
Defines functions .valid_ipm_class .init_ipm init_ipm

Documented in init_ipm

#' @title Initialize an IPM
#' @description This is always the first step in constructing an IPM with \code{ipmr}.
#' All you need for this is to know what type of IPM you want to construct - the
#' rest comes later with \code{define_kernel}, \code{make_ipm}, and associated
#' helper functions. See Details for complete overview of each option.
#' @param sim_gen Either \code{"simple"} or \code{"general"}.
#' @param di_dd Either \code{"di"} or \code{"dd"}.
#' @param det_stoch Either \code{"det"} or \code{"stoch"}. If this is \code{"det"},
#' then \code{kern_param} is ignored. If \code{"stoch"}, then \code{kern_param}
#' must be specified.
#' @param kern_param If \code{det_stoch = "stoch"}, then this should be either
#' \code{"kern"} or \code{"param"}.
#' @param uses_age A logical indicating whether the model has age structure. Default
#' is \code{FALSE}
#' @return An object with classes \code{"proto_ipm"} and a combination of
#' \code{sim_gen}, \code{di_dd}, \code{det_stoch}, and possibly
#' \code{kern_param}. If
#' \code{uses_age = TRUE}, then an \code{"age_x_size"} class is also added.
#' @details Combinations of \code{simple} or \code{general}, \code{dd} or \code{di},
#' and \code{det} or \code{stoch} are generated to create 1 of 12 unique IPM classes.
#' Within \code{stoch} model types, there are two additional options:
#' \code{"kern"} or \code{"param"}. These distinguish between models that
#' use kernel resampling vs those that use parameter resampling (\emph{sensu} Metcalf et al.
#' 2015). Below are quick definitions. More detailed explanations can be found
#' in the \code{vignettes("ipmr-introduction", package = 'ipmr')}.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{\code{sim_gen}}
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{simple}}{: an IPM with a single continuous state variable that does not include
#'     any discrete stages. Simple IPMs can still be stochastic and/or density dependent.}
#'     \item{\code{general}}{: an IPM with more than one continuous state variable
#'     and/or a model that includes discrete stages.}
#'  }
#'  \item{\code{di_dd}}
#'  \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{dd}}{: used to denote a density dependent IPM.}
#'     \item{\code{di}}{: used to denote a density independent IPM.}
#'  }
#'  \item{\code{det_stoch}}
#'  \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{det}}{: used to denote a deterministic IPM.}
#'     \item{\code{stoch}}{: used to denote a stochastic IPM. Stochasticity can
#'     be implemented in two ways in \code{ipmr}: \code{"kern"} resampling,
#'     and \code{"param"} resampling.}
#'  }
#'  \item{\code{kern_param} - if using \code{det}, this should be omitted. If
#'  using \code{stoch}, then one of the following: }
#'  \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{kern}}{: used to denote an IPM that uses kernel resampling. Briefly,
#'     these models build all of the iteration kernels ahead of time and then choose one
#'     at random or in a user-specified order as they move from iteration to iteration. The
#'     user-specified population vector is multiplied by the chosen kernel and the result
#'     is multiplied by the next kernel for the desired number of iterations.}
#'     \item{\code{param}}{: used to denote parameter resampling. This samples distributions
#'     for each parameter based on user-specified functions supplied to \code{define_env_state()}.
#'     This will be a bit slower than \code{"kern"} resampling because kernels
#'     need to be reconstructed from new parameters at every time step.}
#' @references Metcalf et al. (2015). Statistical modelling of annual variation
#' for inference on stochastic population dynamics using Integral Projection
#' Models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6: 1007-1017
#' @export

init_ipm <- function(sim_gen,
                     kern_param = NULL,
                     uses_age = FALSE) {

  .valid_ipm_class(sim_gen, di_dd, det_stoch, kern_param, uses_age)

  model_class <- paste(sim_gen, di_dd, det_stoch, kern_param, sep = "_")

  # Remove trailing "_" caused by the NULL kern_param
  if(is.null(kern_param)) model_class <- gsub("_$", "", model_class)

  out <- .init_ipm(model_class, uses_age)


#' @noRd
# Internal version of init_ipm that expects model_class to already be defined.
# Split out from init_ipm because this version is also used internally for
# suffix syntax initialization.

.init_ipm <- function(model_class,
                     uses_age = FALSE) {

  out <- data.frame(
    id               = character(0L),
    kernel_id        = character(0L),
    domain           = character(0L),
    state_var        = character(0L),
    int_rule         = character(0L),
    evict            = logical(0L),
    evict_type       = character(0L),
    pop_state        = character(0L),
    env_state        = character(0L),
    par_sets        = logical(0L),
    par_set_indices = character(0L),
    uses_age          = logical(0L),
    age_indices      = character(0L),
    params           = character(0L)

  if(uses_age) model_class <- c(model_class, "age_x_size")

  class(out) <- c(model_class, 'proto_ipm', class(out))


#' @noRd

.valid_ipm_class <- function(sim_gen, di_dd, det_stoch, kern_param, uses_age) {

  if(!sim_gen %in% c("simple", "general")) {
    stop("'sim_gen' must be either 'simple' or 'general'.",
         call. = FALSE)

  if(!di_dd %in% c("di", "dd")) {
    stop("'di_dd' must be either 'di' or 'dd'.", call. = FALSE)

  if(!det_stoch %in% c("det", "stoch")) {

    stop("'det_stoch' must be either 'det' or 'stoch'.",
         call. = FALSE)

  if(det_stoch == "stoch" && is.null(kern_param)) {

    stop("Must specify 'kern_param' if `det_stoch` ='stoch'.",
         call. = FALSE)

  if(det_stoch == "det" && !is.null(kern_param)) {
    message("`det_stoch = 'det'`. Resetting `kern_param` to NULL.")

    assign("kern_param", NULL, envir = rlang::caller_env())

  if(!kern_param %in% c("kern", "param") && !is.null(kern_param)) {

    stop("'kern_param' must be either 'kern' or 'param'.", call. = FALSE)


levisc8/ipmr documentation built on Feb. 22, 2023, 9:15 p.m.