
Defines functions orgQuants filterZeroRows filterZeroCols filterBinMSnSet zerosInBinMSnSet getMarkerVecClasses getMarkerMatClasses getMarkerClasses matSampleMSnSet vecSampleMSnSet sampleMSnSet testMSnSet matUnknownMSnSet vecUnknownMSnSet unknownMSnSet matMarkerMSnSet vecMarkerMSnSet markerMSnSet addMarkers minMarkers minClassScore getPredictions testMarkers getMatMarkers getVecMarkers getMarkers

Documented in addMarkers filterBinMSnSet filterZeroCols filterZeroRows getMarkerClasses getMarkers getPredictions markerMSnSet minClassScore minMarkers orgQuants sampleMSnSet testMarkers testMSnSet unknownMSnSet zerosInBinMSnSet

##' Convenience accessor to the organelle markers in an \code{MSnSet}.
##' This function returns the organelle markers of an \code{MSnSet}
##' instance. As a side effect, it print out a marker table.
##' @title Get the organelle markers in an \code{MSnSet}
##' @param object An instance of class \code{"\linkS4class{MSnSet}"}.
##' @param fcol The name of the markers column in the \code{featureData}
##' slot. Default is \code{"markers"}.
##' @param names A \code{logical} indicating if the markers vector should
##' be named. Ignored if markers are encoded as a matrix.
##' @param verbose If \code{TRUE}, a marker table is printed and the markers
##' are returned invisibly. If \code{FALSE}, the markers are returned.
##' @return A \code{character} (\code{matrix}) of length (ncol)
##' \code{ncol(object)}, depending on the vector or matrix encoding of
##' the markers. 
##' @author Laurent Gatto
##' @seealso See \code{\link{getMarkerClasses}} to get the classes
##' only. See \code{\link{markers}} for details about spatial markers
##' storage and encoding.
##' @examples
##' library("pRolocdata")
##' data(dunkley2006)
##' ## marker vectors
##' myVmarkers <- getMarkers(dunkley2006)
##' head(myVmarkers)
##' ## marker matrix
##' dunkley2006 <- mrkVecToMat(dunkley2006, mfcol = "Markers")
##' myMmarkers <- getMarkers(dunkley2006, fcol = "Markers")
##' head(myMmarkers)
getMarkers <- function(object,
                       fcol = "markers",
                       names = TRUE,
                       verbose = TRUE)
    switch(mrkEncoding(object, fcol),
           vector = getVecMarkers(object, fcol, names, verbose),
           matrix = getMatMarkers(object, fcol, verbose))

getVecMarkers <- function(object, fcol, names, verbose) {
    organelleMarkers <- as.character(fData(object)[, fcol])
    if (names)
        names(organelleMarkers) <- featureNames(object)
    if (verbose) {
    } else {

getMatMarkers <- function(object, fcol, verbose) {
    if (verbose) {
        showMrkMat(object, fcol)
        invisible(fData(object)[, fcol])
    return(fData(object)[, fcol])

##' Tests if the marker class sizes are large enough for the parameter
##' optimisation scheme, i.e. the size is greater that \code{xval + n},
##' where the default \code{xval} is 5 and \code{n} is 2. If the test
##' is unsuccessful, a warning is thrown.
##' In case the test indicates that a class contains too few examples,
##' it is advised to either add some or, if not possible, to remove
##' the class altogether (see \code{\link{minMarkers}})
##' as the parameter optimisation is likely to fail or, at least,
##' produce unreliable results for that class.
##' @title Tests marker class sizes
##' @param object An instance of class \code{"\linkS4class{MSnSet}"}.
##' @param xval The number cross-validation partitions. See the
##' \code{xval} argument in the parameter optimisation function(s).
##' Default is 5.
##' @param n Number of additional examples. 
##' @param fcol The name of the prediction column in the
##' \code{featureData} slot. Default is \code{"markers"}. 
##' @param error A \code{logical} specifying if an error should be
##' thown, instead of a warning.
##' @return If successfull, the test invisibly returns \code{NULL}. Else,
##' it invisibly returns the names of the classes that have too few examples.
##' @author Laurent Gatto
##' @seealso \code{\link{getMarkers}} and \code{\link{minMarkers}}
##' @examples
##' library("pRolocdata")
##' data(dunkley2006)
##' getMarkers(dunkley2006)
##' testMarkers(dunkley2006)
##' toosmall <- testMarkers(dunkley2006, xval = 15)
##' toosmall
##' try(testMarkers(dunkley2006, xval = 15, error = TRUE))
testMarkers <- function(object, xval = 5, n = 2,
                        fcol = "markers", error = FALSE) {
    mrktab <- table(fData(object)[, fcol])
    N <- xval + 2
    k <- mrktab < N
    ans <- NULL
    if (any(k)) {
        ans <- names(mrktab)[k]
        if (length(ans) == 1) {
            msg <- paste0(paste(ans, collapse = ", "),
                          " has less than ", N, " markers.")
        } else {
            msg <- paste0(paste(ans, collapse = ", "),
                          " have/has less than ", N, " markers.")
        if (error) stop(msg)
        else warning(msg)

##' Convenience accessor to the predicted feature localisation in an 'MSnSet'.
##' This function returns the predictions of an
##' \code{MSnSet} instance. As a side effect, it prints out a prediction table.
##' @title Returns the predictions in an 'MSnSet'
##' @param object An instance of class \code{"\linkS4class{MSnSet}"}.
##' @param fcol The name of the prediction column in the
##' \code{featureData} slot. 
##' @param scol The name of the prediction score column in the
##' \code{featureData} slot. If missing, created by pasting
##' '.scores' after \code{fcol}. 
##' @param mcol The feature meta data column containing the labelled training 
##' data.
##' @param t The score threshold. Predictions with score < t are set
##' to 'unknown'. Default is 0. It is also possible to define
##' thresholds for each prediction class, in which case, \code{t} is a
##' named numeric with names exactly matching the unique prediction
##' class names.
##' @param verbose If \code{TRUE}, a prediction table is printed and the
##' predictions are returned invisibly. If \code{FALSE}, the predictions
##' are returned.
##' @return An instance of class "\linkS4class{MSnSet}" with \code{fcol.pred} feature
##' variable storing the prediction results according to the chosen threshold.
##' @author Laurent Gatto and Lisa Breckels
##' @seealso \code{\link{orgQuants}} for calculating organelle-specific
##' thresholds.
##' @examples
##' library("pRolocdata")
##' data(dunkley2006)
##' res <- svmClassification(dunkley2006, fcol = "pd.markers",
##'                          sigma = 0.1, cost = 0.5)
##' fData(res)$svm[500:510]
##' fData(res)$svm.scores[500:510]
##' getPredictions(res, fcol = "svm", t = 0) ## all predictions
##' getPredictions(res, fcol = "svm", t = .9) ## single threshold 
##' ## 50% top predictions per class
##' ts <- orgQuants(res, fcol = "svm", t = .5)
##' getPredictions(res, fcol = "svm", t = ts)
getPredictions <- function(object,
                           mcol = "markers",
                           t = 0,
                           verbose = TRUE) {
    if (missing(scol))
        scol <- paste0(fcol, ".scores")
    ans <- predictions <-
        as.character(fData(object)[, fcol])
    predclasses <- unique(predictions)
    ## Note: If any of the thresholds are NA we set them to Infinity so  
    ## no new assignments can be made. Usually, a threshold is calculated
    ## from the distribution of class scores of the unlabelled data.
    ## However, if there are no new assignments for a particular 
    ## class, there are no scores on which to calculate the threshold 
    ## and this can result in NA values.
    if (anyNA(t)) {
      t[whichNA(t)] <- Inf
      warning('t contains NA, setting t to Inf')
    if (length(t) > 1) {
        if (!all(sort(names(t)) == sort(predclasses)))
            stop("Class-specific score names do not match the class names exactly:\n",
                 "   score names: ", paste(sort(names(t)), collapse = ", "), "\n",
                 "   class names: ", paste(sort(predclasses), collapse = ", "))
        tt <- as.vector(t[predictions])
        ans <- ifelse(fData(object)[, scol] < tt,
                      "unknown", predictions)
    } else {
        scrs <- fData(object)[, scol]
        ans[scrs < t] <- "unknown"
    train <- as.character(fData(object)[, mcol])
    train.ind <- which(train != "unknown")
    ans[train.ind] <- train[train.ind]
    t <- format(t, digits = 2)
    if (length(t) > 1)
      p <- paste("thresholds:", paste(paste(names(t), t, sep = " = "), collapse = ", "))
      p <- paste("global threshold =", t)
    l <- paste0(fcol, ".pred")
    fData(object)[, l] <- ans
    if (verbose) {
    object@processingData@processing <- c(processingData(object)@processing, 
                                        paste("Added", fcol, "predictions according to", p, date()))

minClassScore <- function(object,
                          t = 0) {
    lv <- c(levels(fData(object)[, fcol]),
    if (missing(scol)) {
        preds <- getPredictions(object, fcol,
                                t = t, verbose = FALSE)
    } else {
        preds <- getPredictions(object, fcol, scol,
                                t = t, verbose = FALSE)
    fData(object)[, fcol] <- factor(preds, levels = lv)
    if (validObject(object))

##' This function updates an \code{MSnSet} instances and sets
##' markers class to \code{unknown} if there are less than \code{n}
##' instances. 
##' @title Creates a reduced marker variable
##' @param object An instance of class \code{"\linkS4class{MSnSet}"}.
##' @param n Minumum of marker instances per class.
##' @param fcol The name of the markers column in the \code{featureData}
##' slot. Default is \code{markers}.
##' @return An instance of class \code{"\linkS4class{MSnSet}"} with a new
##' feature variables, named after the original \code{fcol} variable and
##' the \code{n} value. 
##' @author Laurent Gatto
##' @seealso \code{\link{getPredictions}} to filter based on
##' classification scores.
##' @examples
##' library(pRolocdata)
##' data(dunkley2006)
##' d2 <- minMarkers(dunkley2006, 20)
##' getMarkers(dunkley2006)
##' getMarkers(d2, fcol = "markers20")
minMarkers <- function(object, n = 10, fcol = "markers") {
    m <- as.character(fData(object)[, fcol])
    tm <- table(m)
    xx <- names(tm)[tm < n]
    m[m %in% xx] <- "unknown"
    fcol2 <- paste0(fcol, n)
    fData(object)[, fcol2] <- factor(m)
    if (validObject(object))

##' The function adds a 'markers' feature variable. These markers are
##' read from a comma separated values (csv) spreadsheet file. This
##' markers file is expected to have 2 columns (others are ignored)
##' where the first is the name of the marker features and the second
##' the group label. Alternatively, a markers named vector as provided
##' by the \code{\link{pRolocmarkers}} function can also be used.
##' It is essential to assure that \code{featureNames(object)} (or
##' \code{fcol}, see below) and marker names (first column) match,
##' i.e. the same feature identifiers and case fold are used.
##' @title Adds markers to the data
##' @param object An instance of class \code{MSnSet}.
##' @param markers A \code{character} with the name the markers' csv
##' file or a named character of markers as provided by
##' \code{\link{pRolocmarkers}}.
##' @param mcol A \code{character} of length 1 defining the feature
##' variable label for the newly added markers. Default is
##' \code{"markers"}.
##' @param fcol An optional feature variable to be used to match
##' against the markers. If missing, the feature names are used.
##' @param verbose A \code{logical} indicating if number of markers
##' and marker table should be printed to the console.
##' @return A new instance of class \code{MSnSet} with an additional
##' \code{markers} feature variable.
##' @seealso See \code{\link{pRolocmarkers}} for a list of spatial
##' markers and \code{\link{markers}} for details about markers
##' encoding.
##' @author Laurent Gatto
##' @examples
##' library("pRolocdata")
##' data(dunkley2006)
##' atha <- pRolocmarkers("atha")
##' try(addMarkers(dunkley2006, atha)) ## markers already exists
##' fData(dunkley2006)$markers.org <- fData(dunkley2006)$markers
##' fData(dunkley2006)$markers <- NULL
##' marked <- addMarkers(dunkley2006, atha)
##' fvarLabels(marked)
##' ## if 'makers' already exists
##' marked <- addMarkers(marked, atha, mcol = "markers2")
##' fvarLabels(marked)
##' stopifnot(all.equal(fData(marked)$markers, fData(marked)$markers2))
##' plot2D(marked)
##' addLegend(marked, where = "topleft", cex = .7)
addMarkers <- function(object, markers,
                       mcol = "markers",
                       fcol, verbose = TRUE) {
    if (mcol %in% fvarLabels(object))
        stop("Detected an existing '", mcol, "' feature column.")
    if (length(markers) == 1 && file.exists(markers)) {
        mrk <- read.csv(markers, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = 1)
        mfrom <- basename(markers)
    } else {
        mrk <- cbind(markers)
        mfrom <- paste0(" '",
                        MSnbase:::getVariableName(match.call(), "markers"),
                        "' marker vector")
    dups <- duplicated(rownames(mrk))
    if (any(dups))
        stop("Please remove duplicated entries in your markers:",
             paste(rownames(mrk)[dups], collapse = " "))
    if (missing(fcol)) {
        fn <- featureNames(object)
    } else {
        if (!fcol %in% fvarLabels(object))
            stop("'", fcol, "' not found in feature variables.")
        fn <- as.character(fData(object)[, fcol])
    cmn <- fn %in% rownames(mrk)

    if (sum(cmn) == 0) {
        msg <- paste0("No markers found. Are you sure that the feature names match?\n",
                      "  Feature names: ",
                      paste0(paste(featureNames(object)[1:3], collapse = ", "), "...\n"),
                      "  Markers names: ",
                      paste0(paste(rownames(mrk)[1:3], collapse = ", "), "...\n"))
    if (verbose)
        message("Markers in data: ", sum(cmn), " out of ", nrow(object))
    k <- match(fn[cmn], rownames(mrk))
    fData(object)[, mcol] <- "unknown"
    fData(object)[cmn, mcol] <- mrk[k, 1]
    object@processingData@processing <-
          paste0("Added markers from ", mfrom,". ", date()))
    if (validObject(object)) {
        if (verbose) getMarkers(object, fcol = mcol)

##' These function extract the marker or unknown proteins into a new
##' \code{MSnSet}.
##' @title Extract marker/unknown subsets
##' @param object An instance of class \code{MSnSet}
##' @param fcol The name of the feature data column, that will be used
##' to separate the markers from the proteins of unknown
##' localisation. When the markers are encoded as vectors, features of
##' unknown localisation are defined as \code{fData(object)[, fcol] ==
##' "unknown"}. For matrix-encoded markers, unlabelled proteins are
##' defined as \code{rowSums(fData(object)[, fcol]) == 0}. Default is
##' \code{"markers"}.
##' @return An new \code{MSnSet} with marker/unknown proteins only.
##' @seealso \code{\link{sampleMSnSet}} \code{\link{testMSnSet}} and
##' \code{\link{markers}} for markers encoding.
##' @author Laurent Gatto
##' @examples
##' library("pRolocdata")
##' data(dunkley2006)
##' mrk <- markerMSnSet(dunkley2006)
##' unk <- unknownMSnSet(dunkley2006)
##' dim(dunkley2006)
##' dim(mrk)
##' dim(unk)
##' table(fData(dunkley2006)$markers)
##' table(fData(mrk)$markers)
##' table(fData(unk)$markers)
##' ## matrix-encoded markers
##' dunkley2006 <- mrkVecToMat(dunkley2006)
##' dim(markerMSnSet(dunkley2006, "Markers"))
##' stopifnot(all.equal(featureNames(markerMSnSet(dunkley2006, "Markers")),
##'                     featureNames(markerMSnSet(dunkley2006, "markers"))))
##' dim(unknownMSnSet(dunkley2006, "Markers"))
##' stopifnot(all.equal(featureNames(unknownMSnSet(dunkley2006, "Markers")),
##'                     featureNames(unknownMSnSet(dunkley2006, "markers"))))
markerMSnSet <- function(object, fcol = "markers")
    switch(mrkEncoding(object, fcol),
           vector = vecMarkerMSnSet(object, fcol),
           matrix = matMarkerMSnSet(object, fcol))

vecMarkerMSnSet <- function(object, fcol) {
    mrk <- fData(object)[, fcol]
    object <- object[mrk != "unknown", ]
    ## drop "unknown" level
    fData(object)[, fcol] <- factor(fData(object)[, fcol])
    if (validObject(object))

matMarkerMSnSet <- function(object, fcol) {
    rs <- rowSums(fData(object)[, fcol])
    object <- object[rs > 0, ]
    if (validObject(object))

##' @rdname markerMSnSet
unknownMSnSet <- function(object, fcol = "markers")
    switch(mrkEncoding(object, fcol),
           vector = vecUnknownMSnSet(object, fcol),
           matrix = matUnknownMSnSet(object, fcol))

vecUnknownMSnSet <- function(object, fcol) {
    mrk <- fData(object)[, fcol]
    object <- object[mrk == "unknown", ]
    fData(object)[, fcol] <- factor(fData(object)[, fcol])
    if (validObject(object))

matUnknownMSnSet <- function(object, fcol) {
    rs <- rowSums(fData(object)[, fcol])
    object <- object[rs == 0, ]
    if (validObject(object))

##' This function creates a stratified 'test' \code{MSnSet} which can be used 
##' for algorihtmic development. A \code{"\linkS4class{MSnSet}"} containing only
##' the marker proteins, as defined in \code{fcol}, is returned with a new 
##' feature data column appended called \code{test} in which a stratified subset
##' of these markers has been relabelled as 'unknowns'.
##' @title Create a stratified 'test' \code{MSnSet}
##' @param object An instance of class \code{"\linkS4class{MSnSet}"}
##' @param fcol The feature meta-data column name containing the
##' marker definitions on which the data will be stratified. Default
##' is \code{markers}.
##' @param size The size of the data set to be extracted. Default is
##' 0.2 (20 percent).
##' @param seed The optional random number generator seed.
##' @return An instance of class \code{"\linkS4class{MSnSet}"} which
##' contains only the proteins that have a labelled localisation
##' i.e. the marker proteins, as defined in \code{fcol} and a new
##' column in the feature data slot called \code{test} which has part
##' of the labels relabelled as "unknown" class (the number of
##' proteins renamed as "unknown" is according to the parameter size).
##' @seealso \code{\link{sampleMSnSet}} \code{\link{unknownMSnSet}}
##' \code{\link{markerMSnSet}}
##' @author Lisa Breckels
##' @examples
##' library(pRolocdata)
##' data(tan2009r1)
##' sample <- testMSnSet(tan2009r1)
##' getMarkers(sample, "test")
##' all(dim(sample) == dim(markerMSnSet(tan2009r1)))
testMSnSet <- function(object, fcol = "markers",
                       size = .2, seed) {
    if (!missing(seed)) {
        seed <- as.integer(seed)
    P <- markerMSnSet(object, fcol)
    data <- subsetAsDataFrame(P, fcol, keepColNames = TRUE)
    ## Select validation set
    .size <- ceiling(table(data[ ,fcol]) * size)
    .size <- .size[unique(data[ ,fcol])]
    validation.idxP <- strata(data, fcol, size = .size,
                              method = "srswor")$ID_unit
    validation.names <- rownames(data)[validation.idxP]
    validation.P <- P[validation.names, ]
    train.P <- P[-validation.idxP, ]
    fData(train.P)$test <- as.character(fData(train.P)[, fcol])
    fData(validation.P)$test <- rep("unknown", nrow(validation.P))
    allP <- combine(train.P, validation.P)

##' This function extracts a stratified sample of an \code{MSnSet}.
##' @title Extract a stratified sample of an \code{MSnSet}
##' @param object An instance of class \code{\linkS4class{MSnSet}}
##' @param fcol The feature meta-data column name containing the
##' marker (vector or matrix) definitions on which the MSnSet will be
##' stratified. Default is \code{markers}.
##' @param size The size of the stratified sample to be
##' extracted. Default is 0.2 (20 percent).
##' @param seed The optional random number generator seed.
##' @return A stratified sample (according to the defined \code{fcol})
##' which is an instance of class \code{"\linkS4class{MSnSet}"}.
##' @seealso \code{\link{testMSnSet}} \code{\link{unknownMSnSet}}
##' \code{\link{markerMSnSet}}. See \code{\link{markers}} for details
##' about markers encoding.
##' @author Lisa Breckels
##' @examples
##' library(pRolocdata)
##' data(tan2009r1)
##' dim(tan2009r1)
##' smp <- sampleMSnSet(tan2009r1, fcol = "markers")
##' dim(smp)
##' getMarkers(tan2009r1)
##' getMarkers(smp)
sampleMSnSet <- function(object, fcol = "markers", size = .2, seed) {
    ## Set seed
    if (!missing(seed)) {
        seed <- as.integer(seed)
    switch(mrkEncoding(object, fcol),
           vector = vecSampleMSnSet(object, fcol, size),
           matrix = matSampleMSnSet(object, fcol, size))

vecSampleMSnSet <- function(object, fcol, size) {
    nms <- sampleNames(object)
    mydata <- data.frame(exprs(object), markers = fData(object)[, fcol])
    colnames(mydata) <- c(nms, fcol)
    subset <- ceiling(table(mydata[, fcol]) * size)
    subset <- subset[unique(mydata[, fcol])]
    idx <- strata(mydata, fcol, size = subset,
                  method = "srswor")$ID_unit
    object <- object[idx,]
    m <- as.character(fData(object)[, fcol])
    tm <- table(m)
    if (any(tm < 6))
        warning("New sample contains classes with < 6 markers",
                call. = FALSE)

matSampleMSnSet <- function(object, fcol, size) {
    ## we create a vector of concatenated colnames
    vfcol <- rep("unknown", nrow(object))
    mrk <- fData(object)[, fcol]
    nms <- colnames(mrk)
    for (i in 1:length(vfcol)) {
        k <- nms[mrk[i, ] != 0]
        if (length(k))
            vfcol[i] <- paste(k, collapse = ".")
    ## subsetting
    mydata <- data.frame(exprs(object), markers = vfcol)
    colnames(mydata) <- c(sampleNames(object), fcol)
    subset <- ceiling(table(mydata[, fcol]) * size)
    subset <- subset[unique(mydata[, fcol])]
    idx <- strata(mydata, fcol, size = subset,
                  method = "srswor")$ID_unit
    object <- object[idx, ]
    tm <- table(vfcol)
    if (any(tm < 6))
        warning("New sample contains classes with < 6 markers",
                call. = FALSE)

##' Convenience accessor to the organelle classes in an 'MSnSet'.
##' This function returns the organelle classes of an
##' \code{MSnSet} instance. As a side effect, it prints out the classes.
##' @title Returns the organelle classes in an 'MSnSet'
##' @param object An instance of class \code{"\linkS4class{MSnSet}"}.
##' @param fcol The name of the markers column in the \code{featureData}
##' slot. Default is \code{markers}.
##' @param ... Additional parameters passed to \code{sort} from the base package.
##' @return A \code{character} vector of the organelle classes in the data.
##' @author Lisa Breckels and Laurent Gatto
##' @seealso \code{\link{getMarkers}} to extract the marker
##' proteins. See \code{\link{markers}} for details about spatial
##' markers storage and encoding.
##' @examples
##' library("pRolocdata")
##' data(dunkley2006)
##' organelles <- getMarkerClasses(dunkley2006)
##' ## same if markers encoded as a matrix
##' dunkley2006 <- mrkVecToMat(dunkley2006, mfcol = "Markers")
##' organelles2 <- getMarkerClasses(dunkley2006, fcol = "Markers")
##' stopifnot(all.equal(organelles, organelles2))
getMarkerClasses <- function(object,
                             fcol = "markers",
                             ...) {
    if (isMrkVec(object, fcol))
        getMarkerVecClasses(object, fcol, ...)
    else if (isMrkMat(object, fcol))
        getMarkerMatClasses(object, fcol)
        stop("Your markers are neither vector nor matrix. See ?markers for details.")

getMarkerMatClasses <- function(object, fcol, ...) {
    classes <- colnames(fData(object)[, fcol])
    classes <- sort(classes, ...)
    classes[which(classes != "unknown")]

getMarkerVecClasses <- function(object, fcol, ...) {
    organelleMarkers <- getMarkers(object, fcol, verbose = FALSE)
    classes <- unique(organelleMarkers)
    classes <- sort(classes, ...)
    classes[which(classes != "unknown")]

##' The function assumes that its input is a binary \code{MSnSet} and
##' computes, for each marker class, the number of non-zero expression
##' profiles. The function is meant to be used to produce heatmaps
##' (see the example) and visualise binary (such as GO) \code{MSnSet}
##' objects and assess their utility: all zero features/classes will
##' not be informative at all (and can be filtered out with
##' \code{\link{filterBinMSnSet}}) while features/classes with many
##' annotations (GO terms) are likely not be be informative either. 
##' @title Compute the number of non-zero values in each marker classes
##' @param object An instance of class \code{MSnSet} with binary data.
##' @param fcol A \code{character} defining the feature data variable
##'     to be used as markers. Default is \code{"markers"}.
##' @param as.matrix If \code{TRUE} (default) the data is formatted
##'     and returned as a \code{matrix}. Otherwise, a \code{list} is
##'     returned.
##' @param percent If \code{TRUE}, percentages are
##'     returned. Otherwise, absolute values.
##' @return A \code{matrix} or a \code{list} indicating the number of
##'     non-zero value per marker class.
##' @author Laurent Gatto
##' @seealso \code{\link{filterBinMSnSet}}
##' @examples
##' library(pRolocdata)
##' data(hyperLOPIT2015goCC)
##' zerosInBinMSnSet(hyperLOPIT2015goCC)
##' zerosInBinMSnSet(hyperLOPIT2015goCC, percent = FALSE)
##' pal <- colorRampPalette(c("white", "blue"))
##' library(lattice)
##' levelplot(zerosInBinMSnSet(hyperLOPIT2015goCC),
##'           xlab = "Number of non-0s",
##'           ylab = "Marker class",
##'           col.regions = pal(140))
zerosInBinMSnSet <- function(object, fcol = "markers",
                            as.matrix = TRUE,
                            percent = TRUE) {
    if (!isBinary(object))
        warning("Your assay data is not binary!")
    object <- markerMSnSet(object, fcol = fcol)
    mm <- getMarkerClasses(object, fcol = fcol)
    res <- vector("list", length = length(mm))
    names(res) <- mm
    for (m in mm) {
        mobj <- object[fData(object)[, fcol] == m, ]
        .res <- table(rowSums(exprs(mobj)))
        if (percent) .res <- .res / ncol(mobj)
        res[[m]] <- .res
    if (as.matrix) {
        mres <- matrix(0, ncol = length(res),
                       nrow = max(sapply(res, length)))
        colnames(mres) <- names(res)
        rownames(mres) <- seq_len(nrow(mres)) - 1
        for (m in mm) {
            x <- res[[m]]
            mres[1:length(x), m] <- x
        res <- mres

##' Removes columns or rows that have a certain proportion or absolute
##' number of 0 values.
##' @title Filter a binary MSnSet
##' @param object An \code{MSnSet}
##' @param MARGIN 1 or 2. Default is 2.
##' @param t Rows/columns that have \code{t} or less \code{1}s, it
##'     will be filtered out. When \code{t} and \code{q} are missing,
##'     default is to use \code{t = 1}.
##' @param q If a row has a higher quantile than defined by \code{q},
##'     it will be filtered out.
##' @param verbose A \code{logical} defining of a message is to be
##'     printed. Default is \code{TRUE}.
##' @return A filtered \code{MSnSet}.
##' @seealso \code{\link{zerosInBinMSnSet}},
##'     \code{\link{filterZeroCols}}, \code{\link{filterZeroRows}}.
##' @author Laurent Gatto
##' @examples
##' set.seed(1)
##' m <- matrix(sample(0:1, 25, replace=TRUE), 5)
##' m[1, ] <- 0
##' m[, 1] <- 0
##' rownames(m) <- colnames(m) <- letters[1:5]
##' fd <- data.frame(row.names = letters[1:5])
##' x <- MSnSet(exprs = m, fData = fd, pData = fd)
##' exprs(x)
##' ## Remove columns with no 1s
##' exprs(filterBinMSnSet(x, MARGIN = 2, t = 0))
##' ## Remove columns with one 1 or less
##' exprs(filterBinMSnSet(x, MARGIN = 2, t = 1))
##' ## Remove columns with two 1s or less
##' exprs(filterBinMSnSet(x, MARGIN = 2, t = 2))
##' ## Remove columns with three 1s 
##' exprs(filterBinMSnSet(x, MARGIN = 2, t = 3))
##' ## Remove columns that have half or less of 1s
##' exprs(filterBinMSnSet(x, MARGIN = 2, q = 0.5))
filterBinMSnSet <- function(object,
                            MARGIN = 2,
                            t, q,
                            verbose = TRUE) {
    if (!isBinary(object))
        warning("Your assay data is not binary!")
    stopifnot(MARGIN %in% 1:2)
    if (MARGIN == 2)
        K <- colSums(exprs(object))
    else K <- rowSums(exprs(object))
    if (missing(t) & missing(q))
        t <- 1
    if (missing(q)) {
        sel <- K > t
    } else {
        sel <- K > quantile(K, q)
    if (MARGIN == 2) {
        if (verbose) message("Removing ", sum(!sel), " column(s)")
        ans <- object[, sel]
    } else {
        if (verbose) message("Removing ", sum(!sel), " row(s)")
        ans <- object[sel, ]
    if (validObject(ans))

##' Removes all assay data columns/rows that are composed of only 0,
##' i.e. have a \code{colSum}/\code{rowSum} of 0.
##' @title Remove 0 columns/rows
##' @param object A \code{MSnSet} object.
##' @param verbose Print a message with the number of filtered out
##' columns/row (if any).
##' @return An \code{MSnSet}.
##' @author Laurent Gatto

##' @examples
##' library("pRolocdata")
##' data(andy2011goCC)
##' any(colSums(exprs(andy2011goCC)) == 0)
##' exprs(andy2011goCC)[, 1:5] <- 0
##' ncol(andy2011goCC)
##' ncol(filterZeroCols(andy2011goCC))
filterZeroCols <- function(object,
                           verbose = TRUE) {
    cs <- colSums(exprs(object))
    sel <- cs > 0
    if (any(!sel)) {
        if (verbose)
            message("Removing ", sum(!sel), " columns with only 0s.")
        object <- object[, sel]
    if (validObject(object))

##' @rdname filterZeroCols
filterZeroRows <- function(object,
                           verbose = TRUE) {
    rs <- rowSums(exprs(object))
    sel <- rs > 0
    if (any(!sel)) {
        if (verbose)
            message("Removing ", sum(!sel), " columns with only 0s.")
        object <- object[sel, ]
    if (validObject(object))

##' This function produces organelle-specific quantiles corresponding to 
##' the given classification scores. 
##' @title Returns organelle-specific quantile scores
##' @param object An instance of class \code{"\linkS4class{MSnSet}"}.
##' @param fcol The name of the prediction column in the
##' \code{featureData} slot. 
##' @param scol The name of the prediction score column in the
##' \code{featureData} slot. If missing, created by pasting
##' '.scores' after \code{fcol}. 
##' @param mcol The name of the column containing the training data in the
##' \code{featureData} slot. Default is \code{markers}.
##' @param t The quantile threshold. 
##' @param verbose If \code{TRUE}, the calculated threholds are printed.
##' @return A named \code{vector} of organelle thresholds. 
##' @author Lisa Breckels
##' @seealso \code{\link{getPredictions}} to get organelle predictions based
##' on calculated thresholds.
##' @examples
##' library("pRolocdata")
##' data(dunkley2006)
##' res <- svmClassification(dunkley2006, fcol = "pd.markers",
##'                          sigma = 0.1, cost = 0.5)
##' ## 50% top predictions per class
##' ts <- orgQuants(res, fcol = "svm", t = .5)
##' getPredictions(res, fcol = "svm", t = ts)
orgQuants <- function(object, fcol, scol, 
                      mcol = "markers", 
                      t, verbose = TRUE) {
  if (missing(scol)) 
    scol <- paste0(fcol, ".scores")
  object <- unknownMSnSet(object, mcol)
  nt <- tapply(fData(object)[, scol], fData(object)[, fcol], quantile, t)
  if (verbose)
lgatto/pRoloc documentation built on June 18, 2024, 11:49 a.m.