
Defines functions .simplify_phrase simplify_phrase .strip_annotations notable phrase_strings phrase_info phrase_notes .tag_rests notify phrasey as_phrase print.phrase .phrase phrase

Documented in as_phrase notable notify phrase phrase_info phrase_notes phrase_strings phrasey simplify_phrase

#' Create a musical phrase
#' Create a musical phrase from character strings that define notes, note
#' metadata, and optionally explicit strings fretted. The latter can be used to
#' ensure proper tablature layout.
#' A phrase object combines a valid string of notes with a corresponding valid
#' string of note info. The only required note info is time, but other
#' information can be included as well. You do not need to input an existing
#' `noteworthy` class object and `noteinfo` class object, but both
#' inputs must be valid and thus coercible to these classes. This is similar to
#' how the `music` class works. The difference with phrase objects is that
#' they are used to create LilyPond syntax analogous to what a music object
#' contains.
#' Note that if you convert a music object to a phrase object, you are changing
#' contexts. The phrase object is the simplest LilyPond-format music structure.
#' Coercion with `phrase()` strips all attributes of a music object and
#' retains only notes, note info and string numbers.
#' See the help documentation on `noteworthy`, `noteinfo`, and
#' `music` classes for an understanding of the input data structures.
#' The function `p()` is a convenient shorthand wrapper for `phrase()`.
#' If a string is provided to `bar`, it is interpreted as LilyPond bar
#' notation. E.g., `bar = "|"` adds the LilyPond syntax `\bar "|"`
#' to the end of a phrase. If only a bar check is desired, use
#' `bar = TRUE`. `FALSE` is treated as `NULL` for completeness.
#' @param notes,info noteworthy and note info strings. When `info = NULL`,
#' it is assumed that `notes` refers to a music object or string formatted
#' as such.
#' @param string space-delimited character string or vector (or integer vector
#' if simple string numbers). This is an optional argument that specifies which
#' instrument strings to play for each specific timestep. Otherwise `NULL`.
#' @param bar character or `NULL` (default). Terminates the phrase with a
#' bar or bar check. See details. Also see the LilyPond help documentation
#' on bar notation for all the valid options.
#' @return a phrase.
#' @export
#' @seealso [valid-notes()], [valid-noteinfo()], [music()]
#' @examples
#' phrase("c ec'g' ec'g'", "4- 4 2") # no string arg (not recommended for tabs)
#' phrase("c ec4g4 ec4g4", "4 4 2") # same as above
#' phrase("c b, c", "4. 8( 8)", "5 5 5") # direction implies hammer on
#' phrase("b2 c d", "4( 4)- 2", "5 5 5") # hammer and slide
#' phrase("c ec'g' ec'g'", "1 1 1", "5 432 432")
#' p("c ec'g' ec'g'", 1, "5 4 4") # same as above
#' n <- "a, b, c d e f g e f g a~ a"
#' i <- "8- 8 8 8-. t8( t8)( t8) t16( t16)( t16) 8 1"
#' m <- as_music(n, i)
#' x <- p(n, i)
#' x
#' identical(x, p(m))
#' x <- "a,4;5*5 b,4- c4 cgc'e'~4 cgc'e'1 e'4;2 c';3 g;4 c;5 ce'1;51"
#' p(x)
#' identical(p(x), p(as_music(x)))
#' x <- p("a b", 2, bar = "|.")
#' x2 <- pc(p("a b", 2), '\\bar "|."')
#' identical(x, x2)
phrase <- function(notes, info = NULL, string = NULL, bar = NULL){
    if(!inherits(notes, "music")) notes <- as_music(notes)
    if(is.null(string)) string <- music_strings(notes)
    info <- .uncollapse(music_info(notes))
    notes <- music_notes(notes)
  } else {
    notes <- as_noteworthy(notes)
    n <- length(notes)
    if(is.character(info)) info <- as_noteinfo(info)
    info <- .uncollapse(info)
    if(length(info) == 1) info <- rep(info, n)
    if(length(string) == 1 && is.na(string)) string <- NULL
      string <- .uncollapse(string)
      if(length(string) == 1) string <- rep(string, n)
      if(length(string) != length(notes))
          paste("`string` must have the same number of timesteps as `notes`,",
                "or a single value to repeat, or be NULL."),
          call. = FALSE
      string <- .music_infer_strings(notes, .uncollapse(string))
  notes <- .uncollapse(notes)
  idx <- grep("\\d", notes)
  if(length(idx)) notes <- .octave_to_tick(notes)
  if(length(notes) != length(info))
    stop(paste("`info` must have the same number of timesteps as `notes`",
               "or a single value to repeat."), call. = FALSE)

  dur <- as.character(info_duration(info))
  trp <- gsub("t", "", gsub("^\\d+(\\.+|)$", "", dur))
  rl <- rle(trp)

  if(is.logical(bar) && !bar) bar <- NULL

  x <- purrr::map(seq_along(rl$values), ~{
    idx2 <- sum(rl$lengths[1:.x])
    idx1 <- idx2 - rl$lengths[.x] + 1
    idx <- idx1:idx2
    x <- notes[idx]
    y <- info[idx]
    z <- string[idx]
    v <- as.integer(rl$values[.x])
    p0 <- .phrase(x, y, z)
      p0 <- paste(p0, collapse = " ")
        p0 <- if(is.logical(bar)) p0 <- paste(p0, "|") else
          paste0(p0, " \\bar \"", bar, "\"")
      p0 <- gsub("\\| \\|", "\\|", p0)
      p0 <- gsub(">t", ">", triplet(as_phrase(p0), v))

  idx <- which(rl$values == "")
    x[idx] <- purrr::map(x[idx], ~{
      x <- paste(.x, collapse = " ")
        x <- if(is.logical(bar)) paste(x, "|") else
          paste0(x, " \\bar \"", bar, "\"")
      x <- gsub(" \\| \\|", " \\|", x)
  do.call(c, x)

#' @export
#' @rdname phrase
p <- phrase

.phrase <- function(notes, info, string){
  notes <- purrr::map_chr(notes, .tabsub)
  info <- purrr::map_chr(info, .tabsub)
  bend <- which(purrr::map_int(info, ~{
    length(grep("[^-]\\^", strsplit(.x, ";")[[1]][1]))
  }) == 1)
  dead <- which(purrr::map_int(info, ~{
    length(grep("xDEADNOTEx", strsplit(.x, ";")[[1]][1]))
  }) == 1)
  if(length(bend)) info[bend] <- gsub(";\\^", ";", info[bend])
  if(length(dead)) info[dead] <- gsub("xDEADNOTEx", "", info[dead])
  info <- gsub(";", "", info)
  .bend <- "\\bendAfter #+6"
  s <- !is.null(string)
  if(s) string <- .strsub(string)
  notes <- purrr::map_chr(
    ~paste0("<", paste0(
      .split_chord(notes[.x], abb = TRUE),
      if(s && notes[.x] != "r" && notes[.x] != "s")
        paste0("\\", .split_chord(string[.x], TRUE)), collapse = " "), ">"))
  notes <- gsub("<s>", "s", gsub("<r>", "r", notes))
  x <- paste0(notes, info)
    x[bend] <- gsub("\\^\\\\bend", "\\\\bend", paste0(x[bend], .bend))
  if(length(dead)) x[dead] <- paste("\\deadNote", x[dead])
  gsub("\\\\x", "", x)

#' @export
print.phrase <- function(x, ...){
  x <- gsub("\n\n", "\n", x)
  col1 <- crayon::make_style("gray50")
  notes <- crayon::make_style("dodgerblue")$bold
  info <- crayon::make_style("orange2")
  strings <- crayon::make_style("firebrick")
  octaves <- crayon::make_style("dodgerblue")
  pat <- "(<| )([a-girs]+)([,'\\d]+|)(~|)(\\\\\\d|)( |>)"
  repl <- paste0("\\1", notes("\\2"), octaves("\\3"), "\\4", strings("\\5"),
  x <- gsub(pat, repl, x)
  x <- gsub(pat, repl, x)
  txt <- paste(c("\\\\deadNote|\\\\glissando",
               paste0("\\\\", tabr::articulations$value)), collapse = "|")
  x <- gsub(paste0("(", txt, ")"), info("\\1"), x)
  x <- gsub("(-[->\\^_!\\.\\+])", info("\\1"), x)
  x <- gsub(">(\\d+)([\\.\\(\\)]+)( <|\\^|)",
            paste0(">", info("\\1\\2"), "\\3"), x)
  x <- gsub(">(\\d+|)(\\.+|)(\\\\[a-zA-Z]+|)",
            paste0(">", info("\\1\\2\\3")), x)
  x <- gsub("(bendAfter #\\+6)", info("\\1"), x)
  x <- gsub("(~)", info("\\1"), x)
  x <- gsub("(r|s)(\\d+)", paste0(notes("\\1"), info("\\2")), x)
  x <- gsub("(\\\\tuplet \\d/\\d \\d+ \\{|\\})", info("\\1"), x)
  x <- gsub("(\\\\repeat )(unfold|percent|volta)( \\d+ \\{)",
            info("\\1\\2\\3"), x)
  cat(col1("<"), col1$bold("Musical phrase"), col1(">"), "\n", col1(x), "\n",
      sep = "")

#' Phrase validation and coercion
#' These helper functions add some validation checks for phrase and candidate
#' phrase objects.
#' Use these functions with some caution. They are not intended for strictness
#' and perfection. `phrasey()` checks whether an object is weakly phrase-like
#' and returns `TRUE` or `FALSE`. It can be used to safeguard against the most
#' obvious cases of `phrase()` not containing valid phrase syntax when
#' programming. However, it may also be limiting. Use wear sensible.
#' `as_phrase()` coerces an object to a phrase object if possible. This function
#' performs an internal `phrasey()` check.
#' `notify()` attempts to decompose a phrase object back to its original input
#' vectors consisting of notes, note info, and optionally, instrument string
#' numbering. If successful, it returns a tibble data frame with columns:
#' `notes`, `info`, `string`.
#' Unless decomposing very simple phrases, this function is likely to reveal
#' limitations. Complex phrase objects constructed originally with `phrase()`
#' can be challenging to deconstruct in a one to one manner. Information may be
#' lost, garbled, or the function may fail. For example, this function is not
#' advanced enough to unravel repeat notation or tuplets.
#' `notable()` returns `TRUE` or `FALSE` regarding whether a phrase can be
#' converted back to character string inputs, not necessarily with complete
#' correctness, but without simple failure.It checks for phrasiness. Then it
#' tries to call `notify()` and returns `FALSE` gracefully if that call throws
#' an exception.
#' @param phrase phrase object or character string (candidate phrase).
#' @param collapse logical, collapse result into a single string ready for
#' phrase construction.
#' @param annotations logical, strip any text annotations from the note info
#' converted from `phrase()`.
#' @return see details for each function's purpose and return value.
#' @export
#' @name phrase-checks
#' @examples
#' # Create a list of phrase objects
#' p1 <- phrase("c ec'g' ec'g'", "4 4 2") # no string numbers (not recommended)
#' p2 <- phrase("c ec4g4 ec4g4", "4 4 2") # same as above
#' p3 <- phrase("c b, c", "4. 8( 8)", "5 5 5") # direction implies hammer on
#' p4 <- phrase("b2 c d", "4( 4)- 2", "5 5 5") # hammer and slide
#' p5 <- phrase("c ec'g'~ ec'g'", 1, "5 432 432") # tied chord
#' x <- list(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5)
#' # Check if phrases and strings are phrasey
#' sapply(x, phrasey)
#' sapply(as.character(x), phrasey, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
#' # Coerce character string representation to phrase and compare with original
#' y <- lapply(as.character(x), as_phrase)
#' identical(x, y)
#' # Check if notable
#' sapply(x, notable)
#' notable(p("a b c", 1))
#' notable("a b x") # note: not constructible as a phrase in the first place
#' # Notify phrases
#' d <- do.call(rbind, lapply(x, notify))
#' d
#' # Wrappers around notify extract components, default to collapsed strings
#' phrase_notes(p5)
#' phrase_info(p5)
#' phrase_strings(p5)
#' # If phrase decomposition works well, coercion is one to one
#' x2 <- lapply(x,
#'   function(x) p(phrase_notes(x), phrase_info(x), phrase_strings(x))
#' )
#' identical(x, x2)
as_phrase <- function(phrase){
  x <- phrase
  if(inherits(x, "phrase")) return(x)
  if(!inherits(x, "character"))
    stop(paste("Cannot coerce", class(x)[1], "to phrase."), call. = FALSE)
  if(!phrasey(x)) stop("`x` is not phrasey.", call. = FALSE)
  class(x) <- unique(c("phrase", class(x)))

#' @export
#' @rdname phrase-checks
phrasey <- function(phrase){
  if(!inherits(phrase, "phrase") & !inherits(phrase, "character")) return(FALSE)
  clr <- "\\\\override (Notehead|Stem)\\.color #\\(rgb-color [ 0-9\\.]+\\) "
  x <- gsub(clr, "", phrase)
  x <- gsub("->|\\^\".*\"", "", phrase)
  i1 <- sum(attr(gregexpr("<", x)[[1]], "match.length"))
  if(i1 < 1){
    if(grepl("(r|s)\\d+(\\.|)(\\.|)", x)){
    } else {
  i2 <- sum(attr(gregexpr(">", x)[[1]], "match.length"))
  if(i1 != i2) return(FALSE)

#' @export
#' @rdname phrase-checks
notify <- function(phrase){
  if(!phrasey(phrase)) stop("`phrase` is not phrasey.", call. = FALSE)
  if(grepl("\\\\repeat", phrase))
    stop("Cannot notify phrases containing repeat sections.", call. = FALSE)
  if(grepl("\\\\tuplet", phrase))
    stop("Cannot notify phrases containing tuplets.", call. = FALSE)
  x <- .tag_rests(phrase)
  x <- gsub("\\\\deadNote ", "<\\\\deadNote ", x)
  x <- strsplit(x, " <")[[1]]
  x <- gsub("\\\\bendAfter #\\+6", "^", x)
  x <- gsub("\\\\(a-z)", "[\\1]", x)
  x <- gsub("\\\\glissando", "-", x)
  x <- gsub("is", "#", x)
  x <- gsub("(^|<)([a|e])s", "\\2_", x)
  x <- gsub(" ([a|e])s", " \\1_", x)
  x <- gsub("es", "_", x)

  txt <- rep("", length(x))
  idx <- grepl(".*\\^\".*\".*", x)
    txt[idx] <- gsub(" ", "_", gsub(".*\\^\"(.*)\".*", "\\1", x[idx]))
    x[idx] <- gsub("(.*)(\\^\".*)", "\\1", x[idx])

  idx2 <- grep("^(<|)\\\\deadNote$", x)
  if(length(idx2)) x[idx2 + 1] <- paste0(x[idx2 + 1], "x")

  x <- gsub(" ", "", x)
  x <- gsub("^<", "", x)

  if(any(idx)) x[idx] <- paste0(x[idx], ";^\"", txt[idx], "\"")

  if(length(idx2)) x <- x[-idx2]

  x <- strsplit(x, "(?<=[^-])>", perl = TRUE)
  notes <- sapply(x, "[[", 1)
  info <- sapply(x, "[[", 2)
  info <- gsub("\\\\([a-z]+)", "[\\1]", info)

  pat <- "\\\\\\d+"
  y <- gregexpr(pat, notes)

  f <- function(i){
    start <- y[[i]] + 1
    end <- start + attributes(y[[i]])$match.length - 2
    y <- sapply(seq_along(start),
                function(x) substr(notes[i], start[x], end[x]))
    y <- paste(y, collapse = "")
    y[y == ""] <- NA

  string <- sapply(seq_along(y), f)
  notes <- gsub(pat, "", notes)
  tibble::tibble(notes = notes, info = info, string = string)

.tag_rests <- function(x){
  gsub("(| )(r|s)(\\d)", "\\1<\\2>\\3", x)

#' @export
#' @rdname phrase-checks
phrase_notes <- function(phrase, collapse = TRUE){
  x <- notify(phrase)$notes
  if(collapse) x <- paste(x, collapse = " ")

#' @export
#' @rdname phrase-checks
phrase_info <- function(phrase, collapse = TRUE, annotations = TRUE){
  x <- notify(phrase)$info
  if(!annotations) x <- .strip_annotations(x)
  if(collapse) x <- paste(x, collapse = " ")

#' @export
#' @rdname phrase-checks
phrase_strings <- function(phrase, collapse = FALSE){
  x <- notify(phrase)$string
    x <- if(all(is.na(x))) as.character(x) else paste(x, collapse = " ")

#' @export
#' @rdname phrase-checks
notable <- function(phrase){
  if(!phrasey(phrase)) return(FALSE)
  tryCatch(notify(phrase), error = function(e) FALSE)

.strip_annotations <- function(x){
  idx <- grepl(";\\^\".*\".*", x)
  if(any(idx)) x[idx] <- gsub("(.*);\\^\".*\"$", "\\1", x[idx])

#' Simplify the LilyPond syntax of a phrase
#' This function can be used to simplify the LilyPond syntax of a phrase. Not
#' intended for direct use. See details.
#' This function not intended to be used directly, but is available so that you
#' can see how LilyPond syntax for phrases will be transformed by default in
#' the process of creating a LilyPond file. This function is used by the
#' `lilypond()` function and associated `render_*` functions. When using
#' `lilypond()` directly, this can be controlled by the `simplify` argument.
#' The result of this function is a character string containing simpler, more
#' efficient LilyPond syntax. It can be coerced back to a phrase with
#' `as_phrase()`, but its print method colors will no longer display properly.
#' More importantly, this simplification removes any possibility of transforming
#' the phrase back to its original inputs. The more complex but nicely
#' structured original representation does a better job at maintaining
#' reasonable possibility of one to one transformation between a phrase object
#' and the inputs that it was built from.
#' @param phrase a phrase object.
#' @return character
#' @export
#' @examples
#' notes <- "a~ a b c' c'e'g'~ c'e'g'"
#' info <- "8.. 8..-. 8- 8-^ 4.^ 4."
#' (x <- p(notes, info))
#' as_phrase(simplify_phrase(x))
#' (x <- p(notes, info, 5))
#' as_phrase(simplify_phrase(x))
simplify_phrase <- function(phrase){
  if(!inherits(phrase, "phrase")) stop("Not a phrase.", call. = FALSE)

.simplify_phrase <- function(x){
  idx <- gregexpr(">(\\d+|\\d+\\.+)|(r|s)(\\d+|\\d+\\.+)", x)
  y <- purrr::map2_chr(idx[[1]], attr(idx[[1]], "match.length"), ~{
    substr(x, .x + 1, .x + .y - 1)
  idx2 <- which(y[-1] == y[-length(y)])
    i1 <- idx[[1]][idx2 + 1] + 1
    i2 <- i1 + attr(idx[[1]], "match.length")[idx2 + 1] - 2
    i <- unlist(mapply(`:`, i1, i2, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
    x <- strsplit(x, "", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
    x[i] <- ""
    x <- paste(x, collapse = "")
  x <- gsub("~(\\\\\\d+|) ", "\\1 ", x)
  y <- "([a-g])(s|es|is|)([,]+|[']+|)(~|)"
  x <- gsub(paste0("<", y,"(\\\\\\d|)>"), "\\1\\2\\3\\4\\5", x)
  x <- gsub(paste0(y, "(\\\\\\d)(\\d+|\\d+\\.+)"), "\\1\\2\\3\\4\\6\\5", x)
  x <- gsub("(~)(\\d+|\\d+\\.+)", "\\2\\1", x)
  x <- gsub("~(\\\\\\d|)>(\\d+|\\d+\\.+|)", "\\1>\\2~", x)
  x <- gsub("([a-gs,']+)~(\\\\\\d|) ", "\\1\\2~ ", x)
leonawicz/tabr documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 4:23 p.m.