
Defines functions GeneSetDb.ReactiveGeneSetDb reactiveGeneSetDbUI reactiveGeneSetDb

Documented in GeneSetDb.ReactiveGeneSetDb reactiveGeneSetDb reactiveGeneSetDbUI

#' A UI for a GeneSetDb that enables users to select gene sets used for testing.
#' This can be instantiated from a "static" or "reactive" GeneSetDb object.
#' It allows users to customize which genesets are active by:
#' 1. Filtering out entire collections; and
#' 2. Filtering genesets based on min and max (gene) size.
#' @export
#' @param input,output,session shiny module bits
#' @param gdb A static or reactive GeneSetDb object
#' @param min.gs.size,max.gs.size the default minimum and maximum geneset size
#'   set in the UI when `gdb` is first loaded or changes (when reactive)
#' @param default_collections a character vector of collections that are by
#'   default selected for use
#' @return A list of reactive elements wired to the input `gdb`:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{gdb}{a `reactive(gdb)`}
#'   \item{geneSets}{a `reacvtive(geneSets(gdb))`}
#'   \item{min.gs.size,max.gs.size}{
#'     reactives that indicate current selection of minimum and maximum gene set
#'     sizes to be used in `sparrow::conform(gdb, ...)`
#'   }
#'   \item{.state}{a `shiny::reactiveList` that contains the state of this module}
#'   \item{.ns}{the shiny namespace for this module}
#' }
#' @examples
#' sres <- sparrow::exampleSparrowResult()
#' gdb <- sparrow::geneSetDb(sres)
#' app <- shiny::shinyApp(
#'   ui = shiny::shinyUI(shiny::fluidPage(
#'     exampleUISetup(),
#'     title = "Configure GeneSetDb",
#'     reactiveGeneSetDbUI("mod"))),
#'   server = function(input, output, session) {
#'     shiny::callModule(reactiveGeneSetDb, "mod", gdb)
#'   })
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   shiny::runApp(app)
#' }
reactiveGeneSetDb <- function(input, output, session, gdb,
                              min.gs.size = 2L, max.gs.size = Inf,
                              default_collections = NULL, ...) {
  assert_character(default_collections, null.ok = TRUE)
  min.gs.size <- assert_number(round(min.gs.size), lower = 2L, null.ok = FALSE)
  max.gs.size <- assert_number(round(max.gs.size), lower = 2L, null.ok = TRUE)

  state <- shiny::reactiveValues(
    gdb = NULL,
    min.gs.size = min.gs.size,
    max.gs.size = max.gs.size)

  rgdb <- shiny::reactive({
    gdb. <- if (is(gdb, "reactive")) gdb() else gdb
    if (!is.null(gdb.)) assert_class(gdb., "GeneSetDb")

    gs.range <- shiny::req(input$size)
    if (state$min.gs.size != gs.range[1L]) state$min.gs.size <- gs.range[1L]
    if (state$min.gs.size != gs.range[2L]) state$max.gs.size <- gs.range[2L]

  rmin.gs.size <- shiny::reactive(state$min.gs.size)
  rmax.gs.size <- shiny::reactive(state$max.gs.size)

  shiny::observeEvent(rgdb(), {
    gdb. <- shiny::req(rgdb())
    shiny::req(is(gdb., "GeneSetDb"))

    # ........................................................ collection picker
    gsets <- sparrow::geneSets(gdb.)
    min.n <- min(gsets$N)
    max.n <- max(gsets$N)
    colls.all <- unique(gsets$collection)
    colls.selected <- intersect(colls.all, default_collections)

    if (length(colls.selected) == 0L) {
      colls.selected <- colls.all

    gs.count <- table(gsets$collection)
    names(colls.all) <- sprintf("%s [%d total gene sets]", colls.all,
      choices = colls.all,
      selected = colls.selected)

    # .............................................................. size slider
    if (!is.null(min.gs.size)) {
      min.val <- max(min.gs.size, min.n)
    } else {
      min.val <- min.n
    if (!is.null(max.gs.size)) {
      max.val <- min(max.gs.size, max.n)
    } else {
      max.val <- max.n
    state$min.gs.size <- min.val
    state$max.gs.size <- max.val
    shiny::updateSliderInput(session, "size", min = min.n, max = max.n,
                      value = c(min.n, max.n))

  genesets <- shiny::reactive({
    selected.colls <- shiny::req(input$collections)
    gdb. <- shiny::req(rgdb())
    shiny::req(is(gdb., "GeneSetDb"))
    gsets <- sparrow::geneSets(gdb., as.dt = TRUE)
    # silence R CMD check NOTES for data.table NSE mojo
    collection <- N <- NULL
    gsets <- gsets[
      collection %in% selected.colls &
        N >= rmin.gs.size() &
        N <= rmax.gs.size()]

  output$gscount <- shiny::renderUI({

  vals <- list(
    gdb = rgdb,
    geneSets = genesets,
    min.gs.size = rmin.gs.size,
    max.gs.size = rmax.gs.size,
    .state = state,
    .ns = session$ns)
  class(vals) <- c("ReactiveGeneSetDb")

#' @export
#' @describeIn reactiveGeneSetDb the UI for the module
#' @param id shiny module namespace
#' @param min,max ranges for the min/max geneset slider
#' @param ... pass through args
reactiveGeneSetDbUI <- function(id, min = 2, max = 100L, ...) {
  ns <- shiny::NS(id)

      shiny::tags$span("Gene Sets Selected:",
                       style = "font-weight: bold; color: #FF7F00"),
      shiny::uiOutput(ns("gscount"), inline = TRUE)),
    shiny::sliderInput(ns("size"), "Set Size", min = min, max = max,
                       value = c(min, max)),
      choices = NULL,
      multiple = TRUE,
      options = list(
        `selected-text-format`= "count",
        `count-selected-text` = "{0} collections chosen"

#' Returns the filtered unreactive GeneSetDb from the reactiveGeneSetDb module.
#' The user can choose to include subsets of collections, as well as
#' genesets of a certain size.
#' This can only be run within a reactive context.
#' @export
#' @param x A ReactiveGeneSetDb
#' @param ... pass through (not used)
#' @return A standard / static GeneSetDb object
GeneSetDb.ReactiveGeneSetDb <- function(x, ...) {
  gdb <- x$gdb()
  gsets.all <- sparrow::geneSets(gdb)
  gsets.selected <- x$geneSets()

  keep <- is.element(
    paste(gsets.all$collection, gsets.all$name),
    paste(gsets.selected$collection, gsets.selected$name))

  if (!all(keep)) {
    gdb <- gdb[keep]

lianos/sparrow.shiny documentation built on Oct. 12, 2023, 2:43 a.m.