##' @rdname pRolocVis-apps
##' @param groupBy The feature meta-data label (\code{fData} column name)
##' to be used for summarising the features to be combined.
pRolocVis_aggregate <- function(object,
fcol = "markers",
fig.height = "700px",
# legend.width = "200%",
# legend.cex = 1,
nchar = 25,
...) {
## removed from arguments
legend.width = "200%"
legend.cex = 1
mirrorX = FALSE
mirrorY = FALSE
all = TRUE
fig.width = "100%"
## Return featureNames of proteins selected
# on.exit(return(invisible(idDT)))
## Check input object is an MSnSet
if (!inherits(object, "MSnSet"))
stop("The input must be of class MSnSet")
## Check groubBy is specified
if (missing(groupBy))
stop("No groupBy specified")
if (!groupBy %in% fvarLabels(object))
stop("groupBy not found in fvarLabels")
## Rename object for convenience
peps <- object
## Add a new column to fData with #features that have been combined
n <- length(fvarLabels(peps))
pglabel <- paste(groupBy, "(#feats)")
tt <- table(fData(peps)[, groupBy])
cc <- tt[fData(peps)[, groupBy]]
cc <- paste0(names(cc), " (", cc,")")
fData(peps)[, pglabel] <- cc
fData(peps) <- fData(peps)[, c(n + 1, 1:n)] # Add pgLabel column so appears first in fData
groupBy <- pglabel
prots <- combineFeatures(peps, fData(peps)[, groupBy],
cv = FALSE, ...)
## data for aggvar plot
p0.max <- data.frame(MSnbase::aggvar(peps, groupBy, "max"))
p0.max[, "nb_feats"] <- log10(p0.max[, "nb_feats"])
p0.max <- p0.max[, c(2, 1)]
p.max <- p0.max
p.max[is.na(p.max)] <- 0
p0.mean <- data.frame(MSnbase::aggvar(peps, groupBy, "mean"))
p0.mean[, "nb_feats"] <- log10(p0.mean[, "nb_feats"])
p0.mean <- p0.mean[, c(2, 1)]
p.mean <- p0.mean
p.mean[is.na(p.mean)] <- 0
fData(peps)[, "aggvar_max"] <- p.max[fData(peps)[, groupBy], 2]
fData(peps)[, "aggvar_mean"] <- p.mean[fData(peps)[, groupBy], 2]
## fcol checks
# if (!is.null(fcol) && !fcol %in% fvarLabels(object)) {
# warning("No fcol found using fcol = NULL", immediate. = TRUE)
# fcol <- NULL
# }
# if (is.null(fcol)) {
# setUnknowncol("#000000")
# fcol <- "nullmarkers"
# m <- matrix(0, ncol = 1, nrow = nrow(object))
# rownames(m) <- featureNames(object)
# colnames(m) <- "0"
# fData(object)[, fcol] <- m
# }
## Make any columns in the fData that are a matrix a vector
## (we need to do this to make sure the table is displayed properly)
peps <- .convertMatsToCols(peps)
prots <- .convertMatsToCols(prots)
## Extract binary matrix (pmarkers) for the peptide MSnSet for markers
if (isMrkVec(peps, fcol)) {
## Make a mrk vec mat, then extract mat
mName <- paste0("Markers", format(Sys.time(), "%a%b%d%H%M%S%Y"))
tmpObj <- mrkVecToMat(peps, fcol, mfcol = mName)
pmarkers <- fData(tmpObj)[, mName]
} else {
pmarkers <- fData(peps)[, fcol]
## Marker colours
cols <- appStockcol()
if (length(cols) < max(ncol(pmarkers))) {
message("Too many features for available colours. Some colours will be duplicated.")
n <- ncol(pmarkers / length(cols))
cols <- rep(cols, n + 1)
myclasses <- colnames(pmarkers)
cols <- cols[1:length(myclasses)]
names(cols) <- myclasses
# Shorten markers names if too long
cn <- sapply(colnames(pmarkers),
function(x) {
if (nchar(x) > nchar) {
x <- strsplit(x, "")[[1]]
x <- paste(x[1:nchar], collapse = "")
x <- sub(" +$", "", x)
x <- paste0(x, "...")
names(cn) <- NULL
colnames(pmarkers) <- cn
## Display all classes unless user specifies not to
pmsel <- TRUE
if (!all | ncol(pmarkers) > 15)
pmsel <- 1
## Get data for profiles
profs <- exprs(peps)
## Remap protein coords onto peptide PCA coords
remapped <- remap(object = MSnSetList(list(peps, prots)))
## Get PCs for each plot
pcas <- list(plot2D(remapped[[2]], fcol = NULL, plot = FALSE,
mirrorX = FALSE, mirrorY = FALSE,
method = "none"),
plot2D(remapped[[1]], fcol = NULL, plot = FALSE,
mirrorX = mirrorX, mirrorY = mirrorY,
method = "none"))
## Define data columns to be displayed on startup
origFvarLab <- fvarLabels(peps)
if (length(origFvarLab) > 6) {
.ind <- which(origFvarLab == fcol)
.gp <- which(origFvarLab == groupBy)
.fvarL <- origFvarLab[-c(.ind, .gp)]
ll <- c(.fvarL[1:3],"aggvar_max", "aggvar_mean")
selDT <- c(groupBy, ll, fcol)
} else {
selDT <- origFvarLab[1:length(origFvarLab)]
## Create column of unknowns (needed later for plot2D in server)
newName <- paste0(format(Sys.time(), "%a%b%d%H%M%S%Y"), "unknowns")
fData(peps)[, newName] <- "unknown"
fData(prots)[, newName] <- "unknown"
## all features are displayed on start
# toSel_prot <- 1:nrow(prots)
toSel <- 1:nrow(peps)
feats_prot <- featureNames(prots)
feats_pep <- featureNames(peps)
idDT <- character()
## Build shiny app
ui <- fluidPage(
selectizeInput("markers", "Labels",
choices = myclasses,
multiple = TRUE,
selected = myclasses[pmsel]),
sliderInput("trans", "Transparancy",
min = 0, max = 1, value = 0.15),
checkboxInput("checkbox", label = "Show labels", value = TRUE),
selectInput("aggvarDist", "Distance metric:",
choices = c ("max", "mean")),
actionButton("clear", "Clear selection"),
width = 2),
tabsetPanel(type = "tabs",
tabPanel("PCA", id = "pcaPanel",
height = fig.height,
width = fig.width,
dblclick = "dblClickScatter"
offset = 0),
height = fig.height,
width = fig.width,
dblclick = "dblClickPCA"
offset = 0),
height = fig.height,
width = legend.width))
tabPanel("Profiles", id = "profilesPanel",
height = "400px",
width = "110%"),
offset = 0),
width = "100%"),
offset = 0)
tabPanel("Table Selection", id = "tableSelPanel",
"Data columns to display",
choices = origFvarLab,
selected = selDT)
## feature data table is always visible
server <-
function(input, output, session) {
ranges <- reactiveValues(x = c(min(pcas[[2]][, 1]), max(pcas[[2]][, 1])),
y = c(min(pcas[[2]][, 2]), max(pcas[[2]][, 2])))
## Reset/clear labels on plots
resetLabels <- reactiveValues(logical = FALSE)
## Update data for aggvar plot
protscatter0 <- reactive({
if (resetLabels$logical) idDT <<- character()
if (input$aggvarDist == "max") p0 <- p0.max
if (input$aggvarDist == "mean") p0 <- p0.mean
protscatter <- reactive({
if (resetLabels$logical) idDT <<- character()
if (input$aggvarDist == "max") p <- p.max
if (input$aggvarDist == "mean") p <- p.mean
## Get coords for proteins according to selectized marker class(es)
mrkSel <- reactive({
ind <- match(input$markers, colnames(pmarkers))
.mrkSel <- vector("list", length(input$markers))
for (i in seq(length(input$markers))) {
if (is.na(ind[i])) {
.mrkSel[[i]] <- NA
} else {
.mrkSel[[i]] <- which(pmarkers[, ind[i]] == 1)
## Update colour transparacy according to slider input
myCols <- reactive({
input$trans)[sapply(input$markers, function(z)
which(names(cols) == z))]})
## Scatter plot
output$scatter <- renderPlot({
agg_dist <- nb_feats <- NULL ## to address no visible binding for global var note
idDT <<- feats_pep[input$fDataTable_rows_selected]
if (resetLabels$logical) idDT <<- character()
ggscatter <- ggplot(data = protscatter(),
aes(x = nb_feats, y = agg_dist)) +
geom_point(alpha = .5) +
xlab("log10(number of feats)") +
geom_smooth(data = protscatter0(),
mapping = aes(x = nb_feats, y = agg_dist),
method = "lm", na.rm = TRUE) ## add lineaer model
## add na.rm to catch warning
if (length(idDT) > 0) {
highlight <- unique(fData(peps)[idDT, groupBy])
ggscatter <- ggscatter + geom_point(data = protscatter()[highlight, ],
colour = "red")
if (input$checkbox) {
ggscatter <- ggscatter + annotate("text", x = protscatter()[highlight, 1],
y = protscatter()[highlight, 2] + .03,
label = highlight, colour = "red",
fontface = 2)
## PCA plot
output$pca <- renderPlot({
par(mar = c(4, 4, 0, 0))
par(oma = c(1, 0, 0, 0))
plot2D(peps, pch = 21, cex = 1,
col = rep(getUnknowncol(), nrow(peps)),
xlim = ranges$x,
ylim = ranges$y,
fcol = newName,
mirrorX = mirrorX,
mirrorY = mirrorY)
if (!is.null(input$markers)) {
for (i in 1:length(input$markers)) {
if (!is.na(mrkSel()[[i]][1]))
points(pcas[[2]][mrkSel()[[i]], ], pch = 16,
cex = 1.4, col = myCols()[i])
## highlight point on plot by selecting item in table
idDT <<- feats_pep[input$fDataTable_rows_selected]
if (resetLabels$logical) idDT <<- character() ## If TRUE labels are cleared
if (length(idDT)) {
## ==== highlight all peps with the same protein group
protacc <- as.character(fData(peps)[idDT, groupBy])
allpeps <- unlist(lapply(protacc,
feats_pep[fData(peps)[, groupBy] == z]))
pRoloc::highlightOnPlot(pcas[[2]], allpeps, cex = 1.3)
## === highlight selected pep as a solid circle
pRoloc::highlightOnPlot(pcas[[2]], idDT, cex = 1.3)
if (input$checkbox) {
pRoloc::highlightOnPlot(pcas[[2]], idDT, labels = TRUE, pos = 3)
## === highlight corresponding proteins on PCA plot
pRoloc::highlightOnPlot(pcas[[1]], unique(protacc), cex = 2,
pch = 19, col = "black")
pRoloc::highlightOnPlot(pcas[[1]], unique(protacc), cex = .8,
pch = 19, col = "red")
resetLabels$logical <<- FALSE
## Protein profile plot
output$profile2 <- renderPlot({
par(mar = c(8, 3, 1, 1))
par(oma = c(1, 0, 0, 0))
ylim <- range(profs)
n <- nrow(profs)
m <- ncol(profs)
fracs <- colnames(profs)
plot(0, ylim = ylim, xlim = c(1, m), ylab = "Intensity",
type = "n", xaxt = "n", xlab = "")
axis(1, at = 1:m, labels = fracs, las = 2)
title(xlab = "Fractions", line = 5.5)
matlines(t(profs[feats_pep, ]),
col = getUnknowncol(),
lty = 1,
type = "l")
if (!is.null(input$markers)) {
for (i in 1:length(input$markers)) {
if (!is.na(mrkSel()[[i]][1]))
matlines(t(profs[mrkSel()[[i]], ]),
col = myCols()[i],
lty = 1,
lwd = 1.5)
## If an item is clicked in the table highlight profile
idDT <<- feats_pep[input$fDataTable_rows_selected]
if (length(idDT)) {
## Now add all peptides with the same protein group as
## dashed lines
protacc <- as.character(fData(peps)[idDT, groupBy])
allpeps <- unlist(lapply(protacc,
feats_pep[fData(peps)[, groupBy] == z]))
## Plot peptides selected
matlines(t(profs[allpeps, , drop = FALSE]),
col = "black",
lty = 3,
lwd = 1)
matlines(t(profs[idDT, , drop = FALSE]),
col = "black",
lty = 1,
lwd = 2)
## Feature data table
output$fDataTable <- DT::renderDataTable({
feats_pep <<- featureNames(peps)
feats_prot <<- rownames(protscatter())
## DOUBLE CLICK on AGGVAR PLOT to identify protein then
## calculate distance from point to find nearest
if (!is.null(input$dblClickScatter)) {
dist <- apply(protscatter()[, 1:2], 1,
function(z) sqrt((input$dblClickScatter$x - z[1])^2
+ (input$dblClickScatter$y - z[2])^2))
idPlot <- names(which(dist == min(dist)))
indPep <- which(fData(peps)[, groupBy] == idPlot)
idPlot <- featureNames(peps)[indPep]
if (any(idPlot %in% idDT)) { ## 1--is it already clicked?
idDT <<- setdiff(idDT, idPlot) ## Yes, remove it from table
} else { ## 2--new click?
idDT <<- c(idDT, idPlot) ## Yes, highlight it to table
## DOUBLE CLICK on PCA PLOT to identify nearest peptide
if (!is.null(input$dblClickPCA)) {
dist <- apply(pcas[[2]], 1,
function(z) sqrt((input$dblClickPCA$x - z[1])^2
+ (input$dblClickPCA$y - z[2])^2))
idPlot <- names(which(dist == min(dist)))
if (any(idPlot %in% idDT)) { ## 1--is it already clicked?
idDT <<- setdiff(idDT, idPlot) ## Yes, remove it from table
} else { ## 2--new click?
idDT <<- c(idDT, idPlot) ## Yes, highlight it to table
toSel <<- match(idDT, feats_pep) ## selection to highlight in DT
if (resetLabels$logical) toSel <<- numeric() ## reset labels
if (resetLabels$logical) idDT <<- character() ## reset labels
dataDT <- fData(peps)[feats_pep, input$selTab, drop = FALSE]
DT::datatable(data = dataDT,
rownames = TRUE,
selection = list(mode = 'multiple', selected = toSel)
## When clear selection is pressed labels and reset selection
observeEvent(input$clear, {
resetLabels$logical <<- TRUE
## Output legend for pca
output$legend1 <- renderPlot({
par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
par(oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
plot(0, type = "n",
xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
xlab = "", ylab = "",
bty = "n")
if (!is.null(input$markers)) {
c(input$markers, "unlabelled"),
col = c(substr(myCols(), 1, 7), getUnknowncol()),
ncol = 1, bty = "n",
pch = c(rep(16, length(myCols())), 21),
cex = legend.cex)
} else {
col = getUnknowncol(),
ncol = 1, bty = "n",
pch = 21,
cex = legend.cex)
## Output legend for profiles
output$legend2 <- renderPlot({
par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
par(oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
plot(0, type = "n",
xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
xlab = "", ylab = "",
bty = "n")
if (!is.null(input$markers)) {
c(input$markers, "unlabelled"),
col = c(substr(myCols(), 1, 7), getUnknowncol()),
ncol = 1, bty = "n",
pch = c(rep(16, length(myCols())), 21),
cex = legend.cex
} else {
col = getUnknowncol(),
ncol = 1, bty = "n",
pch = 21,
cex = legend.cex)
app <- list(ui = ui, server = server)
## feats
## features to display on PCA plot
## profiles to diplay on matplot
## features to show in DT::datatable
## feats[input$fDataTable_rows_selected]
## features to highlight
## feature selected in DT::datatable
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