
Defines functions segmentationHclust

Documented in segmentationHclust

#' Minimal segmentation function
#' A minimal segmentation function useful when segmentation was performed by
#' third-pary tools. When a \code{CollapsedVCF} with germline SNPs is provided,
#' it will cluster segments using \code{hclust}. Otherwise it will use the
#' segmentation as provided.
#' This function is called via the
#' \code{fun.segmentation} argument of \code{\link{runAbsoluteCN}}.  The
#' arguments are passed via \code{args.segmentation}.
#' @param seg If segmentation was provided by the user, this data structure
#' will contain this segmentation. Useful for minimal segmentation functions.
#' Otherwise PureCN will re-segment the data. This segmentation function
#' ignores this user provided segmentation.
#' @param vcf Optional \code{CollapsedVCF} object with germline allelic ratios.
#' @param tumor.id.in.vcf Id of tumor in case multiple samples are stored in
#' VCF.
#' @param normal.id.in.vcf Id of normal in in VCF. Currently not used.
#' @param min.logr.sdev Minimum log-ratio standard deviation used in the
#' model. Useful to make fitting more robust to outliers in very clean
#' data (currently not used in this segmentation function).
#' @param prune.hclust.h Height in the \code{hclust} pruning step. Increasing
#' this value will merge segments more aggressively. If NULL, try to find a
#' sensible default.
#' @param prune.hclust.method Cluster method used in the \code{hclust} pruning
#' step. See documentation for the \code{hclust} function.
#' @param chr.hash Mapping of non-numerical chromsome names to numerical names
#' (e.g. chr1 to 1, chr2 to 2, etc.). If \code{NULL}, assume chromsomes are
#' properly ordered.
#' @param ... Currently unused arguments provided to other segmentation
#' functions.
#' @return \code{data.frame} containing the segmentation.
#' @author Markus Riester
#' @seealso \code{\link{runAbsoluteCN}}
#' @examples
#' vcf.file <- system.file("extdata", "example.vcf.gz",
#'     package="PureCN")
#' interval.file <- system.file("extdata", "example_intervals_tiny.txt",
#'     package="PureCN")
#' seg.file <- system.file('extdata', 'example_seg.txt',
#'     package = 'PureCN')
#' res <- runAbsoluteCN(seg.file = seg.file,
#'     fun.segmentation = segmentationHclust,
#'     max.ploidy = 4, vcf.file = vcf.file,
#'     test.purity = seq(0.3, 0.7, by = 0.05),
#'     max.candidate.solutions = 1,
#'     genome = 'hg19', interval.file = interval.file)
#' @export segmentationHclust
segmentationHclust <- function(seg,
    vcf = NULL, tumor.id.in.vcf = 1, normal.id.in.vcf = NULL,
    min.logr.sdev = 0.15, prune.hclust.h = NULL, prune.hclust.method = "ward.D",
    chr.hash = NULL, ...) {
    if (is.null(seg)) {
        .stopUserError("segmentationHclust requires an input segmentation.")  
    .checkParametersSegmentation(alpha = NULL, undo.SD = NULL,
        max.segments = NULL, min.logr.sdev = min.logr.sdev,
        prune.hclust.h = prune.hclust.h)

    if (!is.null(vcf)) {
        if (is.null(chr.hash)) chr.hash <- .getChrHash(seqlevels(vcf))
        seg <- .pruneByHclust(seg, vcf, tumor.id.in.vcf,
            h = prune.hclust.h,
            method = prune.hclust.method, chr.hash = chr.hash)
    idx.enough.markers <- seg$num.mark > 1
    rownames(seg) <- NULL
    seg[idx.enough.markers, ]
lima1/PureCN documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 5:48 a.m.