
Defines functions rvtable .rvtable_df .rvtable_numeric

Documented in rvtable

globalVariables(c(".", "Val", "n", "numer", "denom"))

#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom stats approx density

#' Construct A Random Variable Table
#' Class constructor for \code{rvtable} objects.
#' These are long format data tables containing a Val and Prob column describing the distribution of a random variable.
#' Any other columns are ID columns and should be categorical variables. The random variable described by Val and Prob may be discrete or continuous.
#' When discrete, probabilities are true probabilities.
#' When continuous, Val and Prob are based on \code{x} and \code{y} output from \code{density} and describe a distribution curve,
#' and therefore values in Prob may be greater than one and may not sum to one.
#' Val is typically numeric but may be character when discrete such as when an rvtable object is returned from \code{inverse_pmf}.
#' For data frame inputs, Val and Prob here refer generally to whatever columns in an rvtable are specified by \code{Val} and \code{Prob}.
#' In \code{rvtable}, if the \code{Val} argument is not supplied, Val is assumed to be \code{Val="Val"} and \code{rvtable}
#' will search the names of a data frame for this column, throwing an error if it is not found, like with any other value of \code{Val}.
#' When \code{Prob} is missing, however, this is analogous to when \code{x} is numeric and
#' \code{y} and \code{x} probability attributes are both NULL: the data in the \code{Val} column are assumed to be a direct sample
#' from a distribution rather than a vector of values that describes a distribution in conjunction with a \code{Prob} column.
#' When \code{x} is numeric, a supplied \code{Val} will substitute for rvtable names \code{x} and \code{y} in the output, respectively.
#' All rvtable objects are in one of two forms: distribution-type or sample-type.
#' This primary constructor constructs distribution- or sample-type rvtable objects,
#' with the corresponding attribute \code{tabletype="distribution"} or \code{tabletype="sample"}.
#' Sampling on an rvtable can generate a sample-type rvtable, with the attribute \code{tabletype="sample"}.
#' Other operations like merging or marginalizing distributions typically yield rvtables in distribution form.
#' This is the common form and rvtables are usually kept in this form until a final step in a processing chain
#' where samples are needed.
#' Every rvtable object also has a variable type attribute, \code{rvtype}, which is either "discrete" or "continuous".
#' Other attributes assigned during rvtable construction include \code{valcol} and \code{probcol}, the names of the Val and Prob columns,
#' and a \code{density.args} attribute that lists any most recent arguments passed to \code{density} in the process
#' of making the rvtable.
#' If an rvtable is already of class \code{rvtable}, the \code{rvtable} function simply returns
#' the rvtable as is; any other arguments passed to \code{rvtable} are ignored and
#' neither the table nor its attributes are updated or altered in any way.
#' Weights for levels of an ID variable are can be set by \code{set_weights}.
#' In \code{rvtable}, \code{weights} is passed to \code{set_weights} so that weights can be set on rvtable construction if desired.
#' It can be relatively cumbersome to set weights for all ID variables at once in a call to \code{rvtable}, and
#' particularly wasteful if there are several ID columns and most or all have levels with equal weights.
#' The weights attribute assigned to the rvtable will be an empty list
#' if there are no ID columns in \code{x} and a named list of data frames otherwise.
#' The names are the names of the ID variables in \code{x} and each data frame has two columns: \code{levels} and \code{weights},
#' giving the weighting of an ID variable's levels.
#' When \code{weights=NULL} or \code{weights=list()}, the values in the \code{weights} column for each level in each data frame
#' are set to \code{1} for equal weighting.
#' Similarly, individual named list elements can be set to \code{NULL} for convenience instead of passing a data frame.
#' \code{NULL} or \code{list()} elements in the \code{weights} list are converted to data frames with weights equal to one.
#' Note that \code{weights} is ignored if \code{x} is not a data frame.
#' @param x a numeric vector or data frame.
#' @param y an optional vector of probabilities associated with \code{x} when \code{x} is a numeric vector with no similar probabilities vector attribute.
#' @param Val the column name of \code{x} referring to random variable values when \code{x} is a data frame.
#' @param Prob the column name of \code{x} referring to random variable values when \code{x} is a data frame.
#' @param discrete whether the random variable is discrete.
#' @param density.args optional arguments passed to \code{density}.
#' @param weights \code{NULL} or a list of weights associated with levels of ID variables in `x`. See details.
#' @param force.dist logical, force distribution-type rvtable output if \code{Prob} is missing, i.e., \code{Val} is assumed to be a sample.
#' Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @return an object of class \code{rvtable}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # basic samples from continuous and discrete RVs
#' x <- rnorm(100)
#' rvtable(x)
#' rvtable(x, density.args=list(n=50, adjust=2))
#' rvtable(x, discrete=TRUE) # incorrect: x is a continuous RV
#' x <- sample(1:10, size=30, replace=TRUE, prob=sqrt(10:1))
#' rvtable(x, discrete=TRUE) # discrete=T only needed if ambiguous
#' x <- 1:5
#' probs <- c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.15, 0.25)
#' rvtable(x, y=probs) # discrete inferred from y
#' attr(x, "probabilities") <- probs
#' rvtable(x) # inferred from attributes (partial match 'prob')
#' # an existing data frame or data table
#' x <- data.frame(Val=1:10, Prob=0.1)
#' rvtable(x)
#' x <- data.frame(id=rep(LETTERS[1:2], each=10), v1=rep(1:10, 2), p1=c(rep(0.1, 10), sqrt(1:10)))
#' rvtable(x, Val="v1", Prob="p1")
rvtable <- function(x, y=NULL, Val, Prob, discrete=FALSE,
                    density.args=list(), weights=list(), force.dist=TRUE){
  if(missing(x)) stop("`x` is missing.")
  if(is_rvtable(x)) return(x)
  vpmissing <- c(missing(Val), missing(Prob))
  if(vpmissing[1]) Val <- "Val"
  if(vpmissing[2]) Prob <- "Prob"
  if(Val==Prob) stop("`Val` and `Prob` cannot refer to the same column.")
    return(.rvtable_numeric(x, y, Val, Prob, discrete, density.args, force.dist, vpmissing))
  if(!any(class(x) %in% "data.frame")) stop("`x` is not a data frame.")
  .rvtable_df(x, Val, Prob, discrete, density.args, weights, force.dist, vpmissing)

.rvtable_df <- function(x, Val, Prob, discrete, density.args, weights, force.dist, vpmissing){
  if(!.no_weights(weights) && is.null(names(weights)))
    stop("`weights` list must be a named list in `rvtable`.")
  distr <- !vpmissing[2] | force.dist
  forced <- vpmissing[2] & force.dist
  grp <- dplyr::groups(x)
  if("data.table" %in% class(x)) x <- tibble::data_frame(x)
  if(!"tbl_df" %in% class(x)) x <- tibble::as_data_frame(x)
  id <- names(x)
  if(!(Val %in% id)) stop(paste("No column called", Val))
  if(distr && !forced && !(Prob %in% id)) stop(paste("No column called", Prob))
  stopifnot((is.numeric(x[[Val]]) || discrete) && !any(is.na(x[[Val]])))
  if(distr & !forced){
    stopifnot(is.numeric(x[[Prob]]) && !any(is.na(x[[Prob]])))
    stopifnot(min(x[[Prob]]) >= 0)
  dots <- lapply(id[!(id %in% c(Val, Prob))], as.symbol)
    if(forced && !Prob %in% id){
      x <- dplyr::group_by_(x, .dots=dots) %>%
        .add_rvtable_class(Val, Prob, discrete, distr, list(), density.args, list()) %>%
    tmp <- (
      dplyr::group_by_(x, .dots=dots) %>%
        dplyr::summarise_(Duplicated=lazyeval::interp(~any(duplicated(var)), var=as.name(Val)))
    if(any(tmp)) stop(paste0("Duplicated values in `", Val, "`."))
  if(!Prob %in% names(x)) Prob <- NULL
  x <- dplyr::group_by_(x, .dots=grp) %>%
    .add_rvtable_class(Val, Prob, discrete, distr, list(), density.args, list())
  if(!.no_weights(weights)) x <- set_weights(x, names(weights), weights)

.rvtable_numeric <- function(x, y, Val, Prob, discrete, density.args, force.dist, vpmissing){
  if(any(is.na(x))) stop("Missing values not permitted.")
  if(length(x)==1 && !discrete)
    stop("A single value for `x` with probability=1 is only allowed when discrete=TRUE")
  if(is.null(y)) y <- attr(x, "prob")
  distr <- TRUE
  if(force.dist & is.null(y)){
      x <- table(x)
      y <- as.numeric(x/sum(x))
      x <- as.numeric(names(x))
    } else {
      x <- do.call(density, args=c(list(x=x), density.args))
      y <- x$y
      x <- x$x
  } else if(is.null(y)){
    distr <- FALSE

  if(distr && length(x) != length(y))
    stop("Values and probabilities do not have equal length.")
  x <- if(distr) tibble::data_frame(x=x, y=y) else tibble::data_frame(x=x)
  if(vpmissing[1]) Val <- "x"
    if(vpmissing[2]) Prob <- "y"
    if(any(!vpmissing)) names(x) <- c(Val, Prob)
  } else {
    if(!vpmissing[1]) names(x) <- Val
  dplyr::ungroup(x) %>%
    .add_rvtable_class(Val, Prob, discrete, distr, list(), density.args, list())
leonawicz/rvtable documentation built on May 21, 2019, 5:09 a.m.