
Defines functions .checkParametersSegmentation .fixBreakpointsInBaits .getAverageWeightPV .addAverageWeights .getSizeDomState .getCNAobject .getSegSizes .CNV.analyze2 .fixStartEndPos .getPruneH .getSDundo .isFakeLogRatio .pruneByVCF .pruneByHclust .updateNumMark .findCNNLOH .debugSegmentation segmentationCBS

Documented in segmentationCBS

#' CBS segmentation
#' The default segmentation function. This function is called via the
#' \code{fun.segmentation} argument of \code{\link{runAbsoluteCN}}.  The
#' arguments are passed via \code{args.segmentation}.
#' @param normal Coverage data for normal sample.
#' @param tumor Coverage data for tumor sample.
#' @param log.ratio Copy number log-ratios, one for each target in the coverage
#' files.
#' @param seg If segmentation was provided by the user, this data structure
#' will contain this segmentation. Useful for minimal segmentation functions.
#' Otherwise PureCN will re-segment the data. This segmentation function
#' ignores this user provided segmentation.
#' @param plot.cnv Segmentation plots.
#' @param sampleid Sample id, used in output files.
#' @param weight.flag.pvalue Flag values with one-sided p-value smaller than
#' this cutoff.
#' @param alpha Alpha value for CBS, see documentation for the \code{segment}
#' function.
#' @param undo.SD \code{undo.SD} for CBS, see documentation of the
#' \code{segment} function. If NULL, try to find a sensible default.
#' @param vcf Optional \code{CollapsedVCF} object with germline allelic ratios.
#' @param tumor.id.in.vcf Id of tumor in case multiple samples are stored in
#' VCF.
#' @param normal.id.in.vcf Id of normal in in VCF. Currently not used.
#' @param max.segments If not \code{NULL}, try a higher \code{undo.SD}
#' parameter if number of segments exceeds the threshold.
#' @param min.logr.sdev Minimum log-ratio standard deviation used in the
#' model. Useful to make fitting more robust to outliers in very clean
#' data.
#' @param prune.hclust.h Height in the \code{hclust} pruning step. Increasing
#' this value will merge segments more aggressively. If NULL, try to find a
#' sensible default.
#' @param prune.hclust.method Cluster method used in the \code{hclust} pruning
#' step. See documentation for the \code{hclust} function.
#' @param chr.hash Mapping of non-numerical chromsome names to numerical names
#' (e.g. chr1 to 1, chr2 to 2, etc.). If \code{NULL}, assume chromsomes are
#' properly ordered.
#' @param additional.cmd.args \code{character(1)}. Ignored.
#' @param centromeres A \code{GRanges} object with centromere positions.
#' Currently not supported in this function.
#' @return \code{data.frame} containing the segmentation.
#' @author Markus Riester
#' @references Olshen, A. B., Venkatraman, E. S., Lucito, R., Wigler, M.
#' (2004). Circular binary segmentation for the analysis of array-based DNA
#' copy number data. Biostatistics 5: 557-572.
#' Venkatraman, E. S., Olshen, A. B. (2007). A faster circular binary
#' segmentation algorithm for the analysis of array CGH data. Bioinformatics
#' 23: 657-63.
#' @seealso \code{\link{runAbsoluteCN}}
#' @examples
#' normal.coverage.file <- system.file("extdata", "example_normal_tiny.txt",
#'     package = "PureCN")
#' tumor.coverage.file <- system.file("extdata", "example_tumor_tiny.txt",
#'     package = "PureCN")
#' vcf.file <- system.file("extdata", "example.vcf.gz",
#'     package = "PureCN")
#' interval.file <- system.file("extdata", "example_intervals_tiny.txt",
#'     package = "PureCN")
#' # The max.candidate.solutions, max.ploidy and test.purity parameters are set to
#' # non-default values to speed-up this example.  This is not a good idea for real
#' # samples.
#' ret <-runAbsoluteCN(normal.coverage.file = normal.coverage.file,
#'     tumor.coverage.file = tumor.coverage.file, vcf.file = vcf.file,
#'     genome = "hg19", sampleid = "Sample1", interval.file = interval.file,
#'     max.candidate.solutions = 1, max.ploidy = 4,
#'     test.purity = seq(0.3, 0.7, by = 0.05),
#'     fun.segmentation = segmentationCBS,
#'     args.segmentation = list(alpha = 0.001))
#' @export segmentationCBS
#' @importFrom stats t.test hclust cutree dist
segmentationCBS <- function(normal, tumor, log.ratio, seg, plot.cnv,
    sampleid, weight.flag.pvalue = 0.01, alpha = 0.005,
    undo.SD = NULL, vcf = NULL, tumor.id.in.vcf = 1, normal.id.in.vcf = NULL,
    max.segments = NULL, min.logr.sdev = 0.15,
    prune.hclust.h = NULL, prune.hclust.method = "ward.D",
    chr.hash = NULL, additional.cmd.args = "", centromeres = NULL) {
    .checkParametersSegmentation(alpha, undo.SD, max.segments, min.logr.sdev, prune.hclust.h)

    if (is.null(chr.hash)) chr.hash <- .getChrHash(seqlevels(tumor))

    if (!is.null(tumor$weights) && length(unique(tumor$weights)) > 1) {
        flog.info("Interval weights found, will use weighted CBS.")
    x <- .CNV.analyze2(normal, tumor, log.ratio = log.ratio,
        plot.cnv = plot.cnv, sampleid = sampleid, alpha = alpha,
        weights = tumor$weights, sdundo = undo.SD, max.segments = max.segments,
        min.logr.sdev = min.logr.sdev,
        chr.hash = chr.hash)
    origSeg <- x$cna$output

    if (!is.null(vcf)) {
        x <- .pruneByVCF(x, vcf, tumor.id.in.vcf, chr.hash = chr.hash)
        x <- .findCNNLOH(x, vcf, tumor.id.in.vcf, alpha = alpha,
            chr.hash = chr.hash)
        x$cna$output <- .pruneByHclust(x$cna$output, vcf, tumor.id.in.vcf,
            h = prune.hclust.h,
            method = prune.hclust.method, chr.hash = chr.hash)
    idx.enough.markers <- x$cna$output$num.mark > 1
    rownames(x$cna$output) <- NULL
    finalSeg <- x$cna$output[idx.enough.markers, ]
    finalSeg <- .addAverageWeights(finalSeg, weight.flag.pvalue, tumor, chr.hash)
    finalSeg <- .fixBreakpointsInBaits(tumor, log.ratio, finalSeg, chr.hash)
    .debugSegmentation(origSeg, finalSeg)

.debugSegmentation <- function(origSeg, finalSeg) {
    diffSeg <- finalSeg[!as.character(GRanges(finalSeg)) %in%
                        as.character(GRanges(origSeg)), ]
    flog.debug(apply(diffSeg, 1, paste, collapse = "\t"))
.findCNNLOH <- function(x, vcf, tumor.id.in.vcf, alpha = 0.005,
                        min.variants = 7, iterations = 2, chr.hash) {
    for (iter in seq_len(iterations)) {
        seg <- x$cna$output
        seg.gr <- GRanges(seqnames = .add.chr.name(seg$chrom, chr.hash),
            IRanges(start = seg$loc.start, end = seg$loc.end))
        ov <- findOverlaps(seg.gr, vcf)
        ar <- sapply(geno(vcf)$FA[, tumor.id.in.vcf], function(x) x[1])
        ar.r <- ifelse(ar > 0.5, 1 - ar, ar)

        segs <- split(seg, seq_len(nrow(seg)))
        foundCNNLOH <- FALSE
        for (i in seq_len(nrow(seg))) {
            sar <- ar.r[subjectHits(ov)][queryHits(ov) == i]
            if (length(sar) < 2 * min.variants) next
            min.variants.x <- max(min.variants, length(sar) * 0.05)
            bp <- which.min(sapply(seq(min.variants.x, length(sar) - min.variants.x, by = 1),
                function(i) sum(c(sd(sar[seq_len(i)]),
                    sd(sar[seq(i + 1, length(sar))])))
            bp <- bp + min.variants.x - 1
            x1 <- sar[seq_len(bp)]
            x2 <- sar[seq(bp + 1, length(sar))]
            tt <- t.test(x1, x2, exact = FALSE)
            if ((abs(mean(x1) - mean(x2)) > 0.05 && tt$p.value < alpha) ||
                (abs(mean(x1) - mean(x2)) > 0.025 && tt$p.value < alpha &&
                min(length(x1), length(x2)) > min.variants * 3)
                ) {
                segs[[i]] <- rbind(segs[[i]], segs[[i]])
                bpPosition <-  start(vcf[subjectHits(ov)][queryHits(ov) == i])[bp]
                segs[[i]]$loc.end[1] <- bpPosition
                segs[[i]]$loc.start[2] <- bpPosition + 1
                foundCNNLOH <- TRUE
        if (foundCNNLOH) {
            x$cna$output <- .updateNumMark(do.call(rbind, segs), x)
        } else {
            # no need for trying again if no CNNLOH found.

# After merging, we need to figure out how many targets are covering the new
# segments
.updateNumMark <- function(seg, x) {
    segGR <- GRanges(seqnames = seg$chrom, IRanges(start = seg$loc.start,
        end = seg$loc.end))
    probeGR <- GRanges(seqnames = as.character(x$cna$data$chrom),
        IRanges(start = x$cna$data$maploc, end = x$cna$data$maploc))
    probeToSegs <- findOverlaps(probeGR, segGR, select = "first")
    seg$num.mark <- sapply(seq_len(nrow(seg)), function(i) sum(probeToSegs == i,
        na.rm = TRUE))

.pruneByHclust <- function(seg, vcf, tumor.id.in.vcf, h = NULL, method = "ward.D",
    min.variants = 5, chr.hash, iterations = 2) {
    for (iter in seq_len(iterations)) {
        seg.gr <- GRanges(seqnames = .add.chr.name(seg$chrom, chr.hash),
            IRanges(start = seg$loc.start, end = seg$loc.end))
        ov <- findOverlaps(seg.gr, vcf)
        if (!length(ov)) {
            .stopUserError("Segmentation and VCF do not overlap.")
        ar <- sapply(geno(vcf)$FA[, tumor.id.in.vcf], function(x) x[1])
        ar.r <- ifelse(ar > 0.5, 1 - ar, ar)
        dp <- geno(vcf)$DP[, tumor.id.in.vcf]

        xx <- sapply(seq_len(nrow(seg)), function(i) {
                ar.r[subjectHits(ov)][queryHits(ov) == i],
                w = sqrt(dp[subjectHits(ov)][queryHits(ov) == i]),
                na.rm = TRUE)

        if (is.null(h)) {
            h <- .getPruneH(seg)
            flog.info("Setting prune.hclust.h parameter to %f.", h)

        numVariants <- sapply(seq_len(nrow(seg)), function(i)
            sum(queryHits(ov) == i))
        dx <- cbind(seg$seg.mean, xx)
        hc <- hclust(dist(dx), method = method)
        seg.hc <- data.frame(id = seq(nrow(dx)), dx, num = numVariants,
            cluster = cutree(hc, h = h))[hc$order, ]

        # cluster only segments with at least n variants
        seg.hc <- seg.hc[seg.hc$num >= min.variants, ]
        clusters <- lapply(unique(seg.hc$cluster), function(i)
            seg.hc$id[seg.hc$cluster == i])
        clusters <- clusters[sapply(clusters, length) > 1]
        seg$cluster.id <- NA
        for (i in seq_along(clusters)) {
            seg$cluster.id[clusters[[i]]] <- i
            seg$seg.mean[clusters[[i]]] <- weighted.mean(seg$seg.mean[clusters[[i]]],
        # merge consecutive segments with the same cluster id
        merged <- rep(FALSE, nrow(seg))
        for (i in 2:nrow(seg)) {
            if (is.na(seg$cluster.id[i - 1]) ||
                is.na(seg$cluster.id[i]) ||
                seg$chrom[i - 1] != seg$chrom[i]  ||
                merged[i - 1] ||
                seg$cluster.id[i - 1] != seg$cluster.id[i]) next
                merged[i] <- TRUE

                seg$num.mark[i - 1] <- seg$num.mark[i] + seg$num.mark[i - 1]
                seg$size[i - 1] <- seg$size[i] + seg$size[i - 1]
                seg$loc.end[i - 1] <- seg$loc.end[i]
        seg <- seg[!merged, ]
# looks at breakpoints, and if p-value is higher than max.pval, merge unless
# there is evidence based on germline SNPs
.pruneByVCF <- function(x, vcf, tumor.id.in.vcf, min.size = 5,
    max.pval = 0.00001, iterations = 3, chr.hash, debug = FALSE) {
    seg <- try(segments.p(x$cna), silent = TRUE)
    if (is(seg, "try-error")) return(x)
    for (iter in seq_len(iterations)) {
        seg.gr <- GRanges(seqnames = .add.chr.name(seg$chrom, chr.hash),
            IRanges(start = seg$loc.start, end = seg$loc.end))
        ov <- findOverlaps(seg.gr, vcf)
        ar <- sapply(geno(vcf)$FA[, tumor.id.in.vcf], function(x) x[1])
        ar.r <- ifelse(ar > 0.5, 1 - ar, ar)
        merged <- rep(FALSE, nrow(seg))
        for (i in seq(2, nrow(seg))) {
            # don't try to merge chromosomes or very significant breakpoints
            if (is.na(seg$pval[i - 1]) || seg$pval[i - 1] < max.pval) next
            # don't merge when we have no germline data for segments
            if (!(i %in% queryHits(ov) && (i - 1) %in% queryHits(ov))) next
            ar.i <- list(
                ar.r[subjectHits(ov)][queryHits(ov) == i],
                ar.r[subjectHits(ov)][queryHits(ov) == i - 1])
            if (length(ar.i[[1]]) < min.size || length(ar.i[[2]]) < min.size) next
            if (merged[i - 1]) next

            p.t <- t.test(ar.i[[1]], ar.i[[2]], exact = FALSE)$p.value
            if (p.t > 0.2) {
                merged[i] <- TRUE
                x$cna$output$seg.mean[i - 1] <- weighted.mean(
                    c(seg$seg.mean[i], seg$seg.mean[i - 1]),
                    w = c(seg$num.mark[i], seg$num.mark[i - 1]))

                x$cna$output$num.mark[i - 1] <- seg$num.mark[i] + seg$num.mark[i - 1]
                x$cna$output$loc.end[i - 1] <- seg$loc.end[i]
                seg$pval[i - 1] <- seg$pval[i]
            if (debug) message(paste(i, "LR diff:",
                abs(seg$seg.mean[i] - seg$seg.mean[i - 1]), "Size: ",
                seg$num.mark[i - 1], "PV:", p.t, "PV bp:", seg$pval[i - 1],
                "Merged:", merged[i], "\n", collapse = " "))
        x$cna$output <- x$cna$output[!merged, ]
        seg <- seg[!merged, ]

.isFakeLogRatio <- function(log.ratio) {
    sum(abs(diff(log.ratio)) < 0.0001) / length(log.ratio) > 0.9

.getSDundo <- function(log.ratio, d = 0.1, min.logr.sdev = 0.15) {
    # did user provide segmentation? Then the sd of the log-ratio
    # is wrong and shouldn't be used
    if (.isFakeLogRatio(log.ratio)) return(0)
    sd.min.ratio <- min.logr.sdev / .robustSd(log.ratio)
    sd.min.ratio <- round(min(2, max(1, sd.min.ratio)), digits=1)
    if (sd.min.ratio > 1) {
        flog.info("Very clean log-ratios, will increase default undo.SD parameter by a factor of %.1f.",
    # a crude way of estimating purity - in heigher purity samples, we
    # can undo a little bit more aggressively
    q <- quantile(log.ratio, p = c(d, 1 - d))
    q.diff <- abs(q[1] - q[2])
    if (q.diff < 0.5) return(0.5 * sd.min.ratio)
    if (q.diff < 1) return(0.75 * sd.min.ratio)
    if (q.diff < 1.5) return(1 * sd.min.ratio)

.getPruneH <- function(seg, d = 0.05) {
    seg <- seg[seg$num.mark >= 1, ]
    log.ratio <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(nrow(seg)), function(i)
        rep(seg$seg.mean[i], seg$num.mark[i])))
    q <- quantile(log.ratio, p = c(d, 1 - d))
    q.diff <- abs(q[1] - q[2])
    if (q.diff < 0.5) return(0.1)
    if (q.diff < 1) return(0.15)
    if (q.diff < 1.5) return(0.2)

.fixStartEndPos <- function(segment.CNA.obj, normal) {
    segment.CNA.obj$output$loc.start <- start(normal[segment.CNA.obj$segRows$startRow])
    segment.CNA.obj$output$loc.end <- end(normal[segment.CNA.obj$segRows$endRow])

# ExomeCNV version without the x11() calls
.CNV.analyze2 <-
function(normal, tumor, log.ratio = NULL, weights = NULL, sdundo = NULL,
undo.splits = "sdundo", alpha, eta = 0.05, nperm = 10000, sampleid = NULL,
plot.cnv = TRUE, max.segments = NULL, min.logr.sdev = 0.15, chr.hash = chr.hash) {
    if (is.null(sdundo)) {
        sdundo <- .getSDundo(log.ratio, min.logr.sdev)

    CNA.obj <- .getCNAobject(log.ratio, normal, chr.hash, sampleid)

    # default parameters, then speed-up the segmentation by using precomputed
    # simulations
    if (nperm == 10000 & alpha == 0.005 & eta == 0.05) {
        flog.info("Loading pre-computed boundaries for DNAcopy...")
        data(purecn.DNAcopy.bdry, package = "PureCN",
              envir = environment())
        sbdry <- get("purecn.DNAcopy.bdry", envir = environment())
    else {
        max.ones <- floor(nperm * alpha) + 1
        sbdry <- getbdry(eta, nperm, max.ones)

    try.again <- 0
    while (try.again < 2) {
        flog.info("Setting undo.SD parameter to %f.", sdundo)
        if (!is.null(weights)) {
            # MR: this shouldn't happen. In doubt, count them as median.
            weights[is.na(weights)] <- median(weights, na.rm = TRUE)
            segment.CNA.obj <- segment(CNA.obj,
                undo.splits = undo.splits, undo.SD = sdundo, sbdry = sbdry,
                nperm = nperm, verbose = 0, alpha = alpha, weights = weights)
        } else {
            segment.CNA.obj <- segment(CNA.obj,
                undo.splits = undo.splits, undo.SD = sdundo, sbdry = sbdry,
                nperm = nperm, verbose = 0, alpha = alpha)
        if (sdundo <= 0 || is.null(max.segments) ||
            nrow(segment.CNA.obj$output) < max.segments) break
        sdundo <- sdundo * 1.5
        try.again <- try.again + 1

    segment.CNA.obj <- .fixStartEndPos(segment.CNA.obj, normal)

    if (plot.cnv) {
        plot(segment.CNA.obj, plot.type = "s")
        plot(segment.CNA.obj, plot.type = "w")

    return(list(cna = segment.CNA.obj, logR = log.ratio))

.getSegSizes <- function(seg) {
    round(seg$loc.end - seg$loc.start + 1)

.getCNAobject <- function(log.ratio, normal, chr.hash, sampleid) {
    CNA(log.ratio, .strip.chr.name(seqnames(normal), chr.hash),
        floor((start(normal) + end(normal)) / 2),
        data.type = "logratio", sampleid = sampleid)

.getSizeDomState <- function(seg) {
    if (is.null(seg$cluster.id)) seg$cluster.id <- NA
    seg$cluster.id[is.na(seg$cluster.id)] <- -1
    seg$size <- .getSegSizes(seg)
    segs <- split(seg, seg$cluster.id)

    sizes <- sapply(segs, function(x) sum(x$size))
    # they should all have the same seg.mean within cluster, but take
    # the mean to be safe
    seg.means <- sapply(segs, function(x) mean(x$seg.mean, na.rm = TRUE))

    idx <- order(sizes, decreasing = TRUE)
    sizes <- sizes[idx]
    seg.means <- seg.means[idx]

    id <- if (names(sizes[1]) == "-1") 2 else 1
    fraction.genome <- if (id > length(sizes)) 0 else sizes[id] / sum(sizes)
    seg.mean <- if (id > length(sizes)) Inf else seg.means[id]

    list(fraction.genome = fraction.genome, seg.mean = seg.mean)

.addAverageWeights <- function(seg, weight.flag.pvalue, tumor, chr.hash) {
    if (is.null(tumor$weights) || length(unique(tumor$weights)) < 2) {
        seg$seg.weight <- 1
        seg$weight.flagged <- NA
    seg.gr <- GRanges(seqnames = .add.chr.name(seg$chrom, chr.hash),
        IRanges(start = seg$loc.start, end = seg$loc.end))
    ov <- findOverlaps(seg.gr, tumor)
    avgWeights <- sapply(split(subjectHits(ov), queryHits(ov)),
                         function(i) mean(tumor$weights[i], na.rm = TRUE))
    if (length(avgWeights) != nrow(seg)) {
        .stopRuntimeError("Could not find weights for all segments.")
    seg$seg.weight <- avgWeights
    seg$weight.flagged <- .getAverageWeightPV(seg, tumor$weights) < weight.flag.pvalue

.getAverageWeightPV <- function(seg, weights, perm = 2000) {
    perm <- min(length(weights), perm)
    num_marks <- sort(unique(seg$num.mark))
    .do_permutation <- function(i, l) {
        if (l > 25) return(0)
        i <- if (length(weights) < i + l - 1) length(weights) - l + 1 else i
        mean(weights[seq(i, i + l - 1)], na.rm = TRUE)

    permutations <- lapply(num_marks, function(l)
        sapply(sample(length(weights), perm), .do_permutation, l))
    names(permutations) <- num_marks
    sapply(seq(nrow(seg)), function(i)
        sum(seg$seg.weight[i] > permutations[[as.character(seg$num.mark[i])]]) / perm)

.fixBreakpointsInBaits <- function(tumor, log.ratio, seg, chr.hash) {
    # if the segmentation function placed the breakpoint within
    # a bait, correct the breakpoint to the beginning or end
    seg.gr <- GRanges(seqnames = .add.chr.name(seg$chrom, chr.hash),
        IRanges(start = seg$loc.start, end = seg$loc.end))

    ov_1 <- findOverlaps(tumor, seg.gr, select = "first")
    ov_2 <- findOverlaps(tumor, seg.gr, select = "last")

    if (length(log.ratio) != length(tumor)) {
        .stopRuntimeError("tumor and log.ratio do not align in .fixBreakpointsInBaits")

    idx <- which(ov_1 != ov_2 & tumor$on.target)
    if (!length(idx)) return(seg)
    for (i in idx) {
        if (abs(log.ratio[i] - seg$seg.mean[ov_1[i]]) <
            abs(log.ratio[i] - seg$seg.mean[ov_2[i]])) {
            # fits first segment better, so set breakpoint to the end
            # of bait
            seg[ov_1[i], "loc.end"] <- end(tumor)[i]
            seg[ov_2[i], "loc.start"] <- end(tumor)[i] + 1
        } else {
            # otherwise to the beginning
            seg[ov_1[i], "loc.end"] <- start(tumor)[i] - 1
            seg[ov_2[i], "loc.start"] <- start(tumor)[i]

.checkParametersSegmentation <- function(alpha, undo.SD, max.segments,
    min.logr.sdev, prune.hclust.h) {
    stopifnot(is.null(alpha) || is.numeric(alpha))
    stopifnot(is.null(undo.SD) || is.numeric(undo.SD))
    stopifnot(is.null(max.segments) || is.numeric(max.segments))
    stopifnot(is.null(prune.hclust.h) || is.numeric(prune.hclust.h))
    if (!is.null(alpha)) .checkFraction(alpha, "alpha")
lima1/PureCN documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 5:48 a.m.