = asp)
leonawicz/rtrek documentation built on Sept. 18, 2023, 11:29 p.m.